In Our African Unconscious: The Black Origins of Mysticism and Psychology, Edward Bruce Bynum draws upon a myriad of research to shine a light on this repressed African consciousness within us all.
In Our African Unconscious: The Black Origins of Mysticism and Psychology, Edward Bruce Bynum draws upon a myriad of research to shine a light on this repressed African consciousness within us all.
All in all, The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling is a fun to read romantic comedy filled with witchcraft, magic, curses, and love.
A Healer’s Journey to Intuitive Knowing: The Heart of Therapeutic Touch chronicled experiences by Krieger during her 50+ years as a nurse, instructor, and champion of hands on healing.
Sit Down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World by Shelly Tygielski is a beautiful reminder of what can happen when honoring the need for mutual support and community as part of our self-care practice.
Thank you so much for doing this interview for Musing Mystical. After reading Alchemical Tantric Astrology, I feel like I understand myself in a whole new way.
In The Ancient Language of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science of the Divine, David Elkington has put forward a truly fascinating work about the role that sound plays in our spiritual experiences.
Self-Love Journal: A Journal to Inner Peace and Happiness by Akal Pritam is a feast for the eyes and a treasure for the heart.
There is plenty of information for readers to gain from Alchemical Tantric Astrology by Fredrick Hamilton Baker.
In Lunar Alchemy: Everyday Moon Magic to Transform Your Life, Shaheen Miro takes us beyond the basic parameters of Moon Magic 101.
Of Blood and Bones: Working with Shadow Magick & the Dark Moon by Kate Freuler is a highly recommended title for any who want to deepen their practice of witchcraft and magick in a more balanced and polarized way.