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Tag Archives: book review

Mastering Candle Magic, by Patricia Telesco

Mastering Candle Magic: Advanced Spells and Charms for Every Rite, by Patricia Telesco
Crossed Crow Books, 1959883518, 220 pages, August 2024

One of the most appealing aspects of candle magic is its simplicity and accessibility. You don’t need elaborate tools or extensive training to begin practicing; a single candle and a clear intention are often enough. Yet for those who are seeking to learn more about candle magic, leaping from beginner to expert, Patricia Telesco provides wonderful guidance in Mastering Candle Magic: Advanced Spells and Charms for Every Rite.

Patricia Telesco is a prolific American author, herbalist, poet, lecturer, priestess, and folk magician. She has penned over 60 books covering topics such as self-help, cookery, magic, folklore. She is deeply involved in the metaphysical community, serving as a trustee for the Universal Federation of Pagans. You can see all her experience shine through in the pages of this book, which is filled with creative ideas and unique practical magical advice.

“The whole purpose behind Mastering Candle Magic is one of exploring ways to add in, personalize, or enhance your candle-lighting efforts for any ritual, spell, charm, meditation, or other metaphysical process.”1

Divided into two parts, this book begins with “Part 1: The Next Step”, which as the title confers is filled with the wisdom needed to advance one’s candle magic practice. In this section, Telesco encourages readers to begin to create, test, and refine their own candle magic spells, noting this is a step of spiritual growth in one’s practice. This might look like modifying prefabricated spells in a way that feels intuitive right or simply based on the items one has available to utilize in that moment to fully crafting a spell from scratch based on an understanding of correspondences.

Telesco offers ideas for both modifying and personalizing prefabricated spells as well as sharing a step-by-step process for creating one’s own candle magic spells. While the process might seem a bit like an introduction to candle magic for those who have practiced for some time, the foundation of it serves to reconnect readers with the basics that make a spell flourish. Telesco writes: “How much focus you give the spell, how much support you provide afterward, how much you trust in your magic–all of these things influence the results.”2

Ironically, even though the first part focuses on developing one’s own practice, “Part Two: Putting Match to Wick” is filled with tons of candle magic ideas for a wide variety of topics. For me, the greatest challenge is not simply using the prefabricated spells Telesco has provided and continuing to try to craft my own because all the ones in the book are so interesting and unique. But in an effort to focus on personalizing my spells, the ideas Telesco provides are fantastic starting points that have truly become a creative guide for me.

One thing that inspired me is the range of things candle magic can be used for. Prior to reading Mastering Candle Magic, I never thought to do spellwork to find lost objects, support my conscious mind, handle a haunting, or for organization. Yet these are just some of the types of candle magic Telesco offers spells for in addition to the most common ones like relationship needs, abundance, healing, divination, fertility, justice, power, opportunity, and more.

For each topic, Telesco describes why one might want to use that type of magic. She then shares a list that includes the best timing for the spell (moon phase, day of the week, type of weather, etc.), aromas, candle color, and other symbolic components (tarot card, crystal, household item, etc.). And following this, she offers two prefabricated spells that have plenty of room for personalizing but can also be used without modification.

In some cases, as with entries for Relationships and Hauntings, there’s more information that can be discerned from the way in which the flame burns or candle melts. For these, Telesco provides additional information about the meaning for readers to yield more insight from their process. For instance, a flame that quickly smolders means the relationship might be soon fading away if significant enough is not put in. This information helps the reader to better understand the subtleties of candle magic.

Finally, a real bonus of this book is the appendices at the end. “Appendix A: Historical Tidbits, Folk Beliefs, and Helpful Hints” further expand one’s knowledge of candles through time, from what they’ve been made of to how to best care for them. “Appendix B: Useful Correspondences” is very helpful for those ready to craft their own spells or modify an existing one by making a substitution. The content includes color associations (zodiac sign, general energy), numerology, energetic properties of stones, symbolism of shapes and images that can be carved into candles, aromatics and herbs, and significance of timing (weekdays, moon phases, seasons).

I have really enjoyed every spell, in particular how Telesco shares the words to recite for them amid detailed directions. While I do like the practice of creating my own, sometimes it’s just easier to apply what’s already ready to go! So far, I’ve noticed a big shift in my energy after doing the spell for Focus (I declined invitations that would have distracted me from getting what needed to be done, and then I relished my time, proud of how I honored my commitment to myself to focus on work.) and Organization (My thoughts are so much more clear and aligned – as is my wardrobe!) I plan on doing two more of Telesco’s spells for the full moon in Aquarius coming up: Freedom and Inspiration.

Overall, Mastering Candle Magic is suitable for any level of candle magic experience. It’s by far one of the most customizable candle magic books that beginners will have a lot of fun experimenting with as they gain the confidence to craft their own spells, while those looking to advance their practice will gain a lot of wisdom and creative initiative. Telesco’s originality is sure to open new pathways for readers’ to advance their own candle magic practice.

Your Dream Handbook, by Marc J. Gian

Your Dream Handbook: Unlock the Meaning of Your Dreams to Change Your Life, by Marc J. Gian
CICO Books, 9781800653399, 144 pages, June 2024

Author Marc. J. Gian shares his “dream toolbox” with readers in his book entitled Your Dream Handbook: Unlock the Meaning of Your Dreams to Change Your Life. I love that he is offering to support us as we “prepare for dreaming, remember dreams more easily, use a dream journal, and unlock your dream images to change your waking hours for the better.”1 What draws me to this book is the opportunity to learn about my recurring dreams and transform this information into guidance for my life. 

Gian is a massage therapist, licensed acupuncturist and teacher, who has been in practice for more than 25 years. He works with clients in Manhattan and Brooklyn, utilizing massage, acupuncture, essential oils, Chinese medicine, and hypnosis. He also teaches classes on dreams and aromatherapy at the New York Open Center and other venues. For more information about Gian, check out his website.

Gian breaks the book into five chapters:

  1. “Foundations for working with night dreams”
  2. “Your dream toolbox: Getting ready to dream”
  3. “Waking from the dream and mining the diamond”
  4. “Challenging dreams”
  5. “Waking life as a dream”

On the first page of each chapter, he also shares section titles and the respective page numbers for the information he will cover. At the bottom of the left-hand page Gian features the chapter title and on the right-hand page he lists the section title. This is so helpful!!!

In his brief introduction, Gian shares:

“This book is about using your dreams to achieve self-mastery and walk the path of truth. It outlines the integrated mental tools in specific mind body principles that are needed to immerse yourself in the pictorial language of dreams.”2

Gian provides lots of exercises for the dreamer, including many meditations for dreamwork. Gian covers common themes, as well as therapeutic steps you can take to read a dream or change a dream. For example, he shares how to write down your dream, ask three basic questions and then follow up with more questions regarding the elements in the dream. He also shares how important it is to work with just a “blip”3 of a dream and not discount its importance.

It is important to note that Gian cautions against analyzing dreams:

“Throughout this book I have been careful not to use the word “analyze.” Dreams are real and happen of their own accord. When we dream, we are not analyzing waking life. When we wake and read the dream receptively, we are not analyzing the dream, we are seeing analogies in waking life.”4

My favorite section is the one on nightmares. Gian provides a thorough explanation of nightmares and explains that these usually come “in order to alert you.”5 He also talks about night terrors and the difference between the two. Did you know that it is totally possible to transform our nightmares? I particularly love Gian’s wisdom on this:

“In order to disown something, first you need to own it, instead of stuffing it down…. Once you have discovered the meaning of the dream, corrected it, and created a new blueprint, it is likely the feelings associated with the dream will no longer be present.”6

I really enjoyed the list of numbers and potential meanings. For example, twelve may mean “wisdom or discernment”7, while nineteen may represent “grace”8. I also enjoyed the list of colors and their meanings, such as pale blue representing “detachment”, or “shiny black” referencing “rebirth, life, transcendence.”9

In addition to dreams and dreaming, Gian also shares exercise or meditations that can help in our waking life, such as one that can help you to reframe your day. With his six-step process, you can “examine your entire day in reverse” and prevent stuffing emotions and allow yourself to release “feelings of frustration, anger and resentment.”10 I’ve recorded this meditation to use later this week to let go of a busy or problematic day.

The book is accented by beautiful, four-color art that captures dream images, as well as aspects of daily life. Gain also peppers the prose with quotes from mentors and spiritual masters. At the end of the book, he includes four pages on the different types of dreams, an eight-page dream journal, a three-page index and a short list for additional reading on dreams and spirituality. Although I don’t like to write in my books, I can see myself copying the colorful journal pages and using them for my own dream work.

The book features a heavy, card-stock cover with fold-over pieces, so that you can mark your reading progress in the book. Gian’s prose is easy to read, easy to navigate and easy to retrace for information you want to review. I can tell that Gian carefully planned out the structure and layout of this book with the reader in mind.

Your Dream Handbook will be great for anyone who is interested in learning more about their dreams and how the information can add meaning to their waking life.  It will make a nice gift for anyone from a high school or college graduate to an adult who is searching for answers to the dreams that sometimes keep us up at night. I plan to recommend this book to clients and friends alike.

Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders, by Patricia Telesco

Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders: Modern Magick for Everyday Life, by Patricia Telesco
Crossed Crow Books, 1959883526, 220 pages, August 2024

Ever feel like you need a boost to get your magic moving? I certainly do! In the hustle of the day, roadblocks like limited time and lack of inspiration leave me feeling disconnected, especially from the magic and wonder in the world. Reading Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders: Modern Magick for Everyday Life by Patricia Telesco has been the boost I needed to spur on my creativity and reconnect with my magic practice. This book is a one-stop shop for all the spell inspiration one might need!

“Keeping magic uncomplicated provides more time to focus on our goals instead of on the procedures used. By so doing, we reclaim the freedom to get inspired and empowered by the simplest things. Our hearts become the helms for our lives and our paths, and our environments become the stimuli for originality.”1

“Part 1: A Spellcraft Primer” provides a historical foundation of spellwork, covering what magic is and is not and offering general guidelines for using magic responsibility. Telesco describes for readers various common components of spells–music, aromas, herbs, repetition, timing, and more–to prepare them for what lies ahead in the book. She then goes on to give a ten-step method for creating personalized spells from start to finish. This section does a great job of teaching the basics for those new to magic while providing a refresher for advanced practitioners.

“Part 2: Spells by Topic” is where this book gets very fun! For over 100 magical intentions, ranging alphabetically from Abundance to Zeal, Telesco shares information for readers to draw upon so that their “vision of magic can be shaped, assembled, and woven together.”2 This information includes general uses for the spell type, optimal timing, props or focal points to work with, secondary listing (related types of spell work shared in the book one can look up), and sample spells.

What I love about each entry is how there’s so much room for improvisation yet also straight-forward spells you can use directly from the book too. So far I’ve tried both ways, creating my own spell from the information Telesco provides as well as utilizing the spell she shares without modification, and both methods have been successful. I also really enjoy the variety of spell intentions she covers and how the sample spells are always unique.

Here are some examples that highlight the variety of the content:

• For Goals spellwork, she explains how to do a magical form of Pin the Tail on the Donkey by writing your goals on strips of paper, coating them with ginger, repeating a mantra, blindfolding yourself, focusing on visualizing your goals, and then trying to get them on a piece of construction paper representing the sacred space for them to grow and manifest. If you’re missing the paper, she recommends trying again every day until you’re hitting the work.

• For Joy spellwork, she suggests preparing a box of gelatin dessert and adding berries or peaches then imbuing the positive emotions in each bite to take them in.

• For Passion spellwork, she offers a candle magic ritual where two candles are lit to represent each person in the union and then a third candle remains unlit until the mood is just right. At this point, both people take their candle to light the third one and whisper the magical words to unite them.

• For Jobs, she writes you can find job advertisements of interest that you’re qualified for, anoint it with patchouli oil, and then ignite it while speaking out loud your intention. From there, you can keep the ashes as a charm or bury them with a plant to grow.

• For Zeal, she describes creating confetti and then throwing it in the air over oneself while doing visualizations of colors and sensations rising within, reaching a pinnacle, then vigorously pouring down on you.

And this is just a small sampling of all of Telesco’s ideas, as each spell intention usually has two or three spell samples to choose from.

“Appendix A: Components, Symbols, and Common Magical Associations” is an alphabetized list of item associations usually used in folk magic. Once again, readers are given tons of guidance useful in crafting their own spells. Within the list, Telesco goes through the meaning of numbers, runes, flowers, and hundreds of household items. The association for a food processor? “Diverse energy blending, transformations.”3 Doorbells? “Guests, messages, news, welcome[/efn_note]page 206[/efn_note] Baking Soda/Power? “Increasing energy or hopeful expectations.”4 I learned so much going through the list and will absolutely be referencing it often!

“Appendix B: Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, and Heroes for Spellcraft” offers lists of deities or spirits that can assist with specific spell intentions. Telesco’s suggestions span a range of pantheons and cultures–Polynesian, Chaldaen, Slavic, Hindu, Mayan, and Teutonic–and for each one, their gender and cultural origin is listed. I love the diversity! I’m sure this list will come in handy not just for spellwork but also for personal research.

Then “Appendix C: Handcrafting Magical Compounds” is a real bonus for those who like to get crafty. In this section, Telesco shares the how-to for many magical items that can be handmade: candles, herb bundles, masks, incense, poppets, wreaths, and more. While there’s only a few paragraphs for each one, there’s enough information to once again get the creative wheels spinning and prompt ideas for what one might want to make for their magical practice.

All in all, Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders is the perfect book for those looking for versatility, creativity, and flexibility in their spellwork. Telesco is an absolutely wonderful teacher, drawing upon her thirty plus years of experience to make the readers feel confident in their spellwork. There’s so many directions one can go with this book and the possibilities are truly endless. I highly recommend it to magical practitioners of all levels as it’s bound to get the magic inspiration flowing and point you in the right direction when you need a creative boost.

The Privilege of Aging, by Kamla Kapur

The Privilege of Aging: Savoring the Fullness of Life, by Kamla K. Kapur
Park Street Press, 9798888500521, 256 pages, July 2024

In this chronicle of her journey with aging, Kamla K. Kapur shares wisdom and tips for aging  in a way that is both graceful and life-affirming and is also a gift to those left behind. Much of The Privilege of Aging deals with Kapur’s own life adventures, and she highlights the lessons for us as we read her beautiful prose. 

Kamla K. Kapur was born in India and traveled to America for her university studies at Kent State, the University of Iowa, and UC San Diego. She was a professor at Grossmont College in San Diego, teaching creative writing for plays, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. Her publications include short stories, poems, plays, and several books. One of her seven other books is a retelling of Rumi’s tales in her own beautiful language. Three of her plays have been staged in both California and New York. She shares her life with her husband Payson R. Stevens, spending six months in California and six months in the Himalayas each year.  You may read more of Kapur’s writings on her blog or learn more about her on her website.

This book includes 34 chapters and a preface that sets out the main ideas in this chronicle of aging. Although it appears that the book has no real structure, no true beginning, and no real ending, the book flows naturally. With each chapter, Kapur peels back the layers of her story, revealing life lessons that will touch, entertain, and teach us all.  She sprinkles in quotes from famous authors, poets, and other famous people.

These are my favorite lines from the preface:

“One of the greatest gifts of aging is slowing down the pace. It allows us to experience and taste life fully with awareness, attention, senses and mind awake. For this we need time and we have it, Hallelujah. Going slowly is also imperative to avoid injuries and accidents. . . . I know the joys of slowing down, for most among them doing just one thing at a time and doing it with attention.”1

What interests me most about the book are the topics she explores, such as growing old with your partner, enjoying simple pleasures like birds in the yard, and dealing with the deaths of parents and siblings. As someone who is looking at her 70th birthday in a few months, aging is now very real to me!  I learned something from every story and every chapter from Kapur’s pen.

She writes as if we are sitting together, she sipping her chai and me enjoying my latte. The stories flow easily and effortlessly off the page. I can feel her presence, her warmth, and her compassion for me as a fellow traveler.  

My favorite chapter is the one entitled “Letting Go,” in which she shares the loss of her beloved sister to cancer. In it she talks of death and grief and the ego’s denial of our own mortality. Such a beautiful and troubling chapter–one I have read and reread more than a few times:

“I go for a walk in the gray darkness of a lustrousless dawn. The flowers blooming cheekily in people’s well tended front gardens are an affront to my suffering. Beauty lies dead and dying around me. I see a heron’s white wings glimmering in the budding blue and gold light of morning.I think, I will use the color of my suffering as I weave my book.”2

I also enjoyed the chapter “Corona Cocoon” in which Kapur shares a time she suffered a “crisis of faith.”3 Her husband supports and encourages her, as he helps her focus on gratitude and her many blessings. Then, as the Covid-19 lockdown is about to begin, they pack and begin driving down the snowy Himalayan mountain in order to board a plane and fly to their other home in San Diego:

“For almost an hour we drove in a snow flurry with large, wet snowflakes lashing our windows. P loved the snow so much he stopped many times to film it. As if one can capture a snowflake. It is a lesson I am only just beginning to learn while knowing full well that I will never learn it fully. Capturing this ever evolving story, which moves on even as I write, is yet another attempt to capture a snowflake.”4

The Privilege of Aging is great for anyone past mid-life. I enjoyed Kapur’s stories and her journey so very much and her sweet prose was like soft music, almost like bells tinkling softly in another room.  This book will make a great gift for anyone staring down a BIG birthday on the far side of 50. I plan to keep my copy on my nightstand and turn to it before sleep on those nights that I feel rudderless and adrift. Her last bit of prose on the last page encourages and emboldens me on my own journey:

“The word, concept, image of adventure has served me well as a survival tool. Only my perspective will be changed by planetary events and our changed circumstances. What is old age but the opportunity to experience yourself and life from another perspective?”5

Astrology’s Magical Nodes of the Moon, by Carmen Turner-Schott and Bernie Ashman

Astrology’s Magical Nodes of the Moon: Releasing the Past & Embracing the Future, by Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW, and Bernie Ashman
O-Books, 180341412X, 152 pages, August 2024

Astrology’s Magical Node of the Moon by Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW and Bernie Ashman is an exploration into the enigmatic world of lunar nodes in astrology. The authors delve deeply into the significance of the North and South Nodes, often referred to as the “Nodes of Destiny.” They teach us how these celestial points, which are not planets but rather mathematical points where the moon’s orbit intersects with the ecliptic, hold profound implications for personal growth, karmic lessons, and spiritual evolution.

“The true value of this book is to give you the tools to transform the past life issues described into creative success and to point you toward the paths of greater harmony.”1

Both Turner-Schott and Ashman are seasoned astrologers. Turner-Schott is the founder of Deep Soul Divers Astrology with an international astrological client base as well as a clinical social worker. She also hosts a podcast, runs astrology circles, teaches, and writes.  Ashman is an internationally known astrologer with fifty years of experience lecturing, writing, and serving clients. Both authors also have previously published several astrology books, including Phoenixes and Angels (Turner-Schott), SignMates (Ashman), Sun Sign Houses and Healing (Turner-Schott), and Astrology, Psychology, and Transformation (Ashman).

With the intention of readers to have the background knowledge needed to better understand their nodal placements, in “Part One: Astrology’s Main Characters – Planets, Signs, and Houses” the authors teach the foundations of astrology. Topics covered include the element and modality of each sign, meaning of each planet, and an overview of the twelve houses. While these subjects could be entire books, this section is very informative and provides a wonderful overview for readers.

“Part Two: The Magical Nodes of the Moon” begins with a section on past lives. The authors write:

“Believing in past lives is central to analyzing the nodes of the Moon. The south node sign of the Moon always shows  your deeper soul personality and lessons learned from the past. The north node shows the type of personality traits you are meant to master in this current lifetime.”2

This perspective is central to the rest of the book and shapes how the authors interpret each nodal placement. Following a section on how to calculate one’s North Node and South Node, the authors provide an overview of what the nodes are astrologically and share their personal nodal experiences.

From there, the authors guide readers through the interpretation of the nodal pairs (Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius, Cancer/Capricorn, Leo/Aquarius, and Virgo/Pisces). Each chapter is a thorough navigation of one’s life purpose and personal challenges based on nodal energies in their chart. Readers are offered practical advice on how to harness the energies of the North Node for future growth while understanding and integrating the lessons of the South Node.

The authors do a great job of being clear and concise about how individuals can work with their nodes to achieve balance and fulfillment. At the start, they provide a quick one-sentence overview of mastered traits and traits to learn. Then every pair of nodes is explained in two to three pages of detail. And at the end there’s a bullet point list of ways to keep the North Node and South Node in harmony.

For further guidance, readers can then read the meaning of the houses their nodes fall in by looking up the sign corresponding with those houses. As an example, my North Node is in my 7th house of Aquarius and my South Node is in the 1st House of Leo. After reading the section on the Leo/Aquarius Nodes, I then wanted to learn more about the placement in the 7th and 1st house, which are represented by Aries (1st house) and Libra (7th house), so I turned to that chapter that has the section “Your North Node in Seventh House and South Node in First House.”3 So for each placement, this book really does delve into not just the sign of your nodes, but the significance of the house too.

What I like most about the approach of the authors is the blend of practical guidance with spiritual wisdom. Turner-Schott’s counseling skills shine through, as does Ashman’s many years of spiritual exploration. The past life attributes associated with the South Node placement has been very enlightening for me and helped me to better see some traits of mine in a new light. Reading about my North Node also pointed the path towards things I can continue to work on learning and integrating.

Overall, Astrology’s Magical Node of the Moon offers a compelling and insightful guide to the mystical world of lunar nodes. Turner-Schott and Ashman bring their extensive knowledge and unique perspectives to the table, providing readers with a rich tapestry of insights about their past lives and purpose in their current one. I would recommend this book to both novice and seasoned astrologers that want to better understand the meaning of the nodes in their charts for personal development. While astrology can be complex, this one aspect of the chart reveals a treasure trove of soulful wisdom.

Pagan Portals – Dragon Magic, by Rachel Patterson

Pagan Portals – Dragon Magic, by Rachel Patterson
Moon Books, 1803414448, 128 pages, June 2024

In the ancient realms where myths intertwine with reality, dragon magic remains a force of unparalleled power, shimmering with the wisdom of ages and the mystique of untamed fire. Could these potent beings truly become one’s spiritual ally? Pagan Portals – Dragon Magic by Rachel Patterson, a fascinating exploration into the world of dragons, is a portal for those seeking to discover this realm for themselves.

As part of the Pagan Portals series, this book is designed to be an accessible introduction for those new to the concept of dragon magic, as well as a practical guide for seasoned practitioners seeking to deepen their connection with these ancient and powerful entities.

Patterson, a well-respected author and experienced witch, brings a wealth of knowledge and personal experience to the subject. She presents dragons not just as a mythological curiosity, but as ancient beings who can become our guardians in good time, assisting us on our path and looking out for us; connecting with dragons becomes a tangible and transformative practice.

The book is divided into four parts and also includes a prologue with information about what to know before beginning to connect with dragons along with Patterson’s personal relationship to dragons. All throughout Patterson’s writing is both engaging and informative, making complex concepts approachable without diluting their essence. Her emphasis on personal experience and intuition encourages readers to trust their instincts and develop their unique relationship with dragon energy.

“You cannot force a dragon to come to you, you cannot make one work for you. If a dragon feels you are worthy and can be trusted, then and only then will they even consider making a first introduction.”1

In “Part 1: Dragon Beginnings”, Patterson delves into the origins of dragons and then gives readers the basics of dragon 101, describing their habitat, feeding patterns, and offspring. She also covers topics such as the dragon constellation, Draco, in the stars and dragon lines, more commonly known as ley lines, on the Earth.

“Part 2: Myths, Legends and Stories” lays out for readers dragons well known in fiction and mythology. Fictional dragons include Smaug from The Hobbit, Jabberwocky from Through the Looking Glass, and the ones that appear in Harry Potter, along with a few others. Meanwhile, the mythology section is nearly triple in length and covers dragons from all over the globe: Mayan Quetzalcoatl, Hindu Vritra, St Michael and the Dragon, the Chinese Long Dragon, Old Norse Sigurd and Fáfnir, plus more. This section demonstrates how dragons are universal to cultures worldwide.

Next, Patterson moves into “Part 3: Dragonology”, teaching readers the many types of dragons. I appreciate how she candidly notes this topic could be a book on its own and shares her process of reading the myths and legends to “look at the stories and what the main themes are”2 within them. She says, “I look at the landscapes, the habitat and appear of each dragon”3 to get a feel for the “characteristics and magical energies of each one”4

While I plan on doing my own research, as Patterson suggests, I am amply grateful for the way she describes all she has learned about each dragon type. I had absolutely no idea there were so many kinds! To name a few, there’s serpent dragons with wings, Gwiber, whose magical characteristics are wisdom and transformation; the Nāga in India who is known for “Underworld connection, water magic, prosperity, Otherworld portals, protection”6 All of them are so awesome! I had a great time looking each one up online to see artistic renderings of them.

But my favorite part of this book is Patterson’s magic guidance in “Part IV: Dragon Magic”. Here Patterson shares with readers her work with dragons as a starting point for their own journey.  She writes:

“My experience with dragons and dragon magic is one of power, strength and hard work. Dragons are ancient, they are primordial and do not tolerate being summoned nor do they appreciate any half-hearted lack of commitment.”7

She really emphasizes the need for respect and manners when forming a relationship with dragons, as noted in the above quote. I appreciate her honesty, as it honors the sanctity of the bonds between human and dragon, if the dragon so deems us worthy.

To first establish contact, Patterson offers meditations to bring readers into the realm of dragons. Then she goes into setting up an altar, creating a dragon candle and oil blend, and offerings to provide. Depending on the elemental nature of the dragon one is working with, Patterson goes into more detail about their qualities, color of candle one might use, and specific incense blends.

The remaining chapter covers dragon sigils, spells, rituals, energetic techniques (grounding, protecting, cleansing), crystals, herbs, and other miscellaneous wisdom Patterson has picked up over the years. I really enjoyed how she mentions readers can connect with a different dragon for each season or sabbat, noting dragons “do seem to recognise the changing of the seasons and the flow of energy that comes with the sabbats.”8 My plan is to do one of the meditations for Lammas coming up soon to see if there’s any dragons that are interested in connecting with me until Mabon.

Overall, Pagan Portals – Dragon Magic is a valuable resource for anyone interested in strengthening their connection with dragons. Whether you’re seeking to incorporate dragon magic into your daily life or seeking to perform more elaborate rituals, Patterson provides a sturdy framework to get started, structuring the guidance to accommodate different levels of magical experience levels. Soon enough you’ll be able to tell legendary tales as someone who has dared to seek the counsel of dragons.

Spirit Marriage, by Megan Rose, Ph.D.

Spirit Marriage: Intimate Relationships with Otherworldly Beings, by Megan Rose, Ph.D.
Bear & Company, 1591434157, 448 pages, April 2022

In Spirit Marriage: Intimate Relationships with Otherworldly Beings, transformational psychologist Dr. Megan Rose explores the cross-cultural phenomenon of mystical union with a spirit spouse. Dr. Rose defines spirit marriage as “the bonded or intimate relationship between a human and a subtle or discarnate entity such as a deity, spirit, or extraordinary intelligence.”1 Through case studies, historical accounts, and her own experiences, Rose explores how these relationships manifest in a wide variety of traditions, from the God Spouses of Norse Heathenry to the ceremonial magician’s union with the Holy Guardian Angel. As the first comprehensive survey of its kind, Spirit Marriage is a fascinating exploration of a complex and often taboo topic. 

Dr. Megan Rose holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and an M.A. in Religion. She also identifies as an ecosexual priestess, erotic mystic, and faery seer. These diverse areas of expertise inform her approach to spirit marriage, which emphasizes the spiritual, emotional, and erotic aspects of these relationships, which she perceives as a “cocreative consciousness”2 formed between the mortal and the spirit to whom they are wedded.

The foreword is written by Orion Foxwood, author of The Tree of Enchantment: Ancient Wisdom and Magic Practices of the Faery Tradition (2008), who has been married to a faery queen named Brigh for over twenty years. In the foreword, Foxwood points out that spirit lovers are often demonized, but reminds readers that the word demon is “derived from the Greek word daemon, which originally denoted a divine being, not an infernal one.”3 

I was excited to come across this book because there is a relative dearth of reliable information on the subject. I’ve Googled spirit marriage in the past, and search results were dominated by Christian fearmongering, with a deluge of warnings about spirit spouses being demons that ruin lives and require deliverance through Jesus Christ. Wikipedia is the most reliable, identifying spirit spouses as helping spirits in shamanism, but there isn’t any practical information on how to form these alliances. Fortunately, Spirit Marriage offers a much more balanced and nuanced perspective, exploring the concept of spirit spouses across cultures and traditions.

In Spirit Marriage, Rose describes her journey to connecting with her spirit lover and discovering his identity, which culminated in union with a human partner whose spiritual essence (referred to by Rose as the Divine Self) is a vibrational match to her Faery Beloved. Rose describes her journey as one of “reconciliation with the Dark Goddess and Dark God,”4 which was initiated through a descent into her personal underworld, where she encountered the “archetypal devil”5 through two abusive relationships.

Dr. Rose’s personal story in the chapter titled “The Erotic Mystic: Encounters with My Faery Beloved”6 resonated deeply with me as a fellow Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) who has also navigated childhood bullying and abusive relationships. Her journey of overcoming these challenges to embrace the Divine Masculine mirrored my own realizations in recent years. Dr. Rose’s insights about the impact of religious upbringing and past trauma on our relationships with the Divine Masculine are particularly valuable. They validate the experiences of many women, who, like myself, struggle with connecting to the Divine Masculine due to religious trauma and partner abuse. Sharing these experiences highlights the importance of healing past wounds to cultivate a healthy connection with one’s Divine counterpart, a central theme explored throughout Spirit Marriage

Dr. Rose’s memoir exemplifies the transformative potential of spirit marriages. While I resonated with her experiences the most, I enjoyed reading all ten interviews. Each account offers fascinating insights, showcasing how spirit marriages transcend race, gender, and sexual orientation. A common thread emerges: a sense of surrender to a predestined union.

Dr. Rose’s interviews with individuals like Orion Foxwood, a gay Traditional Witch and Conjure Man wed to a faery queen, and Kama Devi, a heterosexual white woman who married the Hindu goddess Kali Ma, effectively demonstrate the vast spectrum of spirit marriages. They can even manifest as a union with nature itself, as evidenced in “The West African Shrine Keeper,”7 which features a shaman wed to a deity embodied as a tree.

There are no cut and dry rules about spirit marriage, and the unions are as unique as the people who enter them. While many traditions insist that divorcing a spirit-spouse is impossible, Caroline, a witchdoctor from Washington, DC, has married multiple spirits from a variety of pantheons, and claims that she has divorced a spirit-spouse. 

Throughout the book, Rose addresses safety precautions regarding the importance of establishing trust and maintaining healthy boundaries with spirit lovers, which can sometimes be challenging due to shared consciousness. For instance, she emphasizes the importance of discernment to ensure spirit communication is genuine. Each account addresses how the practitioner balances their spirit marriage with the mundane concerns of everyday life, including how they navigate integrating a spirit spouse with romantic relationships on the physical plane.

Given the unconventional nature of these spirit marriages, my main takeaway from this book is that a practitioner’s preconceived notions about who or what a spirit spouse is supposed to be could possibly get in the way of achieving union. A practitioner seeking a spirit spouse should be open-minded and need not limit themselves based on gender, sexual preference, or ethnicity. The right spirit spouse is the one best aligned with the practitioner’s life purpose, and it may defy expectations. Spirit marriage is a lifelong journey, and every experience is tailored to the individual.

Ultimately, spirit marriage is a co-creative union. Like the concept of twin flames, spirit and mortal unite to achieve a higher purpose.

“In the spirit marriage, an indwelling happens, a symbiosis, the grafting of the two into one,” Dr. Rose writes. “From this union a third entity arises: a love child.”8

For Rose, her love child is this book. 

Spirit Marriage is riveting and I didn’t want to put it down. Each interview, beautifully rendered, showcases a distinct spirit spouse with a palpable presence—I swear I could smell cigar smoke while reading about “The New Orleans Voodoo Mambo”9 married to Baron Samedi.

Dr. Rose approaches the various cultures and traditions with the utmost respect, demonstrating how everyone’s path is different and there is no right way or any strict set of rules regarding spirit marriage. While some readers might remain skeptical or wary of entering these unions, Spirit Marriage offers a thought-provoking exploration that will validate and transform the intimate relationships of practitioners who seek congress with the spirit realm.

Sacred Bones, Magic Bones, by Ness Bosch

Sacred Bones, Magic Bones: Stories from the Path of the Bones, by Ness Bosch
Moon Books, 1803412127, 208 pages, June 2024

Sacred Bones, Magic Bones: Stories from the Path of the Bones by Ness Bosch is a captivating journey into the world of bone magic, a topic that often remains shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Bosch, an experienced shamaness and priestess, skillfully bridges the gap between ancient traditions and contemporary practice. The book is not just a guide; it’s an immersive experience that invites readers to explore the spiritual and magical significance of bones, offering a fresh perspective on a practice that dates back to prehistoric times.

Bosch has done a great job of making this book both education and engaging. She’s clearly done thorough research into the topic, while the inclusion of personal anecdotes and real-life experiences of her own spiritual path adds an authentic touch. The content is multicultural, sharing stories from around the world, and this broad perspective invites readers to go beyond the normal divisions that keep us separated and to discover the holistic Path of the Bones.

“In a world full of barriers, ones we have to jump to relate one another, bones speak a universal language that connect us.”1

The book is nicely organized into two parts. Part I focuses on stories of the bones. Bosch begins with stories of some of the oldest bones found to date and the stories archeologists have gathered based on their remains, such as the cave Atapuerca in Iberia and the bones of Neve’s, a baby who lived about 10,000 years ago.

She then moves onto bones in folklore, teaching how certain bones are considered lucky or can be used to make ceremonial musical instruments. The wide-range of bone usages is bolstered by the folk stories that have upheld their significance throughout time. Hence why people will travel to see someone’s grave or religious relics and the Hand of Glory spell continues to captivate people’s imagination.

The next chapter focuses on ancient deities with a connection to bones, often through ritual sacrifices. The goddess and goddesses mentioned are Kali, Triton, Bau, Hel, Chamunda, Baba Yaga, and more. It’s very interesting to see how bones are an intersection between all these various deities from different cultures and pantheons.

Bosch then turns her attention to currently practiced, also known as living, traditions. She teaches how necromancy goes back to prehistoric times, writing:

“At some point in the line, the need arose to communicate with the dead and establish a communication bridge with the underworld or the other side of the veil.”2

And through time, bones have always had an important role in necromancy, linking them from past to present in on-going traditions. This chapter also includes stories from people currently working with bones in their spiritual path, ranging from Druidry to witchcraft to Hoodoo to Inuit, which is insightful to read about firsthand.

In Part II, Bosch really delves into the Path of the Bones, which she describes “belongs to all of us, is not something strange or foreign to us.”3 She shares the visions and initiations that called her towards the Path of the Bones and introduces readers to La Huesera, The Bone Mother. Bosch shares stories and songs of The Bone Mother, offering readers a doorway into establishing their own relationship with Her.

Within this section, Bosch also shares how to incorporate bones into one’s spiritual practice. Bosch covers everything from the ethical sourcing of bones to the various rituals and spells that can be performed using them. Her directions for cleaning bones, both physically and energetically, is very helpful guidance. The deep respect for the subject matter is evident throughout the text, as Bosch emphasizes the importance of intention, respect, and ethical considerations when working with bones. This thoughtful approach ensures that readers understand the gravity and sanctity of the practice, rather than treating it as a mere novelty.

This section also really gets into the heart of working with ancestors. Bosch assures readers it’s easier than one thing to establish a connection with our ancestors and suggests ideas like building an ancestor altar and shamaic journey to start or deepen one’s relationship with them. There’s also plenty of spells offered for a variety of desires: binding, protection, abundance, achievement. What I enjoyed most about reading through the spells is that each one uses different types of bones–seagull bones for achieving a goal, badger bones for protection. There’s also guidance for creating amulets and incense with bones too.

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious novice, Sacred Bones, Magic Bones serves as a comprehensive and enlightening guide to the world of bone magic, encouraging readers to explore their own spiritual paths with reverence and confidence. I would especially recommend this book for those interested in ancestor work, as Bosch really delves into the connection bones establish between ourselves and our predecessors. One of my favorite parts of the book is the ancestor songs included at the end.

And for those looking to expand their bone magic practice further, absolutely check out Bosch’s website. She offers services such as training and consultations for shamanic tattooing, a wide range of spiritual retreats, and remote shamanic healing services. She also is a pagan celebrant–the first Spanish-speaking one ever registered in Scotland!

In addition to these services, Bosch also has her own priestess schools and spiritual training programs, including Goddess Temple Alba (a Pagan Temple in Scotland), The Covenant of the Waters (Sea Priestess training), Priesthood of Astarte, and Fellowship of Isis trainings. There’s also a website dedicated specifically to the Path of the Bones.

Overall, in Sacred Bones, Magic Bones, Bosch does a wonderful job blending historical context with practical advice. She provides readers with a rich tapestry of folklore, mythology, and practices for them to cultivate their own connection with bones and the deities associated with them, in particular The Bone Mother. The exploration of bone magic offers a unique pathway to connect with the profound mysteries of life, death, and the ever-present spirit world, reminding us of the intricate web of connections that bind all living beings.

The Mindful Medium, by Alison Grey

The Mindful Medium: A Practical Guide to Spirituality, by Alison Grey
6th Books, 9781803412658, 248 pages, March 2024

In her book The Mindful Medium, author Alison Grey shares “an inspiring, practical guide for awakening”1 as she relays her journey to becoming a psychic medium, spiritual teacher, and healer.

Grey has been a professional reader for over 14 years and also hosts a weekly spiritual development circle in her area and online. As part of her spiritual training, she has studied reiki, meditation, mental health awareness, crystal healing, Moonology and past life regression, as well as mediumship with several mentors. 

As a twenty-year experienced teacher in primary school and children with special needs, She has also created Calmer-Kids, which is a program for children with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Grey lives in Cotswolds, UK with her husband and four sons.  You can learn more about Alison, her background and the services she offers on her website.

I was interested in this book because Alison’s journey and training are similar to my own. I was excited to learn more about her and the helpful tips she has to share for living life as a spiritual being.

The book is divided into three parts and thirty-two, easy-to-read chapters: “Part 1: Welcome” (where Grey shares her story), “Part 2: Understanding Spirituality” (where she provides tips, tools and practices), and “Part 3: Mindfulness Approach” (where you learn about her Calmer-Kids Program and how to use mindfulness to navigate your life).

Grey begins the book by sharing the story of her awakening, including some experiences she had as a young girl and well as this passage:

“Being pregnant stirred up my sensitive side, my senses became extra heightened, and I started to get my ‘funny feelings’ of floating again. . .  After my second son was born, images repetitively flashed into my mind. I could see flashes of people I knew were in the spirit world and images of things connected to them.”2

Although she went to see a medium who confirmed that Grey had her own spiritual gifts, she didn’t begin her spiritual training at that time. Later, she began to attend a healing circle with her aunt and learn how to channel healing for other people. After becoming a reiki master, Rahanni teacher, and reiki drum practitioner, Grey began to study crystals.  Lastly, she found a mediumship circle and she and her aunt attended it weekly to develop their psychic skills. 

In “Part 2”, Grey shares many of the tools, practices and resources a person needs to live as a spiritual being.  She covers guides, tarot, healing modalities, numerology, angel numbers, the moon, and past lives, among other topics. I particularly enjoyed the two chapters “Understanding Crystals” and “What Are the Chakras?”. Her explanation of how crystals work is one of the most clear and succinct I’ve ever read:

“This is because crystals have a physical, balancing effect as they realign atoms in our body. The energy our Earth puts into the creation of crystals transforms into power for healing properties. Holding one of these gifts of nature, allowing it to resonate with our own energies, allows it to assist us in our healing.”3

The chapter on chakras is the longest chapter in the book because Grey goes into such great detail. She talks about each of the seven chakras, crystals for each, crystal grids for healing and how to use a pendulum for checking and balancing the body’s energy system. Grey also discussed how to treat the chakras for animals and use crystals to heal plants! 

In the chapter called “The Afterlife,” Grey shares what she has been shown about life after death and includes a very personal story about the loss of her unborn child.  She also touches on suicide and those who die relatively early in life, including two personal accounts. Here’s what she shares about suicide:

“I also believe that there is much learning for the families who are left behind and not only emotionally, but I’ve also heard amazing stories of charities which are formed to raise awareness of people with mental health issues, and this is a good thing which grows from tragedy. There is a higher purpose and the beautiful soul agreed to be that soul who leaves Earth too soon.”4

In “Part 3”, Grey presents the idea of The Mindfulness Approach and talks extensively about meditation, affirmations, prayer and her program Calmer-Kids. This process for teaching children mindfulness techniques came out of her work as a teacher for young children:

“With my carefully designed programme, it offered children the chance to breathe, take time out and build a relationship with themselves, bringing back self-choice and ultimately begin to understand themselves better. . . The goal is for children to be able to apply learnt strategies for coping with stressful situations, to learn about themselves, begin to live their life and become confident.5

In this part of the book, she also goes into much more detail on meditation.  She has included several guided meditations within her book and my favorite one is called “Breathing Technique,” which is found on page 190-191. This meditation helps the reader to be present and connect fully with their body.

Next, Grey presents a chapter called “Putting it All Together-The Mindful Medium” where she discusses life, life’s challenges, and provides a simple grounding exercise.  She adds a few pages of FAQs, where she covers topics that were not discussed earlier in the book.  Lastly, she adds her “Final Thoughts,” including a beautiful poem about time and freedom.

My favorite chapter in the book was Chapter 26 called “Colour Therapy.” She presents nine colors and the energy or qualities of each color. Her meditation called “The Healing Ocean” is another favorite of mine. This guided meditation brings in all the colors of the rainbow, as you use the imagery of the ocean to cleanse your energy.

I really enjoyed The Mindful Medium. It is beautifully written and is a great resource for spiritual teachers and students alike. Someone who is new to studying spirituality, mediumship, or meditation will especially benefit from the wealth of knowledge that Grey shares. I plan to recommend it to clients for whom I do readings and those who come to me to develop their spiritual gifts. I will also pass it on to my husband, who is a psychic medium. He loves to read about other professionals and learn about their journeys. 

Grey ends the book with a beautiful poem, and I’ll share the part which really resonates with me:

“We are one,
From source. 

Feel our hearts beat simultaneously,
Sense our rhythm,
The flow of life. 

Allow our voice to speak
Express how we feel
Never doubt the reason. 

Be free.
Be determined.
Be love.”

Alive with Spirits, by Althaea Sebastiani

Alive with Spirits: The Path and Practice of Animistic Witchcraft, by Althaea Sebastiani
Weiser Books, 1578638259, 240 pages, May 2024

Many pursue the path of witchcraft hoping to influence the world around them, yet it’s important to also honor the energy exchanges consistently taking place and defining our relationships with the world we inhabit. How else can we manifest our desires, heal our wounds, and cultivate a practice without a connection to the Land, spirits, and energetics surrounding us?

Alive with Spirits: The Path and Practice of Animistic Witchcraft by Althaea Sebastiani is a profound exploration into the world of animistic witchcraft, offering readers a comprehensive guide to understanding and practicing this ancient spiritual path from the scope of modern witchcraft.

“Within the context of contemporary witchcraft, animism is the definitive influence behind a land-based approach. It provides structure for practice that is rooted in deep relationship with physicality, both of the land and of ourselves. It affords us a sense of connection to something larger than ourselves that is gained through understanding of community that includes the individual spirits as much as it includes other humans.”1

The most prominent standout feature of this book is its emphasis on direct experience and personal connection with the natural world. Sebastiani encourages readers to cultivate relationships with the spirits of the land, animals, and plants around them, fostering a sense of reverence and intimacy with the environment.

This approach to witchcraft is refreshing in a world often disconnected from nature, and it serves as a reminder of the sacredness in everyday life. The practical exercises provided are thoughtful and varied, allowing readers to experiment and find what resonates most with their unique spiritual journey.  For every chapter, there are new exercises related to the information just shared, along with on-going exercises to keep practicing what was already spoken about previously in the book, yielding a steady build up of skills.

Most of these exercises are focused on energy work, and readers who engage with Sebastiani’s exercises will find themselves learning to fine-tune their psychic sensitivities. There’s layers and layers of energy to be explored through this animistic approach, and she ensures that readers are grounded, knowledgeable, and prepared to take the next step in their journey.

Towards the beginning of the book, Sebastiani explains, “As witches, our work with energy takes two forms: sensing energy and manipulating energy.”2 She goes on to explain the general forms of manipulating energy are pushing (projecting), pulling (attracting), and holding (containing).3 This foundation understanding of energy is then expanded to assist readers in connecting with the Land, their body, and other living and non-living beings.

My greatest takeaway from this book was the new awareness of the more subtle, overlooked energies both within myself and in the Land surrounding me. The section titled “Layered: Together and One” was particularly eye-opening for me. Sebastiani describes:

“When we think of the land and nature, we have a tendency to think of the things that fill nature. We think of plants, trees, animals. Rarely do we consider the “empty spaces”–the dirt, the rocks, the wind–except in relation to those other living, animated things. . .Being able to be within a location and to hold the awareness of it as unique–appreciating the differences that are an intrinsic part of its beauty, personality, identity, and basic nature–is essential in order to grow your awareness of the spiritual qualities of that place.”4

These animistic teachings have greatly expanded my perception of place, and recently, I’ve been focusing on creating a connection with the empty space in the same way I do with the living things around me to be more rooted in my local landscape.

Another defining aspect of Alive with Spirits is how Sebastiani delves into the ethical considerations of animistic witchcraft, addressing the importance of respect, consent, and reciprocity in interactions with the spirit world. Her insights into the interconnectedness of all beings and the responsibility that comes with spiritual work are particularly poignant, offering a grounded and conscientious perspective. She writes:

“If a relationship is the inherent connection that exists between us and all other beings within the world, right relationship is the actions we take that are congruent with the awareness of that relationship and the awareness of inarguable autonomy of each being. It is acting in such a way so as to minimize negative impact upon the beings closest to us, and to encourage and work towards mutual benefit for all, as much as is possible.”5

Overall, in Alive with Spirit, Sebastiani skillfully intertwines personal anecdotes, practical exercises, and theoretical knowledge, creating a holistic approach to animism that is both engaging and educational. Her writing is both accessible and deeply insightful, making complex concepts digestible for both beginners and seasoned practitioners alike.

This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of animism and integrating its practices into their magical practice. This book is also testament to Sebastiani’s expertise and passion for the subject, making it a must-read for those drawn to the path of animistic witchcraft.

For those interested in learning more about Sebastiani’s work, you can follow her on Instagram or check out her website. She offers community events and custom courses to strengthen one’s witchcraft foundation, such as Feral Witchcraft, Spiritual Self-Care, A Witch’s Guide to Necromancy, and more. She’s by far one of the most real-deal witches I follow!