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Tag Archives: magic

Naturally Modern Magick, by Lacey Burbage

Naturally Modern Magick: The Essential Compendium of Spells and Rituals for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity, by Lacey Burbage
Red Wheel Weiser, 9781590035849, 224 pages, March 2025

Naturally Modern Magick: The Essential Compendium of Spells and Rituals for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity by Lacey Burbage presents the meeting place between ancient magical practices and modern life. As an experienced practitioner and modern witch, Burbage provides readers with a comprehensive guide to incorporating magic into their daily lives.

Burbage is a fourth-generation folk healer and witch who follows animism, paganism and modern wicca. She found a deck of tarot cards in her mother’s bureau at the age of five and her adventure with the occult began. Her specialty is domestic magic, and she loves to practice and share the traditions of her family. In 1999, she decided to pursue a study of Wicca and has been a member of two covens and since created her own mentorship program.  In 2017, she found the Sophia Center for Goddess Study and was later ordained as a Priestess of The Goddess. Burbage lives in Las Vegas with her husband and children, where she also enjoys working in her garden. Learn more about Burbage on her website.

Burbage dedicates the book “To the little witch in all of us: may you always feel safe and free to live your life openly.”1

Comprised of an “Introduction”, “Basics”, and thirteen chapters, this book is one of the most comprehensive books on spells and witchy life that I have read. I really enjoy how Burbage writes for the “modern” witch.  This is so refreshing, as many of the books I’ve encountered write in the language and style of the early twentieth century. In her own words:

“Let’s face it, we’re modern witches with modern lives. We don’t always have the time to sit in meditation for hours. Create a solid energy base with this quick grounding meditation, which is great to use for magical work or any time you need to stabilize your spirit.”2

I love the “Energy-Balancing Elemental Grounding Meditation” that she shares on pages 22-23. This is for those times when you need a “little more help harmonizing your energy.”3 I also appreciate how she recommends that you record the meditations to enjoy later.  With phones and other small recording devices, this is so easy to do. 

As I shared earlier, Burbage divides the book into thirteen chapters and includes all areas of life. She goes from grounding and centering to cleansing and protection, before launching into happiness and harmony, health and healing, and career and productivity. Next, we encounter several chapters on abundance and manifestation before her tips on love and relationships.  Finally, Burbage covers intuition, divination, and spirituality. 

She includes complete instructions for all spells. I really enjoyed the “Spell to Dispel Self-Doubt,”4 and will be performing that one later today! I also liked this one: “A Charm to Stop Replaying Situations in Your Mind”5 and will use that one tomorrow. Each spell or charm is carefully written in easy-to-follow instructions.  Her tone is light and cheerful, and she is never judgmental or preachy. It’s almost as if the reader is sitting across the table from Burbage, enjoying a cup of tea as a trusted mentor shares her words of wisdom.

Burbage dedicates fifteen pages to “Love and Passion” and includes all kinds of spells and charms. My favorite was the “Blooming Heart Beads to Draw Love” on page 153-154.  Using rose petals, spices, and your blender, you make a paste that you turn into beads! By adding your favorite essential oils, you make the beads truly your own.

More helpful tips in this chapter include “sleeping with mugwort and lavender under your pillow””6 and “enjoying a cup of tea made with rose and marshmallow.”7

Burbage has created the book in a handy, travel size, which is only 6 x 9. It is a hardbound book, which will stand up to repeated use. The pages are a heavy paper stock, as well.  She uses color coded markings on the chapters, to make it easy to navigate. The pages are printed in beautiful designs, with soothing pastel hues and lots of accent colors, as well.

There are lots of green sections too, which offer tips, special notes, or quotes.  All the materials you will need for spells or charms are carefully marked inside a circular, green leaf design. There is a nice ribbon to use as a bookmark, which is something I always enjoy, and few publishers now include.

Near the end of the book, Burbage includes what she calls “Correspondences and Substitutions,” which includes information on plants, minerals, colors, and tarot cards. Lastly, Burbage includes a seven-page index, as if her Table of Contents isn’t enough to light the way!

From simple morning blessings to elaborate full-moon ceremonies, Naturally Modern Magick covers a wide range of practices designed to support personal well-being, foster connections with nature, and manifest desires. I recommend the wealth of information in these beautiful pages for anyone who is interested in Paganism or Wicca or who might want to deepen their spiritual practices. Burbage welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and encourages everyone to adapt the practices to suit their own unique paths. She also emphasizes that magic is not confined to special occasions but can be woven into our everyday lives.

I truly enjoyed this book and can see myself going back to it again and again to enhance my life and the lives of the women I support in my mentoring practice.  As Burbage says:

“If you’re ready to get back on your spiritual path, protect your vital essence, and enhance your relationship with your spirit allies, keep reading.”8

Your Book of Shadows, by Cerridwen Green leaf

Your Book of Shadows: Make Your Own Magical Habit Tracker, by Cerridwen Greenleaf
CICO Books, 1800652968, 144 pages, April 2024

Mastering your magic takes time, focus, and dedication. Especially when just starting a magical journey, navigating the vast and intricate world of spells, rituals, and energies can quickly feel like uncharted territory. Getting to know what works best for you is a practice of trial and error, a journey where each misstep is as crucial as every success. In Your Book of Shadows: Make Your Own Magical Habit Tracker, Cerridwen Greenleaf teaches readers all they need to know about tracking their own magical practice, refining it by figuring out what did and did not work well, in order to chronicle a repertoire of the wisdom gained from magical experimentation.

Right off the bat, I was drawn to this book for the bright colors and many images throughout the pages. Each section is short and sweet, covering the necessities while creating the space to engage with the book by performing the suggested spells and rituals along the way. The layout of the content makes it easy to engage with the text as you move through the book–there’s a lot of places for your eyes to roam, helping your mind to take in Greenleaf’s wisdom through the sensory appeal of color, font style, and text organization. The design of the book makes me feel inspired, playful, and crafty!

Greenleaf begins by covering the history of Books of Shadows and their importance to a coven or solo practitioner. She then moves into how to choose and design your Book of Shadows, consecrating and protecting your Book of Shadows (as well as creating a shrine), and creating organization through a Table of Contents. She offers advice on how to select a book, decorate it, and keep it magically protected.

As one moves through the process of creating their own Book of Shadows, Greenleaf provides easy-to-follow rituals and spells  to assist with the process: a ritual of thanks, inscription rite,  pendulum spell for choosing the right book, self-assurance charm for creativity when decorating, and safeguarding spell to clear away unwanted energy from your Book of Shadows. There’s also parts on color magic (one focusing on the associations of each color and the other a correspondence chart of each zodiac sign with colors), along with crafting tips for adding pages and creating a book lock.

“… making a Book of Shadows is a very personal endeavor–let go of that fear of making mistakes. Always remember that perfection can be boring–something that is real and unique is much more appealing and special. Keep an open heart and mind, and your Book of Shadows can become a stunningly beautiful work of art.”7

Greenleaf’s emphasis on personalization is particularly noteworthy, encouraging readers to see their Book of Shadows as a living document that evolves with their spiritual journey. This approach not only helps one to build confidence in one’s practice but also makes the process of creating and maintaining a Book of Shadows a deeply personal and fulfilling endeavor.

The following chapters cover cyclical energies of nature that can influence one’s magical practice. Greenleaf first writes about moon spells, specifically focusing on the phases of the moon. For each phase, she gives an overview of the best type of spellwork to do at that time, a table of magical correspondences for the energy of the phase (days, colors, herbs, incense, essential oils, crystals, and metals), and a spell, ritual, or magical craft one can do for that phase.

For instance, Greenleaf describes how new moons are best for new beginnings and offers an incantation for new ideas, while noting waning moons are a “time to conserve our power, to turn our attention towards home and inner peace and wisdom”9 and sharing a recipe for spiritual scrub to cleanse energies from one’s home or ritual space.

Next, Greenleaf covers The Wheel of the Year. Beginning with the Celtic New Year, the high holiday Samhain, she details the eight sabbats, sharing recipes, rituals, divination spells, prayers to the god and goddess, and more. The descriptions of each sabbat aren’t too long, just an introduction, but each one contains enough information for readers to familiarize themselves with the energy of The Wheel of the Year to then further their own practice.

Now that readers have an understanding of the quick-paced moon cycle and the overarching Wheel of the Year, Greenleaf delves deeper into astrological energies. She describes the twelve zodiac signs, along with the correspondence stone for each time period. Later in the chapter, she also provides herbal correspondence for every sign too.

There’s also a very helpful table of the magical planetary hours, which shows the ruling planet for every hour throughout the week. This table is extremely useful for those who are at the level of fine-tuning their spell work to correspond with specific planetary energies, such as doing a love spell during Venus hours or an abundance spell during Jupiter hours. Greenleaf also delves into the elemental power of signs, highlighting which each element is best suited to perform certain magic.

There’s an entire chapter to tracking your magic as a solo practitioner too. Greenleaf recognizes that it can be hard to find community at times or that one might want to keep some matters private, but she still assures readers they can grow their magical practice through their personal Book of Shadows. She advises “keeping a list of personal intentions”10 as these are the key to success in magic. She shares a visualization to create an inner temple, how to make your own DIY wand, meditations for centering yourself, and a candle ceremony to invoke a deity

Then the final chapter is a real gem because it is filled with different correspondences to help readers discover more about subtle energies. There’s a list of trees and what else one can assist with spiritually; flower, herb, essential oil, and color correspondences; correspondences and enhancement abilities for gems, stones, and crystals; totem animal correspondences; significance of numerology; planet correspondences and colors; metal magical correspondences; and a list of magical domains and deities one can work with.

Overall, Your Book of Shadows is a compelling guide for those embarking on or furthering their journey into the realm of witchcraft, Wicca, or other pagan paths. This book serves not just as an introduction to aspects of these spiritual paths, but as an interactive tool, encouraging readers to actively engage with their practice by creating their own Book of Shadows. Greenleaf skillfully demystifies the process of starting a Book of Shadows, presenting it in a way that is both inviting and profound, providing all the essential guidance and spellwork readers need to take this step of connecting with their magical practice on a deeper level.

The Little Book of Moon Magic, by Francis Nightingale

The Little Book of Moon Magic: An Introduction to Lunar Lore, Rituals, and Spells, by Francis Nightingale
Red Wheel, 9781590035566, 128 pages, October 2024

In her tiny tome, The Little Book of Moon Magic: An Introduction to Lunar Lore, Rituals, and Spells, author Francis Nightingale presents myths, phases, spells, and meditations on the giant rock in the sky, the moon. 

Francis Nightingale is a freelance writer, who has published one other book, The Mythology Puzzle Book: 200 Brain-Teasing Activities. She loves to study astrology and mysticism. She currently lives and works in London. 

I love the structure of this book, from the orderly Table of Contents to the tips and scripts for Moon meditations.  In her brief introduction, Nightingale shares the more common Roman name of Luna for the Moon. But did you know that the Greeks called the Moon Selene? She also makes this promise to the reader:

“The Little Book of Moon Magic will take you on a journey: you will learn facts about the moon, but also stories about it from all around the world.”11

Next, Nightingale shares a little about how the Moon was formed from volcanic lava and a collision between Earth and another planet. Then, she goes into great detail about the Moon phases, starting with the New Moon phase. This happens when the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign and when “the Earth gets between the Sun and the Moon, so the whole thing is in shadow.”12 In this chapter, I also learned about a superstition:

“Don’t look at a New Moon through a window for the first time. Or you’ll break a dish later!”13

I love the way Nightingale talks about each of the four main Moon phases, weaving myths and technical information into each section. She also shares how to create your intentions and goals through these phases for maximum manifesting. Nightingale shares the different types of Full Moons, including Blue Moon, which happens when there are two Full Moons in one calendar month.

By going through the phases, one by one, the reader will learn how to structure intentions and goals and make the most of Moon magic. Another section, entitled Moon Lore, covers information from the history and mythology of the Moon. Nightingale writes, “The Venus of Laussel is a limestone carving of a woman that also shows thirteen notches on a horn held above her head. It is believed that these notches are symbols of the number of moons in the year or the number of menstrual cycles, or both.“14 

Due to my own studies of the Moon, I knew most of the myths shared by Nightingale. However, the one about Mama Killa’s Tears was new to me. Her story is tied to the lunar eclipses and is an ancient explanation of the disappearance of the Moon during an eclipse.

Moon Spells are next, and Nightingale gives the reader a gentle reminder:

“Be gentle with yourself. Moon spells are never quick fixes, although sometimes miracles do occur.  Accept that letting the moon in is a process, not an event.” 15

My favorite spell is the New Moon Crystal Spell. It consists of placing outside a few of the crystals specified by Nightingale. She recommends doing so during the New Moon.

Another great spell is Full Moon Spell to Reveal What is Hidden and includes a bowl of cherries while you sit by a window. After asking the Moon for help, you eat the cherries, putting the pits back into the bowl and reading the pattern left by the juice for clues or messages.

In the chapter on meditation, Nightingale covers all the bases.  She gives directions, provides easy steps for meditation, presents affirmations to use, and shares how to let go and how to come back into the room. She also gives us information on how to meditate on the different Moon types, from a Harvest Moon to a Waning Moon to a New Moon.

Each section builds on the one prior and at the end of this chapter, the reader has a great understanding of how to meditate with the Moon. The only thing that I missed was a script that I could record and use for my own guided meditation. You can put together the various pieces for your own guided meditation, but it would have been great for Nightingale to have presented this to the reader. 

My favorite meditation section was the one regarding health. I like the idea of sitting outside under a Full Moon and reciting my intentions around good health, healing from something that is troubling me or physical pain.

The Little Book of Moon Magic is a great collection of Moon information. I’m always intrigued by small books that pack a punch, and this one does just that. I love the factual information, as well as the myths, spells, and meditation ideas. Readers who are interested in learning more about the Moon and working with the Moon to improve their lives would enjoy this book.  You don’t need any prior Moon knowledge to benefit from Nightingale’s knowledge and guidance since she shares so much information!

Elemental Spirits, by Jaq D. Hawkins

Elemental Spirits: Building a Magical Practice in an Animistic World, by Jaq D. Hawkins
Crossed Crow Books, 1959883569, 294 pages, August 2024

Elemental Spirits: Building a Magical Practice in an Animistic World by Jaq D. Hawkins is a fascinating journey into the world of animism and elemental magic. Drawing on decades of experience, Hawkins presents readers with a comprehensive guide on connecting to the elements to develop a spiritual practice grounded in the natural world. She emphasizes the importance of forming a personal connection with nature, encouraging readers to view the world as filled with energy we can learn to draw upon and work in harmony with.

“When I speak of elemental spirits, the reference may refer to a wider spectrum of spiritual essences as well as more individualised spirits of different kinds. I’m basically an Alchemist and an Animist. I believe that everything that exists has a spiritual nature, including things that are manufactured. Everything is made from basic elements that begin in nature, after all.”16

In this book, Hawkins provides a detailed exploration of the elements—earth, air, fire, water, and aether—through a variety of perspectives. Most of the chapters focus on an overarching topic that delves into the perspective of each individual element. These topics include the animistic view (the nature of the element), folklore of the elemental spirits, locations to find the elemental spirits, how to perceive the spirits (actually see them), folk magic to work with the elements, formal elemental rituals (both outdoors and for specific tasks), creating elemental thought-form servitors, divining with the elemental spirits, and elemental spellwork.

One chapter that deviates from the general format delves into correspondences (astrological, alchemical, and incense), along with the numerology, including magic squares, and associations between “creatures, plants, and colours.”17 The other one covers tree lore, bird lore, holy wells, and dance.

With so many approaches to each element, readers really get to know the characteristics and energies of them. The book is enriched with practical exercises designed to help readers develop their skills, including meditation techniques, visualization exercises, and rituals that facilitate a deeper understanding of elemental spirits. Hawkins’ instructions are clear and concise, making them easy to follow for anyone looking to incorporate these practices into their daily lives.

This is a book readers will absolutely come back to over and over again because there’s SO much information! At first, I tried reading it all the way through, but it started to feel overwhelming to absorb so much at once. Instead, I decided to pick the element I wanted to focus on (air) and read the chapters on air that called to me. Hawkins writes of air:

“As an element, Air rules intellect, thought, the first steps towards creation, movement, pure visualisation, spells involving travel, instruction, freedom, obtaining knowledge, discovering lost items, and uncovering lies. It is the element of dreams and plans, goals, and inventions.”18

I learned so much from Hawkins about air!!! First, I discovered that banshees and night-elves are forms an air spirit might take. My perception of air was then expanded by Hawkin’s assertion that “it is the Air spirits who we are most likely to respond most strongly to on the subconscious level.”19 As someone with an air Mercury that squares Pluto, this makes a lot of sense about why depth psychology was my field of study. 

I also realized that I work with air much more naturally than I thought I did, as Hawkin’s descriptions of folk magic with Air elementals were pretty much already how I do much of my own practice! I enjoy inventing spells on the spot through using my intuition, and oftentimes, these spells involve singing silly chants that I make up and repeat over and over again. I also regularly write out what I want and charge it.

Some ideas I received from Hawkins about other things I can do are burn a sigil and then blow away the ashes to rid myself of things and hone my visualizing skills. My next steps with air? This weekend I plan to use Hawkin’s “Spell for Inviting Air Spirits Into the Temple or Home”20 to invite Air into my office space for inspiration.

I am really looking forward to taking my time and working with another element soon—which one is yet to be determined! To be honest, I am in no rush to “finish” this book, as it’s a field guide to working with the elements that I want to truly explore and delve into over time. By far, Elemental Spirits is the most comprehensive book on the subject that I’ve yet to find. Hawkins has written a treasure trove of information!

Overall, Elemental Spirits is a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring the intersection of nature and spirituality through the elements. Hawkins provides readers with the tools to build a meaningful and personalized magical practice rooted in the natural world. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this book offers insights and inspiration to deepen your connection with air, earth, water, fire, and aether.

Pagan Portals – Dragon Magic, by Rachel Patterson

Pagan Portals – Dragon Magic, by Rachel Patterson
Moon Books, 1803414448, 128 pages, June 2024

In the ancient realms where myths intertwine with reality, dragon magic remains a force of unparalleled power, shimmering with the wisdom of ages and the mystique of untamed fire. Could these potent beings truly become one’s spiritual ally? Pagan Portals – Dragon Magic by Rachel Patterson, a fascinating exploration into the world of dragons, is a portal for those seeking to discover this realm for themselves.

As part of the Pagan Portals series, this book is designed to be an accessible introduction for those new to the concept of dragon magic, as well as a practical guide for seasoned practitioners seeking to deepen their connection with these ancient and powerful entities.

Patterson, a well-respected author and experienced witch, brings a wealth of knowledge and personal experience to the subject. She presents dragons not just as a mythological curiosity, but as ancient beings who can become our guardians in good time, assisting us on our path and looking out for us; connecting with dragons becomes a tangible and transformative practice.

The book is divided into four parts and also includes a prologue with information about what to know before beginning to connect with dragons along with Patterson’s personal relationship to dragons. All throughout Patterson’s writing is both engaging and informative, making complex concepts approachable without diluting their essence. Her emphasis on personal experience and intuition encourages readers to trust their instincts and develop their unique relationship with dragon energy.

“You cannot force a dragon to come to you, you cannot make one work for you. If a dragon feels you are worthy and can be trusted, then and only then will they even consider making a first introduction.”21

In “Part 1: Dragon Beginnings”, Patterson delves into the origins of dragons and then gives readers the basics of dragon 101, describing their habitat, feeding patterns, and offspring. She also covers topics such as the dragon constellation, Draco, in the stars and dragon lines, more commonly known as ley lines, on the Earth.

“Part 2: Myths, Legends and Stories” lays out for readers dragons well known in fiction and mythology. Fictional dragons include Smaug from The Hobbit, Jabberwocky from Through the Looking Glass, and the ones that appear in Harry Potter, along with a few others. Meanwhile, the mythology section is nearly triple in length and covers dragons from all over the globe: Mayan Quetzalcoatl, Hindu Vritra, St Michael and the Dragon, the Chinese Long Dragon, Old Norse Sigurd and Fáfnir, plus more. This section demonstrates how dragons are universal to cultures worldwide.

Next, Patterson moves into “Part 3: Dragonology”, teaching readers the many types of dragons. I appreciate how she candidly notes this topic could be a book on its own and shares her process of reading the myths and legends to “look at the stories and what the main themes are”22 within them. She says, “I look at the landscapes, the habitat and appear of each dragon”23 to get a feel for the “characteristics and magical energies of each one”24

While I plan on doing my own research, as Patterson suggests, I am amply grateful for the way she describes all she has learned about each dragon type. I had absolutely no idea there were so many kinds! To name a few, there’s serpent dragons with wings, Gwiber, whose magical characteristics are wisdom and transformation; the Nāga in India who is known for “Underworld connection, water magic, prosperity, Otherworld portals, protection”26 All of them are so awesome! I had a great time looking each one up online to see artistic renderings of them.

But my favorite part of this book is Patterson’s magic guidance in “Part IV: Dragon Magic”. Here Patterson shares with readers her work with dragons as a starting point for their own journey.  She writes:

“My experience with dragons and dragon magic is one of power, strength and hard work. Dragons are ancient, they are primordial and do not tolerate being summoned nor do they appreciate any half-hearted lack of commitment.”27

She really emphasizes the need for respect and manners when forming a relationship with dragons, as noted in the above quote. I appreciate her honesty, as it honors the sanctity of the bonds between human and dragon, if the dragon so deems us worthy.

To first establish contact, Patterson offers meditations to bring readers into the realm of dragons. Then she goes into setting up an altar, creating a dragon candle and oil blend, and offerings to provide. Depending on the elemental nature of the dragon one is working with, Patterson goes into more detail about their qualities, color of candle one might use, and specific incense blends.

The remaining chapter covers dragon sigils, spells, rituals, energetic techniques (grounding, protecting, cleansing), crystals, herbs, and other miscellaneous wisdom Patterson has picked up over the years. I really enjoyed how she mentions readers can connect with a different dragon for each season or sabbat, noting dragons “do seem to recognise the changing of the seasons and the flow of energy that comes with the sabbats.”28 My plan is to do one of the meditations for Lammas coming up soon to see if there’s any dragons that are interested in connecting with me until Mabon.

Overall, Pagan Portals – Dragon Magic is a valuable resource for anyone interested in strengthening their connection with dragons. Whether you’re seeking to incorporate dragon magic into your daily life or seeking to perform more elaborate rituals, Patterson provides a sturdy framework to get started, structuring the guidance to accommodate different levels of magical experience levels. Soon enough you’ll be able to tell legendary tales as someone who has dared to seek the counsel of dragons.

Sacred Bones, Magic Bones, by Ness Bosch

Sacred Bones, Magic Bones: Stories from the Path of the Bones, by Ness Bosch
Moon Books, 1803412127, 208 pages, June 2024

Sacred Bones, Magic Bones: Stories from the Path of the Bones by Ness Bosch is a captivating journey into the world of bone magic, a topic that often remains shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Bosch, an experienced shamaness and priestess, skillfully bridges the gap between ancient traditions and contemporary practice. The book is not just a guide; it’s an immersive experience that invites readers to explore the spiritual and magical significance of bones, offering a fresh perspective on a practice that dates back to prehistoric times.

Bosch has done a great job of making this book both education and engaging. She’s clearly done thorough research into the topic, while the inclusion of personal anecdotes and real-life experiences of her own spiritual path adds an authentic touch. The content is multicultural, sharing stories from around the world, and this broad perspective invites readers to go beyond the normal divisions that keep us separated and to discover the holistic Path of the Bones.

“In a world full of barriers, ones we have to jump to relate one another, bones speak a universal language that connect us.”1

The book is nicely organized into two parts. Part I focuses on stories of the bones. Bosch begins with stories of some of the oldest bones found to date and the stories archeologists have gathered based on their remains, such as the cave Atapuerca in Iberia and the bones of Neve’s, a baby who lived about 10,000 years ago.

She then moves onto bones in folklore, teaching how certain bones are considered lucky or can be used to make ceremonial musical instruments. The wide-range of bone usages is bolstered by the folk stories that have upheld their significance throughout time. Hence why people will travel to see someone’s grave or religious relics and the Hand of Glory spell continues to captivate people’s imagination.

The next chapter focuses on ancient deities with a connection to bones, often through ritual sacrifices. The goddess and goddesses mentioned are Kali, Triton, Bau, Hel, Chamunda, Baba Yaga, and more. It’s very interesting to see how bones are an intersection between all these various deities from different cultures and pantheons.

Bosch then turns her attention to currently practiced, also known as living, traditions. She teaches how necromancy goes back to prehistoric times, writing:

“At some point in the line, the need arose to communicate with the dead and establish a communication bridge with the underworld or the other side of the veil.”23

And through time, bones have always had an important role in necromancy, linking them from past to present in on-going traditions. This chapter also includes stories from people currently working with bones in their spiritual path, ranging from Druidry to witchcraft to Hoodoo to Inuit, which is insightful to read about firsthand.

In Part II, Bosch really delves into the Path of the Bones, which she describes “belongs to all of us, is not something strange or foreign to us.”24 She shares the visions and initiations that called her towards the Path of the Bones and introduces readers to La Huesera, The Bone Mother. Bosch shares stories and songs of The Bone Mother, offering readers a doorway into establishing their own relationship with Her.

Within this section, Bosch also shares how to incorporate bones into one’s spiritual practice. Bosch covers everything from the ethical sourcing of bones to the various rituals and spells that can be performed using them. Her directions for cleaning bones, both physically and energetically, is very helpful guidance. The deep respect for the subject matter is evident throughout the text, as Bosch emphasizes the importance of intention, respect, and ethical considerations when working with bones. This thoughtful approach ensures that readers understand the gravity and sanctity of the practice, rather than treating it as a mere novelty.

This section also really gets into the heart of working with ancestors. Bosch assures readers it’s easier than one thing to establish a connection with our ancestors and suggests ideas like building an ancestor altar and shamaic journey to start or deepen one’s relationship with them. There’s also plenty of spells offered for a variety of desires: binding, protection, abundance, achievement. What I enjoyed most about reading through the spells is that each one uses different types of bones–seagull bones for achieving a goal, badger bones for protection. There’s also guidance for creating amulets and incense with bones too.

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious novice, Sacred Bones, Magic Bones serves as a comprehensive and enlightening guide to the world of bone magic, encouraging readers to explore their own spiritual paths with reverence and confidence. I would especially recommend this book for those interested in ancestor work, as Bosch really delves into the connection bones establish between ourselves and our predecessors. One of my favorite parts of the book is the ancestor songs included at the end.

And for those looking to expand their bone magic practice further, absolutely check out Bosch’s website. She offers services such as training and consultations for shamanic tattooing, a wide range of spiritual retreats, and remote shamanic healing services. She also is a pagan celebrant–the first Spanish-speaking one ever registered in Scotland!

In addition to these services, Bosch also has her own priestess schools and spiritual training programs, including Goddess Temple Alba (a Pagan Temple in Scotland), The Covenant of the Waters (Sea Priestess training), Priesthood of Astarte, and Fellowship of Isis trainings. There’s also a website dedicated specifically to the Path of the Bones.

Overall, in Sacred Bones, Magic Bones, Bosch does a wonderful job blending historical context with practical advice. She provides readers with a rich tapestry of folklore, mythology, and practices for them to cultivate their own connection with bones and the deities associated with them, in particular The Bone Mother. The exploration of bone magic offers a unique pathway to connect with the profound mysteries of life, death, and the ever-present spirit world, reminding us of the intricate web of connections that bind all living beings.

Witching Hour Oracle, by Lorraine Anderson

Witching Hour Oracle: Awaken Your Inner Magic, by Lorraine Anderson and illustrated by Olivia Bürki
Rockpool Publishing, 1922785008, 112 pages, 44 cards, October 2023

Spiritual transformation, especially through witchcraft, involves the shedding of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve the individual and the embracing of new perspectives and ways of being. Lorraine Anderson perfectly encapsulated the steps in the process of metamorphosis in the Witching Hour Oracle: Awaken Your Inner Magic. Channeling the highs and lows of her own spiritual journey, this deck guides readers in tapping into their innate power and shifting from the inside out.

“Each card in this deck represents a step on the journey back to your truest self (Deep Being).”29

Anderson explains in the guidebook how this deck came to her “in a time of extreme transformation.”30 In the midst of things falling apart, her priorities were skewed, valuing material gain over spiritual practice and neglecting self-care. Finding herself at a low point, Anderson decided to dismantle what was no longer working and face her shadow head-on. From her journey of being spiritual led through both  lows and highs, she gleaned insight to share with others on their own path, finding joy and magic along the way.

This deck consists of forty-four cards that are filled with glistening and luminous energy brought to life through the illustrations of Olivia Bürki. Nearly every card features the twinkling shine of magic, highlighting the invisible undercurrent constantly flowing around us. There’s a darker tone to the cards, yet there’s still plenty of vibrant colors that awaken the spirit within the imagery, prompting revelation for the readers as they gaze at the messages coming through. Bürki’s illustrations are truly magical, offering visual portals through the imagery of this deck.

While these cards can absolutely be intuitively read using the card’s name, imagery, and the word or sentence at the bottom, the guidebook adds interesting depth. Anderson provides guidance on how to read with companion cards. She describes how a card’s meaning changes depending on the other cards it’s pulled alongside. Using this concept, she has provided companion card descriptions for every card in the deck, which the reader can use to find further meaning in the cards they pulled.

What I like most about the companion card system is how Anderson pairs a companion tarot card for each card in the deck. I normally wouldn’t think to pull both an oracle and tarot card together. Yet I enjoyed this method and felt that working with two decks in tandem added a new flavor to my readings. Also reading the tarot companion card for each card in the deck helped me understand its energy more too.

The entry for each card in the guidebook features keywords, the tarot companion, description of the card’s meaning, and further description of significant companion cards within the deck that may have appeared in the reader together.

As an example, the card I pulled today was Invocation. The keywords are “power of words; kindness matters; criticism”31 and the tarot companion is the Page of Swords. The card’s description talks about how our words have power and so critical thoughts can be harmful both to ourselves and others. This one hit home for me since my husband just pointed out how critical I had been recently, often aiming my sharp words at him to the detriment of the quality of our relationship. Ever since he mentioned this to me I’ve been trying to be more mindful of the way I share my thoughts, and Anderson’s words “with practice you’ll learn to choose love-filled communication and your entire vibration and and situation will shift”32 was quite reassuring.

While I read this card singularly, the companion cards are High Priestess and Salt. Looking for further guidance on how I might better communicate with my husband, I went on to read each one of these cards in the guidebook too. And for those like myself who need some ideas when it comes to doing spreads, Anderson provides a ton to choose from! She provides spreads for getting to know the deck, a weekly self-care check in, discovering resources available to you, seeing the bigger picture, and more! I appreciate how these spreads are ones I can do regularly to stay attuned to my inner knowing.

Overall, Witching Hour Oracle is a wonderful deck for the witch interested in spiritual transformation, self-care, and deepening their connection to their intuition. Anderson has done a wonderful job of illuminating aspects of the spiritual path of the witch, including initiation and all the change that usually accompanies major leaps in spiritual and personal growth. I recommend this deck for everyone who walks the path of the witch, as we all need a little guidance sometimes, and the wisdom of this deck is one that has the power to usher in lasting manifestations and potent change.

Conjuring Dirt, by Taren S

Conjuring Dirt: Magick of Footprints, Crossroads & Graveyards, by Taren S
Moon Books, 1803413328, 176 pages, October 2023

I love dirt. My father is a ceramic artist, so unlike other kids whose parents might have tried to keep them tidy, I was always encouraged to play in the mud and eventually learn how to shape clay into bowls and mugs. From there, my enjoyment of dirt, and nature in general, led me down a path of environmental science; I’ve studied the microbes in dirt and learned how soil’s nutrients are vital for the growth of plants, which keep us alive through a balanced ecosystem.

But beyond the mind-blowing scientific study of interconnectedness through the ground beneath our feet, I’d never realized the potency of dirt from a magical perspective prior to reading Conjuring Dirt: Magick of Footprints, Crossroads & Graveyards by Taren S. This book has opened a whole new realm of magic to me, which I’ve been eager to embrace!

Taren is a seasoned magical practitioner with roots in the Carolinas, though she now lives in California. For over a decade she’s worked as a spiritual counselor and tarot card reader at a Haitian Voodoo Doctor’s botanica. She is initiated as a High Priestess within American Witchcraft and as a Mama Bridget within American Voodoo/Hoodoo. In Conjuring Dirt, she shares a lot about her personal path, giving readers perspective into how she’s learned this craft as well as the traditions behind the content of the book.

“We all have sacred and special dirt specifically to us. When we go back through memories we can ground into the land, and we can build new memories through the land. This in itself is a magical spiritual journey.”30

In this book, Taren teaches readers about three categories of dirt: Graveyard, Crossroads, and Purposeful (Footprint). She dedicates lengthy chapters to each one, giving the reader a full sense of the powerful energy held within the dirt and the many ways each one can be utilized in magickal workings.

She starts with Purposeful Dirt, noting that it’s the “most common and easily accessible”33 kind. Since it’s very versatile, Taren describes ways this dirt can be used for cleansing, banishing, and spellwork. She teaches about the types of spirit of place, such as Ancestral spirits and Land spirits, and how to connect and work with these spirits. Then she covers “spirit of the root” and how to unite with plants as allies. The list of plants and herbs and the way they can be used, which spans a whole ten pages, is immensely valuable to all practitioners, especially those new to working with plants and herbs.

Reading over parts of this section made me think of the land in a new way; did you know you can use the dirt from banks, casinos, and libraries for magickal purposes such as prosperity spells, amulets, and building knowledge?! Prior to this, I wouldn’t have thought twice about the dirt or spirit of these places. Now everywhere I go, I’m thinking about the energy of my surroundings, taking time to pause and attune to the spirit of the place, and think creatively about how the dirt might be utilized.

Crossroads Dirt comes from the liminal spaces where “two different environments meet or intersect but is technically neither extreme.”34 At these intersections, boundaries are thinner; it can feel like stepping out of time as multiple directions become available, prompting initiated action before the moment passes by.

“The meaning of crossroads is all about liminal space. Liminal space is that in-between point that means both we are neither here, nor there. Liminal space as represented by crossroads points to 100% potential and opportunity. It is the place where magick happens because it is that slight crack when/where anything can happen.”35

In this section, Taren provides an overview of the global lore about crossroads, revealing similarities between cultures while also highlighting each one’s unique lore. She also covers crossroads and witches, crossroads in dreams and modern magic, the significance of ley lines, and offers a crossroads tarot spread.

After sharing about crossroad magic in general, Taren goes more in-depth about Crossroad Dirt specifically. She teaches readers about the different types of crossroads one might gather dirt from and the significance of soil from each one. She covers how best to collect the dirt, petition the crossroads, and offers a ritual to open the crossroads. Other workings Taren provides are for propensity, a spell to forget, and banishing.

Last but not least, the section on Graveyard Dirt. Taren explains Graveyard Dirt “is used to employ the spirit of the one buried for your intentions.”36 Taren covers so much in this section, from symbols on grave markers to gathering dirt from the roots of cemetery trees, and it completely opens new doors for readers. This section alone could be a whole book! But one emphasis that comes through strongly is showing respect for the deceased. I like how Taren always reminds readers to mind their manners above all else!

While reading the section on Graveyard Dirt, I’ve decided it’s high time I go visit my ancestor’s graves and leave an offering. I don’t plan on taking any dirt this time, but I would like to begin cultivating a relationship with them, learning more about who they were in life and how I can maintain a relationship with them in their afterlife. To start, my dad and I decided we are going to begin purchasing grave markers for the family member’s burial sites he’s found that do not have them.

All in all, Conjuring Dirt is a wonderful resource for all spiritual practitioners. I would go as far to say it’s been my favorite magical book I’ve read in 2023! Taren does such a wonderful job sharing all she knows to help readers begin to incorporate dirt in their workings. Her style of talking straight makes readers feel she really has their best interest at heart, ensuring they’re doing things the right way and not making trouble for themselves down the line. This book is sure to reshape your perception of the land beneath your feet and give a deeper appreciation for the magic held within the dirt we often take for granted or overlook.

Real Sorcery, by Jason Miller

Real Sorcery: Strategies for Powerful Magick, by Jason Miller
Weiser Books, 1578638003, 256 pages, July 2023

Sorcery, the wielding mystical powers and tapping into otherworldly energies has captivated human imagination since the dawn of time. It is no wonder that sorcery has been a popular subject in literature, movies, and even video games. But what exactly is sorcery? How does it work? And can it really be practiced in the real world? These answers and more can be found in Real Sorcery: Strategies for Powerful Magick by Jason Miller, who assures readers that magic is real and with consistency and dedication everyone has the ability to become a sorcerer.

I was drawn to Real Sorcery because I knew that Jason Miller had lived in southern New Jersey, where I currently live, and connected with the “spirit of place”; he’s well known in the magical communities around here. I’ve always enjoyed his “keep it real” style of writing and the frank way he shares his magical insight. While I’ve been on his email list for quite some time now, which I highly recommend as an introduction to Miller’s work since he leads group spellwork and offers live classes throughout the year, the only book of his I have read previously is Financial Sorcery. Given that Financial Sorcery absolutely shifted my mindset in regard to wealth, aiding me in finding more lucrative jobs and creating a better financial situation overall, you would think I’d have picked up his other titles, such as Protection & Reversal Magick and Consorting with Spirits.

Luckily, like the titles just mentioned, Real Sorcery was recently republished with new commentary on Miller’s original text; in this case, Real Sorcery is the updated version of The Sorcerer’s Secrets: Strategies in Practical Magick (2009). The additional text from Miller adds a new layer of depth to the previous work, inviting readers old and new to see how his thoughts have changed (or not) over the past decade.

The content itself is rich as ever, filled to the brim with practical advice for readers wishing to learn more about how to take their magic practice to the next level. What I like most about Miller as a teacher is that he expects something from his students. He writes:

“If magick is a fantasy for you, then of course you want it all to just jump to life because of how magickal you are, but if we accept that Sorcery is real, with everything that implies, then that expectation should dissipate like fairy dust, revealing the truth that it takes work to get good at things, and that discipline and persistence will outperform natural talent at every turn.”37

Miller reminds the readers that magic is real, but so are certain conditions of our reality. Therefore, instead of relying on magic alone, his strategy is to work with the conditions in play rather than against them. And it goes without saying, this often takes a heap of self-awareness, willingness to learn from one’s mistakes, and resilience in the face of disappointments. For some, this might feel like a stripping of enchantment from their practice, but for many it’s a reassurance that with time and practice, one can improve their sorcery.

“Part One: Basic Training” is dedicated to teaching readers the basic magical foundation he operates from as a sorcerer, and it’s certainly eclectic! What stands out about Miller’s imparted wisdom is that he isn’t afraid to learn and work with various magical systems, as he recognizes the universal similarities that underlie different traditional systems. I want to frame it as a distillation of many great truths into a workable system for readers, but I say this without implying it’s reductive in any sense. In fact, I find his approach extremely liberating, and it helped me to see how the magical working of different paths and traditions are all working with the same planes and principles.

“Part Two: Strategic Sorcery” has chapters focused on various types of magical workings: divination, influence/persuasion, finance, protection, love/lust, and more! All the sections have information that is both magic and mundane, making it easy for readers to employ Miller’s wisdom in their practice at their current skill level. While sharing spells, chants, and other general “how-to” guidance, such as gesture and vocal commands and creating altars, Miller imparts so much first-hand knowledge of his own experience. I find this invaluable as a reader; I want to hear the stories of magical workings gone right and wrong to have a more well-rounded idea of what the heck I’m doing and the myriad of potential consequences.

While there’s plenty I’ve learned from this book, the current takeaways that are still churning in my mind are the reminder that I can determine my own magical ethics – Miller absolutely works in the gray area, leaving room for readers to decide what workings they’re comfortable with – and the concept that I don’t have to obsessively protect myself. For all I’ve learned about protection magic, Miller was the first person to acknowledge that too much protection and defense can actually hinder other types of magical working, such as spirit communication. These two insights overall seem to be pointing to a rebalancing of my current workings, giving me the confidence to venture into a new magical landscape.

For those of you ready to delve into the secrets of sorcery and explore the fascinating world of magic, Real Sorcery is a wonderful place to begin. Miller provides a wonderful foundation to begin your sorcery path or enhance your current level of skill. From the different types of spells and rituals to the potential benefits and risks of practicing magic, Miller cuts through the fluff to provide clear guidance. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is serious about starting or furthering their magical practice.

Ancestral Magic, by Kirsten Riddle

Ancestral Magic: Empower the here and now with enchanting guidance from your past family history, by Kirsten Riddle
CICO Books, 9781800652613, 144 pages, September 2023

Discovering more about one’s family origins has become increasingly popular as new methods are developed to trace lineage through DNA. Perhaps you’ve done a swab to submit to sites like Ancestry and 23andMe, maybe even met some new relatives! As interesting as the physical aspect of our connection to our ancestors can be, there’s so much that can be explored through the spiritual dimension too. Ancestral Magic: Empower the here and now with enchanting guidance from your past family history by Kirsten Riddle is a perfect place to start your journey of connecting more with the potent magic of your ancestral lineage.

Riddle is a best-selling author of spiritual titles including The Beginner’s Guide to Wicca, Be Your Own Goddess, and Discovering Signs and Symbols. Her intention in writing this book was to provide a starting point for those hoping to learn more about their familiar power through the lens of magic, which is definitely her writing speciality! Ancestral Magic is filled with tons rituals, techniques, and guidance to aid readers in connecting with their ancestors, a process which Riddle notes is “personal and different for everyone”38, in a way that feels resonate for them and their path.

Ancestral Magic is composed of six chapters that I felt like intuitively built upon each other, moving from exploration of the ancestral impact on the reader personally to the reader’s connection with the ancestors to the family as a whole. I found this approach was very grounding because the initial chapters centered me within myself before branching out to explore more of the larger family dynamics, stories, and karma in play.

The style of each chapter is similar with descriptions of magical techniques, “Try This!” rituals and exercises, and pages for journaling your results at the end. There are also meditations included for each chapter. Riddle does a great job of balancing hands-on methods of connecting with ancestors (creating altars, gathering photos, writing out family memoirs) with psychic work (dream intervention, cutting karmic ties, scrying with mirrors). There’s also guidance on how to cultivate one’s ancestral gifts, build self-esteem, switch the narrative around, and other spiritual practices to enhance your own perception of yourself and your family.

One thing I will say is that ancestral magic takes devotion and dedication! To really unpack your ancestral karma, reveal limiting beliefs you’re carrying, or deeply explore your family’s stories takes time. There’s a spirit of reverence that seems to come naturally when doing this spiritual work, which invites you to slow down your pace. Plus, family stuff is very personal, and it can bring up a lot of emotions, which it is important to integrate at your own speed.

Riddle provides enough exercises that I have no doubt one could easily spend months, if not a full year, mindfully exploring their ancestral lineage. Certain sections might take longer to work through than others too. For instance, it took me about a week to set my intention for my ancestral magic, do the meditations, reflect on the questions posed by Riddle, and actually do the “Try This!” exercises in the first chapter, which is focused mostly on the reader themselves. Even when it’s made approachable, fun, and creative as Riddle has done, ancestral magic requires actually doing the work to reap the rewards.

But for those who move through Ancestral Magic, discovering their own inner gifts, discovering and maybe even rewriting their family narrative, doing the shadow work of ancestral karma, and opening to embrace the support of their ancestors, there is so much potential for a positive future! This is magic that offers a lifetime of insight and divine assistance.

Everything culminates perfectly in the final chapter, which was probably my favorite part of the book! This section offers ancestral spells for joy, love, abundance, support, and good fortune and an exercise to find one’s family’s totem, which could be a “a place, an object, or even an animal”39 often featured in the family folklore. Riddle also offers protection techniques, intended to help readers feel watched over and guided by their ancestor at all times, and advice on how to create family mantras and affirmations. I’m planning to reflect more on my family narrative (all the stories we’ve passed down through generations) to discover our totem and write mantras and affirmations that I can share with my family as a holiday present.

Overall, Riddle teaches us that ancestral magic is a fascinating and powerful practice. By tapping into the wisdom and guidance of our ancestors, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Whether you are just beginning to explore your family history or have been practicing ancestral magic for years, there is much to discover and learn. Ancestral Magic is your guide to unlocking the secrets of your family’s past and use that knowledge to empower your present and future.