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Tag Archives: petra kuhne

Shamanic Star Wisdom Oracle, by Lisa Biritz

Shamanic Star Wisdom Oracle, by Lisa Biritz and illustrated by Petra Kühne
Earthdancer Books, 9798888501214, 112 pages, 44 cards, September 2024

With her oracle card deck, Shamanic Star Wisdom Oracle, Lisa Biritz has captured concepts and guidance from many of the cultures around the world and the cosmos. This deck is bright and light and carries healing wisdom for life here on earth.

Lisa Biritz, born in Amsterdam and raised in the US and Europe, studied journalism in Boston and built a successful career writing and editing magazines. She has written two books, created two oracle decks, and continues to enjoy writing. While in college, she delved into shamanism, Mayan wisdom, Buddhism, and Hawaiian Huna, and she is also trained in Reiki, Ho’oponopono, shiatsu, and yoga. Passionate about the ocean and dolphins, she has spoken at the UN about their significance and takes people on transformative journeys with marine life in Hawaii, where she lives with her family, dividing her time between Hawaii and Europe.

As a small child, illustrator Petra Kühne started capturing the beauty of nature through her paintings. After studying sociology, she worked for a publishing house, illustrating cards for Chuck Spezzano’s works and later creating the Oracle of the Birds card deck. Now a full-time freelance illustrator living in Germany, Kühne views her imaginative and spiritual artwork as a way to share inner, archetypical realities with the world.

What attracted me to this deck was the cover art, which features a priestess or shaman communing with our galaxy of planets and stars. Who among us has ever looked to the heavens for answers? Our ancient ancestors knew that our origins lie in the stars. This card set, based on ancient shamanic traditions, was created to assist you in discovering insights into your cosmic connections.1

In her introduction, Biritz gives the reader information on many of the indigenous people, including those from Hawaii, Australia, Ireland and Greece. She briefly discussed human DNA and how that might tie-in with other life forms from our solar system. Biritz invites you to learn more about yourself and our entire universe. She covers various star systems such as Pleiades, Sirius, Orion and Andromeda. She also includes notes about the Hopi, the Maya and shamanic wisdom.

I found it interesting that she included many of the “so called ‘negative aliens’”2.  She talks about how people are afraid of these beings and provides information on how to protect yourself from their dark energies. She also discusses implants and how to free yourself.

 Biritz includes two different ways to work with the cards, from selecting a card for the day to pulling out 14 special cards that represent the 14 star groups and working only with those cards. Within the section that includes the card guidance, Biritz shares background on the star being or cosmic or spiritual aspect reflected on the card, as well as an exercise for working with the energy of the card’s focal point.

For some cards, Biritz includes a special section for helping the reader ascertain if they might be one of the star beings featured. For example, for the card called “Andromedans,” she has a section called “How to tell if you are an Andromedan starseed.”3 Here, she lists qualities or life experiences that may mean that you are aligned with the energy of the given star being.

On another card called “Happiness and Joy,” the author shares “How to bring happiness into your life.”4 For each card, Biritz provides what she calls an “Exercise,” which is peaceful, soothing verbiage that you can record and playback for a relaxing meditation.

For example, I drew the card “DNA Stimulation.” I recorded the exercise and then stepped out onto my patio to enjoy a few quiet moments.  The meditation invited me to relax my body and my brain and then ask my brain “to stimulate and activate the dormant DNA in your body.”5 After I finished the meditation, I sat for a while and listened to the birds and felt the cool breeze on my face.  It was exhilarating!

Kühne’s illustrations are galactic, cosmic and truly out of this world. The star beings are depicted as sweet, loving creatures in vivid, rich colors. I connected with many of the images and especially loved the artwork for “Star Child Awakening” and “Happiness and Joy”.

The cards are the standard size for oracle cards at 4” X 5.5” and come with the same size guidebook in a nice sturdy box. The cards are a nice weight and shuffle easily.

I shared the cards with my weekly card group and one friend drew the “Angels” card.  She said that the message really resonated for her, as she has spent the last few weeks getting her son ready to go off to college.

“I’ve called on my angels several times for support. This card really resonates with me, because it’s confirmation that they are really here to help me during this time.”

Another friend drew the card “Cleansing External Energies.” She related that she loved the message, which was a reminder to cleanse her energy after being out in public with a lot of people. She also said that she had been taking more baths lately and now she knew why. She took a photo of the exercise, which included a visualization of cleansing with water, when getting to a bathtub or shower is impractical at that moment.

Shamanic Star Wisdom Oracle would be perfect for anyone who is interested in learning more about beings in our galaxy and beyond. I plan to keep the deck close by for working with clients who have an interest in claiming their heritage as a certain type of starseed or star being.

Oralce of the Birds, by Jeanne Roland and Petra Kühne

Oracle of the Birds: A 46-Card Deck and Guidebook, by Jeanne Ruland and illustrated by Petra Kühne
Findhorn Press, 1644119617, 112 pages, 46 cards, October 2023

I recently read The Madonna Secret by Sophie Strand, and in this book, the main character Miriam often receives guidance from the natural world, especially birds. This got me thinking about my own relationship with birds and questioning “Have I been pausing to appreciate them and hear their message?” Honestly, I had not been paying much mind to the birds, so I started to become more aware of the birds around me–when they appear, how they make me feel, and the tone of their chatter.

Soon after, I noticed the Oracle of the Birds by Jeanne Ruland, and I felt prompted to delve deeper into my bird explorations. This gorgeous deck, illustrated by Petra Kühne, shares the spiritual messages from a variety of birds, providing meaning and affirmations for me to explore, and it has brought a new appreciation for birds into my life. Ruland reminds us:

“They touch our soul. Our soul is like them–free, fluidly connected, unique, and yet belonging to Heaven.”1

This deck consists of 46 cards, which are mostly birds, but also include some mythical bird figures (Ba, Garuda) and bird-related items (Egg, Nest, Feather). From the largest bird (Ostrich) to the tiniest bird (Hummingbird), the wide range of birds in this deck spans the globe.

Kühne has done an amazing job bringing these birds to life on the cards. Flipping through the deck and looking at the images, I feel a subtle humming in my hands, as though the spirits of the birds are being infused right into my soul. The deck is bright with each bird in their own colorful habitat. My favorite part about Kühne’s design is the patterns and sacred geometry patterns shining through softly in the background, reminding me of the divinity of these birds.

On each card is the name of the bird, a few keywords, and then a sentence or two of guidance. This makes the cards wonderful to use on an altar space or simply keep out for the day to glance at for inspiration. The back of the cards is the same for the whole deck, but it also has an encouraging message that reminds readers to keep their gaze uplifted.

The guidebook is short and sweet in its introduction to the cards, quickly delving into the card profiles, which are organized alphabetically. Every description includes a title, image of the card, meaning of the card, message from the bird’s magic feather, list of additional meanings, and an affirmation.

I appreciate how for each card meaning Ruland takes the time to describe how the bird enters your life. For instance he writes, “Death-defying, the falcon plunges into your energy field to hunt demons.”2 Meanwhile, he describes how Goose “comes waddling into your life and enables you to recognize the deep truth of things.”3 His descriptive writing is a portal for the bird’s energy, and I enjoy the sensation of feeling and imagining the way the bird of the day enters during my daily pull to share their insight.

This week I keep pulling the same card, and clearly I feel like I’m being sent a message with the consistency of it appearing day after day, even with multiple shufflings. The card is Garuda, who Ruland describes as “a mythical and immortal messenger of light from the Upper World.”4

The overall message from this card is centered on me opening up to messages from higher realms, listening to my heart, and trusting the guidance of the divine, while remembering that I am a source of light. I really resonate with Garuda, especially how Ruland interprets the card as a sign to focus on my own spiritual development and “connection to the existence of creation.”5

As much as many of us strive to be grounded, this deck reminds us that sometimes we need to let our spirits fly high for a new perspective. Ruland has attentively channeled the wisdom of birds into affirming messages that shift our gaze towards the sky and bring new insights. The imagery created by Kühne transports us into new habitats and states of mind, gleaming with elegance, grace, and possibility.

Overall, Oracle of the Birds is an excellent resource for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice and connect with the natural world. The beautiful artwork and insightful messages make it a joy to work with, and the guidance and wisdom of the birds can help you discover insights on your spiritual path. Whether you’re looking for clarity, guidance, or inspiration, this deck can help you connect with the energy of birds and tap into their powerful wisdom.