In Manifestation Magic: 21 Rituals, Spells, and Amulets for Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth, Elhoim Leafar truly delivers on his description of this book as “a practical guide to prosperity magic.
In Manifestation Magic: 21 Rituals, Spells, and Amulets for Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth, Elhoim Leafar truly delivers on his description of this book as “a practical guide to prosperity magic.
Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle captures the traditions and sentiments of this season that always brings up the good tidings.
Inner Practices for the Twelve Nights of Yuletide by Anne Stallkamp and Werner Hartung offers spiritual guidance for the transition from Yule to New Year.
Rosemaire Anderson has written The Divine Feminine Tao Te Ching to be absorbed unhurried, embodied, and without any specific expectation.
Take a breath, pause, and gift yourself the time to delve into Seasons of a Magical Life: A Pagan Path of Living by H. Byron Ballard.
I thoroughly enjoyed everything about Hekate: Goddess of Witches by Courtney Weber and am delighted to add it to my growing library on Hekate.
I’ve read a lot of books on angels over the years, but Inviting Angels into Your Life by Kathryn Hudson resonated with me more than most books on this topic.
Crystals and Numerology is filled with practical wisdom on how to do energy work incorporating these two modalities.
“Natalia Clarke is a transpersonal psychotherapist, writer, poet, nature lover and intuitive practitioner. Her interests lie in human psyche, transformation, nature spirituality, spiritual self-awareness, earth-based spiritual practice, Scotland and UK travel. She is a fiction and non-fiction writer and a …
The Goddess Book by Nancy Blair will be a reference for all the seasons to connect with the many different Goddesses who support us on our path.