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Search Results for: weiser books

The Relative Tarot, by Carrie Paris

The Relative Tarot by Carrie Paris is a really neat deck to add to one’s collection, especially for advanced readers or those interested in learning more about their ancestral line through the cards.

Manifestation Magic, by Elhoim Leafar

In Manifestation Magic: 21 Rituals, Spells, and Amulets for Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth, Elhoim Leafar truly delivers on his description of this book as “a practical guide to prosperity magic.

Yemaya, by Raven Morgaine

Morgaine teaches the reader how to cultivate a spiritual practice dedicated to Yemaya through telling her stories with the Orishas, sharing her many aspects of self through reincarnation, what offerings she loves and what things she dislikes, and how to establish a relationship nearby or far from the ocean.

Hekate, by Courtney Weber

I thoroughly enjoyed everything about Hekate: Goddess of Witches by Courtney Weber and am delighted to add it to my growing library on Hekate.