After reading The Big Book of Candle Magic, I continue to carry with me Aunt Jackie’s words that magic demands change.

After reading The Big Book of Candle Magic, I continue to carry with me Aunt Jackie’s words that magic demands change.
The Creative Pendulum: Keys to Unlock Your Innovative Spirit by Joan Rose Staffen got me out of a creative rut in the most fun way.
Angels in Waiting: How to Reach Out to Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides by Robbie Holz with Judy Katz is the perfect reminder of the ample assistance available to us, if we just remember to ask.
Pantheon: The Norse by Morgan Diamler is perfect for those who are interested in a ground level introduction to the Norse pantheon without all the fluff.
The Big Book of Magical Incense by Sara L. Mastros has everything you need to know when taking your first baby steps into the world of incense craft.
Sacred Symbol Magic by Sarah Bartlett brings to light and life the power of symbols and their application to a sustainable and growth-filled magical and spiritual practice.
Pagan Portals – Baba Yaga, Slavic Earth Goddess by Natalia Clarke is a a must-read for anyone considering deity work with Her.
Overall, this translation of the Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Eric Purdue is by far the best one I’ve ever read.
Conform or Be Cat Out: The (Literal) Demonization of Nonconformists by Logan Albright was the dose of reality that I didn’t even realize I needed.
Now, at long last, Barbara Hand Clow has completed the trilogy with the most recent book Revelations From the Source (2021).