There are boundless possibilities of integrating the Chandra Symbols and star sparks from 360 of Your Star Destiny by Ellias Lonsdale.

There are boundless possibilities of integrating the Chandra Symbols and star sparks from 360 of Your Star Destiny by Ellias Lonsdale.
I was drawn to the Crystal Oversoul Cards: Attunements for Lightworkers by Michael Eastwood because of the intricate geometric crystal designs on the cards.
Morgaine teaches the reader how to cultivate a spiritual practice dedicated to Yemaya through telling her stories with the Orishas, sharing her many aspects of self through reincarnation, what offerings she loves and what things she dislikes, and how to establish a relationship nearby or far from the ocean.
Self-Love Journal: A Journal to Inner Peace and Happiness by Akal Pritam is a feast for the eyes and a treasure for the heart.
Cue The King in Orange by John Michael Greer, here to help magically-minded folks make sense of the political mess in terms they understand.
There is plenty of information for readers to gain from Alchemical Tantric Astrology by Fredrick Hamilton Baker.
Pure Magic Oracle: Cards for Strength, Courage, and Clarity by Andres Engracia is a wonderful deck filled with spells and messages of empowerment.
Moon Magick by Stacey Demarco is a charming deck of affirmation cards to help one connect with the cycles of the Moon.
In Growing Big Dreams: Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires Through Twelve Secrets of the Imagination, Robert Moss teaches how to use time honored techniques to enhance your life through dreams and imagination.
Beyond Lemuria Oracle Cards by Izzy Ivy might be one of the most eye-catching decks I’ve ever played with.