As far as books about witches go, The Vine Witch is definitely one of my top five favorites. Smith has done a wonderful job of bringing to life the magic in the mundane.

As far as books about witches go, The Vine Witch is definitely one of my top five favorites. Smith has done a wonderful job of bringing to life the magic in the mundane.
In The Ancient Language of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science of the Divine, David Elkington has put forward a truly fascinating work about the role that sound plays in our spiritual experiences.
Self-Love Journal: A Journal to Inner Peace and Happiness by Akal Pritam is a feast for the eyes and a treasure for the heart.
I thoroughly enjoyed everything about Hekate: Goddess of Witches by Courtney Weber and am delighted to add it to my growing library on Hekate.
Cue The King in Orange by John Michael Greer, here to help magically-minded folks make sense of the political mess in terms they understand.
The Witch’s Heart is the tale of Angrboda, a powerful witch in Norse mythology, who despite being burned three times by the gods of Asgard, continued to live on.
The premise of The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception is based on the Infancy Gospel of James (Protoevangelium of James) that dates back to the 2nd-century.
Animal Spirit Wisdom by Phillip Kansa and Elke Kirchner-Young was a truly impactful and enlightening reading experience.
Reading The Last Ecstasy of Life: Celtic Mysteries of Death and Dying by Phyllida Anam-Áire was a journey of self discovery.
Permission Granted: Kick-Ass Strategies to Bootstrap Your Way to Unconditional Love by Regina Louise is really the only book you need ever pick up.