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Little Book of Neville Goddard Quotes, compiled by Jen McCarty

Little Book of Neville Goddard Quotes – The Pocket Guide to Mysticism, Manifestation and Imagination, compiled by Jen McCarty
Muse Oracle Press, 9780645885019, 290 pages, August 2024

Neville Goddard, a profoundly influential figure in the realm of metaphysical thought and spiritual teachings, left his mark on the world with his unique perspective on the power of the mind and imagination. Born on February 19, 1905 (Pisces!), in Barbados, Goddard grew up in a large family before moving to the United States to pursue his ambitions. It was in America that Neville embarked on a journey of spiritual and philosophical exploration, ultimately leading to the development of his central thesis: that the human imagination is God, and that individuals can manifest their desires into reality through the power of thought and belief.

Goddard’s teachings, which spanned over three decades from the 1930s to his death in 1972, emphasized the scriptural interpretation not as literal historical accounts, but as metaphors for inner psychological and spiritual truths. He urged his followers to practice the art of assuming the feeling of their wish fulfilled, positing that such a practice could lead to the manifestation of their desires. His lectures, books, and lessons, many of which he generously offered for free, centered around the practical applications of this philosophy, aiming to empower individuals to shape their reality through directed thought and imagination.

Neville Goddard’s legacy is a rich tapestry of spiritual insights and practical wisdom. His work continues to inspire and influence countless individuals seeking to unlock the power of their minds and achieve greater control over their lives. Despite the passage of time, Goddard’s teachings on the creative power of imagination and the interconnectedness of the human psyche and the divine remain as relevant and compelling today as they were during his lifetime.

Little Book of Neville Goddard Quotes – The Pocket Guide to Mysticism, Manifestation and Imagination compiled by Jen McCarty is a concise and thought-provoking collection that distills the essence of Neville Goddard’s teachings into bite-sized, easily digestible passages. This book captures the core of his philosophy through a carefully curated selection of quotes, making it an ideal introduction for newcomers as well as a handy reference for long-time followers.

In the introduction, in which McCarty describes the impact of Goddard on her spiritual path, she writes:

“When you realise that you are the sole operative power in the universe, you fully awaken to God consciousness. As God consciousness, you are never a victim of circumstances; you are always in creator mode.”1

Jen McCarty has done an admirable job in selecting quotes that encapsulate the transformative power of Goddard’s ideas. Each page offers a nugget of wisdom that encourages deep reflection and personal growth. She’s managed to search through a vast amount of material put forth by Goddard, gather the most meaningful quotes, and then organize them into chapters that make it easy to either read through sequentially or jump to passages that resonate with their current state of mind. This flexibility makes the book not just a one-time read, but a timeless companion for those on a journey of self-discovery and manifestation. There’s twenty-eight chapters of different quote types, ranging from “Inner Speech” to “Mental Diet”. The more religious chapters include “The Bible”, “The Father”, “Christ”, and “Shepard”.

Admittedly, some of the content might seem a little dated to the modern spiritual seeker, as Goddard’s thoughts are a bit at odds with current trends (all the quotes refer to man rather than woman, so I can’t help but notice the gender bias). The antiquated quotes on bride and groom especially made my husband and me chuckle. I also struggled a bit to connect with all the biblical language, often referring to Christ and God. Yet there’s still so much to be gained from learning this philosophy, even if it’s outside the normal realm of one’s spiritual studies.

What sets this book apart is its accessibility. Goddard’s teachings, while profound, can sometimes be dense and complex. McCarty’s selection simplifies these concepts without losing their depth, making it easier for readers to grasp and apply them in their daily lives. Whether you are seeking inspiration, affirmation, or a deeper understanding of the power within you, Little Book of Neville Goddard Quotes serves as a compact yet powerful guide to transforming your thoughts and, consequently, your reality.

My favorite quotes is in the chapter “Imagination”:

“It is a marvelous thing to discover that you can imagine yourself into the state of your fulfilled desire and escape from the taps the ignorance has built. The real man is a magnificent imagination, and it is this self that must be awakened.”2

And for those who consider themselves reality manifestors, there’s so much guidance on how to perfect your process. Here’s another quote that really resonated with me and gave me the confidence to live as though my wishes have already been fulfilled:

“Put yourself in the proper mood, and your own consciousness will embody it. If I could define prayer for anyone and put it as clearly as I could, I would simply say it is the feeling of the wish fulfilled. If you asked, “What do you mean by that?” I would say I would feel myself into the situation of the answered prayer, and then I would live and act upon the conviction. I will try to sustain it without effort. That is, I would live and act as though it was already a fact, knowing that as I walk into this fixed attitude, my vision will harden into reality.”3

Overall, Little Book of Neville Goddard Quotes is well suited for readers who are interested in the New Thought movement, which emphasizes the power of positive thinking and the idea that one’s thoughts and beliefs can shape their experience. This is a great read from a historical context to better understand the roots of manifestation mindset. Whether or not you resonate with the Christian terminology, the potency of Goddard’s inner knowledge shines through. It might take a little bit of time for the quotes to sink in, but reading through makes one feel empowered and in control of their potential. This book is a wonderful reminder that we are sacred creators, and when we align ourselves with a higher power, all we desire can be ours.

Daily Light Affirmation Deck, by Joanna Hunter

Daily Light Affirmation Deck, by Joanna Hunter and illustrated by Stephanie Wicker-Campbell
Muse Oracle Press, 9780645885033, 60 cards, August 2024

With her Daily Light Affirmation Deck, Joanna Hunter combines vibrant light codes and beautiful art with positive affirmations to support you. These divine messages can guide your daily activities or be used as a prompt for morning journaling.

Hunter is a teacher, author, speaker, podcast host and intuitive life and business coach. She is also High Priestess of the transformative group she calls Lightweb®. Hunter transitioned from marketing executive to spiritual coach after a major health scare several years ago. She channels a group of beings she calls Skyler and carries the sacred Codex of Light™ teachings. She serves as a spiritual guide for transformation and ascension.

Hunter has written two other books and published a previous oracle deck on abundance. After being born in Sweden, she moved to the Scottish Highlands at the age of 9. She lives in Scotland today and balances her spiritual work with her life as a mom and wife. Learn more about her at her website.

Stephanie Wicker-Campbell is a gifted illustrator and designer, who has illustrated Oracle decks, journals and book covers. She is also a keynote speaker and author in her own right. In a recent post, she expresses that she is stepping back from design work and focusing more on her publishing house, Muse Oracle Press.  Wicker-Campbell resides in Australia. Learn more about her projects here.

What really interests me about this deck is the beautiful artwork of light codes, which can only be described as divinely inspired. Each card is designed with a beautiful pastel palette and a bright light that radiates from the center of each design.  As I flip through the deck, I quickly notice that each card design is unique, with no two designs repeating. The quotes on each card are printed in gold and are brief enough to capture in your heart and mind and then take with you during your day.

There are two extra cards in the deck. One provides a bit of information about Hunter and a QR code to connect with the publishing house to learn more.  The other card is double-sided and contains a personal note from Hunter that includes how best to work with the cards. She talks about shuffling the deck or placing the cards in some type of vessel and “gently swirling them.”1  I’ve learned many ways to shuffle decks, but I have never heard of placing the cards in a bowl or box and moving them around. I’m going to use my singing bowl and try this! She goes on to suggest:

“Allow serenity to wash over you, then draw a card – your affirmation for the day awaits. Let this affirmation dance through your day or pour your heart into journaling its significance to you.”2

At my monthly lunch with friends, I fanned out the cards and asked each friend to set an intention, form a silent prayer, or ask a question before selecting a card. One friend had an important choice to make about her business.  She drew this card:

“I always make the choices that align me with happiness and greatness.”

Another friend had upcoming minor surgery. She read this quote: 

“I love being healthy and wealthy.”

She also told me later about a silent prayer to resolve a financial issue. She received a 2 for 1!

For myself, I asked for support for a family issue I am struggling with. This is the message I received:

“I love feeling courageous and I choose to stand up for myself.”

I invited each woman to take a photo of her card and refer to it daily for the next week. One woman said she was going to make it her phone wallpaper!

The cards are square, much the same size as a drink coaster. They are printed on nice cardstock with rounded corners and gold edging. The paper has a nice matte coating with a satin finish on both sides. It’s very relaxing to hold the smooth cards and flip through the deck. Again, the stunning light codes seem to leap off each card and speak directly to my heart and soul. The cards feature a mix of pastel colors, with a light beaming from each one, as if Hunter is opening a portal into the Divine. The entire deck is very calming and affirming.

The deck comes in a beautiful heavyweight box that is only about an inch thick, making it the perfect size to tuck into a purse or bag. Inside the deck is a beautiful invocation:

“May daily light infuse your days and years with infinite blessings.”3

Daily Light Affirmation Deck is great for anyone who wants to set the tone for her day with a positive affirmation. I plan to keep them on my desk for a few weeks and draw a card each day, as part of my daily practice.  I can also see how holding one while I meditate can infuse me with the energy from the light codes and further instill the affirmation. I will also be carrying these in a bag to share with friends at lunch or my Friday coffee and cards group. I absolutely love these cards and the positive messages that they embody!

As Hunter says:

“Remember, inviting in more light and joy need not be a daunting endeavor; it can be as effortless as this daily ritual. Each affirmation is a stepping stone, gracefully guiding your life toward the realm of infinite possibilities within the light that surrounds us.”4

The Wealthy Woman Oracle Deck, by Taylor Eaton

The Wealthy Woman Oracle Deck: 44 Oracle Cards for Abundance, by Taylor Eaton and illustrated by Stephanie Wicker-Campbell
Muse Oracle Press, 0645885029, 96 pages, 44 cards, August 2024

Goal of the year? Attune to abundance and get my finances aligned. So, you can only imagine how thrilled I was to discover The Wealthy Woman Oracle Deck by Taylor Eaton, a money mindset expert that has coached hundreds of women to create more wealth in their lives. Her method includes utilizing client’s Human Design charts to maximize their potential. She has tons of information and free resources for those looking to clear their money blocks on her website.

The title of this deck is what really first caught my attention. It feels like gaining financial security always requires chasing something—a new job, more clients, that promotion, and so on. But Eaton’s assertion that there’s a wealthy woman within me already was something new in itself, which instantly reframed my mindset. What might I discover from looking inside myself for the prosperity I seek? 

“Whether you are just beginning your journey to wealthy or want to amplify the abundance you already have in your life, this deck is your invitation to connect with the wealthy woman within you.”1

This 44-card deck has two types of cards: archetype cards and awareness cards. The archetype cards focus on a single woman, who embodies the energy of the archetype, while the awareness cards are more general guidance about what needs to “be shifted, cleared, or activated in order to increase the flow of abundance in your life. 2

Eaton provides brief guidance on how to use the cards, but she more offers the space for readers to find their own relationship with the deck. She does note she’s a fan of single-card pulls, so I’ve been enjoying doing those regularly for guidance every few days. I’ve gained a lot of insight by pairing the archetype card with an awareness card; I’ll separate the cards into each category and pulling from the respective piles. The combination directs my attention towards a focus while also providing me with the archetype energy I can tap into to become more aware of what come through in my reading.

The guidebook is also divided into two sections for each category of card. You can tell which type of card you’ve pulled based on where the name of the card is located (on the bottom is archetype, and on the top is awareness). The cards are arranged alphabetically, making it easy to navigate.

The guidance for each card is immensely insightful. There’s a few sentences that give a quick description of the card, a longer message, and then a final few sentences to bring it all together. Eaton’s perspective on wealth through a feminine lens focused on alignment, flow, and prosperity gives each message and gentle yet empowering feeling that leaves the readers open to new channels of wealth.

I’ve been trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do for a career because it seems like I’m at an age where I should have it all “figured out”. Up until this point, I’ve always pieced together a living doing multiple jobs: freelance writing and editing, tutoring, astrology and tarot consultations, substitute teaching. I’ve enjoyed my varied lifestyle and the freedom it gives me. But increasingly, I feel a pressure to have a “real job”, a predetermined career path based on the expectations of others who feel I should be seeking more security at this point in my life. The archetype card I pulled for guidance about what my career path should be was The Key Holder. The guidebook reads:

“You, and you alone, hold the key to your own abundance. You do not need to waste your time or energy following the prescribed path that others have laid out. You do not need to look to others to tell you how you should go about calling in the wealth you desire.”3

Then the awareness card I pulled was Receiving Mode. Part of this card’s messages reads as follows:

“The more you are in the receiving mode, the more you consciously choose to become the version of you who receives abundance—including financial abundance. Money flows to you more easily, more quickly, and in greater amounts.”4

This message was so validating! The two cards together gave me confidence to believe in myself and have more faith that the right opportunities will continue to come my way, even if it doesn’t look like a regular 9-5 job, by remaining open to receiving. I don’t need to plan everything out; the opportunities meant for me show up when I am open to receive them.

As for the cards themselves, they’re exquisite. The gold foil on the sides gives them a luminescent shine, and the quality of the cardstock ensures the deck will hold up well during shuffles. Plus, the artwork done by illustrator Stephanie Wicker-Campbell is truly transcendent. The essence of the women on the cards shines through, attuning the reader to their frequency. All the women look like they’re in a state of divine connection. From sacred surrender to embodied confidence, their faith shines through, inspiring the same in the reader.

There’s this beautiful mixture of celestial and earthly energy embodied in the cards too. They are soft colors—lots of tan, pink, and white tones— that invoke a feeling of ease and gentleness. The stars twinkle above, while lush flowers bloom; a sense of grace is present throughout it all.

Overall, The Wealthy Woman Oracle is a must-have for those seeking to open their channels of prosperity and abundance. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be luxurious. This deck contains the financial wisdom that is not taught yet is essential to transform one’s relationship to wealth. This deck is a wonderful first step in cultivating the wealthy woman within through connecting to your soul’s path, strengthening your faith in your personal path to prosperity by following your intuition. I can’t recommend it highly enough!