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Author Archives: PJ Spur

About PJ Spur

PJ Spur is an author, intuitive, spiritual mentor, astrologer, and hypnotist.  She does tarot & oracle card readings, natal chart readings, grief coaching, and relationship healing. She also has hosted a weekly “Coffee & Cards” event with her Soul Compass Community for the past four years. Her book Navigating Grief with Grace is available on Amazon. Learn more at www.dearpj.com

Tarot Training Sleeves, by James Jacob Pierri and Dan Williams

Tarot Training Sleeves, by James Jacob Pierri and Dan Williams
REDFeather, 9780764368196, 80 sleeves, 83 cards, December 2024

With the Tarot Training Sleeves system, James Jacob Pierri and Dan Williams have created a handy training tool that gives a new reader “Cliff Notes” for learning tarot. 

James Jacob Pierri also created The Auset Gypsy Tarot and is a professional tarot reader and teacher with more than 30 years of experience. As an astrologer who has published articles worldwide, Pierri is also a musician, artist, performer, and host for various media. Learn more about him at AusetGypsy.com.

After working in higher education for more than 20 years, Dan Williams now specializes in computer programming and bringing new technologies to education. He was also a featured character in Who Wants to be a Superhero on the SyFy channel. Williams loves everything from comic books to photography and fashion design.

Together, Pierri and Williams have created a novel way to learn the meanings behind tarot cards by creating a system of clear plastic sleeves, small stickers for keywords, and tarot-sized cards with meanings for both upright and reversed cards. The symbolism is based on traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck; six cards from a Rider-Waite-Smith deck are shown on the cover of the training set.

From the moment you open this kit, Pierri and Williams take you by the hand and literally tell you what to do in three easy steps. I started with the major arcana cards, as the creators suggested. It took me 10 minutes to place my major arcana cards in the sleeves, add the keyword stickers and then slip in the definition cards. So, when you prepare all 78 cards, it will probably take you about 35 minutes total.

Note: There are also 2 blank definition cards you can use, in case you have a deck with extra cards, such as Rachel Pollack did in The Shining Tribe Tarot. You can add your own information to the set of training tools.

Once you have assembled the cards, I suggest you sit and review them, starting with the major arcana and going through the cards in order. Next, go through the minor arcana, one suit at a time. Look at your card, note the keyword sticker, and then read through the definition cards. This allows you to have the material in the back of your mind and prepares you to work with the cards.

Next, you can shuffle the cards by placing them on a table and moving them around.  Be careful not to be too rough, or the cards will come out of the sleeves. You can then use the cards for a reading.

Pierri and Williams have provided a QR code that gives you even more information about the cards and utilizing the cards for training. They share spreads and tarot tutorials, including videos for each card in the Tarot deck. The very first video shows you how to set up the sleeves for your personal training use.

In the video, they share that the cards that work best with this system should be no larger than 3” X 5”.  This information would have been great to add to the box or inside information about the system. Luckily, I noticed that they referred to the Rider-Waite-Smith deck on the box cover, so I reached for a standard-sized deck that I knew would work with this set. 

On each of the definition cards, there is also a QR code in the top right hand corner.  This takes you to an online portal where you can learn even more about that card.  Here, the creators show pictures of a card from two different decks and provide expanded information about the upright and reversed meanings. Pierri and Williams also share how this card might be read in Past, Present, or Future placements in a spread, as well as the astrological significance. There is a wealth of information in this online resource. Their online portal provides even more information and they welcome questions, as well.

I have a friend who is just learning about tarot, and I plan to share this system with her.  The nice thing about the design is that it can be used by one person and then passed on to another person. The tarot cards can be removed easily and new cards inserted into the plastic sleeves.

The creators have really created an incredible resource for new tarot students with Tarot Training Sleeves. This system will be best for a new or novice tarot student. When my husband and I were learning tarot almost 20 years ago, this would have been a great way to learn basic meanings!  This would make a great gift for anyone you know who is starting their own tarot journey.

The Royal Path of Shakti, by Daniel Odier

The Royal Path of Shakti: The Erotic and Magical Techniques of Kaula Tantra, by Daniel Odier
Inner Traditions, 9781644117163, 187 pages, July 2023

Daniel Odier has detailed and explained each technique of the Kaula Tantra in his book The Royal Path of Shakti: The Erotic and Magical Techniques of Kaula Tantra.

Odier was born in Geneva and studied fine arts in both Rome and Paris. After working as a music critic for a newspaper, he traveled to India and studied with Kalu Rinpoche for seven years. Almost ten years later, he met the yogini Lalita Devi and received a transmission of Mahamudra and other mystical teachings in the Kaula Tantra Tradition. He presents the teachings in this book with the full permission of Lalita Devi. Odier has shared these teachings all over the world, as well as publishing poetry, critical works, and numerous books on tantra and Eastern mysticism. When not traveling, he resides in Switzerland.

“The problem with seeking enlightenment is that you always come to the point where you think you have it.”1

Odier was born in Geneva and studied fine arts in both Rome and Paris. After working as a music critic for a newspaper, he traveled to India and studied with Kalu Rinpoche for seven years. Almost ten years later, he met the yogini Lalita Devi and received a transmission of Mahamudra and other mystical teachings in the Kaula Tantra Tradition. He presents the teachings in this book with the full permission of Lalita Devi. Odier has shared these teachings all over the world, as well as publishing poetry, critical works, and numerous books on tantra and Eastern mysticism. When not traveling, he resides in Switzerland.

“Each time that I asked her where something was in the Kaula Tantra, she would smile and reply “I am placing it in your heart and that will be your library. Knowledge is not practice and the Matsyendranath took care to conceal the practice so that only he who received the direct transmission could penetrate the mysteries of the twilight language.”2

In reading about the practices, I learned that the chakra system was a little different from the chakras I had been taught in my yoga practice and Reiki training. This system utilized eight chakras, including one on the forehead AND one between the eyebrows. The other difference was the addition of a chakra of the mouth and palate. Throughout the information on the practices, Odier weaves stories of his own initiation into this magical system for life.

One of my favorite practices is “Practice 23: Dietary Practices”. In this chapter, I learned about the interconnectedness of everything and how everything is alive. He speaks of the importance of asking your body what it wants to eat. I also enjoyed “Practice 40: The Yoga of Looking with Your Skin”. I recorded the meditation in that chapter and enjoyed this exploration with the ruby goddess.

After reviewing the practices, I was interested to know what “patala” meant. It translates as “feet,” and refers to the lower regions of the universe: underworld or netherworld. These transmissions bestow sacred knowledge to the student and each one builds on the patala that comes before it. As I was reading the warehouse of knowledge in the second part of the book, I was reminded of A Course in Miracles and how the text starts with simple ideas and builds the knowledge base of the student.

My favorite patala is Patala 7, which relates to “old age and decline.”3 Through a series of meditations over a period of six months, one can transcend age and dying:

“By uniting with Kamakala, one can put an end to old age. Thus, we have explained to you the secret and the characteristics of the being who has changed inwardly.”4

At the end of the book, Odier shares a brilliant conclusion, a glossary of spiritual and mystical terms and a complete index. Each of these helps the reader process the information that he relates. This last sentence summarizes the teachings of Odier. The life of the yogi truly relates to changing oneself from the inside out. In his conclusion, he says this about the Kaula Tantra tradition:

“The yoginis saw the master-disciple relationship as an intense heart-to-heart experience-no wasting of time, no prerequisite purification, no milestones to get beyond. . . This is what this text reveals to us, imbued with the magic of a time freed of all religious conformism.”5

Odier’s writing style is very conversational and easy to read. The patala section is written as a letter or a journal entry that chronicles questions from the student and the teacher’s reply. I really enjoyed this style of writing and found it to be very personal and authentic.

The Royal Path of Shakti would be good for any yoga student, yoga teacher, or anyone who wants to strengthen his relationship with spirit or adopt a spiritual practice. I can see myself starting the new year or a new month by rereading the book, in a “practice a day” systematic approach.

Guardian Angels, by Jacky Newcomb

Guardian Angels: Guidance and Inspiration for Happiness & Healing, by Jacky Newcomb
CICO Books, 978-1800653726, 144 pages, September 2024

With Guardian Angels: Guidance and Inspiration for Happiness & Healing, author Jacky Newcomb shares everything you need to know about these heavenly creatures, including stories and experiences from other people as well. 

Known as “The Angel Lady,” Jacky Newcomb specializes in angels and the afterlife, including near-death experiences, past lives, and psychic children. An award-winning author, her numerous books have been translated into multiple languages. She loves to connect with people from all over the world to share her love of angels and paranormal activities. Newcomb also conducts workshops and classes around the UK. You can learn more about Newcomb on her website.

What interested me most about this book was the focus on guardian angels. I have always felt that I had a guardian angel and have felt their presence and seen evidence of their guidance and protection in my life. Newcomb also shares this belief, and she begins this book with a brief look at her life story, weaving in the role angels have played. She shares:

“My life mission was fixed. I instantly knew that my role was to document these angel experiences and spread the word. I planned to write a book of angel stories.”6

Newcomb goes on to explain that one book became two and then four and soon she had written many, many books on angels.

Guardian Angels utilizes an easy-to-follow design. There’s seven chapters on angels and a final chapter for your own journaling activities–she even includes lined spaces for writing. Newcomb begins with an introduction to explain her view of guardian angels and then goes into more detail in the first chapter.

She uses a type of Q & A format to answer questions about angels. In each chapter, there are beige note sections, marked with a pen that sports angel wings. These graphic devices pose personal questions for the reader, which can be answered in the special journal section in Chapter 8.  She also includes a “Tip” every few pages. These tips tell you practical advice or give you an activity to do to get closer to your angels or share your own angel stories.

Next, Newcomb discusses the history of angels, followed by information on the specific angels for healing, guidance, and protection. On page 52-53, she shares a chart of eleven archangels, with the name, meaning of the name, and a brief passage about each one. 

The book goes on to present information about signs from angels, angel meditations and exercises, altars and rituals, and angel stories. The list of angel feather colors on page 70 was truly amazing! My favorite chapter was the one entitled “Angel Meditations and Exercises.”  

“To reach out to your guardian Angel using meditations is simple. . . Let me share some wonderful meditations and exercises with you; They are designed to bring you closer to your guardian Angel.”7

As in the previous chapters, Newcomb includes tips, notes, and questions to guide you through the material. The one called “Guardian Guidance” was a beautiful meditation that I recorded and then enjoyed on a quiet morning. She advises having water close by and recording some of your impressions in your journal afterwards. “Practice this exercise a lot,”8 Newcomb recommends.

In addition to sprinkling angel experiences throughout the book, Newcomb also uses the seventh chapter to present “True Stories of Angels in Our Lives.”  The story about the woman who found a feather on the roof of her garage after praying for her husband’s recovery after surgery was beautiful!

The artwork that accompanies the pages of the book is a combination of beautiful angel images and graphic accents. The artwork was created by Jane Delaford Taylor and Trina Daziel.  Each chapter opens with a full page of angel artwork on the left and a lighter, softer version of the same artwork on the right-hand page where the chapter title and a brief introduction to the theme is shown.

Some of the artwork is simply stunning, such as the depiction of countless angels surrounding the earth on page 10-11.  Their wings are outspread and their hands hover over the globe in a mode of healing and protecting the earth and its inhabitants. There are other full-page, full-color illustrations throughout the book, not only of angels, but also of people. There are also lots of simple illustrations on most pages. Some are one-color line drawings, while others are more intricate graphic designs. The illustrations break up the type and add interest and variety to the book.

The two-page index is perfect for finding a passage later or looking up a specific sign or symbol. For example, I looked up “feather” and saw that Newcomb has five references to feathers in the book. Additionally, I like how the book is a paperback with a cardstock cover that features flaps on both front and back, so you can use each as a bookmark. 

Guardian Angels is perfect for anyone who is interested in learning more about guardian angels and fostering a better relationship with their own angel. Most people over the age of thirteen would benefit from the material and activities in this book due to its easy-to-read style and Newcomb’s compassionate way of relating to the reader. She shares this quote from St. Francis de Sales in the introduction:

“Make yourself familiar with the angels and behold them frequently in spirit; For without being seen, they are present with you.”9

The Little Book of Moon Magic, by Francis Nightingale

The Little Book of Moon Magic: An Introduction to Lunar Lore, Rituals, and Spells, by Francis Nightingale
Red Wheel, 9781590035566, 128 pages, October 2024

In her tiny tome, The Little Book of Moon Magic: An Introduction to Lunar Lore, Rituals, and Spells, author Francis Nightingale presents myths, phases, spells, and meditations on the giant rock in the sky, the moon. 

Francis Nightingale is a freelance writer, who has published one other book, The Mythology Puzzle Book: 200 Brain-Teasing Activities. She loves to study astrology and mysticism. She currently lives and works in London. 

I love the structure of this book, from the orderly Table of Contents to the tips and scripts for Moon meditations.  In her brief introduction, Nightingale shares the more common Roman name of Luna for the Moon. But did you know that the Greeks called the Moon Selene? She also makes this promise to the reader:

“The Little Book of Moon Magic will take you on a journey: you will learn facts about the moon, but also stories about it from all around the world.”10

Next, Nightingale shares a little about how the Moon was formed from volcanic lava and a collision between Earth and another planet. Then, she goes into great detail about the Moon phases, starting with the New Moon phase. This happens when the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign and when “the Earth gets between the Sun and the Moon, so the whole thing is in shadow.”11 In this chapter, I also learned about a superstition:

“Don’t look at a New Moon through a window for the first time. Or you’ll break a dish later!”12

I love the way Nightingale talks about each of the four main Moon phases, weaving myths and technical information into each section. She also shares how to create your intentions and goals through these phases for maximum manifesting. Nightingale shares the different types of Full Moons, including Blue Moon, which happens when there are two Full Moons in one calendar month.

By going through the phases, one by one, the reader will learn how to structure intentions and goals and make the most of Moon magic. Another section, entitled Moon Lore, covers information from the history and mythology of the Moon. Nightingale writes, “The Venus of Laussel is a limestone carving of a woman that also shows thirteen notches on a horn held above her head. It is believed that these notches are symbols of the number of moons in the year or the number of menstrual cycles, or both.“13 

Due to my own studies of the Moon, I knew most of the myths shared by Nightingale. However, the one about Mama Killa’s Tears was new to me. Her story is tied to the lunar eclipses and is an ancient explanation of the disappearance of the Moon during an eclipse.

Moon Spells are next, and Nightingale gives the reader a gentle reminder:

“Be gentle with yourself. Moon spells are never quick fixes, although sometimes miracles do occur.  Accept that letting the moon in is a process, not an event.” 14

My favorite spell is the New Moon Crystal Spell. It consists of placing outside a few of the crystals specified by Nightingale. She recommends doing so during the New Moon.

Another great spell is Full Moon Spell to Reveal What is Hidden and includes a bowl of cherries while you sit by a window. After asking the Moon for help, you eat the cherries, putting the pits back into the bowl and reading the pattern left by the juice for clues or messages.

In the chapter on meditation, Nightingale covers all the bases.  She gives directions, provides easy steps for meditation, presents affirmations to use, and shares how to let go and how to come back into the room. She also gives us information on how to meditate on the different Moon types, from a Harvest Moon to a Waning Moon to a New Moon.

Each section builds on the one prior and at the end of this chapter, the reader has a great understanding of how to meditate with the Moon. The only thing that I missed was a script that I could record and use for my own guided meditation. You can put together the various pieces for your own guided meditation, but it would have been great for Nightingale to have presented this to the reader. 

My favorite meditation section was the one regarding health. I like the idea of sitting outside under a Full Moon and reciting my intentions around good health, healing from something that is troubling me or physical pain.

The Little Book of Moon Magic is a great collection of Moon information. I’m always intrigued by small books that pack a punch, and this one does just that. I love the factual information, as well as the myths, spells, and meditation ideas. Readers who are interested in learning more about the Moon and working with the Moon to improve their lives would enjoy this book.  You don’t need any prior Moon knowledge to benefit from Nightingale’s knowledge and guidance since she shares so much information!

Sacred Spirit Oracle, by Anna Stark

Sacred Spirit Oracle: Spiritual Guidance for Your Life Journey, by Anna Stark and illustrated by Louis Dyer
Rockpool Publishing, 978-1922785961, 96 pages, 36 cards, November 2024

With a combination of otherworldly images and beautiful animal artwork, Anna Stark and Louis Dyer have created a portal to divine guidance in their 36-card deck Sacred Spirit Oracle: Spiritual Guidance for Your Life Journey.

My interest in this deck relates to my love for oracle decks that combine spiritual images and the natural world with real world guidance. And this deck did not disappoint! Stark weaves beautiful stories in the guidebook, adding shadow aspects, crystal recommendations, angel pairings, and an affirmation for each card in the deck. 

Stark begins the guidebook with a Table of Contents. She both numbers the cards in alphabetical order AND provides the Table of Contents, making it easy to find the appropriate guidance in her guidebook. Next, she features acknowledgements and thanks those who helped her create the deck, as well as those who will be using the deck. In her Introduction, Stark sets out the goal of these cards: “to support your intuitive growth and awareness of your deep connection within the universe…. to support you in shifting stagnant energy.”15

In the section entitled “How to Use the Cards,” Stark explains more about how the cards work for both divination and healing. She adds tips on how to connect with your cards and clear them between readings. She also introduces the reader to simple ways to prepare yourself and your space for readings. For the second time, she recommends keeping a journal to record your interactions with the deck. She shares three spreads for working with the deck and then discusses the Seven Rays, Seven Chohans, archangels and guardian angels, and crystals.

To evaluate the deck, I pulled a card a day for seven days. The first card I drew was 36. Third Eye Vision. This card talked extensively about the third eye, from both a historical and spiritual perspective. The main idea for me was: “If you wish to intensify or gain third eye visions more regularly, activate and decalcify your pineal gland through visualized meditation.”16 She also recommends iolite as a crystal to support this and adds Archangel Jeremiel for additional support. 

I also contacted two friends and asked if I could pull a card for them. For my friend D, I drew card 29. Open Intuition. The message includes a reminder that we are all intuitive and to trust those vibes. There was also this message, which D related to:

“You are receiving many messages but are misinterpreting the meaning. Focus on clearing your mind and resetting your psychic antenna.”17 

D explained that she had been recently asking for signs for a particular situation and was confused. This message was just what she needed to get back on track with her daily time in nature to clear her mind.

Another friend received card 6. Birth of Creation. This card featured an egg-shaped design and spoke to “A fresh start. Potential growth.”18 The guidance also mentioned the importance of trying a new routine, getting creative, and nurturing new ideas. My friend V said that this was confirming something she was already doing to prepare for 2025. She said the recommendation of the crystal kunzite was also resonating and she would pick up one on her next trip to the crystal shop.

These cards are standard oracle card dimensions, coming in around 3.5” X 5”. The 36 cards fit nicely in a sturdy box that features a howling wolf on the cover and three cards on the back. I found the cards easy to shuffle and really like the shiny varnish on both sides of the brightly colored deck. Dyer uses all the colors of the rainbow and the cosmos to create this deck.

My favorite card is 32. Shield Your Energy. It features the most amazing frog, with giant golden eyes and a quizzical look. I loved the frog’s message:

“Use the element of water to unblock your energy fields and create a smooth flow of kundalini for personal healing and growth. Find your own sacred song. Call to others who share your passions and interests where you can support and renew your inner fire.”19

Sacred Spirit Oracle would be great for any level of oracle card reader. Stark created the guidebook for easy navigation and the guidance is straightforward and easy to comprehend and use for everyday life. I plan to keep this deck on hand to use with clients as I close out a reading. I also plan to utilize the six-card spread that Stark called “Life Guidance Spread” to add another layer to my daily card pulls.

The affirmations that accompany each card really tie together the visual images and the messages in the guidebook. For example, here is the affirmation from the Frog: 

“I sing the beautiful sacred song of my heart, clear and loud for all to hear.”20

About the Authors

Anna Stark began working with tarot cards at 15 to “understand and embrace her intuition.”21 She now works as a psychic medium and energy specialist. She combines her ability to receive psychic messages with her love for history, society and the paranormal. Stark is also a kinesiologist and Reiki Master, who teaches energy healing. She came to learn about natural ways of healing to heal her own anxiety. Stark has created two other oracle decks and an affirmation deck of small cards for everyday encouragement. You can learn more about her on her website.

Louis Dyer is both a digital artist and a traditional artist, using watercolors, oils, and acrylics. At age 5, he saw a cousin drawing and became interested in creating his own art. He soon began drawing “cartoons, video game characters and nature.”22 Dyer has created the artwork for another oracle deck and has featured works in several magazines and online sites. He also teaches digital artwork techniques online. You can see Dyer’s art and learn more on his website.

The Vedic Tarot, by Dwina Murphy-Gibb

The Vedic Tarot: East Meets West, by Dwina Murphy-Gibb
RedFeather, 978-0764368202, 288 pages, 81 cards, September 2024

Dwina Murphy-Gibb has created a masterful tarot deck with influences from the Vedic, Irish, Qabbalistic, and Rider-Waite-Smith traditions in The Vedic Tarot: East Meets West. From the brightly colored illustrations to the wealth of information presented in the guidebook, this deck is a feast for the eyes and wisdom for the soul.

Born and raised in Northern Ireland, Dwina Murphy-Gibb was educated at Hornsey Art College in England. Her published works include three books of poetry, three novels, and numerous short stories. In addition to two plays, she has also produced a few independent films. You can learn more about Murphy-Gibb on her website.

What interested me most about this deck was the reference to “East Meets West.”  Murphy-Gibb shares that her first deck of cards was a deck of playing cards. This was due to her grandmother’s disdain for tarot cards. Her first tarot deck was a Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) deck, followed by the Etteilla and Aquarian decks, among others. The symbolism of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck shines through in this deck, although some of the names and symbols of the cards have been changed.

Murphy-Gibb changes The Fool to The First Traveler, and Death to Changes, among others. She also adds three cards to the major arcana: Oogenesis, Arbor Vitae, and Supreme Soul. So that she doesn’t interrupt the traditional numbers of the major arcana, Murphy-Gibb gives these three cards special numbers.

For the minor arcana, she utilizes the suits of Cups, Wands and Swords, but transforms Pentacles into Shields. In an example of how the RWS symbology is seen, the Five of Shields in this deck features a couple huddled outside of a building with stained-glass windows. The shields on most of the cards are round, much like pentacles in other suits.

Each card features the name of the card, a symbolic drawing, the Hebrew letter, the Sanskrit name, the Ogham tree/symbol, and the musical instrument applicable to the card. In the guidebook, Murphy-Gibb gives detailed information regarding each of these correspondences. There are also two charts in the guidebook that present tables of the information from all of the correspondences for the major arcana. Here are just a few of the correspondences that she assigns to The Lovers card in one of the charts:

Musical note:  D-natural
Hertz:  587.33
Chakra: Sacral20

Murphy-Gibb begins the guidebook with the story of how The Vedic Tarot was created:

“This Tarot is really an illustrative book that explores secrets of four ancient languages: Vedic Sanskrit, Irish Ogham Tree Alphabet, and Hebrew, as well as English and the influence of sound or music in the spheres and in the chakras of the body.”23

Next, she explains how each of these play a role in the story of man and tarot. She divides the major arcana into three sections of archetypes, powers, and the Eight-Fold Path.

After the extensive guidance and wisdom provided for both major and minor arcana cards, Murphy-Gibb presents Part 2. This section includes how to work with the cards, correspondence tables, and several spreads, including one she learned from a Gypsy Queen in her youth. This spread includes “the making of a mandala by interlocking the cards,”24 and makes use of only six cards.

Next, Murphy-Gibb presents glossaries for Sanskrit, Hebrew/Qabbalah, and Ogham terms.  She also includes resources for further reading, including online sources.   

I decided to test drive the deck by drawing three cards, keeping in mind Murphy-Gibb’s advice:

“The querent does not need to ask a question, because the answer will be apparent to them during the reading, or the subconscious question they have not dared to ask will be answered.”25

I drew these cards: Three of Swords, Knight of Swords and Knight of Cups. The information in the guidebook is so rich and multi-layered and it is easy to become overwhelmed. I decided to scan the pages for each card and came up with these three bits of guidance:

  1. “I am not lost, but rather replace it with the wonder of being somewhere else.”26
  2. “I may choose to challenge laws without breaking them.”27
  3. “There is joy in “the finding of a direction, not the seeking of it.””28 

This guidance helps me greatly with a situation in my life. I am also going to look up music with violins, C-sharp notes, and/or music that soothes the heart chakra, in keeping with Murphy-Gibb’s guidance. 

This deck is presented in a large, sturdy box, printed in rich colors of scarlet, gold, and black.  It features a magnetic flap that secures the box and opens to reveal space for the guidebook and two deep wells for the cards. These cards are printed on nice cardstock, which is so heavy that the box requires you to cut the deck in half to store it.  The cards have a black matte edging, and the back of the card is a unique design, which Murphy-Gibb describes as: “a combination of the Trishula, Shiva’s weapon, the Damru, his drum and the lyre.”29 She also accents the image with a sun, a snake and three worms across a moon, because she finished the artwork for the back of the cards on a Worm Moon. 

My favorite card in this deck is the Arbor Vitae.  This card is numbered 0-8 and comes before the Justice card in the major arcana for this deck. The visual is a tree with a feminine face, a small tree in her heart and curling roots. The musical instrument for this card is the bell. It is so calming and beautiful. I plan to keep it on my altar for a few days and drink in its powerful love vibes. The last line of the guidance says it all:

“Everyone wants to feel useful, and taking care of the little things is a service to the Great Mother and our own fulfillment. Undoing the wrongs by taking right action is the greatest medicine of all.”30

The Vedic Tarot would probably be best for a seasoned tarot reader or tarot scholar.  The rich layers of guidance, the multiple correspondences and the combination of Vedic, Sanskrit, Hebrew, and Irish myth and lore might be too difficult for a novice to take in. 

However, if beginners wanted to initially focus on the Divination section and then build up to adding the information in the other portions, this would be a great addition to their tarot collection. I plan to keep it on hand for personal readings and utilize the guidebook for additional information for client readings.

With this deck, we can continue our quest for knowledge and, as Murphy-Gibb says:

“We can begin remembrance of who we really are and start learning to fly.”31

The Council of Horses Oracle, by Sandra Wallin

The Council of Horses Oracle, by Sandra Wallin and illustrated by Kim McElroy
Bear & Company, 9781591434931, 40 cards, 192 pages, October 2024

In their wise and colorful deck, The Council of Horses Oracle, Sandra Wallin and Kim McElroy weave together guidance from our equine helpers with stunning artwork.

Sandra Wallin studied science and education, and earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Ecopsychology. In her work, she pulls experience from three decades as a psychotherapist, teacher, and mentor.  Along with her work with horses, Sandra utilizes modalities such as Psych-K and Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief to work with women who are ready to walk a new path. Though she has studied with many amazing people, Wallin says her most influential teachers have been horses, whom she credits for taking her (and her clients) beyond her belief ceiling to a place where all things are possible.32

Illustrator and artist Kim McElroy has always been drawn to horses and began drawing them as soon as she could hold a crayon. McElroy combines her artistic talent with her love of horses and more than thirty years working with these beautiful creatures.  She has co-created another deck and guidebook, as well as a journal on horses.  Learn more about her at her website.

I was excited to open this deck because horses have always been of interest to me. As a child, I loved riding horses on my uncle’s farm, and I was born in the year of the horse.  When I met my husband more than twenty years ago, I gained a friend who worked with horses for more than twenty years at racetracks around the country.  Our granddaughter is also an accomplished horse rider. 

Sandra Wallin and Kim McElroy have combined their knowledge and experience to create a beautiful deck with wisdom that is both intuitive and practical.  The guidance provides a message, a story from the author’s experience, wisdom from the horses and questions to be used as journal prompts for more inner work. Each card’s guidance includes four to five pages of information and ends with a recap, which is called “The Invitation”. This short section sums up the key idea from each card. 

Wallin presents the deck with a short introduction and then shares how to work with the deck, including key questions to ask, how to get to know the cards, and different spreads to use.  She shares this information about how the art and words work together:

“There is a union between the art and the writing, which is akin to the synergy that happens when the horse and human come together. When you work with the cards in this way, it is like being with horses in their paddocks, pastures, and fields, smelling their sweet breath; feeling their footfalls on the ground beside you; and seeing yourself reflected in their fathomless eyes.”33

Wallin even provides three sample readings that show how to do a reading with the cards, as well as how the client responded to the guidance shared. 

One friend, whom I’ll call “C” drew the card Aenbharr and shared that this card and its guidance was a confirmation to follow her intuition and take herself on a new adventure. She further shared that she had really felt stuck or stymied recently and that she kept feeling that she was missing out on the magic in her life. This card and the invitation that it included held a challenge to let go of old beliefs and habits that were keeping her from “rediscovering the magic that exists within the world,”34 as the guidebook entry for the card reads.

To give the deck a trial run, I took the cards to my Friday Coffee & Cards group. Each of my friends chose a card and the smiles on their faces as they read the guidance was all I needed to see.

It is interesting to note that Wallin drew the artwork for this card; she is also credited with co-creating the artwork for another card with Kim McElroy.

Another friend, “D” drew the card Al-Buraq and shared that as part of her recent retirement, she felt she was simply going through the motions. There was no surprise that the questions posed by this card asked her to reflect on what she might need to change in her life, what she might be taking for granted, and what limits she might need to overcome. She wrote down the questions and said she would use these as journal prompts for exploration and growth. She particularly related to the Message for Humankind for this card:

“Believe in the reality of what you envision or experience regardless of what the external world might negate.”35 

The cards are standard oracle card size and printed on heavy, glossy card stock.  The cards are easy to shuffle and will stand up well to repeated use. For the back of the cards, McElroy chose a beautiful piece of horse art that seems to gallop off the card. It is framed by clouds and light rays and also features a burst of light at the horse’s heart center.

The guidebook is printed in black and white, with a thumbnail of each card shown with the guidance.  The guidebook is easy to navigate, as it is arranged in alphabetical order.  Wallin also includes a Table of Contents.

The Council of Horses Oracle would be great for horse enthusiasts or anyone who has an affinity for horses.  The guidance really transcends the subject matter and can be applied to daily life quite easily. If you want to do a quick reading, you can select a card, take note of the key words, and then jump to the “Invitation”, which recaps the wisdom shared by Wallin.  I intend to keep this deck close by to end client sessions and refer to it for my own encouragement. 

Palmistry, by Sasha Fenton

Palmistry: Your Plain & Simple Guide to Reading Destiny in Your Hands, by Sasha Fenton
Hampton Roads Publishing, 978-1642970685, 160 pages, 2024

In her book, Palmistry: Your Plain and Simple Guide to Reading Destiny in Your Hands, author Sasha Fenton presents an easy-to-read guide to reading palms.  She even includes a brief explanation of fingerprints. The book is written in a very conversational style with lots of drawings that support the text and make it easy to read your own palm and the hands of friends and family. This book is a reprint of a version that was published in 2009 and again in 2016. 

A professional astrologer since 1973, Sasha Fenton has also practiced tarot, numerology and palmistry for many years. She is a prolific writer, with over 120 books that have been translated into 11 languages around the world. In addition to speaking at workshops and panels in Great Britain, Fenton has also appeared on numerous TV and radio programs. Her articles on astrology have been published in many magazines and newspapers. She has also served on several boards and councils, as well as aiding in the launch of MBS Professionals LTD, a group for practitioners in the spiritual arts. Fenton currently lives in western England

I have always been fascinated by palmistry and was excited by the cover of Fenton’s book, which features a hand with some of the most important regions highlighted in bright, bold colors.  She even included the astrological correspondences for the fingers!

After a brief introduction, Fenton dives right into teaching us how to read hands, dividing the subject matter into eleven chapters. She begins with a masculine set of hands and a scene where you and your girlfriends are out for the evening and decide to research the guys you encounter. She covers hand size and the differences between right and left-handed people. I found this quote amusing:

“Right-handed people are in the majority; so, if you like an ordinary type of guy whose head isn’t full of artistic waffle, this is the man for you.”1

Next, she highlights details of female hands, before moving on to a “map of the hand,” which highlights different areas of our lives. She provides a brief history and shares: “the Indo-European palmistry that we use has links to the planets in astrology, but there are subtle differences between a palmist’s view of the planetary connections and that of astrologers.”36 She explains that she thinks that this difference relates to the way modern astrology has strayed from more ancient ways of looking at the planets and how they interact with life on earth.

Fenton presents a great table of the primary planets and the areas of the hand (and life) that each reflects. The rest of the chapter focuses on the planets and how each one shows up in our hands. In successive chapters, she covers the fingers, the lines on the hands, marks on the hands, and how the hands relate to love and relationships. I found this chapter really interesting!  

Next, Fenton covers the hands and markings and qualities that can point to health or illness.  She advises the reader to check out other, more comprehensive books on this topic if you are really interested in learning more.

Finally, Fenton combines all the knowledge that she has shared and brings the reader back to the restaurant scene from the first chapter. She gives you tips about bringing all the information together, in order to read a palm and learn more about the people in your life. This chapter is really focused on the “love” aspect, and she provides information about what to look for in a mate, if you are desiring certain traits and characteristics.

I decided to test what I’d learned and do a reading on my husband’s hands. Here’s what I learned:

Large hands: Doesn’t like to be rushed, enjoys quiet nights at home

Right-handed: Happy with the ordinary and may be good with hands for odd jobs 

Veins showing on back of hand: Sensitive in nature and will hear what you say 

Flexible hands: May be spontaneous and happy to go out of town on the spur of the moment

Edge of hand is thick: Not easy to shock this man

Fingers spread widely: Generous with money

Rounded fingertips and a thumb that opens widely: Friendly, helpful, social

I would say that each of these qualities is accurate for my guy! Next, I’ll look at his lines and look for more qualities and check out some of the health notes. 

Palmistry is great for anyone who wants to learn more about reading palms, hands, and fingers. It would probably be best for a beginner, as the information is very foundational and a more experienced palm reader might be disinterested. Since it is so easy to read, it would also be good for teenagers or young adults to read and use the information to analyze friends and family. 

I plan to investigate Sasha Fenton further and find more of her books and articles!

The Flowerwise Oracle, by Leigh Podgorski

The Flowerwise Oracle, by Leigh Podgorski and illustrated by Kait Matthews
RedFeather, 9780764367694, 208 pages, 44 cards, April 2024

In her first oracle deck, Leigh Podgorski has combined a lush garden of beautiful flowers, diverse feminine forms, and guidance from Mother Earth to create The Flowerwise Oracle.

Previously, Podgorski has written plays, screenplays, and novels.  Her play We are Still Here premiered in 2000 and went on to run in various theaters throughout California. Western Song, her latest novel, is being made into a movie.

Illustrator Kait Matthewswas an original member of the cast of Podgorski’s play We are Still Here.  After running an art gallery in San Diego, she now works as an artist and illustrator. She previously illustrated Clarity Tarot.  Matthews also creates murals and other artwork for businesses.

I was drawn to the beautiful flowers and tagline of this deck: “Empowerment through the ancient wisdom of the feminine spirit.”37 From the first time I opened the warm mahogany-colored box, I was captivated by the flowers, the penetrating feminine faces, and the rich, jewel-toned colors. Each face is different with many different cultures and ethnicities included. The background is the perfect color to highlight the face, and each flower is featured in a unique way.

“All the flowers of the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.
-Indian proverb”38

Podgorski is very generous with the information she shares in the guidebook, beginning with a preface that shares a history of flowers in general, a short section on how to use the deck, and a list of each of the flowers in the deck with a keyword. The guidance spans four pages or more per flower and includes the Latin name, key words, history, habitat, and myths. Finally, there is a small section for guidance, which she labels “The Flower Speaks.”

I loved that the guidebook is arranged alphabetically, and each entry also shows a small image of the flower in full color.

Each card also features either a raindrop or a sun. This enables the card to be used for a quick answer by the reader, as the sun represents “Yes” and the raindrop is “No”.

To test drive the deck, I took it to my Friday Coffee & Cards group and each woman selected a card. One friend drew the Acacia card, which features a beautiful blonde woman wearing a spray of bright yellow acacia flowers in her hair. The tagline is “practice courage; perseverance pays.”39 The guidance in the book further spoke to renewed friendships, long-lost love or an adventure that beckons. My friend shared that she has recently reconnected with an old friend who wants her to travel to Hawaii with her.  She took this card and its message as confirmation that she had the courage to book the trip and enjoy her adventure!

Another friend drew the Calla Lily card, which shares: “Focus on the possible; let go of the doubt; imagine the best.”40  My friend was particularly interested in the history of the calla lily, which can be traced to South Africa.  She also learned that the flower is toxic to both people and animals, so it is no longer used as medicine.  But the guidance touched her deeply: 

“There is death among us. Sadness and despair. But fear not. For among us, too, there is magnificent beauty, boundless joy and eternal hope. . . When you feel hopeless, sit by the waters. In silence, reflect. Restore. Find your sacred balance anew.”41

She then shared that she was struggling with a recent loss, and this helped her to balance and center herself. She took a photo of the card to meditate on later. 

I also showed the cards to my ten-year old granddaughter, who is quite an artist herself.  We sat and flipped through the deck; the beautiful images of women and flowers kept her attention as we scanned all 44 cards. Her favorite was Elodea, with a beautiful blonde woman whose hair floats up, almost like a mermaid. Elodea is an aquatic plant, and my granddaughter has always loved the water!

These cards are a nice size at 3.75” by 5.5”. They are printed on nice cardstock with a matte finish.  The back of the cards features an assortment of different flowers, from rich reds to stark whites and deep blues. The deck comes in a beautiful, sturdy box that holds both the cards and the guidebook and features a magnetic flap.

Podgorski includes a thirteen-page list of various sources for the guidebook.  It is arranged alphabetically and includes fantastic resources for those who might want more information about flowers and their origins and uses. It’s worth noting, she focused on her work with a Cahuilla elder and an anthropologist for this deck.

These cards would be great for any level of oracle (or tarot) card reader. Young girls and teens will also resonate with the feminine characters and the messages of hope and inspiration. The Flower Speaks section can be used for a brief message, as well as the sun and raindrop symbols for a quick Yes or No. I plan to keep this deck on hand to utilize at the close of my client readings.  I’ll close with this quote from Luther Burbank, which Podgorski shares:

“Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful. They are sunshine, food and medicine to the mind.  
-Luther Burbank”42

The Westwood Tarot, by Yasmeen Westwood and Kalliope

The Westwood Tarot, by Yasmeen Westwood and Kalliope
RedFeather, 9780764368127, 256 pages, 78 cards, September 2024

In the rich set of 78 cards of The Westwood Tarot, Yasmeen Westwood has created a zoological treasure map for the Soul. She and the writer of the guidebook, Kalliope, have presented guidance and wisdom for the soul traveler.

Yasmeen Westwood is an artist who was born in Scotland and holds both a degree in biochemistry and a graduate degree in immunopharmacology. After working in the oil and gas field, she decided to study NLP, hypnotherapy, Reiki, and life coaching. She considers herself a “self-taught photomanipulation artist.”  After the birth of her child, she suffered from postnatal depression and began to teach herself Photoshop and other graphic techniques. She leaned into art to express herself and heal from PND. Soon, she had created her first tarot deck and went on to create four more decks, including The Westwood Tarot. You can learn more about her journey here.

Kalliope began working with the secrets of tarot in 1986 and also works with Lenormand cards. She has also written a guidebook for The Lenormand of Enchantment. She is a well-known speaker and teacher, who lives in Ontario with her husband and two sons. Learn more about Kalliope on her website.

The cards and guidebook are housed inside a box that looks like a book. The left side of the box is curved, like the spine of a book. Then the top and bottom edges of the box are painted to look like book pages and are adorned with dragonflies. It is so whimsical and fun!

My first observations of this deck were that it is larger than a usual tarot deck, more like the standard oracle deck size. The deck is printed on nice card stock and is a good weight for shuffling. The back of the cards features a lush green leaf and floral design, and each card is edged in gold. The fanciful beings on the cards offer a new dimension to tarot symbolism, which follows the Rider-Waite-Smith line up of major and minor cards.

Westwood’s inspiration for this deck comes from her childhood memories of Enid’s Blyton’s book series The Magic Faraway Tree. Each tarot card is paired with a beautiful creature that takes center stage on the card. The whimsical animals, birds, insects, flowers, and marine life are brought to life with rich and vibrant colors, symbolism, and magical touches. The guidebook offers a Spirit message from the respective characters.

Here are just a few examples:

Fool – Grasshopper
Hanged Man – Orangutan
Ace of Wands – Sunflower
6 of Cups – Dolphin

As the creator Westwood and Kalliope say in their “Welcome”:

“The Westwood Tarot beckons you to delve into the depths of your subconscious, where profound insights and revelation await. Inspired by pure intuition and decades of experience, this deck is a testament to the innate connections among artistry, intuition, and profound human experiences.”1

Next, the creators share five steps to beginning a reading: center, clear, connect, call, and close. They also give the reader a quick look at the categories that the guidebook includes for each card. A quick review of each of the four suits of the minor arcana follows, as well as an explanation of the court characters for each suit. At the end of the guidebook, Kalliope includes ideas for three different spreads.

Unlike a lot of tarot decks which have a small guidebook, the information for The Wildwood Tarot is quite extensive. The guidance spans about three pages for each card. 

To get acquainted with this deck, I drew one card daily for about a week. The first day I drew the 8 of Swords, which Westwood has creatively paired with a Canary! In its gilded cage, the canary hangs upside down, feeling trapped, although he can see a method of escape. Kalliope shares a four-line poem, provides key words for both light and shadow applications, and then paints a beautiful scene for the card. This “Scene” verbiage is more of a short narrative, explaining the background, setting, and a fable that brings to life the story of the chosen character.

After reading all the background material for the 8 of Swords, I chose to also read the passage on Career, which advised me to “Welcome workplace challenges as stepping stones to growth.”38 This was particularly resonant to me, as I have recently been feeling stuck with several challenges around growing my practice. However, when I am honest, I see that I am making steady progress. I took the rest of the guidance to heart and created this question to ponder: How am I torn between the safety of the cage and fear of freedom and success?

Later in the week, I drew the King of Cups, which shows a frog sitting against the night sky. The deck’s guidance shared that the frog “hops into your journey to facilitate a deeper connection with your emotions.”42 Kalliope says that because a frog can’t handle “toxic environments,” it just hops away.  This told me that it might be best to get out of toxic situations! I knew exactly what was being referenced in that advice! For this card, I chose to read the additional information about Wellness, where I found a suggestion to release negative emotions.

The way that the creators offer extra guidance for Love, Career, Wellness, and Finances is so helpful. And for me, the addition of the Spirit or Spirit Guide message from one of the creatures on the card is the icing on the cake. Kalliope also adds a quote from a famous person to the end of the guidance for every card.  My favorite quote was the one that accompanied the 8 of Swords and the Canary:

“I started to build a home with all the walls I was putting up for myself, but when I was finished, I realized I had built a cage and didn’t make a key. Lydia Longoria.”43 

My favorite card in the deck is the Empress. This card features a whimsical Highland Cow, which is currently my favorite creature! (Who doesn’t love those cuddly beings?) Here’s just a part of what Kalliope shares in the Spirit Guide message from the Highland Cow:

“Embrace their presence, dance in the sun, and let daisies be strewn under your feet, for you, too, deserve the beauty of nature’s embrace.”44

The Westwood Tarot would be good for any level of reader, from a novice to a more experienced reader. The cards and the guidance shared will form a good foundation for the beginner and add new insights for the more skilled diviner. I plan to keep the deck on hand for a few more weeks to see both major and minor arcana from a new perspective. I can see myself referring to the guidebook often in the future to add another layer of guidance for client readings.