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Author Archives: Sarrah October Young

About Sarrah October Young

Sarrah October Young is a writer and practising witch who wished she could do stand-up comedy. When she isn't writing or witching, she can be found posting about her cats on IG @therealoctober.

Reclaim Your Dark Goddess, by Flavia Kate Peters

Reclaim Your Dark Goddess: The Alchemy of Transformation, by Flavia Kate Peters
Rockpool Publishing, 9781922579065, 336 pages, October 2022

Every person experiences some form of darkness at some point in their life, either from losing something or not being able to get something. But what if that darkness is something that is created by the Self, for the Self? What if the darkness isn’t the end of everything, but rather the beginning of something better, and greater, than what had been there previously? In Reclaim Your Dark Goddess: The Alchemy of Transformation, author Flavia Kate Peters examines the transformation that embracing the darkness within can trigger. 

As the UK’s leading elemental and ancient magic expert, Peters teaches her professional certification magickal courses at the College of Psychic Studies, London and is a hereditary witch and high priestess of Arnemetia and of the Morrigan. Perfectly positioned to explore this fascinating journey, Peters has given readers a complete and thorough blueprint for how to access, and how to embrace, the darkness that we all carry.

Separated into two parts, the book also includes an introduction (an absolute must read; do not skip this part!) as well an appendix showcasing the Dark Goddesses and their archetypal shadow traits. Very helpful when starting off on this journey. In Part One, Peters divulges information on how to prepare to meet the Dark Goddess and goes into significant detail as to who this mysterious entity is. Sharing her story along the way, Peters blends her personal experience with solid information and rituals designed to help ease the pain of unburdening the soul. It’s almost as if she was right there beside you, patting your shoulder as you realize your entire world is falling apart.

One of my favorite parts of this book talks about the pain of leaving behind the comfort of the known life in order to become who you are meant to be. Peters describes it perfectly:

“As you go through it life as you once knew will disappear; it will no longer be in view or, in fact, exist. But that is the old life, those old ways of doing things and those relationships that were holding you back even if you didn’t realize it. They were comfortable, known and accepted so it will take a crisis to move them on, but if you wish to overcome your difficulties in order to transform your dreams into reality and live the life you came here for then move on they must.”1

Peters also provides some basic information around the Wheel of the Year, provides guidance on how to assemble a specific altar for the purpose of calling in the Dark Goddess, and breaks down the maiden-mother-crone aspects of both the seasons and the moon phases. It’s interesting to see these concepts linked together in this way and could provide a deeper layer for those who incorporate such things into their personal craft.

The second part of the book deals specifically with the various aspects of the Dark Goddess and more importantly, how to connect with them. Peters provides a myriad of information in each Goddess’ section from an extensive background on each, messages from the Dark Goddess, how to seek Her out, reasons for working with that particular goddess, and preparing for the initiation to name a few. It’s really quite simple to invoke the Dark Goddess, but Peters cautions that awareness is a must-have prior to any sort of invocation or other work with the Goddesses. She explains:

“‘The Dark Goddess expects you to be responsible for yourself and your reactions, but it is not easy when you go through a dark night of the soul for you can be blinded by circumstance and find it hard to believe you will ever see the light again.”2

Personally, I found Reclaiming Your Dark Goddess to be a pleasure to read and the concepts in it were easy to understand and follow. I really liked the thoughtfulness that went into sorting the sections of the book and the guidance this layout provides. I would mention that if you are going to be doing this kind of work, you might want to engage with a therapist to help you unravel some of the trickier bits as they are encountered. There is no shame in asking for help, and asking for help shows the Dark Goddess that you are sincere in your supplication to her.

As someone who has done an incredible amount of shadow work and therapy, I was personally blown away by how accurately Peters described her own personal ‘dark night of the soul’. It’s not easy to discover that all the things once thought to be important mean nothing in the context of knowing who you are. The pain of losing people, habits, and other tangible and intangible things that provide comfort to us while we navigate life is almost unbearable until you catch a glimpse of what’s waiting for you on the other side. Being able to shed all that is no longer needed and emerge from the process scarred but beautiful is a wonderful part of life and this collective journey.

The Treadwell’s Book of Plant Magic, by Christina Oakley Harrington

The Treadwell’s Book of Plant Magic, by Christina Oakley Harrington
Weiser Books, 1578638011, 176 pages, April 2023

There are a lot of books on the market that will tell you about plants in various terms: how to identify, where they originate from, and what their uses are. The Treadwell’s Book of Plant Magic by Christina Oakley Harrington goes one step further. This book is pure magic and should be on everyone’s shelf regardless of their personal or spiritual beliefs. Harrington, the founder and guiding light of the renowned occult bookshop Treadwell’s Books located in London, UK has brought the same level of care to this book that she has to the shop. I am in awe of this book.

Harrington has made it incredibly easy to find specific plants by sorting the book into three glorious sections. Titled “Problems and Solutions”, the first section is what would be expected from such a thorough compilation: an alphabetical listing of various maladies ranging from anxiety, money, protection, and so on with the corresponding herb(s) that will assist. This is meant to be a quick reference guide for those who are familiar with herbs and just need a refresher. The book assumes a working knowledge of plants and how to deal with them, as little to no instruction is provided on the basics such as growing, harvesting, and the like. It feels like this is a deliberate choice to ensure that those who use the book already have a healthy respect for the plants that they choose to work with and aren’t just looking for a speedy way out of a mess.

The middle section has no title and jumps right to providing in-depth information about herbs and plants. The book is worth the price just for the section on uses of Bay alone. Almost three whole pages are devoted to the herb and for good reason. Bay is the lavender of the herb family in that there are many ways to use it in both cooking and spiritual work. Included in each distinct method of usage is a ton of information on the herb itself that just isn’t present in other books. Like I said, worth the price right there. I have plenty of books on plants and their uses and this one book replaces all of them.

The last section is why we are all here: “Spells and Potions Using Multiple Herbs”. Where do I even start? This section is an absolute tribute to anyone working with plants and herbs in their practice in that the assumption of having basic knowledge is apparent. There is no how-to on how to make Marygolde water; it’s assumed the reader knows. Personally, I love this way of presenting information as I find some books on this specific subject spend far too many pages giving information that can be easily looked up on the internet. Many books claim to be resource books but end up masquerading as something far more basic than what the tag line says. This book is the opposite.

The spells contained in this section are not carved in stone; there is an understanding that the reader will take what they need and leave the rest. Using herbs and plants in personal spell work is not like using herbs and plants in cooking: there is no recipe to follow here, only guidelines. The book incorporates the generally accepted uses of all the plants and herbs mentioned, making it universal so there’s no need to undertake additional research on what rue can be used for. 

To be clear, there are no “recipes” for potions, only a general suggestion as to how one might go about crafting it for their own use. While there are instances of direction being provided in some cases, for the most part it’s assumed that the reader is familiar with basic applications such as making herbal blends and diffusing them. 

Should you pick up The Treadwell’s Book of Plant Magic if you’ve never held an herb in your life? YES. We all need to start somewhere and this book, while not providing introductory information on how to work in this realm of magic, will give you an abundance of information about the tools used to craft within this sphere. 

Pagan Portals – The Water Witch, by Jessica Howard

Pagan Portals – The Water Witch: An Introduction to Water Witchcraft, by Jessica Howard
Moon Books, 978-1-78535-955-2, 112 pages, March 2023

As a practicing witch with over twenty years’ experience, Jessica Howard has provided a blueprint for inviting the element water into personal practice. Her book, Pagan Portals – The Water Witch: An Introduction to Water Witchcraft, is full of useful information and insight. Not only does Howard talk about the various ways water could be used to develop one’s connection to the Divine, she also shares her own personal experience with the element, furthering the concept of there being no right way to practice this particular type of witchcraft.

Howard has laid the book out in both highly digestible and very practical sections in only 112 pages. The table of contents provides a glimpse of what’s contained within this book: an in depth look at the various facts of this craft

Personally, as a Fire sign I find water incredibly challenging to work with. Despite the great healing abilities water contains, along with various divination and knowledge seeking qualities, I have found it very difficult to use regularly. Howard’s clearly written book identifies the challenges and addresses them in the third chapter titled “Connecting With Water Energies”. In this chapter, she identifies and addresses the main root of my personal block when it comes to water: being gentle with yourself for not getting it right away. She explains why it might feel disheartening at first, saying:

“Sometimes we have shut ourselves off for so long that it can take a while to open ourselves up to these energies. So even if it doesn’t work with the first meditation or first blessing, keep at it. Try different approaches, search for more ideas than just what’s in this book, and keep at it until you find something that works for you.”3

I like the fact that Howard recognizes and fully embraces the fact that not every practicing witch is going to connect to water in the same way she has. By building in flexibility and encouraging additional studies outside of the book she wrote, she creates a sense of trust with the reader that isn’t overly cloying or fake. There is no loftiness in her language; not to say that what she writes is basic, rather, the way the book is written invites dialogue and experimentation on the part of the practitioner. Howard has not written a book telling the reader specifically how to be a water witch – she is sharing her journey and providing the steps she took in order to connect with the element in the way that she does.

This lack of information gatekeeping is so refreshing! Too many times I’ve read books that start off promising to share insight into whatever and before too long the realization that nothing is actually being shared sets in and I’m left with a book that doesn’t help my personal pursuit of knowledge. It’s disheartening and causes immense frustration. Howard has gone out of her way to ensure that if nothing else, the reader walks away with a healthy understanding of water in the context of magic and how useful it can be when used in conjunction with current practices. 

In a later chapter, Howard talks about the environment as it relates to those who follow a magical path. She is forthright in her requests to the reader in this specific framework: not only does she challenge those magical practices that instruct the practitioner to contribute to the ongoing crisis we see all around us in nature, but she gives specific thought to what we as individuals could do in order to reduce our footprint in this mass destruction. I’ve not seen anything as specific as this in any previous magical books and I am glad she took the time to remind us of the devastation our practices can cause if we aren’t mindful. Howard says:

“I’ve seen books on witchcraft which have recommended putting your petition into a plastic container and throwing into a river…pouring perfume into rivers because undines like pleasant scents. Please do not follow this advice. If you want to throw something into a river to help rid yourself of negativity, use a stick or small stone. If you want to give an offering to the undines, use a small vial of water which has had naturally grown rose petals steeped in it. Please stop and think about what you are offering and what the potential harm it could have before you make it.”4

This might turn folks off who want to just do their thing and not concern themselves with the harm they might be doing to the environment. Personally, my offerings are usually a combination of items that can be composted (fruit, flowers), and containers that are specific to the use of magic (candle holders, cast iron cauldron). While some of this might come off as sounding ‘holier than thou’, I share this only to show how simple it is to be mindful of the materials being used in your practice. 

Pagan Portals – The Water Witch is a wonderful book for those looking to expand their practice to include water work. It’s beautifully written and full of useful information that encourages the reader to learn more through other channels. A softer read than I am used to, this book both challenged my ideas around water magic and whether I could actually use it and helped me to find my own path as I navigated my deep feelings around being open to new things and performing magic.

Crimson Craft, by Halo Quin

Crimson Craft: Sexual Magic for the Solo Witch, by Halo Quin
Moon Books, 978-1-78535-939-2, 178 pages, January 2023

As a practicing Faery witch and lifelong lover of magic, Halo Quin is also a devotee of Freya and the Faery Queen, so it’s easy to see where the impetus for Crimson Craft: Sexual magic for the Solo Witch comes from! One of my favorite sections of this book is at the beginning of Chapter 1. Titled “Foreplay”, this small section is a warning to those who might not be ready to tackle the very intimate topics covered. Starting off with a bit of cheek is absolutely delightful, and perfectly suited to Quin.

The book is separated into a variety of chapters that are logically and well thought out in terms of pacing. The first chapter deals with how to use the book, with sections on safety considerations, including mental health support, as well as a note about ethics that talks about consent. While this is a book targeting solo practitioners and assisting with healing wounds associated with the erotic self, the inclusion of consent is completely appropriate. 

Separated into parts which then house individual chapters, Quin has deftly taken a number of topics and expanded on them in a detailed way. In “Part II Laying the Foundation”, Quin talks about sensual magic and provides insight into how to prepare for the various practices described. Interestingly, it’s acknowledged that not all things need to be healed all at once and the reader is cautioned to take their time and check in with themselves. Quin explains:

“Our bodies hold the memories of all we have lived through, and some of us have lived through quite painful things. We might need support to heal, or release, some things. If you encounter something like that within yourself, I invite you to consider what kind of support might be the right choice for you and seek it out when you are ready.”1

Quin has spent a great deal of time ensuring that this book is approachable and written in a way that is helpful and not divisive. You will find no earth shattering practices in here, unless you count taking responsibility for your own healing particularly sensational. This is not to mean that the book isn’t worthy of being on the shelf alongside other popular books of this ilk; rather, I would suggest starting with this book before those others. The tone is soft and gentle and might be a better entry into this sort of practice for those who are new to this. It isn’t easy healing sexual wounds no matter how much therapy might have been done, and this book is in line with many parameters around self-care with respect to the numerous calls to perform self check-ins along the way.

Having said that, the section on erotic divinities absolutely got my full attention. In fact, I jumped ahead to it as soon as I saw the table of contents. Who wouldn’t? I mean, I guess some people have patience and read through the whole book in order the way it was meant to be read but that person is not me.

Quin states that “Magic. Sex. War. Love. The deities of passion hold all these things in their grasp. The Goddesses of Passion are known by many names and many faces.”5 Quin continues by naming a few: Inanna, Aphrodite, Lilith, Freyja, Venus, and Babylon, all of whom have their own stories and embody the Goddess persona in very different ways, depending on which stories you subscribe to.

Quin connects love and righteous war saying that they are two sides of the same coin, which is apparent in that goddesses of love are often also warrior women as well. It’s an interesting concept, and one that is found often when reading about goddesses in this context. Quin explains why there is such a deep connection between love and war within the context of love goddesses, stating, “Perhaps because love is a passion, love is a feeling that fills one with fire. Whether that fire is the gentle hearth or the roaring bonfire, it is akin to the fire that can be used to protect the ones we love from darkness.”6

Not only does Quin talk about the goddesses, but the gods of passion are mentioned as well. It’s a bit tricky to navigate this particular space when there is much talk of reclaiming the divine feminine, but Quin magnificently sidesteps the drama and gets right to the point. Quin says:

“Each one of us, regardless of gender, has to learn to temper our passions, and to know when to let them pour out into the world. And so, the gods of love are so often depicted as wild and kind in equal measure…with their passions held in balance in service of their love. And here is the lesson of the gods of passion; where the goddesses can teach us about boundaries of self, the gods can teach us about the boundaries of community and family. Passion is both expression and protection, and is this not love?”7

Recognizing that gender can produce more stress in specific instances, I feel that this book would be more helpful than harmful for those looking to reclaim their sexual sovereignty. There are exercises included throughout the book that assist with healing in the form of journaling, meditation, spellcasting, and others. I would recommend Crimson Craft to absolutely anyone looking to start down the path of healing, regardless of whether the harm being dealt with is sexual or not. This is a valuable addition to any library, and I know it’s going on my shelf.

Consorting with Spirits, by Jason Miller

Consorting with Spirits: Your Guide to Working with Invisible Allies, by Jason Miller
Weiser Books, 9781578637546, 216 pages, May 2022

Within minutes of reading the introduction to Consorting with Spirits: Your Guide to Working with Invisible Allies by Jason Miller, I went online and bought two additional books by the author, Protection & Reversal Magick and The Sorcerer’s Secrets. I was so impressed with the writing style and information offered in the introduction, that more books from this author were needed immediately. 

With this book, Miller has written a manual that assists the reader in creating or strengthening bonds with dwellers of another realm, such as angels, spirit allies, or deities, and he does it in a way that feels completely accessible to everyone who is willing to put time into the effort. A devotee to practical magic for over 35 years, Miller is well versed in the occult and the various ways of application, yet trying to assign a specific path that he follows is near impossible. The author of six books and a variety of courses, Miller regularly shares his knowledge through emails to his subscriber list, of which I am part of. Full disclosure here: I am a fan of this writer.

Miller is clear and to the point and states that habitual company with spirits is the key to working with them. He says:

“…it’s the relationship that really matters, not whether the spirit is in the correct column for the planet or whether the description in the book fits your needs. Those things matter for choosing spirits to make initial contact with, but that’s just the starting point.”8

What I love about this book is the way it’s written: clear, easy to understand, with ideas presented that could be challenging for some. For me, the notion that once you do the research into which spirit you want to build a relationship with and set the stage for that relationship, you are then free to work with them whenever is mind blowing. I don’t know where I got the idea that there needs to be a high ceremony each time I wanted to interact with spirits, but I know that idea prevented me from contacting spirits doing so as I thought it would be unsafe without all the trappings.

While there is no warning attached to this book, Miller does have a caution to those who choose to pick it up. Miller writes in bold: ‘THIS SHOULD NOT BE YOUR FIRST BOOK ON MAGIC’ and I appreciate that. He explains:

“…this should probably not be your first book on magic. It’s not that this is an advanced book, I plan on making things as simple and as straightforward as possible. It’s simply that knowing some methods of protection, some basics of spellcraft, and having some competency at divination will make the work presented go a lot smoother.”9

I love the fact that Miller calls out that there needs to be basic understanding prior to picking up this book. In fact, that was the line that drove my impulsive purchases. When you set the foundation and ask that those participating have a working knowledge of basic concepts and practices, it makes for a much easier read. I’ve always thought that some books need to have some sort of paragraph explaining what you need to know before you start, and this book does just that.

The fact that Miller calls upon all sorts of spirits, including angels and demons, might seem a bit shocking to those who have had unpleasant experiences with organized religion. As a cult survivor, I completely identify with these people and understand that references to angels and demons might be triggering. I will be honest, I thought that I would stumble on that part but Miller’s openness and honesty about his experiences completely negates those feelings and instills a sense of wonder. That might not be what everyone experiences, but for me I was surprised to find myself contemplating contacting an angel for help.

The book is divided into twelve chapters ranging in topics from “What is a Spirit?” to “Relationships and Pacts” and everything in between. One of my favorite parts of the book deals with local spirits and how to contact them. This chapter is about how most sorcery is local. Miller explains: 

“…most Sorcery and Witchcraft are local. There are vast and ancient Gods and Goddesses contactable from anywhere in the world, as well as saints and all manner of spirits, but when it comes to getting stuff done, it’s not always who is the most powerful, but who is the most local.”10

Miller says that making a map that details important locations for magic is useful and provides a clear connection to spirits in that area. Researching the natural geography of the land is also helpful, as certain aspects lend themselves to amplifying magical activities. Finding specific places that feel more magical provides an extra layer of help when contacting local spirits, especially when it comes time to sit in communion with them and listen. Miller also suggests doing research on the history of the land as well, as that could potentially provide more information on who the local spirits are and how to contact them. So many great ideas for establishing contact with local spirits, and I can’t wait to try it out.

One of the best parts of this book is the blending of Christianity, Paganism, and Luciferianism in the rituals presented. Miller does this flawlessly and explains that to him, magic is magic. On the reasoning behind including three different perspectives he says, “These three approaches – The Christian, the Pagan, and the Luciferian – represent major streams of thought in the occult world that would benefit from a book like this. Other streams exist… the magic in this book could be adapted to those lines of practice if one were clever.”11

I would absolutely recommend Consorting with Spirits to anyone who is looking to establish a relationship or deepen an existing connection with spirit. Personally, I have used the information to strengthen my bond between myself and my ancestors with great success. This is not a book for someone who is dabbling though. This is a blueprint for finding and connecting to spirit in a careful and respectful manner. If that resonates, I urge you to pick it up. 

Empathy For the Devil, by Jerry Hyde

Empathy for the Devil: Make Your Demons Work for You. Without Selling Your Soul., by Jerry Hyde
O-Books, 1789047315, 160 pages, November 2021

I don’t subscribe to the whole idea of love and light as a spiritual path; I personally feel that we do ourselves a great disservice when we discard the darkest parts of ourselves in favor of remaining positive. Jerry Hyde’s book Empathy for the Devil: Make Your Demons Work for You. Without Selling Your Soul. is one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read. Not only does Hyde straight up tell you that the whole book is shadow work, he actually explains why his book isn’t full of positive affirmations. He says: 

“Personal growth isn’t – and shouldn’t be – nice, it’s not about dream catchers, gong baths, or djembe abuse – it’s about going to the places where most of us have successfully avoided throughout our lives, facing our demons and taking responsibility for whatever we find in the dark recesses of our being.”10

This book might come across as particularly theatrical, and with good reason. Hyde’s extensive career in film, television, theater, and music comes across in the way he writes. Retraining as a psychotherapist has not diminished the flamboyant way he writes, and I am completely here for it.

Part confessional, part blueprint for excavating the deep crevasses of our psyche, this book is challenging in that it demands your full participation. Hyde writes as one who has been there and done that, and there is comfort to be taken from that. Personally, I want to be guided by someone who has done the work and not just have instructions and rituals barked at me: this isn’t a spiritual boot camp. Hyde takes great care to be as open and honest as he can; there is no coddling here, no room for those looking to take a short cut and emerge unscathed. As with most books of this type, there is a strong recommendation to travel with a therapist and to journal through the difficult emotions that are surely to arise.  

Hyde fully appreciates that this book is not for everyone and revels in the fact that those who seek it out are not the average Earth dweller. As for himself, Hyde states very matter-of-factly that he is not your average therapist, saying:

“What makes me – and any half-decent therapist – dangerous, is my understanding that true transformation is a process of death and rebirth, death and rebirth, death and rebirth, a constant never-ending cycle of destruction and creation, shattering and rebuilding, chaos and order with no objective other than to constantly be in a state of evolution.”11

It seems like a lot all at once but believe me when I say that picking up this book will save your sanity and just might save your life. Personal growth is exhausting despite the positive outcomes we may experience in conjunction with laying bare our most painful experiences. Sometimes we need to go through the patterns of excavating, re-experiencing, and healing many times before we can honestly say that we have dealt with the root cause, and sometimes we never even get close to discovering that root cause.

The book is broken into four parts which make a lot of sense once you get into the material. Keep in mind, this is not your average self-help book; this is a lifestyle changing guide designed to bring the reader back to themselves again and again. The first section, aptly titled “Here we go…” is a robust intro to both the writer and the materials that he will be addressing. It’s here we get our first taste of who this guy is and I will say that if I ever have the opportunity to meet him, I will no doubt shift into my awkward weirdo persona and say something inane like how much I love his shoes. I’m not great in those situations, is what I’m saying.

The remaining three parts are titled “Sex”, “Drugs”, and “Rock & Roll” and it’s here that we get what we came for. Hyde admits that there is no solid path forward in the acknowledging, exorcizing, and healing cycle that the reader is about to tread upon. What he offers is his approach, and it’s a good one.

There is an additional section called “Transformation” after each chapter and it’s here where we begin to realize what kind of an emotional roller coaster we just got strapped into. Depending on the kind of experiences the reader has had, these transformation segments are quite pointed and sometimes difficult to work through. These are the sections where some might find it useful to have a mental health practitioner with them, as the questions open up a variety of doors some of us may have nailed shut in our youth. It’s no easy feat to pry open these doors we’ve taken such great pains to keep closed, but trust me when I say it’s worth it.

Empathy For the Devil is not an easy book to read. There are a lot of questions and exercises in it that force a re-experiencing of situations that might have been buried due to how traumatic the event was. Personally, I rolled up my sleeves, poured myself a giant glass of wine, and threw myself into it. I did my best to tackle the hard questions and those I wasn’t able to deal with that I flagged and plan to go back to when I am able. If the desire to get to it and stop f*cking around is strong, pick this up, or gift it to someone who is in that headspace. It’s beautiful and life changing and mind blowing and provides just the right amount of trepidation as the chapters roll by. I’m not saying it’s a replacement for a mental health practitioner; I’m saying it’s a great way to get into the muck if you are so inclined.

Pantheon – The Norse, by Morgan Diamler

Pantheon – The Norse, by Morgan Daimler
Moon Books, 9781789041415, 152 pages, May 2022

Full disclosure: I am completely biased when it comes to Morgan Daimler. I adore her work and her no-nonsense approach to researching and writing, so much so that I end up adding her books to my already crowded bookshelves. Her latest offering, Pantheon – The Norse, is a welcome addition to my ever-expanding collection and is easily one of the best I’ve read on the subject.

Having already written two additional books in this series titled Pagan Portals – Odin and Pagan Portals -Thor, Daimler is well positioned to provide an introduction to the remainder in this latest offering, Pantheon – The Norse. The table of contents provides the reader with the information they need to determine where they will start in this book, as there is so much to choose from. Personally, I start with the Introduction.

The introduction sets the tone of the book, giving the reader the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the type of tone and language they are going to experience through Daimler’s writing. Straight forward, to the point, and without a lot of extraneous words, the introduction is the perfect set up for what the reader can expect from the rest of the book. For me, as well as many others, this is an opportunity to get a sense of who the writer is as a craftsman and what their style of writing is. 

Daimler separates the book into two parts, each part playing a role in presenting the information to the reader. She explains:

“In Part I we will be looking at the history, beliefs, and practices of Heathenry and in Part II we will explore who the Norse Gods are as well as related spirits that play an important role in the belief system. These parts are divided fairly equally in this book, as I feel that it is important to both have some basis in the beliefs as well as a solid source for information on the deities and spirits.”1

Additionally, Daimler is clear about what the book is not, and explains that her goal with the book is “not to create an in-depth, one stop resource for the subject but to offer readers a wide range of basic information to give a better understanding of the subject or help beginners seeking a starting place.”12

Being a solid source of information is something Daimler does best, as she clearly shares what she’s gleaned from her own substantial research. Honestly, reading her work is so refreshing as there is no guesswork or need to double check what she presents. While the book is a great entry into this world, it’s written in an elevated way to ensure that even the most learned person on the subject can come away with at least one golden nugget of information they didn’t have prior.

Daimler provides enough information to get you through the sections without causing too much overload. Her writing style is clear and loaded with clues that point to other paths within the topic being discussed; should you feel called to explore further there are useful endnotes included depending on how deep you want to go within the history and mythology. For many readers, the knowledge provided is enough to give the reader a sense of the overall system and while some might feel like exploring, there is no sense of pressure to do so.

The chapters are clearly laid out and sequenced nicely, with one topic naturally flowing in the next. Providing bite-sized chunks of data within the context of the overall idea of the chapter is something that not all writers are able to do with such ease. There is enough info provided to give the reader something to chew on before the next idea is presented. That is something that I look for in this type of book. Don’t just spoon feed me a few bits of trivia; make the subchapters relate back to the main idea of the chapter but also make sure they are entwined in some way. That’s storytelling within the parameters of imparting knowledge and Daimler is a master.

There are many similarities and parallels between this pantheon and others most readily seen in the section called “Celebrations and Prayers”. Many of the celebrations observed in the Norse pantheon are also part of other traditions, albeit under different names. The commonality inherent in these old “religions”, through the use of similar names, dates, and themes of the celebration, makes it easier to understand as a reader if a similar spiritual path is being followed.

I love this book for the simple reason that it has all the elements I look for when exploring different paths: beautifully presented research in bite-sized chunks that are easily understood, a robust resource section, and so much more. I didn’t even get into the sections on Gods and Goddesses, which is one of my favorite sections.

Pantheon – The Norse is perfect for those who are interested in a ground level introduction to the Norse pantheon without all the fluff. Yes, there is a lot of information to digest and sure, there might be some ideas or concepts that don’t quite make sense for a variety of reasons. That does not take away from the parts of the book that will resonate with those wanting a deeper understanding of this pantheon. As with most books in this vein, take what you like and leave the rest.

Witch, Please, By Victoria Maxwell

Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic, by Victoria Maxwell
Red Wheel Books, 9781590035320, 200 pages, March 2022

I love a book that opens with a powerful statement. Victoria Maxwell’s beautifully written offering, Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic, starts by telling the reader that the magic isn’t in the book they are holding: the magic is inside them. This type of tone setting is precisely why this book belongs in everyone’s collection, whether they view themselves as witchy, spiritual, or simply just an interested passerby.

A modern mystic and spiritual teacher, Maxwell is devoted to serving her community through her online classes, in person workshops, private sessions, and a variety of social media groups and subscription offerings. Her focus is on helping those she works with reconnect to their own light, their inner guidance, spiritual path and power so they can live out their best and highest lives.

The book is set out cleanly, with two parts as well as an introduction, glossary, acknowledgements and index. There is also a special addition that I wasn’t expecting but makes perfect sense why it was included: “The Next Chapter’” It’s a page and a half long and resonated deeply with me when I read it. Maxwell sums up the spirit of her book in five points that reflect the depth of care she feels for those searching for their place in the spiritual world. It’s a beautiful way of ending the book and imparting a feeling of completion.

The book is divided into two parts. Part One deal with the basics: laying foundations for your practice, tools, actual practices, aligning with friends in spirit, and making magic. Part Two talks about practical magic: relationships, setting up a home sanctuary, money magic, magic for careers, and living your purpose. The glossary is a high-level collection of terms used throughout the book that some who are venturing down this path for the first time might not be familiar with. For me, it was interesting to see how Maxwell defines terms that are used often within the spiritual realm.

The introduction establishes Maxwell’s early influences as well as her personal journey through spiritualism. Her writing is clean and purposeful, with no excessive verbiage and easy to understand language. That’s not to say that her work is basic: this book is far from that. While certainly geared towards those who are just starting their journey, there is a lot packed into this book. For me, reading similar information isn’t monotonous: it’s interesting for me to see how different people interpret similar themes. I am also curious to understand how others view their own craft and how they personally practice whatever form of magic they subscribe to. 

Maxwell talks at length about protection in the first part of the book, which is something I feel is somewhat overlooked at times. We assume that those reading know how to protect themselves and their energy and Maxwell’s decision to include a lengthy section on various practices is wonderful to read. She understands that some of protection work is shadow work, in that you cannot protect yourself from creating your own negativity if you are not aware you are doing it. She says, “We can’t walk thought life protecting ourselves against others without doing a bit of shadow work and paying attention to what we are putting out there too.”13

She mentions being aware of the type of energy we bring to certain situations and ensuring that we are doing our best to raise those vibrations intentionally and mindfully. She pairs this practice with clearing, which makes damn good sense! She explains the process:

“We can protect ourselves all we like, but we must also clear out the energetic gunk we pick up along the way…If you are full of someone else’s thoughts, emotions, or energy before you start a spell you may end up manifesting things you don’t really want.”14

Sections of the book are printed in a different color and are designated as action items, for want of a better phrase. These sections include prayers, lists of bullet points for consideration, recipes, and so on. I found the different font to be quite useful in helping sort and separate the book visually as I progressed through it. For those who can discern color, the eye immediately tracks to the different font and recognizes it as important, something that I very much appreciated as sometimes I become lazy and let my eyes skim over text without truly absorbing it. 

The blend of shadow work with the various spiritual practices is very much my jam and I am fully appreciative of how Maxwell entwined these two themes seamlessly in this book. Throughout the book, there are references to clearing your energy and examining your relationships to various things like money and career, and all of these things resonate deeply with me. I have found that the best magic I have ever done for myself has always come on the heels of some deep excavation I’ve done in the dark hours of the night. I am happy to see that Maxwell has illuminated this very important aspect of working magic in her book.

Some people might pick up Witch, Please and dismiss it because it’s pink and cute and looks like a beach read. Those people don’t deserve this book in their hands so let them put it down and then make sure they never see it again. Grab a copy for yourself, for your aunt who is always making you teas, your best friend who loves flowers, and the office mate who always seems extremely put together. Each one will get something different out of this book, which is precisely the point. Personally, this is the book that I will pull down off my shelf when I feel a bit off as it’s a beautiful reminder of encouragement to stand in my power.

Wild Soul Runes, by Lara Veleda Vesta

Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine, by Lara Veleda Vesta
Weiser Books, 9781578637393, 208 pages, May 2021

Lara Veleda Vesta’s book Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Feminine is not just another book that lists the various runes and provides meanings for them. Well, it does, but don’t let that fool you into thinking that this is “just another book” about runes, because it isn’t. This, my friends, is a 33-week course disguised as a book and is almost impossible to put down.

Vesta is an artist, author, storyteller and educator transforming chronic illness into a path of healing and reclaiming. The author and illustrator of The Moon Divas Guidebook and The Moon Divas Oracle, Vesta is currently working toward her PhD in Philosophy and Religion while exploring ancestral connection and disability as initiation. Wild Soul Runes is a journey towards a deeper understanding of runes and their magic, as well as an opportunity to reconnect with ancestral energy while exploring personal sovereignty within the framework of spirituality.

Personally, runes have always both fascinated and bewildered me. I want very much to connect with them but have found it difficult, as there are so many books and courses that provide conflicting information on how to interpret, when to read, and even how to choose a set. Vesta’s book doesn’t provide a set series of steps to follow; instead, she offers “a scaffold, information, recommendations, and a theory based in my own ritual relationship with the runes.”1 How refreshing!

What I love about this book is the sense of inclusion: Vesta believes that all people should have access to runes and their teachings:

“The basis for this practice is the belief that we can all receive direct, divine information. It is not just for a few special people – it is the birthright of all humans. We are so inured to the idea that information must come through specific authorities, we have forgotten how to cultivate our own inner knowing, activate our ancestral magic, and believe in this direct communication.”2

The first section of the book is simply titled “Beginning the Work” and sets out the framework for the teachings. Set over the course of 33 weeks, Vesta recommends working with one rune per week and describes the practice as something that “consists of building a rune altar each week, examining the ancient rune poems, investigating personal translation, employing meditation and sacred art practice, and toning the runes in a rhythm.”3

Vesta also speaks to the importance of a daily ritual and recommends starting with ten minutes a day. She says that this amount of time can expand as needed but starting with a non-negotiable time frame of ten minutes is necessary for consistency. She also acknowledges that working with the runes requires a certain amount of personal alignment and clarifies:

“If you have things in your life that are out of integrity, places where you are not being honest; are resisting change; or are not letting go based on fear, guilt, shame, or another patterned emotion, the runes will seek to clarify your path before deepening into relationship.”4

That gave me pause. When I looked back at the times I tried working with runes, I realized that those were the times in my life where I was struggling to bring an aspect of my life back into balance. In one case, I was working a job that paid well but didn’t fulfill me. I felt heavy each day going into work, and while I was good at my job, I felt empty. Looking back now, it makes sense that the runes would want a safe foundation upon which to build, something I didn’t have at that time.

In writing this book, Vesta felt called to look up certain words to get a sense of what the runes were trying to say. This is partly where some of the confusion comes from across multiple sources of information, as there is no dictionary and the language most of the reference materials are written in does not exist anymore. Vesta explains:

“There is no definitive source that spells it out clearly. We are missing the historical context of the runes, the culture and society from which they came. Our source materials have been mostly rewritten and translated. Those translators – even those with a deep understanding of ancient grammar and culture – still rely on inference and, like so much in translation, judgment. In translation a word may have many meanings, so a translator makes a judgment based sometimes on deep knowledge but other times for poetic purpose or personal interpretation. When we read a translation, especially of an ancient primary source in a language no longer spoken – like Old Anglo-Saxon – we are reading such an interpretation.”15

This book has done a lot to dispel some of the confusion I’ve had around runes and why I’ve felt that they don’t like me. While I haven’t had a chance as yet to go through the 33-week course, I do plan on doing that, as I feel a pull to access some of my deeper ancestral knowledge and recognize this path might be a good way to establish a connection. 

Written in a comfortable, easy to read voice, Vesta has done a great job in making the sometimes confusing and temperamental divination system known as runes more accessible. For me, Wild Soul Runes has opened my eyes to a gentler way to access my personal gnosis and to not take it personally when the runes decide that today isn’t the day to solve every single one of my problems. This book is perfect for someone who seeks to connect to the runes and wants to explore that possibility using a slow-paced, buildable process that empowers as well as educates. 

Pagan Portals – Scrying, by Lucya Starza

Pagan Portals – Scrying: Divination Using Crystals, Mirrors, Water and Fire, by Lucya Starza
Moon Books, 9781789047158, 104 pages, February 2022

Writing about subjective topics such as scrying is not an easy task. There needs to be an innate understanding of the topic as well as a personal link in order for the reader to feel connected to the author. Thankfully, Lucya Starza is no stranger to writing about things that are hard to pin down and define. As the author of quite a few books on such subjects as poppets, candle magic, and others, Starza is well positioned to offer her perspective on scrying in Pagan Portals – Scrying: Divination Using Crystals, Mirrors, Water and Fire.

Scrying has been difficult for me personally, as I just can’t seem to sit still long enough to allow images to form in the crystal ball, to visualize signs within flickering flames, or to see things come forth from the inner depths of a scrying mirror or pool of water. Picking up this book made me a bit nervous; I wondered how I would be able to use the content effectively. Starza says that’s completely normal, as “Scrying requires us to use our psychic senses and intuition to the full. But don’t worry if that seems a tough task, this book will teach you how to do that. It’s also okay to feel nervous at your first attempts.”1

Starza’s writing reminds you of a loving aunt who has tons of advice that actually is helpful. When scrying, she stresses the importance of not reacting immediately to whatever information is picked up and adds that there are things to do before you even think of starting to scry. Foundational advice is always welcome, and Starza offers a few pearls of wisdom in the context of scrying to help the reader understand that what they might see is completely subjective and open to interpretation. She says:

“Often what we see offers insights about ourselves that may help us with the problems we face or what is yet to come. Do not act hastily after scrying. Make notes and think about what you’ve experienced; let the meaning of any visions become clearer with time. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves; thinking about what to do after scrying. Before we even begin there’s some background to understand and preparations to do…”2

This is an important quote because not all books that discuss topics such as this actually delve into the beforehand preparations. They detail a number of pre-done how-to scenarios that aren’t based in the reality of how people might use the information being presented and wash their hands of it. This book does not do that: Starza goes out of her way to ensure that the reader is fully versed in the foundations of scrying before even getting into the art itself. There’s even a gentle suggestion of speaking with a counselor or GP prior to beginning any sort of magical work if there is a concern regarding mental health. Wonderful to read that, as some books don’t mention it at all, and I personally feel it’s vital to offer that caveat when offering esoteric information.

The introduction of the book is full of useful background information that delves into the history of scrying and where it was used. Starza gives full descriptions of various cultures using scrying for their purposes which not only builds credibility in the art but also gives an anchor in terms of who used it and why. Personally, I find that information valuable, and I love introductions, so this was a pleasure to read.

Starza writes with a practiced hand and her prose is easy to understand and approachable. For me, I would rather have a book written in a clear way without extraneous text getting in the way of the information. I have read books where I have felt that the author has fluffed up their sentences and paragraphs in an effort to pad their word count and I can say that I don’t see this here. Starza writes from the heart and it shows in the words chosen and the way the book is laid out.

My favorite chapter is the last one titled “Problem Solving and Frequently Asked Questions” because it clearly telegraphs that Starza knows her audience. She understands that not everything readers want to know will be in the book, (how could it all fit in this slim volume? Impossible.) so she cleverly has a section devoted to everything she couldn’t fit into the rest of the chapters. Brilliant.

The questions in this section include topics such as seeing scary images, how to scry for others, and what to do if you can’t scry no matter how hard you are trying. (I might have flipped to that last one first.) What I love about this chapter is that Starza repeatedly reinforces ethics, mental health, being gentle with yourself, and writing everything down to reflect back on.

These are also basic witchcraft principles that she has woven into this book, and, personally, I love seeing the overlap. Not all who scry identify as witches and not all witches scry, so seeing these cornerstones repeated throughout was refreshing. Starza’s answers to the FAQ’s are thorough and crafted to make the reader feel good about having the question to begin with, something I’ve not seen for some time in books such as these.

Scrying is difficult under the best circumstances, and if you don’t have the right mindset or the right information you can end up being very confused and feeling like you’ve failed. If you are interested at all in scrying or tea leaf readings or any other type of interpretive art this book would be an asset. Not only is it full of useful information on the actual types of readings themselves, there’s also an extensive listing of symbols and colors that relate not only to scrying but also to Tarot and other divination types. I found myself jotting down notes in my personal book on various symbols as Starza’s interpretations seemed more fulsome than some other resource material I have. 

Pick up Pagan Portals – Scrying if you are even remotely interested in scrying. Even if you never see anything in whatever medium you choose to explore in your scrying, you will have a remarkable resource book that can be used across a variety of disciplines.