I think many people would greatly benefit from reading Cool Sex by Diana Richardson and Wendy Doeleman by reclaiming sensuality in their sex life.

I think many people would greatly benefit from reading Cool Sex by Diana Richardson and Wendy Doeleman by reclaiming sensuality in their sex life.
Tok: A Magick Tale by Pablo Reig Mendoza is the most wonderful occult fiction book I’ve read in quite some time.
The Goddess Book by Nancy Blair will be a reference for all the seasons to connect with the many different Goddesses who support us on our path.
Visionary Path Tarot, by Lucy Delics Lucy Delics (aka Emma Lucy Shaw) has created a stunning black and white deck that captures tarot archetypes woven with spiritual symbols, plant medicines, and Peruvian images in Visionary Path Tarot….→ Read More PJ …
The Lantern Oracle, by Angelina Mirabito The Lantern Oracle by Angelina Mirabito, PhD is a reminder of the sacredness in the everyday life of all women. In this touching deck, the beauty of connection among women….→ Read More Alanna KaliMarch …
Sacred Hags Oracle, by Danielle Dulsky Sacred Hags Oracle: Visionary Guidance for Dreamers, Witches, and Wild Hearts by Danielle Dulsky and illustrator Janine Houseman puts a new spin on oracle decks….→ Read More Alanna KaliApril 16, 2021 Kabbalah: The Tree …
Sacred Hags Oracle: Visionary Guidance for Dreamers, Witches, and Wild Hearts by Danielle Dulsky and illustrator Janine Houseman puts a new spin on oracle decks.
Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Oracle, by Cherry Gilchrist and Gila Zur Because Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Oracle requires focus to learn, I would recommend this deck to those who are already somewhat familiar and interested in the Kabbalah….→ …
Interview with Spirit Guide Erin Being sensitive to spirit runs in my family. I think when it’s in your lineage, it will eventually manifest itself, which it has for myself and my girls. My mom told me my great grandmother …
I love a good paranormal-romance, mostly because as an intuitive person, that’s how all my life usually feels, if only in my own mind. I can always relate to the trials of learning how to use one’s powers wisely while encountering spirits, energies, and deities with their own agenda