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Tag Archives: crystals

Crystal Body Grids, by Sharon McAllister

Crystal Body Grids: 56 Gemstone Layouts for Energy Healing, by Sharon L. McAllister
Earthdancer Books, 9798888500866, 208 pages, September 2024

In her highly informative book, Crystal Body Grids: 56 Gemstone Layouts for Energy Healing, crystal healer and teacher Sharon L. McAllister provides a helpful guide for using crystals to heal one’s body. From the basic introduction to crystals to the unique crystal key that she uses to reference crystals for the crystal grids and layouts, McAllister presents everything you need to know about healing with crystals.

McAllister has over 30 years’ experience as a holistic therapist. Some of her specialties include soul recall therapy, crystal healing, and reflexology. She has taught reflexology and crystal healing for many years and has written another book about programming crystals and gemstones titled Awakening Your Crystals: Activate the Higher Potential of Healing Stones.

From the minute you open this book, you know that you have found a wonderful reference for working with crystals. The inner flap features a list of 23 crystals with an A-Z key that the author uses throughout the book. The back flap contains another tool: Quick Guide to Setting Up a Crystal Circuit, as well as showing three main crystal shapes. In her disclaimer, McAllister advises how to use crystals safely, including a note about refraining from using alcohol or drugs with crystals.

Next, McAllister shares a complete Table of Contents, broken into two parts. “Part 1: Crystal Healing” gives background information on crystals and energy healing, including how to program them and the relationship between human energy fields, chakras, and the disease metaphysics. “Part 2: Enhance Your Physical Energy with Healing Gemstones” covers different body systems chapter by chapter, teaching how to use the crystal layouts for healing. She covers the whole body: skeletal, nerves, gut, heart, immune system, skin and hair, and head.

After the main body of the book, McAllister shares 25 pages of the key crystals to use in crystal circuits or grids. Next, she presents a complete glossary of crystal and metaphysical terms and a wonderful index for finding crystals, symptoms, parts of the body, and other topics from the book. The structure of the book and all of these tools make the information so accessible and helpful for the reader.

To test drive the book, I decided to research edema, which is a malady I have struggled with for several years. The index took me to a two-page spread on this symptom. She recommends the use of fluorite. Before using the fluorite crystal, McAllister recommends that you program the crystal with this prayer or invocation:

“I ask the Light (or earth energies), please charge these crystals with the highest positive energy to envelope (full name) with the light of flowing harmony, energetic healing, balance, and alignment at this time. Thank the Light.”1

In addition to healing edema with the grid, McAllister also recommends that you tape a piece of fluorite to the affected body part and sleep with the crystal.

I also learned to use a clear quartz crystal at my head to “ignite” or begin the healing for my body and to use a smokey quartz crystal as the “exit” crystal.  On the graphic for the healing grid, McAllister uses the letter key that she presented on the flap of the book. (She also lists the crystals on the page to make it even easier for the reader.)  She also advises you where to place each crystal, either on the body, above the body or below the body, or near the feet. 

Later that same day, when my husband remarked about having trouble sleeping, I recommended a crystal layout to him. The crystals included clear quartz, rose quartz, blue kyanite, and smoky quartz. Luckily, I had each of these crystals on hand. Again, the healing protocol was easy to understand and implement and lasted 10 minutes. McAllister recommends doing the healing process weekly for one month for best results.

She also shares a little background on a “positive sleep pattern”2 and how to make other changes in the bedroom or your personal habits to facilitate better sleep.

Everything in the book is shared from a very positive point of view and includes the “energy” of the symptom or illness.  I love this!  For example, she discusses the “energy of allergies,”3 and the “energy of the throat”4. Within this information, McAllister does a great job of explaining how the symptoms originate in the energy field, so you can better understand how to treat and heal the condition. Throughout the book, she also reminds the reader to check with a doctor or medical professional before proceeding or if you have questions about your malady.

One of the things I really like about this book is that McAllister utilizes fairly common crystals. As I glanced down the list of crystals recommended for the crystal grids there were only two that I did not have on hand and both will be very easy to obtain in a local crystal shop or online with Etsy.

Along with the grids or circuits, which are presented with line art and the crystal keys mentioned earlier, McAllister includes photos of people with the crystals placed on the body. She also includes “holistic tips”5, such as one explaining how to do scalp massage with oil for thinning hair.  This is in addition to the crystal grid she recommends for thinning hair.

Crystal Body Grids is one of the best books on crystal healing that I have seen (and I have about twenty other books in my library). McAllister’s book would be great for a novice wanting to learn how to work with crystals, as well as someone like me with years of experience. The book is easy to read and in case someone doesn’t understand a concept or metaphysical term, McAllister includes a great glossary. Because the book is structured for easy navigation and includes common crystals, it will serve anyone wanting to work with crystals and gemstones for healing on all levels of the mind, body, and spirit.

Crystal Grids, by Nicola McIntosh

Crystal Grids: Master the Secrets of Manifestation, by Nicola McIntosh
Rockpool Publishing, 9781922785510, 185 Pages, March 2024

I was recently at a local health and wellness festival, and the most memorable display table there was a woman selling gorgeous crystal grid paintings. The energy of the crystal layouts was palpable; I could feel the different effects of the alignment radiating outward as I took my time gazing at each one. Immediately, I knew this was something I wanted to do for my own home and altar space. Crystal Grids: Master the Secrets of Manifestation by Nicola McIntosh synchronistically was sent to me right after; the Universe quite literally brought it to my doorstep!

“My intention with this book is to give you the necessary information to guide you in making your own grids, strengthening your communication abilities with your clair senses and helping you manifest what you wish to create in your life.”1

McIntosh is a magical writer and oracle deck creator, as well as a Chinese and Western herbalist and practitioner of Celtic shamanism. She has previously published Apothecary Flashcards, Celtic Spirit Oracle, and Mushroom Spirit Oracle. Even with her success, she is very attuned to the readers she serves, sharing her story of budding passion for crystals and the circumstances in which she began creating her own products. I enjoyed this introduction to the book because it made me feel connected to McIntosh, feeling inspired that I too could use the power of the crystals and other energy-changing tools to bring my own dreams to life.

There is a nice foundation laid in this book, with each chapter building upon the next to provide a holistic understanding of how crystal grids work and how to create your own. McIntosh begins by teaching readers about  what she calls Source, “the term I give to the energy that creates all life; that is all life, the all that is, or God if you like to name it thus.”2 She explains how vibration is what gives everything form.

“You can start to imagine that we are walking in a sea of energy. We are in a state of constant flow; nothing is solid, and we are all fluid. If you can push your thinking out further, you can begin to imagine how you would then be able to interact with other energies around you, for they are also the same.”3

McIntosh then moves onto the language of spirit and the ways in which readers can communicate with other realms, specifically focusing on the honing clair sense, listening to intuition, and connecting through meditation as methods that can be utilized. This section is helpful for those looking to enhance their ability to hear the messages of spirit.

Once this underlying belief system is explained, McIntosh moves into explaining what crystal grids are, including their historical significance, and how they work through geometric resonance. Above all McIntosh encourages readers to listen to their intuition when creating their grids, but she does share how she likes to keep it simple, use ritual, and intentionally select colors with energies and colors aligned with the intended outcome of the crystal grid. She describes how crystal grids can be used for healing, health, prosperity, divination, and more.

There’s even an entire chapter on chakras so that readers understand the energy of each chakra. McIntosh details the energy within the body and soul each chakra influences, providing readers with insight into which chakras might be the best for them to focus on for their manifestations. For example, if someone is seeking to feel more confident expressing themselves, creating a crystal grid enhancing the energy of the throat chakra would be beneficial for them. McIntosh includes crystals that correspond with each chakra too.

There’s a general overview of crystals, but the focus is more on connecting with the crystal spirit rather than going by traditional meanings. McIntosh does a quick overview of crystals, most notably describing the different crystal formations and their significance, but those interested in working with crystals will definitely want to seek out supplementary information about the healing properties of various crystals to fine-tune the energy of their crystal grids.

My favorite chapter in the book focuses on the geometric templates based on sacred geometry. McIntosh talks about the power of ley lines and the earth’s grid, as well as geometric patterns such as the flower of life, medicine wheel, fibonacci spiral, and infinity symbol. She also teaches how you can create a grid for your home or room by placing crystals in different corners, which I think is so neat! Another fun thing in this chapter is creating elixirs by infusing water with the crystal grid. McIntosh teaches how to place the crystals and includes plenty of pictures for inspiration!

The final chapters focus on the art of manifestation and setting intentions and how to actually create the grid (preparing the space, cleansing/charing/programming the crystals, activating the grid). This is the real how-to, hands-on section of the book, and McIntosh does a lovely job of providing the readers with all they need to know to begin their process of manifestation with crystal grids.

All in all, Crystal Grids is a wonderful resource for those feeling called to working with crystals in a meaningful way. McIntosh’s process of manifesting perfectly blends intuition, the power of crystals, and the sacred geometry, allowing readers to better communicate their desire with spirit and bring about the changes they wish to see in the physical world. The colorful photographs alongside McIntosh’s gentle and easy-to-understand writing make this book perfect for beginners. I especially recommend it for those who already have an interest in crystals but have yet to take the steps to learn how to commune with the crystal spirits and direct energy through divine alignment. For those who enjoy McIntosh’s crystal grids, consider also checking out her Crystal Grid Oracle!

Crystal Clear Oracle, by Nadine Gordon-Taylor

Crystal Clear Oracle: Loving Guidance from the Mineral Kingdom, by Nadine Gordon-Taylor
Bear & Company, 9781591434849, 40 cards, 166 pages, December 2023

With the Crystal Clear Oracle: Loving Guidance from the Mineral Kingdom, intuitive artist Nadine Gordon-Taylor has combined 44 well known crystals and minerals with beautiful symbols from plants, animals, elementals, and ancient symbols to provide unique guidance for our lives.

This deck is the third deck created by Gordon-Taylor, who holds both MFA and doctorate degrees in art.  She has taught for more than 30 years through lectures and workshops.  Her artwork has been shown in galleries and collections around the world. She owns a gallery called Third Eye Arts in Peekskill, NY.  Learn more about her through her website https://www.thethirdeyestudio.com/meet-the-artist.

As someone who has been studying crystals for over 20 years, I was immediately drawn to this deck. Unlike most crystal oracle decks, this deck also features many different symbols on each card. You can choose to focus only on the crystal or mineral for a quick message or add layers to the guidance by reading about each symbol featured. Here is just one example of the symbols on these cards. (I’ve added brief information from the guidebook, as well.)   

“CRYSTAL:  Hanksite
Moniker:  The Earthy Supporter
Key words: Cleansing, grounding, and heightened sense of reality
Mineral content: Rare potassium sulfate
Healing properties: Realignment of your etheric chakra system. Hold me over any area of your body that feels unbalanced and needs healing.

Capybara: You function best with others.
Beaver:  Follow your intuition on new projects.
Tulips: Rebirth, and two tulips mean you might want to look for balance and partnership.
Honeybees:  Examine your productivity with dedication, hard work, and collaboration.
Full Moon:  There is new information and brilliant epiphanies for you.
Viaduct:  Watch for opportunities for transition and change.
Earth: Look to your home planet for support.
Shooting Star: Your wishes will inevitably come true!
Affirmation: I am on the right track to my spiritual destination”1

As you can see, Gordon-Taylor weaves lots of guidance and encouraging information about each crystal or mineral, as well as the symbols she has chosen for each card.

Each card is brilliantly painted in a very realistic style.  I’ve seen artists attempt to draw or paint crystals and miss the mark. This is not the case with Gordon-Taylor. Each one of her renderings of the crystals and minerals is as realistic as any photo. She is very talented when it comes to painting the crystals and minerals as they appear in nature. She uses fine detail, shading, and an authentic depiction of the crystal in a traditional shape to present each crystal or mineral. Two of my favorite depictions in these cards are fluorite and aquamarine. 

The back of the card box declares that the cards are “intricately illustrated,”2 and this is true! She also uses different border colors to accent the pictorial layouts. The cards are a large format, measuring 4” inches by almost 6” inches. The back of the cards features a magnified view of an iolite crystal. 

As I’ve mentioned with the example for Hanksite above, the guidebook contains a wealth of information, with two to three pages per mineral. The messages are written in first person, from the point of view of each crystal. For example for Hanksite she relates:

“I am Hanksite, a rare potassium sulfate mineral, and I connect you with the Earth.  I am commonly found beneath the surface, embedded in mud or drill cores.”3

Gordon-Taylor utilizes different colors for the type in the Table of Contents, as well as the passages for each crystal. This makes the various headings really pop! Each card is also shown in the guidebook with a small four-color photo. She ends the guidance with three affirmations for each crystal.

The Table of Contents is laid out in alphabetical order and includes the name of the crystal, the moniker, key words and page number. This layout is brilliant because you can open the guidebook and run your finger down the page and select a crystal randomly for yourself or others, without taking the cards with you. In the Introduction, Gordon-Taylor shares her long history with minerals and her goal for this deck: 

“The constructive and positive messages found in this book allow you to access new and loving energies that inspire, empower, and heal. These messages come directly from the crystals that appear in each image.”4

Gordon-Taylor also shares how to use the cards, including different ways to clear the cards, spreads for use with the cards and the use of a sketchbook as a journal. At the back of the guidebook, she includes a 30-page glossary with words and phrases about crystals and minerals, as well as spiritual terms. The cards are stored in a beautiful box with an indentation for the cards, ample room for the guidebook and a magnetic clasp. 

These cards arrived in the mail and I didn’t have the chance to glance through them before my husband and I left to attend a gem and mineral show. I came home with three crystals (mangano, calcite, septarian) and an ammonite tray. When I pulled out these cards the next morning for my daily draw, I drew the card Ammonite!

For my friend Ann, I drew the card: Chrysanthemum Stone. This stone is known as The Karmic Liberator and references intuition, optimism and akashic records.

Ammonite helps you release the past and welcome change, evolution, and personal growth. According to Gordon-Taylor, ammonite is “The Ancient Emancipator,” and aids in “adapting to a new, exciting timeline and a new version of yourself.”5

“You have chosen this card because you are a beautiful soul experiencing challenging situations. You also want to feel joy again. I can help you reset your energy grid. Hold me in your hands when meditating and burrow deep into your intuition . . . You are here at this time to work out issues balancing the mind and heart.”6

My friend has had some challenges lately, and just accepted a new temporary position with a hospital in another state.  She loved the encouragement that she received from this stone, as well as from the symbology of the eagles, groundhogs, cherry tree, infinity symbol and the ankh.  I sent her a photo of the card and the verbiage for even more support. 

Crystal Clear Oracle is great for any level of oracle reader or crystal student. With the depth of the information about each crystal or mineral, as well as the reference materials on the various symbols, anyone can benefit from the knowledge shared by Gordon-Taylor. You can focus only on the crystal or read further and integrate all the information for a complete guidance session. I can see myself using these cards to add a footnote to a client reading or pull a card for myself when I’m troubled by a situation.

Crystal Connections, by Philip Permutt

Crystal Connections: Understand the messages of 101 essential crystals and how to connect with their wisdom, by Philip Permutt
CICO Books, 9781800652095, 144 pages, April 2023

Crystal Connections: Understand the messages of 101 essential crystals and how to connect with their wisdom by Philip Permutt is a sequel of sorts to his first two books,  The Crystal Healer and The Crystal Healer: Volume 2. While taking a crystal course a few years ago, I was introduced to Permutt, who is a crystal expert, crystal teacher and author. My teacher recommended Permutt’s books as a type of “Bible” for not only the coursework, but also for life. When I learned that he had published another volume, I knew I had to have it.

Permutt is based in England and has been described as “Britain’s leading crystal expert”1.  He has been studying and working with crystals for more than 30 years. He discovered crystals and their healing properties after a severe illness and several surgeries put him in the hospital. When he started using crystals for healing, his condition improved and soon he was walking after his doctor told him he might never walk again. Permutt has an honors degree in Biology, is a bestselling author, crystal teacher and lecturer, and runs a successful wholesale and retail crystal business.

He begins his book by sharing his personal introduction to crystals and reminding the reader that crystals are living beings.  I love that he calls crystals “Stone People.”2 In this book, his goal is to share his methods for “tapping into and understanding these amazing Stone People and the messages they bring us.”3

In a very organized manner and with easy-to-read prose, Permutt introduces the concepts of choosing, cleansing, and working with crystals.  Next he discusses the human energy system, including the various auras, chakras, and meridians. For each chakra, he shares a brief description, as well as appropriate crystals, fragrances, and keywords. 

Next, Permutt gives detailed instructions regarding using crystals for divination. I was not aware of this practice and enthusiastically read the information, as well as the exercises to perform a reading, creating a grid and using these crystals for a treatment.  He even includes a way to do a crystal divination meditation, which further personalizes the use of crystals for personal growth and healing. 

Finally, Permutt provides a crystal directory and arranges it by color.  This is so helpful!  Many times, a friend or client brings me a crystal for identification.  If it is not a really common crystal, I have to look it up in my many crystal books.  Permutt usually arranges his books by color and this one is no exception.

One of my favorite sections talked about the need to allow your crystals to “rest.”4

“Colors may fade or look dull  . . .  the crystal needs a vacation, just as we do.”5

You can do this by placing the crystal on a piece of amethyst.  You can leave it there until the color changes or until it tells you it’s ready to go back to work. 

Every chapter includes an important exercise or a way to work more closely with your crystals. The “Listen to Your Crystals” meditation is one of my favorites. It’s a great way to get in tune with your crystals and learn valuable insights.

I called on a few friends and asked them to give me an emotional issue or healing struggle for research with Permutt’s latest book.  Here are the results:

For my husband, who struggles with stomach issues, I learned that Obsidian and Tiger Eye can help with digestive issues and Turquoise is good for general healing. 

For my granddaughter, who has allergies, I found Carnelian is great for the immune system.

For my friend who is a craniosacral therapist, who works with babies and small children, she needed a crystal to help calm the children in her massage room. Permutt suggests Blue Calcite and I happened to have a nice specimen that I gifted to her.

And for myself, I learned that Black Tourmaline is great for arthritis. Tiger’s Eye is also good for that eye issue I had a few weeks ago!

Permutt fills the book with four color photographs of crystals and the quality and coloring is both beautiful and accurate.  He also includes quite a number of colored drawings for the exercises and to accent each chapter. The drawings are whimsical and helpful and support the information in a very down-to-earth style.

He includes a Table of Contents and two indexes.  One index is strictly for crystals and he includes a bold number for those listed in the Crystal Finder in the last section.  The other index is a general index. (Note:  I wish that he had included more symptoms in the General Index.  You have to go through the Crystal Index and look at “healing” for the area of the body or symptom that the crystal will treat.)

The information in this book is invaluable for a newbie to Stone People. Permutt covers everything from choosing a crystal (or letting one choose you) to working with crystals and healing with crystals. However, even a seasoned crystal lover such as myself can benefit from the exercises, meditations and color-coded list of 101 crystals. I particularly loved the section on allowing a crystal to choose you!

I plan to review the section on crystal divination a little later this week and set up my own twelve crystals for divination and healing.  In this way, I will have a handy set of crystal tools for clients, as well as for my own healing. Crystal Connections is now going on my office shelf with my other two Permutt books to guide me on my journey.

Crystal Connections Interview with Philip Permutt

PJ: Hello, Philip! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me about your newly released book Crystal Connections: Understand the Messages of 101 Essential Crystals and How to Connect with Their Wisdom (CICO 2023). I am a huge fan of yours and have read many of your books, but for those who are new to your work, would you share a little bit about yourself?

Philip: I’m a crystal healer, teacher and author. I work with crystals every day for myself, with my clients, students and customers. I also buy and sell crystals from around the world. I live in Hertfordshire, just outside London, in the UK, but I’ll be in the US in August and September teaching Crystal Workshops and an amazing Crystal Retreat on Maui, Hawaii. All of the information is on crystalsusa.com 

PJ: How did you decide to sell crystals and teach others about crystals? What profession were you engaged in before you became a crystal expert?

Philip: Quite simply, I got ill. I was always interested in alternative and mystical things so after an operation, when I was told I wouldn’t walk again, I turned to anything and everything that might help. One of the many things I tried were crystals. I’m sure everything I tried helped to greater or lesser degrees, but crystals were physical, and way back I graduated with a degree in Applied Biology from London University. So, when I discovered the amazing ability to heal I turned to physical crystals to research for a year whilst convalescing. Although I walked out of the hospital 6 weeks and 2 days after being told I couldn’t walk, it was a good year before I had my strength back and was fully recovered. 

Before this I had a phenomenally stressful job in the entertainment industry, producing shows and promoting rock bands. So you could say I went from one type of rock business to the other rock business! 

PJ: You discuss how crystals healed your body when you were in the hospital for serious surgery. How did you come to think of crystal healing?

Philip: I just tried everything and anything. My mindset was very much not accepting that I would never walk again.

PJ: Was that quartz crystal next to your bed in 1991 a clear quartz or another type of crystal?

Philip: It was a clear quartz crystal, although quite cloudy, and I still have it today! I work with it as my master healing crystal with all my clients and myself for meditation.

PJ: What do you think draws people to certain crystals? When selecting a crystal for oneself, should a person pick one out that has the healing properties they desire or more intuitively pick a crystal that calls to them?

Philip: There are lots of good crystal books around (I’ve written some of them myself 😉) where you can look up your symptoms and find suitable crystals to help. But, I believe that crystals come into their own when you allow them to heal the underlying causes of disease. Crystal Connections is all about connecting with crystals. People often say they are “drawn” to a crystal. Whether that’s because they are bright, sparkly, colorful, or there’s a feeling they get from the crystal, it doesn’t matter. It’s as if the crystal is calling out to you, and this is the crystal that will help you with whatever you are trying to do now. But you should also be aware of the crystals you can’t stand, too! The ones that make you feel sick when you hold them or you just are repulsed by their energy. These are touching something buried deep inside you that you don’t want to look at. These are the life-changing crystals! 

PJ: You’ve written quite a few books on the topic of crystals, what inspired you to write Crystal Connections and how is it different from your other titles?

Philip: It’s the book I always wanted to write! It’s unique because I’m telling people that crystals are living beings and they communicate with us. Scientifically, crystals can indeed be classed as living as they fulfill the requirements of a living being: to eat, grow, and reproduce. And they talk to us in so many different ways. Understanding Crystal Speak is just like learning any foreign language, and Crystal Connections is full of practical exercises to awaken your senses and tune them into the language of crystals. 

PJ: Do you feel people are becoming more open to alternative healing methods, such as using crystals for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual change?

Philip: Absolutely, yes! When I started 30 years ago, about 2% of the population in the UK, when surveyed, said they used any form of complementary healing or health product at all. Now, depending on which survey you read, up to 24 – 35% of the population ONLY use alternative health products and around 80% use some form of complementary health product or service.

When I started there were half a dozen professional crystal healers in the UK, today there are thousands. 

The numbers are larger in the US.

PJ: What is the relationship between chakras and crystals? Do you feel it’s important for those working with crystal energy to be aware of their chakras, and vice versa for those doing energy work to be supported by crystals?

Philip: Crystals work independently from everything else. However, when we work consciously with crystals and focus our energy and intent for the same purpose, everything works better and quicker. The chakras function as energy hot spots. So when crystals are aligned with them, it makes all healing easier and more effective.

PJ: When writing your book, how did the messages from each crystal come through to you? Do you have advice for readers who hope to open the channel between themselves and crystals to better hear their wisdom?

Philip: Crystals just talk to me. I’m with them all day every day. Sometimes it’s loud and clear, other times it’s more of a feeling. We all sense crystal energy differently so there are practical exercises throughout Crystal Connections to help the reader open and develop their own channel and crystal listening skills in ways to best suit each individual. 

PJ: And to wrap things up, out of curiosity, what is your favorite place in the world to acquire crystals? And do you have a favorite crystal?

Philip: I love the Tucson Gem Show in Arizona. It’s the biggest gem show by far in the world and you can find just about anything that exists on planet earth or even further afield such as meteorites, moon rock and Martian dust!

My favorite crystal changes from one day to another but right now it’s an aquamarine crystal I wear as a pendant that was made for me and helps me with communication… so that’s not greatly surprising as I’m writing this at this moment. 

If you are eager to learn more about how crystals can enhance your life, Crystal Connections is a great place to start!

Gemstone and Crystal Magic, by Gerina Dunwich

Gemstone and Crystal Magic: A Modern Witch’s Guide to Using Stones for Spells, Amulets, Rituals, and Divination, by Gerina Dunwich
Weiser Books, 1637480075, 256 pages, August 2022

After reading a book on lithomancy recently, I thought it would do me good to brush up on my knowledge of gemstones and crystals. It seemed opportune that I had Gemstone and Crystal Magic: A Modern Witch’s Guide to Using Stones for Spells, Amulets, Rituals, and Divination by Gerina Dunwich sitting on my shelf just when I needed it! Delving into this book has give me tons of insight into the magical properties of gem and crystals, much more than I initially anticipated, to help me discover all the ways I can use the potency of them in my practice. Combining history with personal experience, Dunwich has brought to light all various forms of magical workings one can use gemstones and crystals for, presenting a full-picture of their potential.

What stood out to me the most at first was how this book went well beyond the far too common “New Age” descriptions of  crystals and gemstones. Once I started to learn more about Dunwich’s background, the way crystals and gemstones are approached made a lot of sense – she is an astrologer and occult historian! And to me this really makes this book on the topic standout from the rest because there’s so much information woven in from ancient texts and grimoires that situate the discussion in a more historical context, amplifying the timehold traditions and beliefs about different crystals and gemstones.

Dunwich is also a dedicated paranormal researcher, who is clearly very comfortable with the idea of spirits, demons, and curses, which are some topics not shied away from in the book. For instance, she goes into detail about the tragedies surrounding the allegedly cursed Hope Diamond and the paranormal phenomena of lithoboly. This valuable information contained in Gemstone and Crystal Magic that is often overlooked in other books that only superficially cover the topic. For experienced magical practitioners, this book can take your crystal and gemstone to the next level by teaching how to reverse curses, neutralize harmful energy, and use protection magic in combination with healing, spellwork, and manifestation.

Throughout the book many sources are referenced, which gives the reader plenty of avenues to explore if they are inspired. While Dunwich’s personal experience has certainly provided her with knowledge to write this book, the objectiveness in her writing is what really stands out. This isn’t a “how-to” based on Dunwich’s personal practice, but rather a compendium of knowledge she’s collected through research and study. This is a book that is filled with lore, history, anecdotes of magical practitioners, and well-sourced information about the use of crystals and gemstones.

My favorite chapter was “Stones of Zodiac” which had very interesting tables of correspondences that certainly would be useful in magical workings. There was a table of the gemstones associated with the guardian angels associated with each sign, the twelve apostles, animals of the Chinese zodiac, hour of birth, and monthly birthstones according to different traditions (Modern, Traditional, Mystical, Ayurvedic, Hebrew, Arabic, and Roman). Even if you’re not very familiar with astrology, this section could help to connect to your planetary energies through the gemstones.

I was also especially impressed by the six appendices at the end of the book, which includes tables of pagan gods and goddesses and their gemstones, gemstones for the eight sabbats, and gemstones for the parts of the Tree of Life, along with a calendar of daily stones for the entire year and different gemstone correspondences. It is arranged for the reader to easily be able to identify which gemstone they might want to work with depending on the day, time of year, or the deity they are inviting into their practice.

Aside from the resourceful tables of Gemstone and Crystal Magic, Dunwich also features guidance for making one’s own wand or talismans, tons of spells for all sorts of things from dream work to invisibility to love and money, picking a gemstone as an amulet, creating lunar tonic and other elixirs, and cleansing your stones. And this is only a small sampling of everything featured in this book!

One thing I will point out though is this book seems geared towards those with an existing foundation of magical experience. Yet while it’s not “hand-holding”,  I wouldn’t shy away from reading it either if you’re a beginner interested in learning how to deepen your magical working through the use of gemstones. Just keep in mind it focuses on the actual magical aspects of gemstones rather than how they can be used for energy enhancement or visual appeal in one’s craft, which is to say it goes deep into the heart of magic, bypassing the more superficial aspects working with gemstones many books focus on now-a-days.

Overall, Gemstone and Crystal Magic is a wonderful go-to reference book for those who are looking to incorporate gemstones into their magical practice. There are so many reasons to connect with gemstones and a variety of ways to do so, all based on what your magical work is calling for at the moment. This book is brimming with magical potency! You can feel the history and folklore is well-bound within these pages wanting to be passed forward and kept alive, which Dunwich has certainly done through her thorough compilation of gemstone knowledge!

Pagan Portals – The Art of Lithomacy, by Jessica Howard

Pagan Portals – The Art of Lithomancy: Divination with Stones, Crystals, and Charms, by Jessica Howard
Moon Books, 9781789049145, 104 pages, May 2022

A few years back, I had my first lithomancy reading without even realizing it. I sat down with a  woman at a psychic fair reading small pebbles and stones, who then accurately shared insights about my past, present, and future. Even since then I’ve wanted to learn more about this art form, but there was scarce information I could find about it. Therefore, I was absolutely thrilled to discover Pagan Portals – The Art of Lithomancy: Divination with Stones, Crystals, and Charms by Jessica Howard, which has completely sparked my interest in developing my own lithomancy practice.

Howard is an eclectic witch, blending Water, Kitchen, Celtic, and Green Witchcraft into her practice, adding to the well-rounded approach to this topic. She explains to readers how lithomancy is the art of divination done by reading stones, crystals, charms, or even seashells. A caster, who is doing the divination, tosses the stones and then interprets the reading based on where everything falls, noticing patterns, geometric designs, and even the texture of the stones.

“So, what exactly can lithomancy tell us? Like many forms of divination, lithomancy can help us understand our past and our present. It can help us divine the future, uncover ancient knowledge and wisdom, connect with our higher selves, and unlock the secrets of our subconscious.”1

Step-by-step Howard lays out all the reader needs to know to begin their practice, prepare for a reading, and then perform the reading. There are so many little details she covers, such as how to choose your stones, followed by how to cleanse them and later ascribe meaning to each stone. I learned all about how the casting can be done with either a personal stone, imbued with your own energy, or simply by observing the stones that fall closest to the querent.

What I like about Howard’s approach is that she provides the foundation to begin a practice but emphasizes how individualized one’s lithomancy practice will be. She leaves a lot of room for the budding lithomancer to develop their own style, interpretations, and intuitive guidance along the way with just the right amount of support to make one feel confident this is a divination style they can learn to use successfully.

For instance, one of the lithomacy sets described is an “Astrological Correspondence Set” based on the planets. Howard goes through all the planets and provides readers with their keywords and meaning to help discern which stone might be best to use to represent them in a set. She also covers the additional stones included in this set, which are stones for place, love, luck, magic, life, and commitment. As an astrologer, I was fascinated by this set and felt it was one that could bridge my knowledge of astrology with lithomancy. Howard even describes how the diviner could divide the casting circle into houses for further insight – pure genius!

Another section that I found very insightful was the chapter about performing a reading. Howard covers how to cast the stones, the use of casting boundaries (or not, depending on the reading style), and reading with segments, where you divide your casting space into defined areas, such as months, seasons, or past-present-future for more insight. I loved being invited to think about all these little nuances and have options to explore as I develop my practice.

Most helpful to me as a beginner was all the information about interpreting one’s reading. Howard shares a bunch of things to take note of when determining the reading’s message, such as the distance between stones, where they fall in relation to the reader/personal stone, the meaning of various patterns and shapes (ie. square vs. circle vs. straight line), and the stone’s physical characteristics (if a jagged or smooth part of the stone is facing upward, if a pointy edge of the stone is facing a certain direction, etc). Her thoughtful details make the reader feel a lithomancy practice is quite accessible, and this section serves as a great reference when casting one’s stones for the first time.

One of the final chapters, which Howard claims she just had to include due to the good results she’s had with this type of reading, is called “The Chakra Stone Set for Healing”. Just how Howard greatly expanded my perception of what was possible with lithomacy in regard to astrology, she did once more in this section where she teaches how lithomacy can be used in combination with energy work as well. This stone set is really unique in that it has one stone for each chakra, plus one for each element, and a personal stone. She teaches how to read the stones to determine where one should direct their energy or where there is an energy blockage. The mixture of the chakras with the elements yields really interesting insights about how to realign or direct one’s energy, making this a reading that can be done daily for energy attunement.

Overall, Pagan Portals – The Art of Lithomancy is the perfect start to developing one’s own practice. Howard provides the foundation needed to get started while also empowering the reader to trust their intuition to discover for themselves the stone’s messages. After reading this book, I am feeling very inspired and eager to begin creating my own stone sets. There are so many neat directions this form of divination can take that regardless of your magical style you’re bound to find a way that lithomancy can be used to enhance your current practice.

First Nations Crystal Healing, by Luke Blue Eagle

First Nations Crystal Healing: Working with the Teachers of the Mineral Kingdom, by Luke Blue Eagle
Bear & Company,  9781591434276, 264 pages, October 2021

Luke Blue Eagle shares ways to use thirty-eight different crystals and stones for healing in his book First Nations Crystal Healing. As he says on the back cover:

“Crystals and stones come from Mother Earth and indigenous medicine people have been using them to help and to heal for millennia. Their techniques, although simple, have proven effective through the innumerable healers who have handed down these teachings across the generations.”1

For over twenty-five years, Blue Eagle studied with elders from several indigenous tribes in the US and Canada.  He writes a blog that includes articles on many subjects, from animal totems such as the moose or coyote to crystals or the latest work on his fragrances or his original music.  He is also featured in several audio interviews online. His career spans over forty years as a healer and practitioner. A recent blog announces that he has retired from active work, having trained quite a few people to carry on these techniques.

This book is organized into five parts:

  1. Preparing for a Healing Practice
  2. Crystal Attributes and Correspondences
  3. Principal Practices for Crystal Use and Care
  4. Advanced Healing Practices
  5. The Stones and Their Properties

I have been interested in crystals and gemstones for more than twenty years, so this book really resonated with me.  When my husband and I began to study mediumship, we learned about a few crystals that can support spirit communication. From that time, I’ve loved to use crystals for channeling, healing, and energy clearing.  I was interested to learn more from Blue Eagle about indigenous techniques and practices.

In the initial section, I learned that the indigenous way of healing is truly “holistic” in that it works to treat the whole body system: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  Crystals are a natural part of the healing journey, since they come from Mother Earth.  Blue Eagle reviews the foundations of Native American practices and provides some preliminary information, including his own fundamental laws of healing.

Next, he discusses the attributes of crystals, including form and structure and the colors of crystals.  In the third section, he reviews ways to care for and use crystals and this was my favorite section.  From consecrating a crystal to programming a crystal, Blue Eagle gives the reader step-by-step instructions. He shares:

The consecration ceremony is a twenty-seven-day ritual that will help you commune with your crystal and perceive its specific gifts and then apply them to healing situations.  We use this ceremony to consecrate the crystal to act in a specific way, and in specific circumstances, in a sacred manner. All healing has a sacred component to it, if you understand the notion of holistic healing. The best time to start a consecration ritual is on the new moon.  If not possible on the new moon, any other time will do.2

After he covers how to “program” a crystal, he also discusses the importance of creating “sacred space” for all healing.  I loved the “Heart Meditation” that he shared in the book, which is a three-part meditation and is the first practice he teaches in all of his classes.

In the center of the book are color photos of the thirty-eight crystals, including several of the clear quartz crystal, which is the primary crystal that he uses for healing work.  In the next section, he covers all of the different colors of crystals and how each color plays a role in healing. He does a brief introduction of the color, or “color ray” as he calls it, and then lists specific crystals in that color and shares information about working with that crystal.  

Throughout the book, Blue Eagle adds what he calls a “Teaching Story” that contains a specific reference to an experience he has had that relates to the crystal or practice or healing technique.  One of my favorites was the one shared about Clear Quartz, in which he put a crystal around the neck of a beginning student.  The woman was helping him in his booth at a wellness fair and was becoming overwhelmed by the energy of the many people coming through the booth.  After he put on the crystal, she was able to work the rest of the day with ease and no dip in her energy.3

I was unaware of the ability of clear quartz to be used in this way.  I decided to test it out and wore a necklace I have with a clear quartz crystal point one day when I was going to my granddaughter’s gymnastics meet.  That day, I was able to stay longer than usual and did not feel my energy dip after I had been in the large gym for four hours.  I can’t wait to test out more of his practices and techniques, including his distance healing techniques and many of the meditations. 

On the last page of the book, Blue Eagle shares what he calls “the three fundamental laws of healing: unconditional love, nonattachment and intention.  The philosophical foundations that countless elders have passed down through the generations have great validity.  We must meditate on them so that we tread on solid ground, protecting ourselves and others with insight and wisdom.”4

Blue Eagle’s writing style is very conversational, and I appreciate the depth of his knowledge and experience.  It shines through on every page. The structure of the book is well-conceived, and the “Table of Contents” is handy for reference.  He also has an index, which is always helpful later, when you want to find and review a specific idea. 

In this easy-to-read book, Blue Eagle provides lots of tools and techniques that just about anyone can follow.  He recommends that you read First Nations Crystal Healing from front to back to fully understand the Native American way of living in harmony with Mother Earth. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about crystals, as well know and understand Native American healing techniques and sacred ceremonies.

Discover Your Crystal Family, by Kathryn Hudson

Discover Your Crystal Family: Working with Stones and Their Angelic Messengers, by Kathryn Hudson
Findhorn Press, 9781644113028, 239 pages, October 2021

Stones find their way into my life. I once bought a 20 pound rose quartz crystal while shopping in HomeGoods for baking trays. When friends travel they bring me back stones that they found that “remind them of me.” When I was having “issues” at work, in addition to addressing the situation with my supervisor, I felt drawn to visiting the local rock shop and picked out a stone that I felt needed to be on my desk.

I clearly love stones, but until I read Discover Your Crystal Family: Working with Stones and Their Angelic Messengers by Kathryn Hudson, it never occurred to me that the stones were finding me. An interactive relationship in which they presented themselves but left it up to me to bring them into my life. Hudson offers a very interesting take on one’s relationship with stones. “Of themselves, crystals can do nothing for us: like angels, they can support only our intention in accordance with our free will.”1

The book is NOT a rock encyclopedia. While it does describe certain rocks, their qualities, and their angelic and chakra connections, it offers so much more than dry information. As Hudson explains, “crystals exist to help us find and follow our own path, helping us to find our way home to the truth of who we are.”2 They offer us support that we must be open and willing to accept. I especially loved how she connected the rocks to the “enormous power of our Mother Earth, with the universal support of the Heavens.”3

The book is divided into three parts. Part one, Crystals on Your Path – Understanding the Dynamic, offers four chapters, each dedicated to working with crystals in regard to one’s soul contract, working with crystals and angels, opening up the channels of communication, and choosing stones. I liked how Hudson referred to the crystals as our friends in “low places” since they are from the earth. “Crystals are part of Earth. They act as sensory points for her and her inhabitants…”4 According to her, they help us to heal ourselves and “so healing of ourselves helps the each because we are part of the earth.”5 This was a very beautiful sentiment to me.

While the stones are indeed our friends in low places, they also open us to our friends in high places: the angels. Again though, this is only with our invitation. Hudson writes of her connection to angels via the stones and offers ways and exercises for us to open up our channels to divine communication.

The first section concludes with ways to choose our stones by following what we are drawn to. I’ve tried this exercise of choosing by walking around a gem store and seeing what I was drawn to, often realizing that the type of stone that I initially thought I was going to the store to buy wasn’t what I came home with. But, it never has failed that what I chose was what I “needed.” Interestingly, variations such as jewelry, wands, tumbled stones, and natural stones are covered in depth for those seeking to lean more.

Part Two, Protocols for Healing – Let’s Get to Work, covers caring for the stones. It also offers a “deepening” meditation for connecting with the stones, with the reminder:

“The idea is not that the stones heal the chakras, but rather, that we access energies that we need; when we access and integrate those energies within us, our chakras are naturally aligned.”6

This was an interesting concept for me since up until then I had given all of the power to the stones, and short-shifted myself! Hudson also has a chapter in this section titled “The Fifteen: A Full Complement of Crystals and Archangels.” She provides overviews on 15 select stones, their related archangels, and the qualities for enhancement, such as inner child healed, personal power, and groundedness on the path.

In Part Three, the final section, Hudson encourages the reader to discover additional stone allies that they feel drawn to work with. The ones she offers are her own “favorite 44 friends in ‘low places.’”7 Each stone is nicely photographed and accompanied by it’s aspect (natural qualities), its strength (e.g., purification), and its related archangel (as the stones are energetic mirrors to the angel realm), chakra, affirmation, and message.

I liked this section because it provided a great overview for stones that I was drawn to purchase without knowing any of its qualities, such as Apache tear (a form of obsidian). I also found stones that I was not familiar with and now want to seek out, the main one being Fairy Stones, and ironically that stone is much-needed at this time in my life!

I’ve read many books over the years on stones, but this one stands out. I particularly like how Hudson shows the personalities of the stones. I agree with her that one should choose a stone that one is attracted to, as it will be in sync with your energetic field.

I also liked her reminder to choose a size to fit how you want to work with the stone. For example, if you’d like to have it at hand as a protector or reminder, choose a size that will fit in your pocket or purse or under a pillow. Look at the color stone to which you are attracted – and notice if it aligns with a chakra that needs opening or an energy that you need to awaken.

Hudson also touches on the many ways to cleanse stones from water baths, to moonlight baths, to sunlight– and offers a reminder on what stones should not be placed in water due to their delicate nature such as selenite.

Overall, I highly recommend Discover Your Crystal Family. Read through it to familiarize yourself with all that Hudson has to offer, and then keep it as a companion for reference or reminding. It’s easy to read and understand – and it bridges the Earth with the Heavens. As Hudson reminds us, “crystals exist to help us find and follow our own path, helping us to find our way home to the truth of who we are.”8

Astral Realms Crystal Oracle, by Dark Moon Crystals

Astral Realms Crystal Oracle: A 33-Card Deck and Guidebook, by Dark Moon Crystals and Prism + Fleur Design Studio
Rockpool Publishing, 1925946282, 33 cards, 128 pages, September 2021

Gorgeous pink oracle cards covered with dazzling crystals? Yes, please! I have been adoring the way Astral Realms Crystal Oracle by Dark Moon Crystals and Prism + Fleur Design Studio looks on my altar recently. Plus, the accompanying guidebook has really inspired me to step-up my crystal game and made me more dedicated to my spiritual practice.

I was initially drawn to this deck for its aesthetics. Pink is my favorite color and it is the background of all the cards, which have tinted pink edges as well. The vibe of the deck reminded me of Work Your Light Oracle Deck and The Starseed Oracle created by Rebecca Campbell with artwork by Danielle Noel. The design on these cards, by Prism + Fleur Design Studio, is more ethereal and simplistic, but each one is absolutely beautiful.

I have gotten the most out of the deck by spending time meditating with the cards and looking at the beautiful images. There’s a soft feminine feel to the deck, which opens intuitive portals to connect with the crystals. I really like the layer done, where some cards have faded images in the background with other images bold and center. Glyphs, seashells, columns, mushrooms, and flowers fill the cards, bringing them to life with potent spiritual symbolism.

The deck has a really unique approach, which extends the meaning of the cards beyond just the crystal energy. By combining astrology and chakra energies, divination occurs trifold. The guidebook states:

“Seeking insight from the astrological transits of celestial bodies, turning within to enhance and unblock flow through your energetic (chakral) field and utilising the healing and empowering frequencies of crystals is what we call the ‘trifecta’, a divinely guided approach to raising your frequency and deepening your connection to the astral realm.”1

These different energies are perfectly integrated with the cards’ design. At the bottom of each card is an energetic signature, or word which encapsulates the trifold meaning of the card. On the left side of the card is the crystal messenger, or the name of the crystal shown on the card that can be worked with to further enhance the energetic connection. Then on the right-side of the card is the supporting element, which is either a celestial body, chakra, or earth element. At the top of the card is a number to make it easy to find the card’s message in the guidebook.

I especially love the incorporation of the supporting element because as an astrologer and Reiki master, it really expands my understanding of both the crystal and its message. For instance, Card 18 has Clarity as the energetic signature, citrine as the crystal messenger, and Sun as the supporting element. Through understanding the astrological energy of the Sun, I feel a more solid connection to citrine. When I close my eyes, in my mind’s eye, it’s like I’m blending all the energies together and feeling the essence of Clarity emerge. While I am drawing upon my astrological knowledge to learn more about crystals, others who know more about crystals can do the opposite with the cards to learn more about astrology or chakras. 

The guidebook is also really helpful for learning more about crystals. For every card, there are additional keywords, along with a description of the trifecta, activation guidance for the energy, and an affirmation to recite. The trifecta description delves into the energy of earth element, chakra, celestial body, and crystal to assist the reader in understanding how they all come together within the card.

Then the activation guidance is an activity the reader can do to further connect with the card. Some examples of activation guidance are journal prompts, taking a ritual bath, breathing exercises, visualization, and meditation. Most of them are easy to do right away, but some are more involved, such as buying a plant or doing a yoga pose. There’s one instance where it even calls to look up your South Node in astrology, which I think is definitely useful for everyone to know!

Using this deck makes me feel calm and inspired. While the astral realm might feel spacey or out-of-reach, these cards ground the energy for me. I like how I can hold the gorgeous cards, which tangibly link me to the energy. Looking at the images stimulates my mind’s eye, and the colors soften my energy to be receptive to my intuition and the guidance of these different energies. I also have found it helpful to pull out a card if I am feeling called to work with that energy. For instance, meditating on the Moonstone card to activate my Crown Chakra. There’s a ton of ways to work with Astral Realms Crystal Oracle; it’s versatility makes it both unique and useful to have nearby.

All in all, Astral Realms Crystal Oracle is a wonderful deck for all spiritual seekers. It combines so much wisdom! The mixture of astrology, chakras, and crystals is potent. Combining different energy systems and drawing upon one to bolster another is extremely beneficial. Dark Moon Crystals has done a wonderful job of both weaving these trifecta energies together, as well as making it a great access point for all levels of experience. I highly recommend this deck for those hoping to practice the art of integrating energy and those who simply appreciate art because it’s so well designed! This deck will definitely be on my altar for quite some time.