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Tag Archives: lunar living

2024 Lunar and Seasonal Diary, by Stacey Demarco

2024 Lunar and Seasonal Diary – Northern Hemisphere, by Stacey Demarco
Rockpool Publishing, 978-1925946666, 216 pages, June 2023

I am really looking forward to using my 2024 Lunar and Seasonal Diary – Northern Hemisphere by Stacey Demarco. This diary is beautifully illustrated and the contents on lunar and seasonal energies make it much more than a simple day planner. Each page is an invitation to reflect, plan, and take away some new bit of wisdom that would have otherwise gone unfound. A diary is of no use if it is something more than just a place to count off the days; this diary is so much more than that and then some!

Due diligence has been given by Demarco in creating not only a functional planner but also a source of teachings about lunar workings, correspondences, spell craft, ritual, and introductory astrology. Her writing makes the 2024 Lunar and Seasonal Diary accessible to the aficionados of lunar-forward planning and the witches who wants to incorporate powerful magick in their daily life.

The first 20+ pages are dedicated to the lunar arts and topics include elements and directions, spell timings and moon cycles, lunar energies and crystals, and the wheel of the year. The wheel of the year section is a very robust overview of the sabbats that is packed with readily-applied information on how the month’s energy supported the myriad ways of celebration.

The 2024 Lunar and Seasonal Diary is organized into the standard twelve-month, weekly format common to most planners. Additionally, each month offers a double page section highlighting a specific deity aligned with that month’s energy and an accompanying spell or ritual guiding how to call that energy into the month’s work. Beautiful graphics herald each month and a quick goal starter introduces the weekly pages. For those who are visually stimulated with the tasks of thinking out your goals, what’s and when’s will be happily committed to paper. The paper itself is strong, heavy stock with no bleed through. 

Would I Recommend?

What I omitted in the beginning of this review is that I am highly selective when it comes to my yearly planner. In fact, so much so that it is not unusual for me to have 5-6 different types and formats of these and still not settle on any one just because it doesn’t hit all my checkboxes.

With that being said, 2024 Lunar and Seasonal Diary by Stacey Demarco checks all of the boxes for anyone wanting a beautiful, functional, educational and “just feels right” 2024 diary.  This is a keeper and I am confident that I will be using it for the entirety of the year. 

About the Author Stacey Demarco

Stacey Demarco is The Modern Witch. Passionate about bringing practical magic to everyone and inspiring people to have a deeper connection with nature, she has been teaching witchcraft and mythos for many decades. This diary is now in its 14th edition and is published in both the southern and northern hemispheres. She is the author of The Enchanted Moon and The Priestess Path, which have been translated into other languages. Her oracle card decks include the bestselling Queen of the Moon, Divine Animals, Moon Magick, Elemental Oracle, Oracle of the Universe, and Deep, Dark and Dangerous. An animal activist, ethical beekeeper and dedicated adventure traveler, she lives in Sydney, Australia on a cliff by the beach with her husband and furry companions. Stacey provides private consults as well as teaching workshops, and leads the popular Wild Souls Retreats nationally and internationally.

The Enchanted Moon, by Stacey DeMarco

The Enchanted Moon: The Ultimate Book of Lunar Magic, by Stacey DeMarco
Rockpool Publishing, 9781925946147, 247 pages, November 2021

Moonstruck. Dance by the light of the moon. Lunacy. Tides. Prehistoric cave drawing. Ahh – the Moon! She has always been a guiding force. 

Stacey DeMarco’s book, The Enchanted Moon: The Ultimate Book of Lunar Magic, is chock-full of valuable information on developing a relationship with the Moon to assist with living our lives in a magical way. I avoided saying “working” with the Moon because the book is rife with ways for us to play with the Moon, dance under the Moon, grow with the Moon – you know, have fun with the Moon, while deepening our relationship with our inner goddess/god and La Bella Luna. As DeMarco explains, “this is the witches’ way – practical and magical.”1

I was so excited to get the book that I dove right in. Yet there was so much information and great suggestions, coupled with an abundance of invocations, rituals, and spells, that I soon realized I needed to honor DeMarco’s work by then slowing down and picking and choosing what sections to focus on for my own work. I began to use the various sections to do deep dives into actually working with the power of the Moon

DeMarco begins by writing about the Moon scientifically: its gravitational force, tides, and even the light of the Moon and how it’s been used from the beginning of time. She then flows into the lunar rhythms and cycles, describing waxing and waning moons, new and full moons, eclipses, and blue moons – and the influences of each phase. As I write this, the Moon is in a waxing phase – a good time to set intentions for growth and for prosperity spells.

In the “Inner Cycles” chapter, I found it interesting to read that “the moon phase upon (one’s) birth triggered the beginning of life and remained as a person’s peak time energetically throughout life.”2 I began to pay attention to when the Moon’s phase was returning to where it was on the day of my birth and used this knowledge as guidance. It’s easy to look up the phase for your birthday, if you’re interested in doing the same.

DeMarco then delves into how one can start to practice lunar magic. She writes about three vital skills that are needed, noting:

“This is how I begin with my students who are serious about working with earth elements and lunar energies, and for all of them, you need nothing but yourself… YOU are the weaver of magic and magic starts with you. That is more than enough.”3

How empowering! The first skill is Observation – noticing the moon for a lunar cycle, observing the light, the star and planets, the moon’s surface.

The second skill is Sitting Out – Utiseta. “The practice of purposeful ‘sitting out,’ called utiseta was a meditative and somewhat shamanic activity.”4 She recommends as a start that one sits or lays in one’s garden (if you have one) for at least three hours for each lunar cycle, connecting with the earth and the moon.

The third skill is Casting Circles.  “In lunar magic, it is a reflection of the shape of that big moon above you and is a way to capture the energy.”5 The book delves into lunar rituals for both solo work and working with a group. 

For the 28 moons of the month, each magical in its own way, she offers “profiles of the energy, as well as a spell, ritual, and invocation or meditation…for the feel of the phase’s opportunity.”6

For instance, I loved the ritual of grounding and protection done under a dark moon. It was powerful to feel rooted in the earth, receiving goddess-given power from the earth knowing that the power was unlimited and protective. Admittedly, I felt more comfortable and less noticeable to my neighbors by doing my first ritual in the cover of darkness.

The next ritual I feel called to do is on the waxing crescent, with the intention of making our home a sanctuary for ourselves. I love working with my home at the beginning of the year, and will call on the friendly fires of Vesta, so this lunar work feels very aligned right now.

The book also details gardening “more successfully and magically”7 using the moon cycle. She also explains plants that can be used in lunar magic and shares about the wisdom of each plant. Coincidentally (I say that tongue in cheek), I’ve been wanting to buy eucalyptus, and now read that Stacey recommends it for clarity and strength, which are much needed right now! 

As DeMarco writes, “Almost every culture has a lunar goddess or god.”8, so the book also explores deities such as Hekate and Artemis. She also details working with animals of the moon, such as the hare that is often seen in the waxing moon.

The book concludes with working with crystals and potions, herbs, and baths. “The Never-Ending Learning” chapter offers resources such as DeMarco’s website and that of NASA. What I found to be a really amazing gift was that DeMarco included universal dark, new, and full moon charts for the next 15 years: 2022 – 2036. This is an amazing resource!

DeMarco is a sharer of her knowledge of lunar magic. Her work is remarkable; I use her Moon Magick: Deep Moon Messages mini-cards daily for a quick pull. I highly recommend her work, but especially The Enchanted Moon. It’s a resource, it’s a starter, it’s a guide – it’s all good things in relation to lunar magic rolled into one!

Moon Wisdom, by Heather Roan Robbins

Moon Wisdom: Transforming Your Life Using the Moon’s Signs and Cycles, by Heather Roan Robbins
CICO Books, 978-1-78249-849-0, 144 pages, 2020

Moon Wisdom: Transforming Your Life Using the Moon’s Signs and Cycles by Heather Roan Robbins is an amazingly informative book to help in understanding the important role the Moon plays in our lives. You need no working knowledge of the phases of the Moon, its relationship to signs of the zodiac, or even how to find your Moon sign in order to begin a deep dive into the book. The information is presented in an easy to understand manner with colorful graphics and charts. I envision this as a book that I will use every day, not one to be read and put on a shelf.  The book is divided into three sections and an Appendix that offer clear, guided ways to begin your Moon work. 

In Part I, “Navigate The Way With,” Robbins describes the effect the Moon has on our daily lives depending on what sign of the zodiac it’s passing that day. As she explains, the Moon moves through the entire zodiac approximately every 28 days, and so passes through each sign every two to three days. She describes how to work with the Moon in the moment, depending on what sign it is in, using it as a guide to navigate the day. She breaks down the aspects of the Moon for each sign by using the same headings: Mood Under the Sign, Romance, Contemplation/Meditation, Things to Do, and Garden (both your internal garden and the physical garden), ending with a chart on What to Watch Out For. Of course, I did an immediate check to see what sign the Moon was in on the day I read the section and found it spot on.

Part II, “If You Were Born Under,” Robbins explains the effect the Moon has on our lives depending on its phase and sign, based on the day one was born. This Moon imprint remains with us our entire lives and helps explain our unique gifts. The information offered in Part II is a guide to help raise self-awareness and also an awareness of the characteristics of friends and family. It was interesting to read that if one knows one’s Moon sign as well as one’s Sun sign, you can better understand how all Capricorns, for example, are not cut from the same cloth. The coupling of the traits of a Moon sign with that of a Sun sign creates a multi-dimensional picture of one’s self and also of others. Life Part I, this section is also divided into sections: Challenges, Primary Emotional Need, Dealing with Those (born under this Moon sign) at Work, in Romance, and in Family, and Unique Gifts. Of course, it’s not meant to be a one-size fits all description of what this Moon sign means to you, but it does put forth some very strong characteristics of the Moon sign and also offers much-needed guidance. 

In Part III, “Phases and Aspects of the Moon,” there is a deeper dive into the effects of the phases of the Moon and the corresponding energy on the sign of the day and also the sign of our birth Moon. Heather offers a guide to using lunar energy to live by – when to begin or end something, to attract or be more introspective, what we generally need at each phase, and how best to interact with others. She works with eight phases of the Moon, not just the four phases of which we are generally aware: full, new, waning, and waxing, offering a more details of the phases. 

She explains that the Moon phase at the time of one’s birth helps one understand where one is in the soul cycle, whether one is beginning a soul cycle if born under a new moon or completing one if born under a full moon. She also writes about the power of the eclipse (both solar and lunar) which she describes as a “form of astrological acupuncture” 6 meant to be surprising, uncomfortable, and ultimately revelatory. I found the section of Part III that delves into the aspects of the Moon to other planets to be the most technical and challenging to grasp in a few reads. It was definitely not a quick read, at least for me, and I will need to be re-read to fully understand. 

Part IV, “Appendix,” offers guidance on how to read an astrological calendar and a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions section that offers further details how astrology work and the definitions of astrological terms. Again, the colorful graphics and charts offer this information in an easy-to-understand form. 

Heather encourages one to work with a two-pronged approach to astrology, the “astrology of the moment” or today 9 and also the astrology of the moment of one’s birth. I loved her description of the benefits of working with the stars, constellate or con=with and stella=stars, versus disaster, or dis=against and aster=stars. The book truly reflects her belief that “we’re not influenced by the planets but that the planets are influenced by the same universal patterns that influence us.” 10

After reading Moon Wisdom, I have begun to refer to this book every few days to see the aspects of the day ahead based on the Zodiac sign that the Moon is in. I say every few days because the Moon lingers in each Zodiac house for at least 2 days. I have a Moon app that I use in conjunction with the book to help me with the Moon phases. I’ve begun using the phases of the Moon to guide when I start projects, when I want to delve into more introspective work, and even as a gauge as to what to expect from colleagues in my work day. While I’ve always loved conversing with La Bella Luna in the night sky, I now feel as if I understand her complexity and her pull on my life. She’s not just a pretty face! She’s a powerful force!  I highly recommend this easy to use guide. There is a tremendous amount of information offered in its pages.