The premise of The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception is based on the Infancy Gospel of James (Protoevangelium of James) that dates back to the 2nd-century.
The premise of The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception is based on the Infancy Gospel of James (Protoevangelium of James) that dates back to the 2nd-century.
Pagan Portals – Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate author Jennifer Teixeira has been a practicing witch for over two decades
Raven Goddess: Going Deeper with The Morrigan by Morgan Daimler provides an abundance of thoroughly researched and cross-checked facts, coupled with a flair that only an accomplished storyteller could achieve.
Growing up in a family that has practiced Appalachian folk magic and conjure for generations, Doctoring the Devil author Jake Richards has a depth of knowledge about these topics that transcend his decade of personal practice.
I highly recommend Artio and Artaois to anyone wishing to learn more about bears – not only the animals themselves, but also the relationship that humankind has had to these creatures throughout our history and beyond.
Moon Magick by Stacey Demarco is a charming deck of affirmation cards to help one connect with the cycles of the Moon.
A Spell in the Forest: Book 1 – Tongues in Trees by Roselle Angwin draws the reader into an ethos of tree wisdom and healing.
Sacred Geometry by Richard Heath frames the foundation of the universe, physical building, and human life in an entirely new way.
I recommend Iris to those hoping to learn more about her mythology, wishing to connect with the goddess of the rainbow, or even establish a relationship with her as a deity.
All in all, I absolutely loved Spells Trouble, and I recommend it to all witches looking for an entertaining summer read.