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Search Results for: craft

Magic in the Landscape, by Nigel Pennick

Magic in the Landscape: Earth Mysteries & Geomancy by Nigel Pennick is a history book about how magical practices and the routines of indigenous people are recorded in the present-day landscape – in this case, the landscape of Great Britain.

Egyptian Magick, by Mogg Morgan

Cue Egyptian Magick: A Spirited Guide by Mogg Morgan, which is just the book for those who truly wish to expand their practice into a working system.

Esoteric Mysteries of the Underworld, by Jean-Pierre Bayard

One of the first things I noticed about Esoteric Mysteries of the Underworld: The Power & Meaning of Subterranean Spaces was how incredibly dense it is. This book is not a light read; it’s meant for those serious about exploring the hidden symbolism and meaning found in the deepest recesses of the Earth.

Queering Your Craft, by Cassandra Snow

From now on, whenever someone asks to me to recommend a book about getting started in witchcraft, Queering Your Craft: Witchcraft from the Margins is the book I am going to recommend, whether or not that person is queer.

Zeitgeist Nostalgia, by Alessandro Gandini

In Zeitgeist Nostalgia: On Populism, Work, and the “Good Life,” Alessandro Gandini examines how the result of this transformation has created an age of nostalgia, or wistful, sentimental longing for the past.

Yoga by the Stars, by Jilly Shipway

When I was looking for something to shake up and add new dimensions to my yoga routine, I couldn’t have done better than to pick up Yoga By The Stars: Practices & Meditations Inspired by the Zodiac by Jilly Shipway.

Ancestral Tarot, by Nancy Hendrickson

Ancestral Tarot: Uncover Your Past and Chart Your Future by Nancy Hendrickson immediately drew my attention because it combined two interests of mine: tarot and ancestry.

Entering Hekate’s Garden, by Cyndi Brannen

Entering Hekate’s Garden: The Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft by Cyndi Brannen is a book about plant spirit witchcraft, a craft which incorporates magick, medicine, and the mystery of botanicals through the use of both their physical properties and their spiritual essence.