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Tag Archives: rockpool publishing

Shadow & Light Oracle, by Selena Moon

Shadow & Light Oracle: Reflection Cards to Unlock Your Unconscious Mind, by Selena Moon
Rockpool Publishing, 9781922579638, 96 pages, 36 cards, April 2023

Shadow & Light Oracle: Reflection Cards to Unlock Your Unconscious Mind by Selena Moon is a beautiful deck that presents opposing or complementary views on practical issues in daily life. Within the 36 cards and full color guidebook, Moon has created magical imagery with digital collage, drawings and line art. She writes the guidance from her personal experiences. 

Selena Moon is an award-winning designer, digital artist, and author.  Born and raised in Sweden, she currently resides in Sydney, Australia. With a bachelor degree and years of experience in graphic design, she has created a number of card decks and a journal for card readings. Moon firmly believes that art can positively impact people’s lives. From her website:

“Inspired by diverse sources, Selena enjoys exploring new avenues to avoid being confined to a particular style or technique. Her multidisciplinary approach allows her to combine various skills and techniques to create unique pieces of art. In addition to her artistic endeavors, Selena has a keen interest in psychology and draws on her knowledge and experience to create products that inspire and motivate people in their lives.”1

What drew me to the cards was the tagline: “Reflection cards to unlock your unconscious mind”2. On the day of my first experience with the cards, I was preparing to go to a family event. I was anxious and stressed and asked the question:

“What do I need to know to calm myself before this visit?”

I drew the card: #35 Physical Pain-Emotional Pain.  It talked about how the body and mind are closely connected and that troubles and worries can manifest as physical pain. The guidebook went further to ask me to “make note of any physical pain you might be experiencing.”3

At first, I questioned how this card was going to benefit me in my current situation, but as I read the affirmation and exercise, it became clear.  The affirmation encouraged me with these words: 

“I am calm; I am grounded; I am safe.”4

I took a photo of the affirmation with my phone and read it several times during the party. This really calmed me and helped me through a tense time with people who try my patience at every turn!

Next, I did one-card readings for a few friends.  For the first friend, who is a district manager for a corporation by day and an intuitive reader by night, I drew #21 Asking – Telling.

This card is related to communication with others and the delicate balance between asking a question and telling your point of view. Moon encourages us to stop making assumptions or rehearsing in your head what you want to say, and really try to understand and listen. 

My friend said that the reading really encouraged him with a current work situation and that he really liked the affirmation:

“I show up in conversations to understand, not to prove I’m right.”5

He thanked me for the reading and said that he felt like these cards would be ideal for further self-discovery!

For another friend, who was struggling with some major changes at her workplace, I drew #4 Reflection-Overthinking. She said this was the perfect card for her! 

This card shared information about the troublesome habit of asking “What if?” repeatedly and overanalyzing everything about a situation. This was exactly the current mindset of my friend, regarding her work changes.  She 

loved the way that Moon suggested that your thoughts can “bring you peace and harmony”6 instead of frustration. She felt that she would benefit from both the affirmation and exercise that Moon included for redirecting and reframing your thoughts.

Finally, I drew another card for myself and drew #32 Relaxation – Activation. This was on Monday, which is a day that I typically try to do all the things! Instead of stressing over my to-do list, Moon encouraged me to step back and relax a little by moving my body in a way that I enjoy, like walking.

“Activating your body will help calm your mind . . .see if you can shift your focus and let the stress out by moving your body.”7

It really worked!  After a quick walk around my neighborhood, I came back refreshed and ready to do some work on my website and create my weekly blog post. 

This deck is so beautiful and easy to use. The colors are rich jewel tones and the various photos and graphics that she uses to create the visuals are stunning. I connected with the cards and the visual art easily and the guidebook was written in a very conversational style.

Moon includes written guidance, an affirmation, and an exercise for each card. The guidebook is printed in four color, so that you can also see the card you chose inside the book. Although each card is numbered, Moon also added a Table of Contents.  In the introduction, she shares that these cards are good for those times when you feel stuck, directionless or unfocused. She also includes how to cleanse your deck, how to phrase a question and three different spreads to use.

The cards are standard size and printed on glossy card stock in a very nice weight.  They are easy to shuffle, but do not bend easily. Each card is lined with silver metallic edging.  The cards and guidebook came in a sturdy two-part box that holds each piece of the set.

My favorite card in the deck from a visual standpoint is the Energy – Motivation card, which is #20.  It features a woman looking down on a winding pathway that is covered in handwritten words and a scattering of letters.  It almost looks like a walkway to the beach, with beautiful clouds in the sky.  I could get lost in that card for days! 

My favorite card in the deck from the guidance presented is #27 Offended – Enlightened. This guidance reflected the wisdom in stopping when I am offended and seeing the trigger.  By loving that part of myself, I can move from “offended” to “enlightened.”8

Shadow and Light Oracle would be good for anyone from a new oracle reader to a more experienced reader of tarot or oracle cards.  The language is easy to understand, yet it presents great messages for self-reflection and personal growth. I plan to add this deck to the stack of decks I use to close out a tarot reading for clients. Many times, I choose an oracle card to share a last bit of guidance for clients and the wisdom from Selena Moon will be a nice addition!

Wild Woman Oracle, by Cheyenne Zárate

Wild Woman Oracle: Awaken Your True, Free and Soulful Self, by Cheyenne Zárate
Rockpool Publishing, 1925946835, 144 pages, 44 cards, October 2022

Cheyenne Zárate, the enigmatic artist who created Wild Woman Oracle: Awaken Your True, Free and Soulful Self, knows exactly how you’re feeling when you say you want to reconnect with the wildness inside you. She asks us to “reflect regularly on who we truly are,”1 something which is achievable with this easy to use, beautifully crafted pack.

Zárate is a supremely talented artist, now living in Canada with her two cats, Carlos, and Lily. In this deck, she draws on her Scottish, Chilean, and Ukrainian ancestry to bring us feminine figures from around the world. Her adoration and respect for these wild women is apparent here in her artwork and perfectly written descriptors. Zárate wishes to celebrate women, help them find their strength and power, “to reconnect with their wild feminine nature in order to live in alignment with their authentic truth”2

It was the title of Wild Woman Oracle that first drew me to these cards. I have an underlying “wild woman”, who is desperate to get out and be seen. I thought these cards might help me to embrace her and set her free. Just the thought of getting closer to nature and finding that connection deep within was all I needed to make the decision for this set.

To begin with, before I even opened the pack, I was mesmerised by the imagery. The colors used and beautiful sketch work on the box, I was instantly in love. This is carried throughout, with each card having an almost metallic feel to them, the drawings looked etched, opposed to drawn. The set consists of thirty-six cards and a guidebook, complete with an introduction to Zárate and how to use the cards. A message for each individual feminine icon is included, along with their symbolism.

There is something deep within us that’s wild, leftover remnants from a time when we may have been forest dwellers. It is that urge that makes us want to climb a mountain, swim naked in a lake, or just take yourself forest bathing in your local woods. You find inner peace and a connection to the earth.

I have used many oracle and tarot decks before now, some of which I have found to be extremely useful. They have given me insights into my mind, heart, and soul–insights that I never would have found without them. I have felt that they were created in such a way that I could rely on them for guidance and awakenings, which is how I also feel about Wild Woman Oracle. I knew that as soon as I opened the box, they were going to be there for me and offer that same kind of help.

I have found that classic tarot can often be quite harsh, unforgiving, hard to navigate and honestly, difficult to work with. And although I know we need to take the good with the bad, tarot to me has always been a bit of a tyrant. Oracle cards, especially this deck, give you a softer approach.

I have consulted angel cards  in the past and although their messages and guidance were brilliantly accurate, I am not a religious person and some of the phrases used, such as angels, God, and heaven, just don’t sit right with me and I would find myself changing the words to suit. Usually, I would exchange those words for “the Universe,” a phrase used throughout the Wild Woman Oracle. I had been searching for a deck that would speak my language, and I may have just found it.

Though no deck should be used without prior knowledge of how to read them–you must do your research before diving straight in–these cards are a perfect place to start if you are just getting going on your reading journey. It’s a nice relaxing way to spend time alone, get yourself a cup of honey tea, light a candle, and give yourself time to take in a reading from the wild women of the Universe.

I like to take my cards when I’m away with friends, so we can do a reading every six months or so. I haven’t yet had the chance to show them this fabulous pack, but they will definitely be in my case for our next trip.

I did, however, get the chance to do a reading for my Mum. She chose the classic three card reading: past, present, and future. We were pleasantly surprised to find that the cards touched upon subjects and important life aspects that needed attention at that time, some of which have been an issue for several years. The cards were adamant that this needed addressing immediately and that too much time had already been wasted. They guided her with the steps to take, how she can resolve these issues, and, more importantly, which of the wild women to call upon when needed.

The personal changes I am experiencing at the moment, physically and mentally, have been at the forefront of my mind, and when I did a reading for myself it was obvious that the cards were aware of this. They have alleviated some of my worries, given me an alternate way of viewing things, and I now feel I have them to call on when I need more guidance.

In my first reading, I drew death, destruction, and divine service. My first instinct was of course to worry about what this might mean, but the death card can have an array of different meanings and not the actual death of you or anyone else. It represents new beginnings, a chance to start fresh, tear yourself down, and rebuild. It can be a job, a relationship, a focused time in your life. Here is your chance to reinvent yourself. And this reading gave credence to feelings I’ve had: I need to let go, and I have been given permission, safe in the knowledge that these supreme beings had my back.

One card, the Inner High Priestess, stood out to me. She sits, solitary, the moon visible from her window, her black cat at her feet. She is in control, busy, but rested. Powerful. Pillars stand at either side of her, with the letters B & J, representing Boaz and Jachin from the Temple of Solomon. She holds the balance: good and evil, dark, and light, feminine and masculine. 

“The High Priestess is the portal between the earthly plane and the heavenly spiritual plane: She has one foot planted firmly in each dimension.” 3

The guidebook for this deck is pocket sized, easy to follow and features some lovely designs. The instructions are set out for whichever reading you choose: one card and three card divination, past present and future or situation, action, and outcome. A description for each depicted feminine figure is given, plus what they each represent and the message they wish you to have.

For example, my Inner High Priestess card represents divine service, wisdom, intuition, psychic abilities, and sacred occult. It’s an incredible card to draw, one of which has come to me twice in a row, at a time when I was in desperate need of her guidance, so I feel incredibly honored for it to have done so.

In Wild Woman Oracle, Zárate has drawn upon her own personal experiences in order to bring together the strongest feminine figures from myth, legend, and folklore. These inspiring women who we look up to, seek out, and aspire to be, are all within our reach, right beside us and deep within us.

The Medicine Woman Oracle, by Catherine Maillard

The Medicine Woman Oracle: Discover the Archetypes of the Divine Feminine, by Catherine Maillard and illustrated by Caroline Maniere
Rockpool Publishing, 9782702917824, 49 cards, 196 pages, October 2022

The Medicine Woman Oracle: Discover the Archetypes of the Divine Feminine by Catherine Maillard is an incredibly unique deck.  The illustrator, Caroline Maniere, used vivid, jewel-toned colors to illustrate each of the women or animals included, as well as similar colors for the back of the cards. Unlike other decks I’ve worked with, Catherine Maillard divides this deck into four distinct sections:  Medicine Women Cards, Gifts of the Feminine Cards, Totem/Allied Spirits Cards, and Medicine Action Cards.

Maillard has a background in facilitating women’s circles and 20 years experience in shamanic practices, dance therapy, and working with the Keepers of the 13 Moons.  She also has training in aromatherapy, applied reflexology, and plants and herbs. Her goal in creating this deck is to create a guide for the feminine journey, to help women heal their wounds and free themselves from old patriarchal patterns. 

I was extremely interested in this deck because of my love of the spiritual teachings of shamans around the globe and the mystery and healing power of the medicine wheel.  This deck did not disappoint! Maillard weaves rich archetypes throughout the deck and includes healing rituals or practices for every card. 

Many decks include spreads or ways to interact with the cards, and Maillard is no exception. The spread that first caught my eye was the Medicine Wheel Spread, a spread with four cards that made use of the deck’s unique composition:

Card 1: The Circle of Medicine Women

Card 2: The Circle of Gifts of the Feminine

Card 3: The Circle of the Totems/Allied Spirits

Card 4: The Circle of Medicine Action

Maniere has brilliantly color-coded the cards in each of the four sections by coloring the design on the back of the card a specific color and then matching the color on the bottom of the front of the card. This makes it amazingly easy to divide the cards into the four sections that you need to use for this spread. 

After separating the cards, you fan them out and select one card from each of the four groups of cards. Maillard invites you to take your time and turn over each card, one at a time, as you ask a question that relates to the specific flavor of that section of the deck. 

Next, it’s time to go to the guidebook and read the messages you find for each card. At the end of each card’s written guidance is a ritual or practice that you can do for healing, more introspection or, as Maillard puts it, “to awaken the medicine wheel.”1

When I used this spread for my own daily card practice, I pulled my four cards and made notes in my journal.  I focused on the first two cards for that day, finishing the practice with the suggested rituals.  The next day, I worked with the other two cards.

Even after more than 20 years of working with oracle decks, I am still amazed at the clarity of the guidance that comes through and this deck was no exception.  I received a message about going within for inner guidance from three of the cards.  The fourth card referenced the chance to “Free yourself from secrets; discover the hidden treasure of your heritage,”2 which is available to me from the feminine line of my ancestors.  As someone who has been working with my ancestors throughout my spiritual journey, this was a great confirmation. One line particularly spoke to me:

“Remember, along with any trauma you carry the antidote.”3 

This is brilliant! I’ve never seen it expressed quite like that before. How affirming and encouraging! 

My favorite card in this deck is “Medicine Woman #3: Authenticity:  I open the way of truth”. The colors feature my favorites of turquoise and cobalt blue.  She holds crystals in her hands and wears a multi-colored headdress of colored feathers. 

To further test the wisdom of the deck, I did a series of Medicine Wheel four-card readings for clients and friends. I did these on Zoom and showed the cards and read a few lines from the guidebook.  With the rich imagery on the cards, the title and descriptive tagline, there was more than enough information for a quick reading.

Each reading was very unique and each person wrote later to express gratitude for the timeliness of the messages received. One woman was actively researching her genealogy and received the “Healing Family Lines” card. Two women received the “Path of Beauty” card.  One woman expressed that she had been “too busy” to spend time in nature and would use the guidance to add this to her daily rituals.  The other woman wanted to begin creating art and would use the guidance as confirmation that she was on the right track. Two different actions from the same card!  This is why I love oracle decks, especially this one by Maillard.

This deck includes 49 cards, including a 13th Medicine Woman, which Maillard asks you to remove from the deck when doing the Medicine Wheel Spread.  I used it as a blessing for each person and shared the guidance as a bonus card. The cards are edged in gold, standard oracle card size and a nice weight.  The colors are vivid and printed in a matte finish.  

The guidebook is 196 pages and includes a table of contents, which is broken into the four sections.  However, due to the color coding of the cards and the matching colors in the guidebook, it’s not really necessary to refer to the table of contents. Maillard also includes a lengthy introduction and a section on how to use the cards.  At the end, there is a bibliography for more information.  Because of the information she provides, I feel that anyone from a beginner to expert reader can benefit from these cards.  She walks you step by step to create space for a reading and then to use the cards for guidance. 

Later in the week, I shuffled The Medicine Woman Oracle extensively to mix up the colors and sections and took them to my weekly “Coffee & Cards” group.  Each woman pulled just one card from the deck.  Again, I was amazed at the guidance and how each person was encouraged by the message she received.  One woman pulled one of the same cards she had received earlier in the week from her personal reading with me.  She said, “I guess I’ll have to really focus on that one!”

In the future, I’ll use these cards as a sign-off for my intuitive readings or for more detailed readings for women in transition.  I feel that these cards can truly benefit any woman who is on a quest to learn more about herself and her own healing capabilities.

Deep, Dark & Dangerous, by Stacey Demarco

Deep, Dark & Dangerous: The Oracle of the Beautiful Darkness, by Stacey Demarco and illustrated by Kinga Britschgi
Rockpool Publishing, 1922579076, 128 pages, 44 cards, October 2022

Where do you turn to when you want illumination on the darkness present in your life? Oracle cards are my go-to for all sorts of questions, but often for the deeper questions, the “love and light” aspects of many decks feels incomplete, leaving me longing for something more. Deep, Dark & Dangerous: The Oracle of the Beautiful Darkness by Stacey Demarco has become the missing link in my oracle readings, providing meaningful insights from the archetypal energies that lurk in our shadows and depths.

There’s a real potency to this deck. For the first time in a while, I took Demarco’s suggestion of a dedication ritual in the guide book and performed it before getting started. Admittedly, this is something I rarely do with oracle cards, but this deck inspired a certain reverence that made it feel necessary to brace myself and prepare properly. Just like how I dip my toes into a deep pool to test the warmth before diving in, I have been called to move more slowly with this deck as I do my readings – not wanting to pull too many cards at once and be overwhelmed by what energy is coming through the deck.

Luckily, Demarco is someone I trust to guide readers to meeting these mysterious energies with care. She has created dozens of oracle decks and books, including The Enchanted Moon, Plants of Power, Moon Magick, and The Halloween Oracle. For over 25 years she has shared her gifts as a pagan practitioner and modern witch, teaching how spirituality can be used to solve modern day problems. In the guidebook, she writes:

Confession: I’ve even carefully put the small strip of paper holding the new cards together back on after each reading. This might be my subconscious way of trying to “tame” these forces, which is no easy feat, as many spiritual practitioners know.

“If we decide to seek or even engage with these unconscious aspects of ourselves, these darker shadows, these ill-formed, half-created, seemingly ugly monsters of our unconscious, perhaps we can refine them, perhaps even reshape them into something exquisitely useful and beautiful.”1

The cards are divided into three types: dark, deep, and dangerous. The dark cards are filled with entities that reside in the darker places (Kali, Persephone, Anubis, Charon) while the deep cards are entities that reside deep within our psyche, the ocean, or other environments (Hydra, Selkie, Mermaid). My favorite ones are the dangerous cards that feature predatory entities that are often out to harm us, unless we attune our senses to the dangers at hand and heed their warning (Werewolf, Vampire, Medusa, Erinyes).

The guidebook provides a few ideas for spreads to use for the card, such as the Dark Moon Three-Card Draw and The Four Element Spread, along with guidance on how to tune in and pick the cards. Then for each card Demarco shares a paragraph-long oracle message, the dualistic qualities the card represents (ex. clarity/opaqueness or discipline/chaos), the mythos or story of the entity on the card, and finally, the plant and crystal companion. The oracle message might seem a little short, but I have found them so far to be very on-point for the questions I’ve asked. And I especially enjoy reading the background stories about all the dark, deep, and dangerous entities and the way Demarco relates them to modern life.

The cards are all numbered at the top and also state whether they fall into the deep, dark, or dangerous category. And on the card, there is a keyword provided at the bottom. Right below the keyword is the name of the entity featured on the card. The guidebook has all the cards listed numerically, which makes it quite easy to look up the oracle message.

As for the imagery on the cards, the illustrations by Kinga Britschgi perfectly capture the essence of each entity. Britschgi has a knack for detail that really brings each entity to life. The interplay of colors and shading make for eye-catching imagery. Some cards provoke a bit of fear, while others invoke a sense of wonder and awe, such as Kraken, featured to the right. 

I enjoy how the visuals sometimes give me a little shiver and remind me of the power in connecting with these unconscious forces. I am reminded of the thrill of taking a walk on the wild side. Britschgi’s images invoke the heightened sense of arousal that comes from letting the imagination linger in the darkness and depths, bringing to life what we might find in the shadows.

The card I pulled for today was Selkie. It is a depth card and the keyword is freedom. The duality is containment/freedom and pretense/authenticity. The oracle message encourages me to seek out my inner truth and embrace my authenticity, as that is ultimately the route to freedom.

This feels resonant with me, as I just made my first social media post in a while that detailed my inner journey of personal and emotional growth. It was scary to put myself out there instead of hiding behind the filters and hashtags, but sharing my feelings did indeed feel liberating. I take heart in Demarco’s message of how the selkie can find their way back home after being lost in a realm not of their own. She writes:

“Eventually, the selkie finds her skin and is reunited with her authentic form. Without a backward glance, she steps into it, and allows herself to be enveloped by her true shape once again and re-enters the aquatic world.”2

I just love how the mythos of the selkie is drawn upon to find meaning in my present circumstance. The entities in this deck really make one reflect on their own circumstance, delving into the parts of ourselves we keep tucked away, both consciously and unconsciously. Taking the time to go deep, embrace the darkness, and acknowledge the danger puts us in the position to discover new aspects of ourselves while also embracing shifts happening that are meant to steer us clear of potential downfalls.

All in all, Deep, Dark & Dangerous Oracle has quickly become one of my favorite decks. The card and messages ask you to be bold in acknowledging these entities. A whole world of exploration is opened if you have the courage to go beyond the realm of comfort. Facing what scares us the most is a great way to empower ourselves and discover just what we’re capable of, and this deck is the perfect way to gently ease your way into the unknown. I highly encourage those seeking to add a bit of mystery and intensity to their readings to see what dark and dangerous things might be hiding in their depths. I bet you’ll be surprised just how cathartic, transformative, and filled with beauty it can be to find out!

Zodiac Moon Reading Cards, by Patsy Bennett

Zodiac Moon Reading Cards, by Patsy Bennett and illustrated by Richard Crookes
Rockpool, 9781925924268, 36 cards, 84 pages, March 2021

Patsy Bennett is a journalist, a psychic intuitive, and an astrologer with over 25 years of experience. Writing horoscopes for magazines and newspapers in Australia and around the world, she has also written several books and is a speaker and teacher in the area around her home in Byron Bay. She created the Zodiac Moon Reading Cards as a “powerful 36-card set and booklet depicting the Sun, Moon and eclipses through the zodiac signs.” I watched a YouTube video of Bennett and listened to an interview to get a better idea of her astrology background.  She’s the real deal!

I was intrigued by the use of eclipses in this deck.  Although we will only see four eclipses in 2022 (there were four in 2021 and six in 2020), it is interesting to note the energy of an eclipse in each zodiac sign–and this is what Bennett has captured. She features the twelve Sun signs, twelve Moon signs, and the twelve eclipse signs.

Due to my study of astrology over the past two years, I have been interested in anything that focuses on the zodiac, the Moon, or other planets.  She does a great job of explaining the energy of the Sun, Moon, and eclipses, as well as the twelve zodiac signs.  Her language is easy to understand and very informative. Bennet includes two spreads for the deck, although I decided to focus on one-card readings for my initial foray into these cards.  The guidance shared in the booklet is very rich and detailed.

When I saw this deck, my interest was piqued, as I wondered how the guidance for these cards would be revealed, so I dove right in, deciding to use the cards for my weekly Coffee & Cards group. 

Initially, I asked a question for myself, posing a query around a work situation.  My card was Eclipse in Leo.  Keyword:  Compassion with Tagline: “Shine brightly like the star that you are.”1  The verbiage in the guidebook suggested that I consider this time to be a turning point and remember to use my skills in both compassion and creativity. It also guided me to more self-care and a focus on activities that I love.  

I took this guidance to mean much more to me about a personal project I am about to undertake and saw it as a “green light” to move ahead. It also urged me to: “Keep the channels of creativity and happiness open with an active and optimistic mindset.”2

Next, I pulled a card for each of the women in my Saturday card group.  One woman asked a question regarding her new job prospects.  The guidance she received came from the card Sun in Sagittarius with Keyword:  Adventure and Tagline: “Stride out into new territory.”3  Similar to my experience with my card, she felt that the card answered a different question she had regarding taking a trip to South America to work with her Shaman.  At the very end of the passage, Bennett shares “If you asked a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, the answer is ‘yes’.”4

Another woman asked a question regarding starting a website to sell tarot decks. She has been studying and buying decks for over twenty years.  Her card was Eclipse in Aquarius with Keyword:  Awakening and Tagline: “Your deeper resolve rises.”5  She shared that just this week, she had made a decision to stop job hunting and focus 100% of her energy on setting up her website for teaching Tarot and selling cards. She felt that this card confirmed that decision. One paragraph really stood out in the guidebook for her:

Digital and technological ventures can reach a new level. You may see your abilities in the digital world in a new light. Avoid being consumed by technology; Ensure you create balance in your life between technology and everyday concerns.6 

She shared in the group that while she had a little experience in developing a website, the new technology was a concern.  She took this card to be her confirmation that she can handle whatever comes her way and that her resolve to provide not only cards for sale, but also educational information and support for people on a spiritual journey will be key.

The cards are a little larger than most oracle decks and hard for my small hands to shuffle in the traditional way.  However, by mixing them up on a tabletop or doing an overhand shuffle, the cards can be shuffled for each use.  The cards are of a medium to light-weight card stock and I’ll have to be careful not to bend the cards.  Also very glossy, the cards are highly varnished on both sides.  I noticed that I had to turn off the overhead light to photograph them for sharing online. The highly varnished surface reflected the light and distorted some of the graphics. However, this is minimized by turning off the light. The deck and guidebook come in a beautiful box, with an indentation to hold the cards and a magnetic closing flap.

Bennett and her illustrator have done a beautiful job of matching the keywords and taglines with images that bring the verbiage to life. The guidebook is easy to read and has been printed in full color, including color photos of each card.  It is arranged in Zodiac order from Aries to Pisces for each of the three sections. Bennett has provided two ways for you to find your card or cards, if you are unfamiliar with the natural order of the Zodiac signs:  1) She has numbered the cards from 1 to 36 and 2) there is also a Table of Contents.

I really enjoyed working with the Zodiac Moon Reading Cards.  The messages were clear and the guidance was detailed and flowed beautifully from the guidebook.  This deck would be great for anyone who wants to learn more about the Zodiac signs and the energy of the Sun, Moon and eclipses.  No prior knowledge of astrology is required and this is really helpful for most people.  I’m also planning to keep this deck close by and refer to it when the Sun and Moon moves into each sign.  This will help me continue to build on my knowledge of the qualities for each of the Zodiac signs.

The Enchanted Moon, by Stacey DeMarco

The Enchanted Moon: The Ultimate Book of Lunar Magic, by Stacey DeMarco
Rockpool Publishing, 9781925946147, 247 pages, November 2021

Moonstruck. Dance by the light of the moon. Lunacy. Tides. Prehistoric cave drawing. Ahh – the Moon! She has always been a guiding force. 

Stacey DeMarco’s book, The Enchanted Moon: The Ultimate Book of Lunar Magic, is chock-full of valuable information on developing a relationship with the Moon to assist with living our lives in a magical way. I avoided saying “working” with the Moon because the book is rife with ways for us to play with the Moon, dance under the Moon, grow with the Moon – you know, have fun with the Moon, while deepening our relationship with our inner goddess/god and La Bella Luna. As DeMarco explains, “this is the witches’ way – practical and magical.”1

I was so excited to get the book that I dove right in. Yet there was so much information and great suggestions, coupled with an abundance of invocations, rituals, and spells, that I soon realized I needed to honor DeMarco’s work by then slowing down and picking and choosing what sections to focus on for my own work. I began to use the various sections to do deep dives into actually working with the power of the Moon

DeMarco begins by writing about the Moon scientifically: its gravitational force, tides, and even the light of the Moon and how it’s been used from the beginning of time. She then flows into the lunar rhythms and cycles, describing waxing and waning moons, new and full moons, eclipses, and blue moons – and the influences of each phase. As I write this, the Moon is in a waxing phase – a good time to set intentions for growth and for prosperity spells.

In the “Inner Cycles” chapter, I found it interesting to read that “the moon phase upon (one’s) birth triggered the beginning of life and remained as a person’s peak time energetically throughout life.”2 I began to pay attention to when the Moon’s phase was returning to where it was on the day of my birth and used this knowledge as guidance. It’s easy to look up the phase for your birthday, if you’re interested in doing the same.

DeMarco then delves into how one can start to practice lunar magic. She writes about three vital skills that are needed, noting:

“This is how I begin with my students who are serious about working with earth elements and lunar energies, and for all of them, you need nothing but yourself… YOU are the weaver of magic and magic starts with you. That is more than enough.”3

How empowering! The first skill is Observation – noticing the moon for a lunar cycle, observing the light, the star and planets, the moon’s surface.

The second skill is Sitting Out – Utiseta. “The practice of purposeful ‘sitting out,’ called utiseta was a meditative and somewhat shamanic activity.”4 She recommends as a start that one sits or lays in one’s garden (if you have one) for at least three hours for each lunar cycle, connecting with the earth and the moon.

The third skill is Casting Circles.  “In lunar magic, it is a reflection of the shape of that big moon above you and is a way to capture the energy.”5 The book delves into lunar rituals for both solo work and working with a group. 

For the 28 moons of the month, each magical in its own way, she offers “profiles of the energy, as well as a spell, ritual, and invocation or meditation…for the feel of the phase’s opportunity.”6

For instance, I loved the ritual of grounding and protection done under a dark moon. It was powerful to feel rooted in the earth, receiving goddess-given power from the earth knowing that the power was unlimited and protective. Admittedly, I felt more comfortable and less noticeable to my neighbors by doing my first ritual in the cover of darkness.

The next ritual I feel called to do is on the waxing crescent, with the intention of making our home a sanctuary for ourselves. I love working with my home at the beginning of the year, and will call on the friendly fires of Vesta, so this lunar work feels very aligned right now.

The book also details gardening “more successfully and magically”7 using the moon cycle. She also explains plants that can be used in lunar magic and shares about the wisdom of each plant. Coincidentally (I say that tongue in cheek), I’ve been wanting to buy eucalyptus, and now read that Stacey recommends it for clarity and strength, which are much needed right now! 

As DeMarco writes, “Almost every culture has a lunar goddess or god.”8, so the book also explores deities such as Hekate and Artemis. She also details working with animals of the moon, such as the hare that is often seen in the waxing moon.

The book concludes with working with crystals and potions, herbs, and baths. “The Never-Ending Learning” chapter offers resources such as DeMarco’s website and that of NASA. What I found to be a really amazing gift was that DeMarco included universal dark, new, and full moon charts for the next 15 years: 2022 – 2036. This is an amazing resource!

DeMarco is a sharer of her knowledge of lunar magic. Her work is remarkable; I use her Moon Magick: Deep Moon Messages mini-cards daily for a quick pull. I highly recommend her work, but especially The Enchanted Moon. It’s a resource, it’s a starter, it’s a guide – it’s all good things in relation to lunar magic rolled into one!

Plants of Power, by Stacey Demarco and Miranda Mueller

Plants of Power: Cultivate Your Garden Apothecary and Transform Your Life, by Stacey Demarco and Miranda Mueller
Rockpool Publishing, 1925924351, 352 pages, September 2021

“Go touch grass.” This is a sentiment that I really took to heart this past spring, summer, growing season or whatever else you want to call it. I ended up going ham in my little yard and definitely bit off more than I could chew this season. Clearing out the unwanted and planning for what I did want around me was rough and it’s still a work in progress. 

It’s through this little foray into the growing stuff side of life that made this book ping my interest radar. So, I waddled over to my shelf just to see what I had over there. Whelp, I will admit I had no books on plants. None, zip, zilch.

I want a practical plant space. I want it full of good strong allies ready and willing to help me out when I need it in exchange for the love and care I have to give. And with a hesitant chuckle, I began to read Plants of Power: Cultivate Your Garden Apothecary and Transform Your Life by Stacey Demarco and Miranda Mueller. This book is a good book, a great book even, and it has definitely taught me a thing or two.

I was aware that our ancestors, those who walked before us, had a deep connection to the land. It fed them, gave them the raw materials needed to build tools and shelter, the power to mend wounds and ease illness, all things we have lost touch with today. They found the plants that lessened swelling and eased a headache by observing what we nowadays can glean from a quick google search provided by science and electricity. This was their science; our science is much different. Don’t get me wrong, science is great, but it is also not so great. 

“Talk of how a plant might alter consciousness has increased the chance of that plant being banned by authorities, usually with a campaign of fear.”1

It’s the sad truth. We are so disconnected from the land and how to use it that we fear what should not be feared, we demonize what should be respected and we cherry pick which plants get this treatment. We do not shun the Lily just because it’s lethal to cats. We ignore the fact that the bulb of the Daffodil is bad for both us and our canine companions as we edge walkways with them. There are so many wonderful plant allies that have been done dirty just because we do not understand them the way we once did. I better cut this off here though and move onto the book proper here.

Part One

This book, past the intro, is divided into two main sections. The first part consists of six bite sized charters that covers a little about our authors and some general plant knowledge.

The first chapter is the meet-the-author chapter. Here we get an abridged version of their life paths away and back to the land. The next two cover nature and the land. The patterns that appear in nature have lessons to teach us if only we would slow down and listen, tending the land that we have is a great way to do this by the by. Be this land a full yard or a few pots on a balcony, it’ll do you some good me thinks.

The second half of the chapters are less about the land itself and more about the plants and what we can do for/with them. Did you know that plants can sense your intent? What about the fact that there’s two, two different ways to compost? What about using the moon and zodiac signs in your planting and harvesting? I sure as heck didn’t. I’d recommend paying extra attention to these sections, as they were quite eye opening for me and I’m sure they will also be for you.

Part Two

Here we get into the greenery proper. The plants are split into sections based on season and each plant gets a few pages to itself. These pages are laid out as follows. First, the common name at the top and the scientific one directly underneath it. Then, under that a box is further quick info like other names, planetary rulings, and a little correspondence list. Past the box is a quick blurb on the plant, some notes on its cultivation and foraging.

The really fun part of this section, the crafts section. In the crafts section, we get a bit of a mix bag from recipes for food like mint pesto and even mouthwash to meditations and salves centered on our plant in question.

Y’all my wallet gonna hate me this coming spring! I’m kidding…maybe… But in all seriousness coming out of the reading gauntlet (I tore through this book in three days) I have a deeper appreciation for the earth and the plants that I already have been tending. Which are a few mints, some common sage bushes, rosemary and a marshmallow, in case you were curious. My wishlist of plants has also become obscenely long, but it will be thinned out as I research further on which ones will grow best in my area. I hope to add at least two plants from this book as well as many, many more mint plants in pots so I can make all the mint pesto I want (recipe page 180).


I did have some minor issues with this book. Don’t you go scrunching your face up at these words, remember it’s physically impossible to fully please everyone with what you create and you just gotta roll with it. The biggest, most glaring issue is where is the index?! There’s usually an index in books like this. I don’t normally need to use the index, but in looking for the page with that mint pesto recipe, the index was sorely missed. I mean I eventually found it, but it would have been so much faster and less frustrating had there been an index.

These next two wishes were not mine originally. My wonderfully accepting and former chef father pointed out that some of the plants with an edible craft do not have a basic flavor profile. While this particular nit-pick isn’t a big one, it’s still something that might have been nice. The last one is phonetic spelling on some of the names. We spent a good twenty minutes debating the pronunciation of Comfrey over coffee one afternoon. While it was invigorating to whip out my phone and prove myself correct, this particular inclusion would have made the discussion unnecessary.

Overall Plants of Power is a great book, well worth the coin for this particular ware. This book would be a good fit for someone who doesn’t have much knowledge about plants and their real uses beyond being a pretty thing outdoors. As a beginner in the plant world there is so much more to learn but that’s what research is for and this book is a great place to start from.

The basic info provided is enough to get an idea of what you might want to start growing. This would help to keep the budding gardener from becoming overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things out there to learn. Why spend hours learning all the ins and outs of growing say an olive tree if you know for a fact you don’t have the space or proper growing conditions for one?

I would also think someone with an intermediate to advanced knowledge of plants would also find value in Plants of Power. Even if they don’t exactly learn anything “new”, the different perspectives these two authors bring to the table ought to open doors to revelations and breakthroughs that might otherwise have laid dormant. 

Mediumship, by Kerrie Erwin

Mediumship: Your Guide to Connect, Communicate and Heal Through the Spirit World, by Kerrie Erwin
Rockpool Publishing, 978- 1925924985, 160 pages, June 2021

“Mediumship is the practice of mediating communication between living humans and the spirits of the dead. It has been documented from early human history, gaining its popularity during the nineteenth century when Ouija boards were used by the upper classes as a source of entertainment. Natural mediums are born with the gift, although they may not become aware of it until later in life. Every person who walks this path has their own individual gift to offer. Once you embrace mediumship as your life purpose it becomes an enormous responsibility, as you are helping people to cope with their grief. Despite the highs and lows it is very rewarding.”1

Author Kerrie Erwin is an Internationally recognized medium whose work includes spirit rescue and connecting loved ones to those who have passed. There is often a distinct difference in being able to impart the body of what gifts the individual may have in a live setting versus being able to translate that information and teaching into book form. In the case of this title, Mediumship: Your Guide to Connect, Communicate and Heal Through the Spirit World, I would say that Erwin has done a wonderful job of bridging that disparity.  

Although this may seem like an aside and irrelevant, I am going to comment on the visual appeal of the book. We, as humans, are very visually driven, storing memories and feelings from the catalogue of what we have seen and then experienced as a result. This book is a soft powder blue paperback with a lovely piece of cover art depicting a white outlined pseudo Ouija pointer centered between gold text for title and author.

Upon opening the book, the reader is greeted by blue line drawings of eyes in various states of gaze and opening and scattered throughout are assorted blue lined drawings representing certain aspects of the content included in a particular chapter or paragraph. The attention that went into the design of the book itself immediately engages the reader in a gentle “pulling in closer” manner to subject matter that may be frightening or fraught with skepticism.

Mediumship is separated into thirteen chapters, each providing the reader with multiple aspects of consideration when exploring the role of the medium and finding your own style of communication. The Introduction offers a look at Erwin’s life as a medium and how the work came to be. She describes being called by the spirits at a very young age and how a near-death experience in her twenties allowed her first hand experience of the spirit world. Her descriptions are comforting and are filled with hope and joy at reuniting with those within your “soul group” who have passed before you. 

As part of the Introduction, Erwin also speaks of love and its power to act as a point of connection between the living and the departed. This is the connection achieved, as the medium becomes the conduit of that eternal connection…

“Love is the most powerful emotion in the world as its energy in its higher form, can create healing, miracles and magic in our world. When a loved one dies there is no ending but rather a new beginning, a journey back to the spirit world as spirit lives on, connected to us eternally.”2

Chapters 1-3 provide the reader with the basics of what mediumship is and how it may be defined. It was very interesting to have a definition of the types of mediumship, ranging from channeling and transfiguration. Then there is a concluding section on working with the police. 

“Chapter 4: Suicide: A Difficult Subject” was a much needed inclusion in the book for understanding another aspect of the work of mediumship, albeit one that is shied away from publicly….

To lose someone from suicide is incredibly painful, as you never understand why they took their own life and wonder if there was anything you could have done to prevent it.3

Some very thought-filled questions Erwin poses and answers are:

  • If you kill yourself are you punished and sent to hell?
  • Is it harder to make contact with a spirit who has committed suicide?
  • Do people really mean to kill themselves?

Additionally, there is a checklist of signs others can look for in individuals who may be inclined towards suicide and a listing of Australian help lines and agencies that can be called upon for help. 

“Chapter 7: Protection From Negative Energy” provides a reminder of the need to learn protection techniques and the attention that should be given to exactly what and where the spirits you may encounter are coming from:

“One of the first things I learned when I was developing as a medium was the power of protection and how to utilize it, which is mandatory in my profession. There are many different spirits and energies or different vibrations out there that are not always from the light.”4. 

As Erwin states, not all spirits have the best interest of their living connections in mind. Some can be tricksters and others downright baneful in their intentions. Psychic attack is included as a topic and the author also provides exercises in awareness and protection that are useful for those living energetic predators as well as those from the spirit realms. 

“Chapters 9: Meditation” and “Chapter 10: The Chakra System of Mediumship: Your Guide to Connect, Communicate and Heal Through the Spirit World” provide techniques for opening psychic awareness and self reflection through contemplative practice as well as the energetic anatomy that works collaboratively within the individual as the skills of mediumship are developed. Erwin makes use of nine chakra centers, beginning with the Earth Chakra and moving through the Transpersonal Chakra above the crown chakra at the top of the head. Each chakra is defined by its purpose, color and etheric location and the chapter concludes with a visualization exercise for Empowering with the Middle Pillar (another name given to the line of chakras along the etheric central column):

“The nine chakras are the energy centres in your body through which energy flows; they ground and protect you. Blocked energy in your centres can often lead to illness or dis-ease and can be projected onto your clients, so it is important to understand what each chakra represents and what you can do to keep this energy flowing.”5

“Chapter 11: Psychic Links” explores the tools of mediumship used to hone the skills of inner sight and continually build upon your abilities. Topics include flower readings, jewelry readings, pendulums, and Ouija boards to name a few.  Specific exercises to try out these tools are included, as well and provide the reader with a variety of experiences. 

I really enjoyed “Chapter 12: My Spirit Team”. Erwin talks about those guides she has for her work and I found this to enable a point of resonance between the reader and the material presented in giving a very concrete example of how these guides out-picture and what aid they offer.

“Chapter 13: Ethics for the Professional Medium” offers a lengthy and very concise list of the ethical considerations in acting as a medium for another. There is also a listing of what the client can expect from the medium. Again, very useful to ensure that if you choose to work with a medium you are placing your vulnerability and emotions in their care and keeping.  

Erwin sees life as a contract of experiences to be learned from and resolved. And, the compelling reason to seek out the expertise of a medium or to develop your own skills in connecting with those who have been part of your contract is that of healing and being able to move on to the next lifetime. She sums it up nicely in “The Afterthought”:

“I have tried many types of healing, and the most powerful would have to be simple forgiveness on every level. You don’t have to actually like the person, but once you have forgiven them you release yourself from the contract, cutting the energy connection that is no longer needed, learning the lesson and mobbing on to a life of love without fear.”6

Mediumship is a very user-friendly read that demystifies what mediumship is and the healing that can occur from those gifts being used with integrity and loving intention. I also found it a timely read given how many souls have passed over from COVID-19 and other horrific events. As I stated previously, there is definitely a message of hope and the comfort of knowing that physical death is just another state of Being.

Astral Realms Crystal Oracle, by Dark Moon Crystals

Astral Realms Crystal Oracle: A 33-Card Deck and Guidebook, by Dark Moon Crystals and Prism + Fleur Design Studio
Rockpool Publishing, 1925946282, 33 cards, 128 pages, September 2021

Gorgeous pink oracle cards covered with dazzling crystals? Yes, please! I have been adoring the way Astral Realms Crystal Oracle by Dark Moon Crystals and Prism + Fleur Design Studio looks on my altar recently. Plus, the accompanying guidebook has really inspired me to step-up my crystal game and made me more dedicated to my spiritual practice.

I was initially drawn to this deck for its aesthetics. Pink is my favorite color and it is the background of all the cards, which have tinted pink edges as well. The vibe of the deck reminded me of Work Your Light Oracle Deck and The Starseed Oracle created by Rebecca Campbell with artwork by Danielle Noel. The design on these cards, by Prism + Fleur Design Studio, is more ethereal and simplistic, but each one is absolutely beautiful.

I have gotten the most out of the deck by spending time meditating with the cards and looking at the beautiful images. There’s a soft feminine feel to the deck, which opens intuitive portals to connect with the crystals. I really like the layer done, where some cards have faded images in the background with other images bold and center. Glyphs, seashells, columns, mushrooms, and flowers fill the cards, bringing them to life with potent spiritual symbolism.

The deck has a really unique approach, which extends the meaning of the cards beyond just the crystal energy. By combining astrology and chakra energies, divination occurs trifold. The guidebook states:

“Seeking insight from the astrological transits of celestial bodies, turning within to enhance and unblock flow through your energetic (chakral) field and utilising the healing and empowering frequencies of crystals is what we call the ‘trifecta’, a divinely guided approach to raising your frequency and deepening your connection to the astral realm.”1

These different energies are perfectly integrated with the cards’ design. At the bottom of each card is an energetic signature, or word which encapsulates the trifold meaning of the card. On the left side of the card is the crystal messenger, or the name of the crystal shown on the card that can be worked with to further enhance the energetic connection. Then on the right-side of the card is the supporting element, which is either a celestial body, chakra, or earth element. At the top of the card is a number to make it easy to find the card’s message in the guidebook.

I especially love the incorporation of the supporting element because as an astrologer and Reiki master, it really expands my understanding of both the crystal and its message. For instance, Card 18 has Clarity as the energetic signature, citrine as the crystal messenger, and Sun as the supporting element. Through understanding the astrological energy of the Sun, I feel a more solid connection to citrine. When I close my eyes, in my mind’s eye, it’s like I’m blending all the energies together and feeling the essence of Clarity emerge. While I am drawing upon my astrological knowledge to learn more about crystals, others who know more about crystals can do the opposite with the cards to learn more about astrology or chakras. 

The guidebook is also really helpful for learning more about crystals. For every card, there are additional keywords, along with a description of the trifecta, activation guidance for the energy, and an affirmation to recite. The trifecta description delves into the energy of earth element, chakra, celestial body, and crystal to assist the reader in understanding how they all come together within the card.

Then the activation guidance is an activity the reader can do to further connect with the card. Some examples of activation guidance are journal prompts, taking a ritual bath, breathing exercises, visualization, and meditation. Most of them are easy to do right away, but some are more involved, such as buying a plant or doing a yoga pose. There’s one instance where it even calls to look up your South Node in astrology, which I think is definitely useful for everyone to know!

Using this deck makes me feel calm and inspired. While the astral realm might feel spacey or out-of-reach, these cards ground the energy for me. I like how I can hold the gorgeous cards, which tangibly link me to the energy. Looking at the images stimulates my mind’s eye, and the colors soften my energy to be receptive to my intuition and the guidance of these different energies. I also have found it helpful to pull out a card if I am feeling called to work with that energy. For instance, meditating on the Moonstone card to activate my Crown Chakra. There’s a ton of ways to work with Astral Realms Crystal Oracle; it’s versatility makes it both unique and useful to have nearby.

All in all, Astral Realms Crystal Oracle is a wonderful deck for all spiritual seekers. It combines so much wisdom! The mixture of astrology, chakras, and crystals is potent. Combining different energy systems and drawing upon one to bolster another is extremely beneficial. Dark Moon Crystals has done a wonderful job of both weaving these trifecta energies together, as well as making it a great access point for all levels of experience. I highly recommend this deck for those hoping to practice the art of integrating energy and those who simply appreciate art because it’s so well designed! This deck will definitely be on my altar for quite some time.

Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle, by Juliet Diaz and Lorraine Anderson

Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle, by Juliet Diaz and Lorraine Anderson
Rockpool Publishing, 1925946223, 44 cards, 144 pages, September 2021

Even though we are quickly approaching one of my favorite sabbats, Samhain, my mind recently has been wondering towards Yuletide already. This is because I’ve been doing daily pulls from Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz. While I know the first deck in this series, Season of the Witch: Samhain Oracle, might be more appropriate for the current season, I haven’t made the switch just yet. The insight I’ve been receiving from Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle is just too good to await the winter to use!

I want to start off by saying the deck is absolutely beautiful. With gilded green edges, it feels like I’m holding a shiny present in my hand. Images of candles, Fir trees, and furry animals make the deck come to life. There’s a gentle warmth that radiates from the deck, which reminds me of the sense of community and hope that we naturally call on to make it through the dark days of Winter. Simultaneously, cards such as Solitude and Crone remind us of the inevitable necessity of going inward and facing one’s own depths during this season too.

As I look through the deck and do my daily pull, I find the oracle cards perfectly capture all the cozy, snowy, magical feelings of the Yuletide season. I am genuinely impressed with Anderson and Diaz’s choices for card names, such as Chills and Ringing of the Bells, which instantly tap me into the sensation of Winter. I enjoy how the deck includes Reindeer Medicine and Bear Medicine, along with Poinsettia, Mother Mary, and Father Christmas.  The cards are a soulful reminder of all the special parts of the Yuletide season for one’s craft. As the authors write:

“Christmas is a Christian tradition but its roots are based in pagan ways. Familiar symbols such as Christmas trees, stars, lights, giving gifts, and even Santa Claus are threaded through pagan cultures and predate the Chrsitian celebration.”1

My favorite cards feature traditional Yuletide snowy scenes with silhouettes of a witch on her broom riding in the sky. The folklore of La Befana, the Italian Christmas witch, is near and dear to my heart, so I truly enjoy seeing a witch in action outside of the usual Halloween imagery. I like imagining there’s a Christmas witch that watches over us all, delivering presents of the heart to us as we are hunkered down inside for the cold Winter months.

Each oracle card features a beautiful image, the name and number of the card, and a short one-sentence oracle message. The guidebook then elaborates quite eloquently on each card, offering keywords and heartfelt messages that have been spot-on every time I’ve pulled a card so far. Along with advice for working with this deck, including spreads and magic tips for some cards, the guidebook is also filled with Yuletide imagery. It’s a pleasure to look through it, as images of mistletoe and holly line the pages. It’s worth noting this guidebook does not provide reverse oracle meanings as the guidebook for the Samhain Oracle does, but this didn’t bother me at all because I hardly use reverse cards in oracle readings.

One spread I really like is The Evergreen Wreath, which assists the reader in figuring out where they are now and where they want to go. Another one I thought is creative is The Christmas Cross Tarot Spread, based on the traditional Celtic Cross, but framed in the perspective of Yuletide (ex. Card 2 is Winter Storm, while Card 5 is Ghost of the Past), once again heightening the connection to the season. I’m also looking forward to The New Year Ahead spread once it gets closer to the start of 2022.

I’ve come to trust this deck, which doesn’t always happen instantly for me, and not just because my first pull was the card Squirrel Medicine, when squirrels are my favorite animal ever. It’s something more; Yule Oracle feels imbued with good vibes and an openness, which I believe stems from the author’s intention when crafting this deck. There is a really heartfelt section in the guidebook about reclaiming the witch, in which the authors write: 

“The way we view magic needs to change. It’s time to reclaim this world for yourself. To reclaim magic means to honor yourself through the magic you create. If your magic is pink and purple with glitter and that feels good to you, then it’s your right to express that magic in this way. If you love beautiful things and aesthetically pleasing design but are also a witch, know that your magic is no less valuable because you also value art. If your magic is about rolling in the dirt under a full moon to connect with the earth, then so it is. Your magic is beautiful in its dirty rawness.”2

This meaningful passage really made me appreciate the mindset of the authors. It also reaffirmed that my magic, which I will say leans towards the pink and glittery kind, is valuable, even if it’s not the traditional imagery of gothic witchcraft. I feel like there’s this greater reclaiming of our inherent magic, and within this shifting of the imagery, there is limitless potential of how everyone’s unique magic will be expressed. I have a lot of respect for Anderson and Diaz for acknowledging this as part of this introduction to this deck, especially since they also acknowledge the lack of diversity in Samhain Oracle.

All in all, I can say I’m in love with the Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle. There’s just something about the traditions and sentiments of this season that always brings up the good tidings. The range of oracles in this deck provide inspiration and divination from all sorts of guides: animals, sacred symbols, Yuletide folklore, and the simplicity of winter life. I think this deck will be the perfect present for Witch Switch gift swaps or to give as a meaningful gift to your inner coven of loved ones.

And, just to get you excited, I found out via Google that there will be a Seasons of the Witch: Beltane Oracle coming in March 2022! Woohoo! 🙂 I’m a very seasonal person, so it’s a thrill to have decks to embrace the energy of the season. Speaking of which, it’s probably time to pull out my Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle!