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Author Archives: Alanna Kali

About Alanna Kali

Alanna Kali is an astrologer, numerologist, and pioneer spirit that loves to explore life through the lens of depth psychology. She has a passion for studying the humanities and social trends. Her academic work is centered upon reuniting body, mind, and spirit through eco-psychology. She loves reading, spending time in nature, and travel.

Ancestral Magic, by Kirsten Riddle

Ancestral Magic: Empower the here and now with enchanting guidance from your past family history, by Kirsten Riddle
CICO Books, 9781800652613, 144 pages, September 2023

Discovering more about one’s family origins has become increasingly popular as new methods are developed to trace lineage through DNA. Perhaps you’ve done a swab to submit to sites like Ancestry and 23andMe, maybe even met some new relatives! As interesting as the physical aspect of our connection to our ancestors can be, there’s so much that can be explored through the spiritual dimension too. Ancestral Magic: Empower the here and now with enchanting guidance from your past family history by Kirsten Riddle is a perfect place to start your journey of connecting more with the potent magic of your ancestral lineage.

Riddle is a best-selling author of spiritual titles including The Beginner’s Guide to Wicca, Be Your Own Goddess, and Discovering Signs and Symbols. Her intention in writing this book was to provide a starting point for those hoping to learn more about their familiar power through the lens of magic, which is definitely her writing speciality! Ancestral Magic is filled with tons rituals, techniques, and guidance to aid readers in connecting with their ancestors, a process which Riddle notes is “personal and different for everyone”1, in a way that feels resonate for them and their path.

Ancestral Magic is composed of six chapters that I felt like intuitively built upon each other, moving from exploration of the ancestral impact on the reader personally to the reader’s connection with the ancestors to the family as a whole. I found this approach was very grounding because the initial chapters centered me within myself before branching out to explore more of the larger family dynamics, stories, and karma in play.

The style of each chapter is similar with descriptions of magical techniques, “Try This!” rituals and exercises, and pages for journaling your results at the end. There are also meditations included for each chapter. Riddle does a great job of balancing hands-on methods of connecting with ancestors (creating altars, gathering photos, writing out family memoirs) with psychic work (dream intervention, cutting karmic ties, scrying with mirrors). There’s also guidance on how to cultivate one’s ancestral gifts, build self-esteem, switch the narrative around, and other spiritual practices to enhance your own perception of yourself and your family.

One thing I will say is that ancestral magic takes devotion and dedication! To really unpack your ancestral karma, reveal limiting beliefs you’re carrying, or deeply explore your family’s stories takes time. There’s a spirit of reverence that seems to come naturally when doing this spiritual work, which invites you to slow down your pace. Plus, family stuff is very personal, and it can bring up a lot of emotions, which it is important to integrate at your own speed.

Riddle provides enough exercises that I have no doubt one could easily spend months, if not a full year, mindfully exploring their ancestral lineage. Certain sections might take longer to work through than others too. For instance, it took me about a week to set my intention for my ancestral magic, do the meditations, reflect on the questions posed by Riddle, and actually do the “Try This!” exercises in the first chapter, which is focused mostly on the reader themselves. Even when it’s made approachable, fun, and creative as Riddle has done, ancestral magic requires actually doing the work to reap the rewards.

But for those who move through Ancestral Magic, discovering their own inner gifts, discovering and maybe even rewriting their family narrative, doing the shadow work of ancestral karma, and opening to embrace the support of their ancestors, there is so much potential for a positive future! This is magic that offers a lifetime of insight and divine assistance.

Everything culminates perfectly in the final chapter, which was probably my favorite part of the book! This section offers ancestral spells for joy, love, abundance, support, and good fortune and an exercise to find one’s family’s totem, which could be a “a place, an object, or even an animal”2 often featured in the family folklore. Riddle also offers protection techniques, intended to help readers feel watched over and guided by their ancestor at all times, and advice on how to create family mantras and affirmations. I’m planning to reflect more on my family narrative (all the stories we’ve passed down through generations) to discover our totem and write mantras and affirmations that I can share with my family as a holiday present.

Overall, Riddle teaches us that ancestral magic is a fascinating and powerful practice. By tapping into the wisdom and guidance of our ancestors, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Whether you are just beginning to explore your family history or have been practicing ancestral magic for years, there is much to discover and learn. Ancestral Magic is your guide to unlocking the secrets of your family’s past and use that knowledge to empower your present and future.

Pagan Portals – Planetary Magic, by Rebecca Beattie

Pagan Portals – Planetary Magic: A Friendly Introduction to Creating Modern Magic with the Seven Energies, by Rebecca Beattie
Moon Books,1803411767, 152 pages, August 2023

What if you weren’t at the mercy of the planets, but rather could learn to work with their energies in order to create magic? Pagan Portals – Planetary Magic: A Friendly Introduction to Creating Modern Magic with the Seven Energies by Rebecca Beattie is a guide to connecting with the Seven Planetary Powers to enhance your spellwork. Within this book is all you need to learn about each planetary energy and different methods to invoke their powers.

Since Beattie’s focus is on the Pre-modern Universe, this book focuses on the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (sorry Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto!). She draws upon traditional grimoires of this time, such as Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy, and takes readers back in time through history to understand how these planetary energies were observed by cultures of the past. The illustrations in the book “are taken from pre-modern woodcuts from either the grimoire tradition, or medieval tomes on the nature of the universe,”3 which is great for those interested in occult history.

Before delving into the energies, in addition to the history of grimoires and planetary magic, Beattie covers topics such as twenty-first century magic (the conscious/unconscious mind), the Kabbalah, planetary kameas (magic squares) and sigils, working with herbs, tarot correspondences, planetary days and hours (magical timing), and Orphic Hymns. She also acknowledges how source texts are often contradictory, noting in this book she primarily focuses on Agrippa’s work. For those who read additional sources from this time, Beattie recommends keeping a notebook to keep track of differences in order to make up one’s own mind.

The chapters for each planet pretty much follow the same format. They begin with an Orphic Hymn followed by an introduction to the planetary energy by Beattie. She explains how working with the planetary energy can be helpful and then provides the kamea, sigil, Agrippa’s suffumigation, incense recipe, sigil, seal, examples of deities with this energy, tarot correspondences, and then practical magic section. The practical magic section varies depending upon the planetary energy, but various examples include oil recipes, bath salt recipe, tea recipes, herbal sachet recipes, and candle magic recipes, along with planet-specific spells.

And I just love how well organized it all this whole book is for reference! I admittedly own a copy of Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy, but the books are hefty and quite long; they are not something I could easily carry around for reference. In comparison, Pagan Portals – Planetary Magic is short, sweet, and densely packed with all you’d need for planetary magic spellwork. This is a book that I could keep in my backpack or near my altar for reference.

Plus, Beattie makes it so easy to figure out which planet to work with by including a long list of intentions, alphabetically ordered, with the corresponding planet. From abundance to worry, the A-Z list of intentions also includes breaking contracts, dreams, fertility, mental power, peace, sea-faring protection, preventing theft, and so much more!

I recently started a new fitness plan, so I decided to bolster my motivation with some spellwork. Using the list of intention, I found “Athetlics – endurance”4 and saw it was ruled by the SUN. This is something I wouldn’t have guessed, since I figured Mars would be the planetary energy for all things athletic. I decided to draw the seal of the Sun and tape it on my water bottle. And then I also followed Beattie’s directions for making a solar candle for health, which was anointed with the solar oil for success recipe Beattie also provided.

In addition to the practicality of the book having so much information in one place, my other favorite thing about this book is the inclusion of deities beyond the Roman pantheon the planets are named from. Beattie writes:

“It’s the quality of the planetary energy that is important, not the name, and while the deities they were named for might be ascribed masculine or feminine genders, the planetary energies aren’t gendered in this book as I don’t consider them to be gendered.”5

I appreciated this non-binary approach to the planetary energies. And furthermore, I also highly enjoyed how for each planetary energy Beattie included alternative deities to work beyond the traditional Roman one. For instance, other Saturnian deities included Osiris, Hel, Persephone, and Binah. Beattie shares a bit about the deity, how they reflect the plantery energy, and sometimes even specific ways to work with them (i.e. offerings the deity likes).

Overall, Pagan Portals – Planetary Magic: A Friendly Introduction to Creating Modern Magic with the Seven Energies has been a delightful read for me. Beattie is a wonderful guide for those who want to learn how to include planetary magic in their practice. Her ability to concisely present a vast, ancient magical system without skimping in detail is truly so valuable for readers. I appreciate the work she has done so that we all can have a handy guide for planetary magic. It’s a book that I am certainly going to keep handy for reference. Whenever I want to carve a planetary sigil, it’ll be quick to find it in this book. Or when I want to create incense or an oil, all the information I need is right here.

The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy, by Marlene Seven Bremner

The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy: Imagination, Creativity, and the Great Work, by Marlene Seven Bremner
Inner Traditions, 1644112906, 376 pages, June 2023

Last summer, as I was browsing a used book store in Rhode Island, I came across the book Surrealism and the Occult by Nadia Choucha. Instantly, I knew this book was right up my alley, and I spent the  next month reading about the influence of magical ideas in the work of Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Max Ernst, Lenora Carrington, Austin Osman Spare, and more. This was my introduction into how symbolism in western occultism, especially alchemy, became visual metaphors for surrealists to explore the unconscious realm.

I began to wonder how I might draw upon alchemy to further my own creative process, but life happened, and my desire to explore this was put on the back burner. Then with quite cyclic timing, The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy: Imagination, Creativity, and the Great Work by Marlene Seven Bremner was released a year later this June – once again my summer musings have been guided towards the alchemical process of creativity!

And let me tell you, this book is hefty. Not just in a physical sense with its hardcover, but also in details, imagery, and energetic presence. It is very clear that Bremner has a deep reverence for the alchemical process, as well as personal experience of using creative outlets alchemically. It’s worth reading her artist statement before diving into this book to better understand her influences and motivations for writing this book. You may also want to reference her previously published book Hermetic Philosophy and Creative Alchemy: The Emerald Tablet, the Corpus Hermeticum, and the Journey through the Seven Spheres too for more insight into the Hermetic tradition, though it’s definitely not needed to delve into this book.

Through paying homages to the imagination, Bremner inspires readers to undertake their own magnum opus. She teaches the readers how to bridge the conscious and unconscious in order to generate unity through the creative process and achieve greater self-knowledge.

“All things have their origins in the imagination, through which we commune with the greater story of the cosmos.”6

In “Part I: Alchemy and Imagination”, Bremner provides the rich art history of Romanticism, emergence of symbolism in art, Dada, and Surrealism. She paints a vivid picture for readers, filled with background information on artists and images of their work, to showcase the way “Surrealism and its aim of realizing the union of dream and reality has its roots in the Romantic movement.”7

For each movement, Bremner highlights the major themes (ie. Romanticism – exploration of nature, intensity of emotions; Symbolism – focus on dark dreams, interest in unseen realms, sense of transcendence; Dada – destruction as a form of creation, irrationality, upending convention, sense of nihilism; Surrealism – automatism, liberation of imagination, unity of inner/outer world), and provides a cohesive understanding of how each built upon the next, similar in many ways to the alchemical process an individual undergoes during the process of creation.

This section is pages and pages of art history that studies the magical imagination in play through time, as Bremner references a plethora of artists’ work, along with what was going on historically at each moment in time that inspired and shaped the movements. I found myself often pausing in my reading to look up a poem mentioned or Google the image of a painting, though there are quite a few images within the text too for reference.

From here, “Part II: The Magnum Opus” moves into Bremner teaching the method of creative alchemy, which she explains “goes beyond the creation of fantastic forms and expressions to an intimate relationship between consciousness and matter, presupposing inner transmutation through the creative process, and in turn, a spiritization of art that multiplies in the external world.”8 If you’re on board with breaking down the artistic ego, which Bremner likens to a death, to move through the creative process and achieve transcendent unity, this is where the fun begins! 

“As a result, the art that we create, in harmony with our subjective experience, is both surreal and ideal, depending on where we find ourselves in our personal creative evolution.”9

Bremner guides readers through the four stages of the magnum opus: nigredo, albedo, citrinitas, and rubedo. Along the way, she also goes into great depth about the zodiac sign correspondences to the alchemical process, for instance calcination is associated with Aries, to tease out the multiple layers of creativity in play at each stage. For reference, there are charts and tables that help the reader to visually see the associations. 

What stands out the most about Bremner’s writing, compared to other books on alchemy that I’ve read in the past, is the imagery and descriptiveness of her writing that brings each alchemical stage to life. Her reference to different works, both literary and artistic, and her interpretation of the work helps the reader to see the artist’s intentions, and as a result better understand their own inner imagery waiting to be crafted in the physical realm. 

As an example, in the chapter “Nigredo: Putrefaction and the Generation of Ideas, Bremner discusses works such as The Loss of Faith by Jan Toorop, Melencolia I by Albrecht Durer, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco Goya. All the while, she connects these paintings to astrological correspondences and conveys the Hermetic significance of this part of the journey.

There is so much riveting information woven together that I must say that I am hardly scratching the surface of the depths of Bremner’s writing in this description. In all honesty, this has been my favorite book on alchemy that I’ve read yet. Though I will admit it’s a hardy read; I’ve been making my way through it for a few weeks, savoring each section as I go.

“While we can look to the alchemical processes and ordering of the stages as guides, we must realize the individual, personal,and unique nature of our own artistic approach, allowing ourselves to be flexible, creative, innovative, and adaptable. Further, we must remember that at the core of the work and of utmost importance is the transmutation of the egoic self into the transpersonal Self.”10

For those looking to explore more layers of their creative processes, undertaking the arduous process of transforming lead into gold, The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy is a wonderful resource. This book is rich with insights about how consciousness and matter can merge to usher in new levels of self-awareness and personal insights, along with uniting readers with spiritual energies to reach their highest potential. By following the path that’s been carved by artists of centuries past, Bremner assists readers in undertaking their own creative alchemy.

Phoenixes & Angels, by Carmen Turner-Schott

Phoenixes & Angels: Mastering the Eighth & Twelfth Astrological Houses, by Carmen Turner-Schott, LISW, MSW
O-books, 1803410809, 290 pages, July 2023

Whether one is interested in astrology for mystical or mundane purposes, it’s hard to deny there’s something about the eighth and twelfth houses that stirs up the soul. These aren’t areas in our charts we can tread lightly. We’re either being plummeted into depths or transcended beyond the ordinary, and this can leave one feeling a bit traumatized or confused at times. In Phoenixes & Angels: Mastering the Eighth & Twelfth Astrological Houses, Carmen Turner-Schott draws upon her own experience of working in these special realms to teach readers how to navigate the waters for themselves.

Turner-Schott has been studying astrology for over 30 years with a specific research interest in the eighth and twelfth house. She holds a Master of Social Work degree and is both a licensed independent and clinical social worker. She courageously holds space for those dealing with the energies of these houses in her daily life through astrological consultations of clients worldwide and her work with victims of trauma. Turner-Schott is quite the writer too, and she has previously published nine books, including A Practical Look at the Planets through the Houses, Astrology From a Christian Perspective, Moon Signs, Houses & Healing, and Sun, Houses & Healing.

While she’s also written books focusing on the eighth and twelfth house individually (The Mysteries of the Eighth Astrological House and The Mysteries of the Twelfth Astrological House), Phoenixes & Angels is a combination of research and information on the two houses. Turner-Schott’s wrote this book specifically for “eighth and twelfth house people”1, which she describes as those with planets in those houses or “someone who has an abundance of Scorpio and Pisces energy.”2 The information is also useful for those with a prominent Pluto or Neptune placement in their chart.

Eighth house people have been termed Phoenixes by Turner-Schott because of how they are continually transformed and reborn throughout their life. With each rebirth, they grow stronger and more resilient, though this is not without hardship and difficulties along the way. In “Part One: Mastering the Eighth House”, Turner-Schott delves into the key aspects characteristic of Phoenixes, such as their strength, power, childhood secrets, and need for privacy and intimacy, as well as naturally being drawn to the taboo realms of death and sexuality.

“Eighth house people are meant to rise like a Phoenix out of the ashes. They must let the past die to release past hurts and trauma. They are meant to let go, destined to become beacons of hope for those who are hopeless. . . . Born with extreme empathy for those who suffer, they know what it feels like.”11

Along the way, Turner-Schott offers guidance for eighth house people as they learn how to forgive and let go, deal with the unseen world through spiritual gifts and psychic senses, battle with tough emotions like depression and rage, and perform self-care as they heal and deal with trauma that arises.

“Part Two: Mastering the Twelfth House” focuses on those Turner-Schott calls Angels. The twelfth house has to do with a belief in a higher power and making sacrifices to bring in healing energy. She describes how Angels are called to walk a spiritual path in life, alleviating the pain and suffering through their innate compassion and kindness. 

“Angels who fell to earth to support and uplift the lives of others, they are destined to come out of the mist and be seen. Walking in two worlds, with one foot in the spiritual and the other in reality helps them to find peace.”12

Topics covered by Turner-Schott include 12th house Angel’s need for isolation and solitude, imaginative gifts and mystical inclinations, propensity for secrets and illusions, connection to foreign countries and large animals, behind the scenes work, karmic issues to work out with their fathers and mothers, romanticism and loneliness, connection to cosmic consciousness, and influence of their dreams.

At the end of both parts, ​​Turner-Schott also provides information about what each planet in the eighth/twelfth house means natally and when transiting the house. And then there are quotes of insight and wisdom provided by Phoenixes and Angels themselves. Gleaning advice directly from those with these placements really integrated all that Turner-Schott had written in this section and creates a sense of connection, reminding readers they are not alone in their eighth house struggles, strengths, and lessons.

All in all, Phoenixes & Angels is a really interesting take on the eighth and twelfth house. Turner-Schott’s combination of personal experience, insights, and feelings, along with her examples and testimonials of clients from direct research, deepens readers’ understanding of these spiritually transformational houses. This book is a wonderful resource for those with eighth or twelfth house energies in their chart looking to find out more, whether one is new to astrology or has been studying for some time, to gain guidance in their unique challenges and abilities and grow in self-awareness.

Ecosomatics, by Cheryl Pallant, Ph.D.

Ecosomatics: Embodiment Practices for a World in Search of Healing, by Cheryl Pallant, Ph.D.
Bear & Company, 1591434769, 224 pages, June 2023

A few weeks ago, I had an energetic anatomy healing with psychic healer Madison Lang. For over an hour, she scanned the energy of my physical body from miles away; Madison is located in Minnesota, while I’m in New Jersey. At times, she told me of symbolic images residing in certain parts of my body, such as a clock, representing influence from my maternal grandmother creating soreness in my arm. Other times, she focused her keen awareness on misaligned, extra, and stagnant energy in my body, clearing away blockages and rebalancing my physical body energetically.

The whole experience was phenomenal. And afterwards, I felt like a million bucks! Physical symptoms that had been lingering for months disappeared. My consciousness felt situated within my body again, rather than floating outside myself. My confidence improved, as I was more connected to myself from within rather than making judgements about myself from external standards or perceptions. Madison’s encouragement to release attachment to my pre-pregnancy body and attune myself to my current body– wider hips, a softer belly, and big nursing chest–help me to embrace where I am in life right now with gratitude.

It felt a bit synchronistic to begin reading Ecosomatics: Embodiment Practices for a World in Search of Healing, by Cheryl Pallant, Ph.D. shortly after my energetic anatomy healing, as though the Universe was encouraging me to continue to learn more about the connection between myself and my body. Dr. Pallant’s concept of ecosomatics, or “embodiment work for personal and planetary health”13, goes one step beyond the psychic healing experience I had and grounds it into the physical realm. It has been a wonderful resource on my journey of expanding my perception to be more attune to my body and cultivating my own somatic intelligence.

“For those who are attentive, my touching you provides information about you and the touch also provides you with information about me. The place of contact opens the gate to all sorts of information, especially for healers whose highly sensitive hands rest gently on the skin surface and in the subtle field of the body to detect heat, cool, tingles, pressure, and more. . . Every part of the body leads to a specific awareness, emotion, sensation, imagery, and/or memory, perceptible to those who notice.”14

In Ecosomatics, Pallant asserts that shifting consciousness through expanding one’s sensory perceptions and attuning to the natural rhythms of one’s body has the power to transform on both a personal and collective level. While modern social problems, inadequate healthcare systems, and ecological crisis are pushing humanity towards the brink of destruction, Pallant believes somatic awareness can be a source of healing that aids in the evolution of human consciousness.

As context for her point of view, Pallant goes right to the core of how bias and perception can influence belief systems. She acknowledges the safety of collective belief systems, but encourages readers to delve into discomfort and have the courage to expand their perception to be more inclusive of the intuitive and energetic aspects of ourselves not readily seen with our eyes. This integrative approach helps to release fears, anxieties, and limiting beliefs and opens a doorway for the evolution of consciousness through somatic intelligence.

Drawing upon her own career experience, which includes a Ph.D. in Somatic Writing, certification in Reiki and Healing Touch, and training in Process-Oriented Psychology, Authentic Movement, and yoga, Pallant provides first hand experience of her own journey of discovering the healing ability within herself. She also provides plenty of client anecdotes that aid readers in believing that this somatic shift in perception is achievable.

But her approach to this topic is not a subjective one; Ecosomatics is filled with explanations from fields such as psychology, sociology, quantum physics, and neurobiology. Pallant also expertly weaves together her personal experiences with insight from experts in other related modalities focused on integrating mind, body, and self, such as Healing Touch, 5Rhythms, and Body-Mind Centering, to give readers a wide-range of approaches to somatic healing.

“Common knowing privileges logic, reasoning, and head-centered knowing. Missing is a comprehensive sense of the body that includes intuition, embodiment, energetic, and spiritual awareness that is integrative rather than fractional. Missing is a place and appreciation for uncanny experiences and impressions that don’t readily fit into our belief system.”15

A key theme of Pallant focuses on is interconnection. My favorite chapter, “The Ecology of Self” discusses topics such as energetic resonance, how people’s energy and emotions can be projected onto others, the impact of both fear and love in our lives, and the concept of “we space”. She writes, “Nascent in our development are intrapersonal practices that contribute to coming to know what lives in our shared personal spaces.”16

I really enjoyed contemplating the idea of sharing energetic spaces and observing this energy exchange throughout the week in different places I went. At first, I noticed how much my energy felt scattered and seemed to change based on the vibe of where I was and the energy of those around me; I was losing connection to myself and trying to camouflage into the energy around me.

But by actually doing the “Try This” exercises Pallant offers throughout Ecosomatics, I began to ground back into my own body and become more aware of the somatic experience I was having instead of leaving/ignoring the sensations of my body. I’m still working on my embodiment, but through these exercises, I am coming to understand what Pallant means when she writes:

“By stepping embodied into the fullness of who we are, what takes place is a transformation and a coherence of personal well-being that extends to all sentient and insentient beings and marks us as responsibly partaking in the ecology of self and the planet. What takes place is alignment with the present moment, which reaches out infinitely.”17

The final chapter, “Embodiment Practices”, is one that I’ll definitely be returning to time and time again. Pallant provides different practices for the reader to do in order to cultivate their sense of embodiment. These range from transforming fear and worry into love to balancing masculine and feminine energy to aligning with one’s flow through creative expression.

The one practice I’ve done so far was intended to help develop my intuition, using what I’ve learned about embodiment to discern between fantasy and my intuition. As someone who is clairsentient, it is helpful to be able to feel embody when connecting to my intuition and learning where emotions reside within my body.

All in all, Ecosomatics is a wonderful resource for those interested in expanding their perceptions to be more inclusive of their physical experience. Pallant puts forth a compelling thesis for why embodiment is vital to the growth of our consciousness and does a great job teaching readers how it can be done. The healing potential is infinite. This read is sure to shift how readers perceive themselves in the world around them, awakening them to the experience of embodiment and as a result more acutely attuning to the surrounding energy.

Goddess Among Us, by Victoria Maxwell

Goddesses Among Us: Oracle Deck with 36 Full-Color Cards and 128-Page Guidebook, by Victoria Maxwell and illustrated by Ellie Grant
Rockpool Publishing, 1922579319, 128 pages, 36 cards, October 2022

A goddess oracle deck that represents a diversity of women? Yes, please! Goddesses Among Us by Victoria Maxwell and illustrated by Ellie Grant portrays timeless goddesses in modern fashion and updated to make  them accessible for readers to connect with here and now.

“The goddesses featured in this oracle are from various cultures, religious, and spiritual paths, but they are all aspects of one goddess: a primal, creative force of love that really has no words and no bounds.”18

Using this deck so far, I have loved Grant’s illustrative approach because when I flip over a card, I see women of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds staring back at me in a way I might see them out in public. In turn, this has opened me to remembering the divinity in women I see out and about and how the goddess is within us all always, even in the ordinary and mundane moments of life. There isn’t a one-size-fits all for the goddess, but rather many, many representations of her different attributes, reflected in a variety of looks, lessons, and energy.

For instance, the card portraying the ancient Greek goddess Artemis doesn’t show an ancient image of her clocked in a tunic, but features a tan, brown-haired woman in a wheelchair wearing an athleisure dress with her bow and arrow primed. Kali looks like a blue-haired badass sticking her tongue out wearing her crop-top and jacket with skulls all over it; Pachamama is portrayed as a down-to-earth indigenous activist in blue jeans with beautiful gold jewelry on; while Sulis Minerva has wavy, long auburn hair, braided around the crown, with a one-shouldered blue dress that shows off a solar tattoo on the uncovered arm.

It’s nice and easy to learn which goddess is on the card, as the number of the card and name of the goddess is featured in the upper lefthand corner. There’s a symbol encompassing the image of each goddess, adding to their sense of divinity and giving more insight into the unique power of the goddess. And then there are three key words surrounding the goddess on each card. I just love the font used for this deck! The beauty of the script adds to the flowing, intuitive energy of the deck. Plus, it’s a very colorful deck, making it perfect to use the cards on an altar.

My favorite card visually is The Black Madonna. The card features a voluptuous black woman with a serious look on her face, wearing a tan romper and black jacket with stars on it. She has big hoop earrings in the shape of stars, along with a necklace with an ankh and one with a coptic cross. She’s holding a red rose and the symbol around her head looks like a moon with stars on it too. The keywords are “Cosmic mother”, “The beginning”, and “The void”. It’s also my favorite number (18!) and was the first face of the goddess I met on my spiritual journey, making it feel very special and resonate to me.

In the guidebook, Maxwell provides thorough information on how to use the cards, including how to activate the deck, prepare for a reading, ask questions, and read reversals. She also depicts four different spreads that can be used: Divine feminine activation spread, Goddess guidance spread, Advice and action spread, and Priestess path of the goddess spread.

Then for every goddess card the guidebook features the image of the card, keywords, background information on the goddess (very helpful for when the goddess is new to you!), a general oracle message, extended card meanings, and bullet point lists of what to call on the goddess for and how to embody the goddess.

The extended card meanings provide a more specific oracle message in the areas of love, prosperity, purpose, healing, creativity, and magic. I absolutely loved the deeper insight into these specific areas, especially creativity and magic, which I often forget I can glean oracle advice about. These specific messages makes the deck feel a lot more fine-tuned for readings; I enjoy knowing I can turn to the deck with a very focused questioned in mind and get precise guidance rather than receive a general oracle message that I have to extrapolate the answer to my question by discerning how it’s message relates to what I asked.

I also really appreciate Maxwell sharing what we can call on each goddess for and how we can embody her energy in our lives. Two days in a row, when I was having self-doubts and lacking in self-love, I pulled the card Aphrodite. Some of the ways Maxwell encourages readers to embody this energy are “choosing luxury”, “seeing and owning your own beauty”, and “allowing yourself to experience and receive pleasure in all forms.”19 I realized I had been doing absolutely none of that and spent the whole week doing my best to bring in Aphrodite energy to my life: splurging on fancy organic chocolate, affirming my postpartum body, and feeling more free-flowing love in my relationships.

I also really resonated with Maxwell’s sentiment in her introduction that the goddess can be found anywhere:

“When I opened my heart to her, the goddess began to show me that she was everywhere. I found her in wicca and witchcraft, paganism, the New Age, the ascension path and yogic teachings. I even spent  some time seeking out the goddess in the church, finding her secret messages hidden away in Bible passages..”20

I think the way Maxwell so earnestly sought connection with the goddess in a myriad of spiritual paths is what makes this deck so especially diverse. Many other goddess oracle decks I’ve worked with usually don’t include Christian saints. And the choice of goddesses from all different pantheons make the reader excited for each pull, eager to see which goddess has some insight for them.

The combination of the vibrant colorful cards depicting the goddess as normal women and the potent messages of guidance has made Goddess Among Us a new favorite of mine. As someone who owns approximately four goddess oracle decks, I can say with confidence this one tops them all. For those looking to connect with the goddess in all her wonderful, varied forms while also getting meaningful insight into the questions pressing on their hearts, this is absolutely the deck for you!

Unusual Animal Messages, by Manda Comisari

Unusual Animal Messages Oracle Deck, by Manda Comisari
CICO Books, 1800651619, 52 cards, 64 pages, November 2022

Nature and all the wondrous animals that live within it are absolutely amazing! But why does it seem like we often overlook the more obscure creatures? Most likely because they’re not on our radar; I mean, aside from a select few people in science or conservation jobs, who regularly thinks about the Sea Cucumber or Gobi Jerboa? In Unusual Animal Messages Oracle Deck, Manda Comisari gives voice to these unique animals, attuning us to the lessons they have to share so that we can reap their one-of-a-kind wisdom.

Comisari is a talented wildlife illustrator, who holds a Master of Fine Art in Illustration and has been recognized by The Society of Animals Artists, The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, and Buzzfeed for her work. Additionally, she’s an experienced energy worker certified in Theta Healing.20 This deck is the perfect combination of her illustrative career and familiarity with energy healing.

In the guidebook introduction, Comisari reminds deck users that all of nature is interconnected and that every living thing must be protected to maintain ecological balance. She chose these far-out, unusual animals for the deck to inspire readers to feel an empathetic connection with them, creating a new appreciation for their role in the natural world.

“Developing empathy toward our environment and all the wildlife within it ensures that we will want to protect the planet. We don’t learn about nature, we learn from nature, because we’re part of it. Not better than, not masters of, but an equal participant.”21

This deck is intended to provide spiritual advice from the animals, though it’s not a deck to tell the future, but rather to provide insight in the present moment. It has a very grounded and natural feeling, as Comisari’s illustrations bring to life animals in their own habitat, plain and simple without extravagance. There isn’t an esoteric, ethereal, or otherworldly vibe to this deck at all; it’s centered within the beauty of the natural world.

There are no special spreads suggested. Comisari simply recommends “pulling a card, either daily or when you feel like you could use some spiritual support and guidance.”22 Though the cares are divided into developmental categories for the reader: Establishing Goals, Managing Perspectives and Emotions, Managing Hardship and Personal Growth, Self-Care, Managing Community, Friends, and Relationships, and Learning to Cooperate and Remember Delight.

When reading with the deck, you could either pick the specific development category you want to focus on and draw from only those cards, or you can pick at random and let the developmental category inform your reading as a broader perspective to the card you pulled. For instance, when I specifically wanted insight on how to improve my self-care, I went to the guidebook and pulled out the cards featured in the self-care developmental section. However most of the time, I’ve done general pulls from the deck. Both ways have provided me with insight!

There are 52 cards in all, and I will be honest, they are not the most awe-inspiring or aesthetically pleasing cards. These unusual animals are NOT the cute and furry ones that people tend to love. My mom was quite upset when she pulled Cockroach; the Tardigrade looks straight-up freaky; and Goblin Sharks might give you nightmares. That isn’t to say there’s not some adorable-in-a-funny-looking-way animals in there too, such as the Axolotl, Blue-Ringed Octopus, and Sloth. But I’m warning you, be prepared! You might jump when you see the Red-Lipped Batfish.

And these are only a handful of the unique animals in there. If you read the last paragraph thinking, “What animal is that?” then you’ll have the same joy of discovering new species that I have using this deck. I frankly did not know many of these animals existed prior to using this deck, and it has been fun to learn more about them, which the guidebook makes very easy to do. Though, I still often find myself Googling to learn more!

For every animal, the illustrated guidebook showcases an image of the card along with information on the animal’s habitat, wisdom the animal shares with us based on facts about them, and a “try this” recommendation about how you can put the wisdom of the animal into practical use. And below the image, both on the cards themselves and in the illustration in the guidebook, is a few-word message from the card, if you just want quick and easy meaning to focus on.

So far I’ve found the cards to be quite insightful! I was just telling my husband today about how I feel the need to wave off other’s opinions and focus more on what is best for me, following my intuition rather than external sources. When I got home and began this review, I decided to pull a card. I pulled the quite ugly, borderline scary (I’m trying to not judge these animals for their looks, but truly, this one image is not for the faint of heart!) Red-Lipped Batfish. The card reads, “Be true to yourself without seeking outside approval.”23

Going to the guidebook to learn more, I found out how even though this batfish can swim, “it prefers to walk on the sea floor and often uses its fins as pseudo-legs to get around.”24 The overall message Comisari has extracted from the habits of the batfish focus on how we can be unapologetically ourselves, living authentically without the need for other’s approval. And the “try this” she offers is to take the time to get to know yourself (likes, dislikes, quirks, etc) and reflect on if you’re living true to yourself while also acknowledging if you’re respecting others for living true to themselves too.

I really liked this message! Having used the deck for a few months now, I find it interesting both learn more about these unique animals and also read Comisari’s perspective on how we can gain wisdom from reflecting on their behavior. I enjoy the connection I feel building within to the natural world as I remember that there is no greater teacher than the many marvelous beings we share this beautiful planet with.

My only complaint about this deck is that the cards are not numbered, so you have to skim through the guidebook to find the message. This isn’t too much of a hassle, but it can take a minute or two to locate the cards if you’re skimming to fast.

Overall, Unusual Animal Messages Oracle Deck is a one-of-a-kind deck. It’s not your typical oracle deck, but it’s quirkiness make it stand out. If you are an animal or nature lover, this is a wonderful deck to add to your collection. Not only will it offer guidance and insight to reflect upon, it will introduce you to new animals and provide you with lots of new facts about these unusuals creatures!

The Naughty Oracle, by Naomi Beth

The Naughty Oracle: 44 Full-Color Cards and 128-Page Guidebook Cards, by Naomi Beth (Author) and Dorothy Davidson (Illustrator)
Rockpool Publishing, 1922579734, 128 pages, 44 cards, November 2022

Ever just want someone to say it to you straight? No bullshit; no sugarcoating; no elaborate metaphors. If so, The Naughty Oracle by Naomi Beth is the deck for you! This 44-card deck tells it like it is without the fanfare. Its direct message instantly awakens readers to the issue at hand and ideas of what they can f*cking do about it!

Throw away ideas that you need to be pure and holy to receive divine guidance. This deck calls you out in the best way possible and with quite a few expletives in the process. Sometimes the energy you need is the one that says, “Screw it!”, and embraces the cheeky side of life. In the guidebook introduction, Beth writes:

“The spiritual world has become too serious and stuck in a mindset of letting love and light do all the work for healing. Guess what? It stopped working for me, so I needed something more. I wanted a card deck that would make me giggle and not take life so seriously, but I couldn’t find one that suited me in this current spiritual world of love and light so I created one myself.”1

I am in complete agreement with Beth about how love and light can only go so far. Sometimes you need to slice through the facade to get right to the issue at hand. And what better way to do this than with humor and a dose of real talk to get your mind clear? After playing around with this deck, I’ve learned to shift my energy, gain awareness, and cultivate what I seek by inviting in my naughty side, casting aside social mores to embrace the taboo and do what needs to be done!

The cards themselves are hilarious.Every time I go for a pull, I’m absolutely delighted to read the titles. Some card titles that had me in stitches: “Your Soul Has Fucked Off”, “My Eyes Are Up Here, Mister!”, “Fucked above; fucked below; fucked within”, “Asshole Ancestors”, and “You Really Are a Special Type of Fucktard”. Lol!

Yet below all of these cheeky titles, the card offers a message of empowerment and direction. And I have to say, It’s nice to have a laugh and notice what a human ass I am before receiving my spiritual message. Instantly, my problems seem lighter and I’m moved into a more receptive space, allowing me to actually acknowledge the energy at hand in order to shift it.

The cards themselves, illustrated by Dorothy Davidson, are very colorful with a bright yellow back and cartoon-like images, all in bold colors. The style reminds me of a comic book where the imagery is action-packed. It might only be one segment, but within the picture is a whole story. There’s vitality in each card; the imagery feels very active. And this further amplifies the “in your face” energy these cards hold.

The messages in the guidebook are short, sweet, and to the point. Beth doesn’t wax poetic, but rather states the obvious with an uncouth mouth. Here’s an example of her advice for the card I pulled this morning, “Pissed as a Parrot”:

“Use your own fucking voice. Tell them; say what you want. Voice your own views and beliefs for others to contemplate and argue about. Voice what you love; voice what you hate. Other people’s answers are not your responsibility and are not yours to take to heart. Don’t fucking take them on, because they are just voicing their own bullshit. Voice yours too and enjoy the bullshit ride-along.”21

This is spot-on for me, as I am visiting with my husband’s family and feel like I’ve been hesitant to speak up and share my views and opinions. In fact, yesterday, in a moment of alone time with my husband, I recounted everything I said that I thought made a family member feel uncomfortable. He laughed and encouraged me to continue speaking my mind since I am a part of the family now. But I have remained hesitant, only focusing on the rebuff I experienced or discomfort I could tell they felt.

Clearly, from my pull, the guidance is that I should continue to share my thoughts, even if it goes against the grain of what others believe. Everyone can make their own choices about what to believe; I have the right to express my views just as much as the next person. And the questions included by Beth in the guidebook, such as “Is my fear of rejection preventing me from speaking up, and how can I release this fear?, helped me to pause and reflect. Yes! It is rejection I am worried about, and I haven’t figured out how to release it quite yet, but I’ll focus on it today.

For good measure, I read aloud the affirmation Beth included for the card. One line from it – “I am gifted at speaking my truth.”25 – has been running through my head ever since. This will be my mantra today as I continue to navigate the push-pull dynamic of revealing my thoughts vs. maintaining family harmony.

All in all, this deck is awesome. I think it would be especially fitting for those who are not down with the esoteric spirituality concepts (angels, spirit animals, gods/goddesses), but are in search of spiritual insights. Yes, there’s concepts such as energy-clearing, grounding, and liberating your spiritual energy, but it’s rooted in the wisdom of human life, which we can all admit can be quite a shitshow.

In The Naughty Oracle, Beth truly offers readers a combination of the wisdom of her decades-long spiritual journey and a dose of reality. The cards are hilarious, but they are also very insightful. Between Beth’s tell-it-how-it-is guidance approach, questions to ask yourself, and affirmations, readers have the opportunity to get their head straight.

Manifest Your Everything Interview with Nicci Roscoe

Alanna: Hello, Nicci! It’s so wonderful to chat with you about your new book Manifest Your Everything: Love Yourself and Create your Dream Life (CICO 2023). This was just the energy I needed in my life right now as I’m trying to get some new endeavors up and running. Before we dive into the topic of manifestation, would you mind sharing with readers some insight into your career and the work that you do?

Nicci: Hello Alanna! It’s wonderful to chat with you too. I love that you have read my book and it has given you the energy you needed in your life right now. It sounds like you have something exciting happening with your new endeavors. If you would like a video call chat please let me know and we can arrange something. I’m delighted to answer your questions below. Sending love and beautiful energy 💕🌟

Alanna: Thank you so much! I appreciate the offer. Sometimes I feel people think manifestation is something superficial or frivolous, but in the introduction to Manifest Your Everything, you discuss how your mindset impacted your recovery from a brain tumor and helped you to cope with chronic pain. This really showed me that the power of manifestation goes much deeper and can lead to long-lasting happy endings. What were some of the things you did to manage your pain and come to manifest a positive outcome?

Nicci: Our minds are so powerful and – when we tap into focusing on what we need – it is possible to achieve the outcomes what we want. Living with chronic pain can be so debilitating for many people. Fighting it, feeling sorry for ourselves, not getting out of bed and burying our head in the sand won’t help.

I have had to adapt and change certain things in my life such as not being able to be in a room with an electric guitar as the vibrations shoot through my head. I also make sure I give myself rest time and not get too tired or stressed. Before I did this I had to acknowledge and accept I was left with chronic pain following my brain tumor operation. I changed my thought process from being a victim – angry, frustrated and upset – to being ‘grateful’ I survived. I focussed on positive thoughts such as that I am so grateful I am here for my children and to enjoy my life in so many ways and help others who are suffering to do the same. I wasn’t going to let my pain take over my life. 

Once I had accepted my situation, I started to talk to my pain and tell it ‘I’m in control of you; you’re not in control of me.’ Visualization is also very powerful and I see my pain shrinking and becoming smaller and smaller until it fades and becomes insignificant.  I focus on other things such as my grandchildren, my work and more. When I’m in a crowded place, I zoom into the person I’m with and hear them while the other noise of people talking fades into the background. 

Meditation is also a huge part of my life which I do for 30 minutes twice each day. I feel relaxed and peaceful when I am in this beautiful space and surrender myself to silence and total calm. It gives me energy for my day and at night takes me into a very relaxed state. I focus on my ‘word meditation,’ repeating to myself over and over again ‘I feel peaceful, calm and energized’ in the day and at night I say to myself ‘I feel peaceful, calm and relaxed’. As I continue to repeat these words, I go into a deeper state of meditation and ‘just being’ in silence and peace.

Exercise and healthy eating is also a key area in pain management for me. As a former fitness instructor and trainer in this area, I know how beneficial exercise is for our mind and body. Walking in nature with my dogs, going to the gym and going doing fun circuit workouts with a friend have all helped me mentally as well as physically. Healthy eating enables me to also feel more energy, in addition to it being nutritious and having many other positive long term health benefits.

Making sure I get a good seven hours sleep a night is so important for my pain management. Releasing the tension in my head is also through head massage around the area where I have the plates and screws. My weekly indulgence at the hairdresser is something I always look forward to! James, my fabulous hairdresser, gives me a beautiful head massage around the area where I have my plates and screws. It’s such a blessing to receive.

Finding a focus other than the pain is so important and gives me a new lease of life. 

Alanna: Your manifestation process starts with letting go, which has the quality of an ending to it. Why is it important to release before manifesting? How do you know a chapter has come to a close and it’s time to manifest something new?

Nicci: If you are feeling hurt, angry or upset about a situation or a person, this is something you carry around with you. It’s always there so you’re unable to move forward fully, as it will always come up in your mind. Maybe it’s to do with a relationship breakup or not being happy at work. Whatever it is you are holding onto in your unconscious mind, you need to be free of it to enable yourself to move forward and feel peaceful. Letting go and breaking the cycle of holding on to what we’re used to carrying around with us gives us the opportunity to be free to focus on and manifest what we really want with lasting, deeper positive results. It is so empowering.

Alanna: What I enjoyed most about your approach to manifestation was the focus on self-love. Reading this book reminded me of the personal power we all have within us that can ripple out and change the world around us. What happens if you try to manifest without doing the work of loving and caring for yourself? Why are positive affirmation and confidence so important for manifestation?

Nicci: Giving yourself love is a priority we all need to focus on before manifesting. By focusing on ourselves first, this is giving us a good place to begin focusing on what we really want and can achieve. If we don’t love ourselves how can we find true love, feel passion for what we do, give to others and feel happy and peaceful when we get what we dream of?

If we don’t give ourselves love and care, there will always be a void in our hearts whatever we manifest because we’re constantly chasing our desires that won’t feel fully complete. 

When we manifest coming from a place of self-love and care, it’s so much more powerful. Being true to yourself and what you really want is really important. Positive affirmations such as ‘I believe in myself’ and ‘I can do this’ are constantly feeding the positive into our subconscious mind.  This in turn can give us the confidence to feel better about ourselves and focus our minds on what we really want.

Alanna: You offer so many ways to get your manifestations flowing, from connecting to nature to practicing gratitude and meditation. You even teach how to use crystals to enhance one’s manifestations, which is really neat! Do you think someone should pick a method and do it on a daily basis or is it better to try different methods and see which one works best?

Nicci: I believe each one of these ways is an integral part to achieving our manifestations. By bringing each of these practices into your daily life, you will enhance your own mind, body, spirit balance and growth. 

It’s important to focus on being grateful every day for what we do have; meditating to enable us to feel a renewed energy, calm and focus; connecting to nature to enhance our mental health and well-being and embracing crystals that give us what we need through their powerful vibrations and energy.  All of these and more in my book, including having a manifestation board to focus on – taking a relevant photo and seeing it on your phone during the day – are an integral part of manifesting. 

Alanna: Do you have any advice for people who know they want to manifest a better future but are having trouble seeing the specific details of what that might look like for them? How can they become more sure of their choice so that their manifestation unfolds?

Nicci: Wanting a better future and having trouble seeing specific details can be because the person has not let go of what is troubling them, that they may be afraid of failure or perhaps that they are not giving themselves the love they need to nurture themselves. When you go through the process of letting go of past trauma or upset and then give yourself the love you need, this can open your mind and give you the answers you’ve been searching for. 

Healing old wounds to feel better and see more clearly is key to manifesting.

I absolutely suggest investing in a manifestation crystal such as the ones i have in my book including a Brandberg Amethyst or Mad Manifestation Crystal from Madagascar. You can also manifest with any crystal that resonates with you and what you desire. Focus on what you want and keep your crystal with you. Hold it when you feel you need to, keep it by the side of your bed and under your pillow. 

Meditating with your crystal is very powerful. Hold it in your hand and ask for guidance during your meditation. This can give you a clearer picture of what you want. Give yourself time to go through the manifestation process for all to unfold and be revealed to you. Believe, focus and trust in the process. 

Alanna: Another aspect of your manifestation technique I really liked is how it promotes a healthy lifestyle. What is it about food, exercise, and positive mindset that contribute to manifestation happening?

Nicci: I absolutely advocate a healthy lifestyle. Coming from a fitness background I know how beneficial exercise and healthy eating can be. They not only give us more energy but also help us to focus on our daily lives with more zest and a more positive mindset. When we feel good about ourselves and nurture our mind body and spirit with this positive balance we are coming from a wonderful place and space to enable manifestation to happen. 

Alanna: Would you share some examples of things you’ve manifested, either big or small, using your techniques?

Nicci:  There are many things I have manifested using my techniques! It’s very exciting when they come to fruition! Totally magical!

1. Manifesting a pet is something I wanted so much since I lost my beautiful shiatsu, Lucky. After he went to doggy heaven I lived in an apartment and no pets were allowed. I missed the beautiful unconditional love our pets give and imagined holding my new puppy and cuddling him. I focused on having him with me and had photos of Cava Poos on my manifestation board and saw my grandchildren playing with him and laughing running around the garden in my new home! A couple of months later I moved into a house with a garden! I now have two puppies Teddy and Honey and my grandsons love running around the garden with them!! Be careful what you ask for, as I had two photos of Cava Poos on my manifestation board!!

2. I was loving life teaching aerobics and having fun. I wanted to bring this to a wider audience and focused on my manifestation process to make this happen. My manifestation board that I talk about in my book had pictures of different television and radio stations I wanted to work for with names of channels and programs written on in bold including Sky One and Sky News. I focussed on this and what I dreamed of and it became reality! I became the regular health and fitness expert on Sky One and other TV programs! Magic happens when you really focus on what you want.

Alanna: One of my favorite parts of Manifest Your Everything is the case studies you have from students. Their experiences were great testimonies to how the practices you share in the book lead to desired outcomes. Do you have any current offerings for those who might want to work with you after reading this book?

Nicci: The real-life stories in my book were from my clients who all had incredible experiences following the manifestation process.

My wonderfully successful workshop Love Yourself is my main offering that my book is based on and I intend to take it worldwide over the next year.

There are mini workshops to complement Love Yourself including: 

Boost Your Confidence Feel, Good and Be Inspired
Manage Your Stress, Meditate, Relax and Re-energise  

My Reiki Courses continue to send out more beautiful Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters into the world to give more healing.

If this interview has inspired you to start your manifestation journey, definitely check out Manifest Your Everything: Love Yourself and Create your Dream Life to learn all the ways you start shifting your life to align with your inner vision!

Image credit for photograph of Nicci Roscoe: Photos by Dianna Bonner (www.worldvisionphotos.co.uk)

Manifest Your Everything, by Nicci Roscoe

Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and create your dream life, by Nicci Roscoe
CICO Books, 9781800651920, 144 pages, February 2023

What if you could create the life of your dreams? For many of us this can seem out of reach, but in Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and create your dream life, Nicci Roscoe assures us that with the right mindset we can change our lives to match our dreams. This colorful, creative book teaches the three steps needed for manifestation discovered by Roscoe and provides tons of exercises to put these steps into action.

In the introduction, Roscoe shares how she overcame the pain of healing a brain tumor, which involved risky surgery, through focusing on her positive intent for recovery. Soon she learned that when positivity is coupled with self-love and one is dedicated to making the changes needed for new beginnings, then manifestation naturally happens. To help guide readers through this process for themselves, Roscoe starts at step one, letting go, and teaches readers through empowering exercises how to call in the manifestation they desire.

Roscoe provides the much-needed reminder that we must love ourselves to make changes to our life, otherwise we’ll most likely stay stuck in outdated beliefs and negative thought patterns. In the first part of Roscoe’s manifestation process, the goal is to help readers to accept their challenging emotions, rediscover their confidence and self-worth, and set appropriate boundaries. She also emphasizes the importance of forgiving oneself and others and cultivating inner peace.

Some of the tools shared in this section are meditation, working with crystals, connecting to nature, energetic cleansing, and rituals for release and protection. Each exercise has step by step instructions to make it easy to learn and practice. There’s also space to write directly in the book, which is very helpful for organizing your manifestation process and staying focused.

The next section is a deep dive into cultivating self love by focusing on your best qualities, nurturing yourself, and celebrating your authenticity. Roscoe includes a ton of fun ways to care for one’s well-being, including affirmations, using pendulums to discover what’s needed for one’s self care, rebalancing chakras, and using essential oils for aromatherapy.

My favorite part of this section was how she also mixes in using crystals with each of the self-love exercises, including a whole section on how crystals can be added to baths to bring in certain energy. For instance she shares the recipe for a Tiger’s Eye Bath for Courage and a Citrine Crystal Bath for a Fresh Start. I would have never thought to use crystals in this way, but I definitely felt an energy shift in the water when I tried it out!

After having mastered self-love, readers are encouraged to begin their manifestation process with gratitude and prayer. Roscoe shares tips and exercises for reframing negative thoughts and beliefs to make them into potent positive energy. And once the reader is in the right state of mind, Roscoe shares all her methods of manifestation, ranging from vision boards to wish jars to crystal grids to musician motivation. There’s definitely at least one way that will resonate, and most likely, quite a few you’ll want to try out!

Then to ensure the manifestation process stays flowing, Roscoe teaches the reader how to maintain their vision as it comes into fruition. She offers a checklist of questions to make sure the reader is keeping the course and encourages them to focus on their physical, mental, emotional,and spiritual well-being. By implementing Roscoe’s suggestions, actions that support manifestation can easily become part of one’s daily routine.

Before I started reading, I didn’t realize there were so many self-doubting thoughts in my head or that I was running on autopilot most of the time. I appreciated the many tips that Roscoe included for waking up the body too, such as spending time in nature, dancing, eating mindfully, and exercise. These embodiments seemed to physically bring about the changes of my manifestation, grounding it in reality.

And what are some of the things Roscoe provides instructions to manifest? Your dream home, car, job, vacation, confidence, creativity, and more! Even if what you’re seeking to create doesn’t have a specific exercise in the book, Roscoe’s step by step process will guide you through your manifestation process. There’s plenty of room to mix and match exercise to find a method that works best for you.

What I liked most in the book were the testimonies of clients Roscoe has worked with. I enjoyed reading other people’s success stories because it bolstered my confidence that these practices work and I also could benefit from them. I also loved the layout of the book and how there were tons of visuals, charts, fill in the blank spaces, and colors! Each page was captivating to look at and made reading much more exciting.

If I had to describe Manifest Your Everything in a few words, I would say “good vibes.” You can’t help but feel uplifted as you move through this book, releasing doubts and fears to attune to love, confidence, and inspiration. While there’s plenty of effort required to shift your mindset and create space for your manifestations to materialize, Roscoe has made the process easy and fun to implement.

All in all, Manifest Your Everything teaches everything you need to know to bring your vision into reality. All the tips and techniques Roscoe offers are easy to incorporate in your day to day life, though this is sure to start shifting as your dreams become reality. Her focus on self-love and positive thinking will guide you to cultivate an upbeat perspective that opens new doorways of possibilities.