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Tag Archives: book review

Sacred Symbol Magic, by Sarah Bartlett

Sacred Symbol Magic: Harness Their Power for Mind, Body, and Soul, by Sarah Bartlett
Weiser Books, 9781578637386, 128 pages, April 2021

Working with any form of magic requires not only belief in what you are doing and why, but also harnessing the power of the corresponding energies to amplify and set out the pathway to the ultimate goal or intention. After all, if you just stick a photograph of a yin-yang symbol on the wall, it will not have any true meaning in the context of your need…unless you actually engage in the process of the magic itself.1

Sacred Symbol Magic: Harness Their Power for Mind, Body, and Soul, by Sarah Bartlett is a compact hardcover title that is dense with information and visual inspiration. As humans, a large aspect of our interaction with anything relies on the visual components provided: their artistry, color, line, shape, etc. This organically arises even before we begin to analyze their origins and meanings. And, no less so in magickal pursuits, we deepen our connections to our work and practice through the symbology that serves to create and decode the mysteries. 

Depending on our culture and beliefs, symbols not only give us meaning in life, but also connect us to the divine nature of the universe.2

Bartlett gives due diligence to the inclusion of a variety of fifty symbols that span diverse spiritual practices and cultures. This holds in keeping with the understanding that no one culture claims the “one” symbol that is the key to the universe. Instead, it presupposes that all symbols are inherently divine and connected in a universal way that may be tapped into regardless of religion or spiritual persuasion. I believe this is an important realization in cultivating a more unified approach to our magical and spiritual workings — inclusion, power, and strength in your beliefs that have been formed by many beliefs. 

Sacred Symbol Magic is separated into six sections, including the Introduction, with each section containing those symbols relating to a specific type of energy the practitioner wishes to work with. These include: Blessing the Home, Self-Empowerment, Spiritual Growth, Joyful Relating and Emotional Healing. The topics themselves leave an open-ended feel making them all the more flexible in the specificity of their use beyond the obvious suggestions. This makes the book very user-friendly from the get-go without having to wade through various symbols and then back track to find exactly what you are looking for. 

Each symbol is presented with information relevant to its cultural/spiritual origins, keywords, related symbols and a simple how to use. The image of the symbol is beautifully and carefully illustrated in a size that could easily be photocopied and pasted onto a flashcard or altar object and used as a contemplative focus or sigil. A suggestion for magical use/ritual is included with each symbol as well, giving the reader immediate application and trial.

Although the intention of Sacred Symbol Magic was not one of guiding the reader in the creation of sigils, there is enough inspiration contained between its covers to pique the interest in those who are so inclined. One of the basic premises of sigil creation is that of being familiar with the components of the sigil desired that its construction allows for energy to flow through it and the visual product stimulates within the practitioner growth. Incorporating and overlaying some of these symbols in a specific way, and having the benefits of the information provided by Bartlettt would definitely serve the purpose of creation of personal symbols, sigils or talisman. 

I was particularly interested in the section containing symbols for spiritual growth…

…. In times of uncertainty, loss, or a change in lifestyle, we all need a belief system or some form of spiritual guidance to know that we are not alone. To access the spiritual power deep within yourself, or to connect to the universe, use these symbols to set you on a positive pathway for your quest.3

Perhaps I was drawn to this chapter given the challenges we have all been facing these past years and months. Regardless, we could all use self-empowerment and a bolster to our goals of spiritual merit. Many of the symbols included in this section would be easily recognizable to most: the all-seeing eye, the pentagram, bee, labyrinth, lotus, om, and more. These affirm the power of symbols in mainstream society and the meanings that are derived in their use, mundane and magical alike. 

Sacred Symbol Magic concludes with its last symbol, that of a cat. Perhaps happenstance or intention, I thought it a wonderful symbol of selection as the closure for a journey through the myriad of visual magic. 

Cats have long been the harbingers of mystery, power, mischief and those of nine lives who could overcome untimely death. They are walkers between the worlds and familiars who guard, ward and teach. They have been worshipped, maligned, treasured, and feared. Much like the many interpretations for the symbols contained in this title. Each has had its fair share of glory and grief throughout history and all are subject to personal and collective interpretation. 

KEYWORDS: Self-esteem, independence, confidence…4

Sacred Symbol Magic brings to light and life the power of symbols and their application to a sustainable and growth-filled magical and spiritual practice. The subtle reminder is that magic is all around us in what we see and what we allow ourselves to explore more deeply in its hidden meanings. The overt intention of one of cultivating and integrating the many paths and the power held in their imagery to connect and unite us at a deeper level. I will be enjoying this book for years to come. 

The Poison Path Herbal, by Cody Michael

The Poison Path Herbal: Baneful Herbs, Medicinal Nightshades, & Ritual Enthogens, by Coby Michael
Park Street Press, 978-1644113349, 256 pages, 2021

Any book that has a large warning at the start of it gets my attention. The Poison Path Herbal: Baneful Herbs, Medicinal Nightshades, & Ritual Enthogens by Coby Michael is not here to play. It’s here to teach you reverence and respect for this particular path, and above all, it’s here to transmute your life.

A practitioner of the Poison Path of occult herbalism and cultivator of entheogenic herbs, Michael is perfectly positioned to take the reader on this journey through the misunderstood baneful herbs. As well as practicing, he also contributes to the Pagan Archives at Valdost University, writes regularly for The House of Twigs, and maintains his own blog on Patheos Pagan called Poisoner’s Apothecary. Somehow in the midst of all that, he teaches classes and online workshops on plant magic, baneful herbs, and traditional witchcraft. 

Michael dives right into the subject, explaining that this book is “focused on the magical and spiritual uses of baneful herbs, entheogens, and plant spirit allies as well as their history and mythology.”1 He goes on to explain a few terms that are used generously throughout the book such as baneful which “refers to the ability of a thing to cause harm, and because of this threat, the baneful thing becomes taboo and gains a sinister reputation.”2

Baneful things, especial when talking about plants, can cause bodily harm and in some cases death if the practitioner isn’t clear on what they are doing. The book is separated into three parts, with part 1 covering off the basics of the poison path, Part 2 discussing the three ways of the poison path, and the last section which deals with bringing that knowledge together in practice. It’s very well laid out and a thoughtful path to follow if you are just starting your journey on this particular path.

Be warned though: this isn’t a gardening book, nor is it a how-to for using plants to hex your ex or find a job. Some of the information presented might be bit overwhelming if you don’t have a regular spiritual practice; as with any undertaking similar to this, you can expect to be changed by the process. Michael cautions against simply jumping in and instead recommends learning about the herbs’ chemistry and how the various plants affect human physiology. 

I had the notion of reading this book and then being able to find alternative solutions for my anxiety. Anxiety is not fun and presents different symptoms in many forms in those who experience it, and for me personally, it can be debilitating at times. I don’t like taking prescription medication because it makes me feel dull, so looking for another way to help myself is what prompted me to read this book. After going through it however, I realize that there’s much more to this than simply making a cup of herbal tea and wrapping myself up in a cozy blanket while I wait for the mind-goblins to quieten down. This is an actual path to follow and it is directly linked with Shadow Work. There is no spiritual bypassing here.

Fortunately, Michael seems to have understood this, as he writes clearly about the various families of plants and lists what they are used for. He also addresses the notion of using poisonous plants as spirit allies in magical practice despite the danger they present. He stresses the importance of personal exploration, as there is no substitute for your own counsel in such personal things. Such learnings do have a price though, as Michael clarifies, “…we learn to work with our own shadow as well as the darker forces of the natural world.”3

Having laid out the various plant families and their uses, Michael moves on to discuss the crossroads on the path of poison. This is where it gets a bit advanced; if you aren’t familiar with planetary influences you might find yourself scratching your head and wondering what the hell you’re reading. On the assumption that the reader has a working knowledge of planets and their influences, Michael writes brilliantly about Mercury, Venus and Saturn: the three paths of poison. He arranges them visually in a triangle, a shape that represents the traditional threefold worldview that many pagan cultures subscribe to. 

This collection of planetary influences is the basis for the Poison Path, and a profound one. Michael says, “The archetypal forces of Saturn, Venus, and Mercury are aligned with the currents of magic, witchcraft, and plant lore, providing powerful allies to one’s craft… their association with boundaries and liminal spaces in addition to their correlation with the other world and witchcraft mythos are the powerful themes expressed in this book.”4

Those themes run through the book, making the reader either cringe at the thought of having to learn more information on planets and such, or is an absolute delight to those who have working knowledge and wish to add to it. Planetary magic is not easy, and when baneful herbs are included as an accompaniment it becomes challenging for those not accustomed to specific terms and phrases. 

There is a lot of information in The Poison Path Herbal that might not be appropriate for those who live in the ‘good vibes only’ section of the chorus, as much of this book is dedicated to personal gnosis and the responsibility inherent in achieving that gnosis. I will be adding this book to my collection simply because it doesn’t coddle or coerce: this book demands your undivided attention and promises great rewards for doing so. Alternatively, if you aren’t prepared to go all in, you might want to pick up a different book. Out of respect for the writer, if you aren’t prepared to shovel your personal shit, don’t try to use this book as a way to cover it up.

Conform or Be Cast Out, by Logan Albright

Conform or Be Cast Out: The (Literal) Demonization of Nonconformists, by Logan Albright
Moon Books, 1789048427, 176 pages, December 2021

Conform or Be Cat Out: The (Literal) Demonization of Nonconformists by Logan Albright was the dose of reality that I didn’t even realize I needed. In a time with conspiracy-theories abound and a ravenous cancel-culture, this book takes a unique approach of examining the phenomena of attributing individualism, nonconformity, and differences from spiritual to physical as rooted in demonic evil. Albright’s critical-thinking approach to the subject, along with his candidness takes the reader on a journey from biblical times through modernity to highlight how nonconformists have borne the brunt of society’s misinterpretation of them as devils and demons to uncover a  pattern in play.

Some might be surprised to hear it’s not only in religion that this demonization occurs. Albright’s has a wide lens when analyzing this phenomena. Initial chapters include Biblical origins, but they progress to demonization showing up in bright children who excel, saints and martyrs, witches and wizards, medicine and science, notions of individualism, art, movies, and eventually modern Satanic panic of recent times. While this might seem like a smorgasbord of information, in reality, it simply shows how prevalent this recurring pattern is within human culture.

And Albright’s approach is so well-researched that despite the many directions the book goes on, the central theme is easy to follow. There’s a ton of anecdotes from throughout history that keep the reader interested and engaged. I would say that Albright leaves no stone unturned in this quest to shine light on the demonization of nonconformists. He packs a ton of historical information to weave together a very clear picture of how time and time again those who choose to walk their own path, stand by their beliefs, or advocate for something outside the traditional norms often pay a steep price.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the book is how Albright explains how different notions of the devil, from the imagery of horns, hooves, wings to the concept of selling one’s soul, have been perpetuated by myth, folklore, stories, and songs. As Albright points out, a very small portion of people actually worship demons or the devil. Even Satanists do not have a theology centered upon demonic worship. Nevertheless, this imagery has persisted into modern day. Reading Albright’s research helps to break the grip of this collective archetype to start exploring what the energy is that’s actually being repressed through it.

Albright even draws parallel between the Inquisition and motives of Institutional Psychology, demonstrating many of the fear-based tactics are the same thing, just different covers. While we like to believe we’ve progressed as a society, many of the same patterns repeat. From assertions that the planets don’t revolve around to the Earth to choosing to play Dungeons and Dragons, being outside social bounds doesn’t mean the intention is evil – and it’s time we start to realize this and stop inflicting literal pain and torture on those who buck the norms.

While some revel with the accusations hurled at them, far too many people have paid a high cost for their nonconformity. Since reading this book, I’ve continually reflected on all the potential snuffed out and valuable ideas lost to the tides of time due to unwarranted fear. This book feels like a tribute to them, nodding at their accomplishments, even though the praise is much too late. Nevertheless, we can continue to learn from the scientists, saints, philosophers, writers, occultists, but most of all, free-thinking individuals that pioneered their own paths.

I think we often expect books to answer something for us or provide guidance. What was unique about Conform or Be Cast Out is that Albright doesn’t really do this for the reader. Rather, he lays it all out through his examination of history, mythology, folklore, occultism, philosophy, and even the arts and simply shows examples of this demonization, sometimes discussing where they arose from or what perpetuated, but otherwise just sharing his thoughts on the subject. There is no solution proposed; if anything Albright highlights how this is still occurring now in our culture, despite advancements that make it so we no longer have to be rooted in conformity in order to survive.

I gained a lot from reading the book, even if it’s hard to put my finger on. I can best describe it as a sense of liberation. Reading through all the different examples of how this happens when people break formation, whether it be for scientific advancement or spiritual callings, made me more comfortable doing my own thing, even at the cost of judgement. And as a rather avant-garde individualist, judgement and being labeled “bad” is something I’ve come up against rather often. I think that the past few years that I’ve been trying too hard to conform to escape this demonization, but to what avail, honestly? That is at the heart of what I’ve been questioning since reading this book.

And thanks to Albright, I have so much to research further! The browser tabs I currently have open are The Manufacture of Madness by Thomas Szasz, A History of White Magic by Gareth Knight, Envy by Helmut Schoeck, and Escape from Childhood by John Holt. All of these titles and more are part of the wide-ranging sources Albright draws upon in his exploration of this topic, truly demonstrating the depth and breadth of his accumulated wisdom and level of study in regard to this phenomena of demonization.

Conform or Be Cast Out is a book that I feel is going to stick with me for a while because it woke up something within me that needed attention. Albright’s keen insight brought the topic to life through time right into my present reality. And what’s most important about the way he’s done this is that it lacks fear and judgement. The facts, plain and simple, speak for themselves, and suddenly, the reader realizes just how ridiculous these notions of demonization truly are given the life story of the individualist.

The Ex Hex, by Erin Sterling

The Ex Hex, by Erin Sterling
Avon, 006302747X, 320 pages, September 2021

I was in the mood for a more light-hearted book, so browsing my current stack of library books, I picked out The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling. You can only imagine the laugh I got out of the first line, “Never mix vodka and witchcraft.”1 I hate to say it, but “been there, done that”, and it has never ended up good! At least for me it didn’t turn into the colossal f*ckery that it became for Vivenne Jones.

Brokenhearted by her Welsh summer beau, Rhys Penhallow, Vivienne is doing the best to cheer herself up with a soothing bath, candles, and a bit of cologne conjuring as she laments the loss of young love. Rhys had told her that morning he had to go sort out his betrothal with his father. Clearly, that didn’t sit well with Vivienne who had no idea her summer lover was on the market for another woman. Not only did she curse at him, while tossing his pants in his face, in an attempt to magic her way out of the sadness, Vivenne and her cousin Gwen decide to put a hex on Rhys.

For the most part, it’s all fun and games, to the point where they even throw caution to the wind about Aunt Eliane’s warning to not even do magic while drinking. Their curse for Rhys to always hit just a quarter inch away from a woman’s clitoris and never to have his hair do “that thing” seem like harmless antics, but with the words “I curse you Rhys Penhallow” uttered by Vivienne, their candle bursts into flames.

It seems something has been ignited, but they chalk it up to a gust of a wind and over the years forget about it. Though, it does seem like Vivienne never truly forgot the impact Rhys had made on her tender, young heart.. I mean how could she really when the college she works out is named after his family, who also founded the town she lives in.

Rhys too never truly seemed to forget Vivienne, but in the nine years since he’d been back to Graves Glend, he had created a successful travel business for himself. Sure, clients benefited from a bit of magic that ensured on-time flights and smooth vacations, but Rhys provided a one of a kind service that always got rave reviews. With so much going on with his business in London, It is over a half-a-year since he last saw his family in Wales.

When he stops in for a visit, his foreboding father requests that he return to Graves Glen, Georgia for the Founder’s Day celebration of his ancestor and recharge the ley lines that keep magic afloat in the town. Rhys tries to protest, but ultimately surrenders to taking the trip to America for the sake of family duty. However, the moment he’s within town limits, everything just seems to go wrong.

From an ominous storm to flat tires, Rhys can’t catch a break. Before he can even make it to his family’s house, he finds himself on the side of the road when headlights come right for him, nearly running him over. Turns out, it was Vivienne on her way home from work who nearly nipped him, had he not jumped into a ditch. And here’s where their story begins all over again!

I won’t give too much further away, but I will say they have a hilarious dynamic between them. There’s plenty of banter, despite the unresolved internal feelings of each character. Together, they wrestle witch ghosts, murderous wind-up toys, and potions gone wrong. It is up to them to figure out how to reverse the curse, something former witches don’t seem to leave much instruction on how to do, in order to save Grave Glen.

As far as magic books go, this one is very typical in its approach. There’s a town college for witches, hidden on the normal campus of Penhallow University, where Vivienne teaches Western Civ to incoming freshmen. It takes place during Halloween season, and there’s the focus on haunted houses and ghosts. Vivienne and her family must use magic to improve the small things in their life, from cleaning the apartment to creating a mood setting in the storage room of their shop Wicked Ways.

Sure, there’s the academic witches at the college, but they tend to shy away from Vivienne’s family, in fact, most people don’t even know Vivienne is a witch. She was raised by her mother who chose a normal life and equated magic with bad, so it was only later in life that Vivienne learned the full extent of who she truly was when she went to live with Gwen and Aunt Elaine.

To be honest, the book is more of a rom-com with a theme of witchcraft intermixed within it, rather than a book that truly delves into the craft. But like I said, I was in the mood for something light, and this perfectly satisfied that reading-crave for me. I enjoyed envisioning the setting of the small town and all the cute festivals going on during its peak season of Halloween.

I found both Vivienne and Rhys hilarious and relatable. There’s quite a bit of built up sexual tension and eventual snogging. It does have the traditional flow of a romantic book that culminates in a happy ending. But I think most readers expect that going into a book like this, yet we still enjoy reading the whole thing to see how it plays out.

The one warning I will give is that Rhys has a bit of a charming, frat boy mentality, but not to the point where he’s obnoxious. Actually, I really liked him as a sexy male lead in the book. He rushes into things without thinking, but you can see personal growth and transformation in him, which I think adds to my feeling of reader satisfaction. And Vivienne is a perfectly relatable woman, who has her moments of doubt, but is fierce in her anger towards Rhys and doesn’t back down in advocating for herself.

It’s fun in the meantime to see all the ways the curse goes wrong and how Vivienne and Rhys do their best to extinguish the small fires of disaster in town, which only seems to fan the flame between them. The ending was a little unexpected too, which added a bit more depth to the reasoning behind the curse.

All in all, The Ex Hex is a fun to read romantic comedy filled with witchcraft, magic, curses, and love. There’s plenty of wit, comedy, banter, and… sex! It’s perfect for a few laughs and light-hearted amusement. You’ll find out how curses are reversed and what can happen when two former lovers reunite.

Cackle, by Rachel Harrison

Cackle, by Rachel Harrison
Berkley Publishing Group, 0593202023, 304 pages, October 2021

I was in a mood yesterday, but a quick trip to the library always changes that. Cackle by Rachel Patterson had arrived for me. As soon as I got home, I dove in. Once I started, I couldn’t put the book down, and I finished by the early evening. This book was just the reminder I needed of how empowering it can be to fully utilize my own magic and not shy away from power.

The basic premise of the book is the main character, Annie, is going through a break-up with her beau of a decade. It’s rough and she’s truly on the struggling bus trying to cope, drinking too much and feeling very despairing about her singledom. Since she can no longer afford New York City rent, she takes a job in upstate and moves to a small town named Rowan. Immediately, she loves the charm and small-town feel of Rowan.

Her impromptu meeting of Sophie, the most well-known woman in town, helps her to establish herself in Rowan. But there’s something odd about the way the townsfolk treat Sophie. Annie chalks it up to a mixture of reverence and fear, but Sophie is so doting towards her, she enjoys the company regardless. Annie is one of those people that seeks validation from others and prefers company over being alone.

When she’s not putting herself down, she’s usually crying over her ex-boyfriend Sam. Honestly, at times her depressed, self-depreciation did seem a little old at times, but I think it had its place within the overall context of the novel. And Annie is at least funny, so at times her distorted self-image is a nice comic relief. If we’re honest, many of us have gone through what Annie is experiencing, feeling lost, confused, and unsure of ourselves and the path forward.

Despite all of the emotional turmoil in her life, Annie quickly becomes best friends with the mysterious Sophie, who happens to live in a giant, haunted house in the middle of the woods. Sophie loves sweets, often baking for Annie, and Britney Spears. She’s caring, wise, and just a little intimidating with her subtle jokes of eating hearts and all-black wardrobe. But Sophie looks out for Annie, taking her under her wing, and even curses those who are unkind to her.

Sophie also has the ability to control spiders, so this book will definitely make you see arachnids in a new light. Just an FYI, in case you’re not a spider person! I for one loved all of it and just can’t stop imagining having a cute spider pet now.

As Annie’s relationship develops, she discovers new parts of herself. While she still pines over her ex, just like many modern women who had dreams of a marriage and family, she also starts to realize she has her own power. Power to indeed cause harm to those who bother her, as well as making objects float to her. As if this all isn’t enough to contend with, Annie realizes there are those in town who do not trust Sophie. She must decide for herself if her new bestie is honest and trustworthy, as some townsfolk say otherwise.

Like I said, I read this book quickly, and that’s mostly because it’s one of those chick-lit fiction books, which I have to say I love. Annie has a typical “basic” girl attitude and through surrender is able to discover a whole new power within her. The term “witchcraft” is barely used, as Sophie doesn’t like the stigma associated with it.

In reality, she’s nothing more than a woman who truly owns her desires, doesn’t settle, and is content to be fully in her own power. She’s unafraid to stand up for herself to those who seek to hurt her and finds no reason to shrink herself to please others or make them more comfortable. As Annie learns to do the same, she realizes there might be no turning back.

The revolution of women deciding they want to claim their happiness and be powerful, whether it intimidates others or not is the most potent magic. And Harrison has captured this journey perfectly in Cackle.

Another aspect of the book I really liked is that Sophie and Annie enjoy playing dress-up, dancing, baking or getting drunk together, and simply spending quality time with each other. Cackle celebrates modern-day female friendship, not through bonds of solidarity, but through simple care, nurturance, and honesty.

Sophie is a friend who knows when Annie needs psychedelic mushrooms, whiskey, or simply hot tea. She also doesn’t mince her words and is quite openly against Annie’s pining over Sam, making her new clothes and even cutting her hair. Cackle portrays all the small ways female friends support each other that make all the difference. While it might be hard to see how one is changing post-break-up, with the support of Sophie, Annie emerges a new person. At its heart, this story has a strong theme of friendship, women’s empowerment, and a sprinkle of magic!

The final thing I’ll note that I enjoyed is how magic was not portrayed as malevolent or benevolent. Sophie openly feels comfortable using her power to curse, choke, and probably even kill those who seek to do her wrong. Soon, Annie is learning how to do the same thing. I liked that Cackle wasn’t afraid to show women standing up for themselves and that the full range of supernatural powers was acknowledged without judgement. Sure, at first Annie was a bit taken aback by what she could do, but in time, she learned to wield it wisely.

I think it’s important to know how to both manifest your desires and use your energy to keep that which seeks to harm you at bay. Inevitably, there will always be something a little bit scary about a woman who is fully in control of herself and willing to own this power. It’s the classic witch motif that has caused men to shiver for centuries, but is that a reason to stay small?

Us modern-women of the 21st century think not! And for those of us who need a little self-esteem boost, or a reminder that we can choose who we give our energy to and rewrite our story at any time, Cackle is the book for us! Harrison has done a marvelous job of mixing modernity and magic to inspire us to believe the two can co-exist, even if only in fictional tales that inspire us not to seek our happily ever after, but the true witch within.

Mediumship, by Kerrie Erwin

Mediumship: Your Guide to Connect, Communicate and Heal Through the Spirit World, by Kerrie Erwin
Rockpool Publishing, 978- 1925924985, 160 pages, June 2021

“Mediumship is the practice of mediating communication between living humans and the spirits of the dead. It has been documented from early human history, gaining its popularity during the nineteenth century when Ouija boards were used by the upper classes as a source of entertainment. Natural mediums are born with the gift, although they may not become aware of it until later in life. Every person who walks this path has their own individual gift to offer. Once you embrace mediumship as your life purpose it becomes an enormous responsibility, as you are helping people to cope with their grief. Despite the highs and lows it is very rewarding.”1

Author Kerrie Erwin is an Internationally recognized medium whose work includes spirit rescue and connecting loved ones to those who have passed. There is often a distinct difference in being able to impart the body of what gifts the individual may have in a live setting versus being able to translate that information and teaching into book form. In the case of this title, Mediumship: Your Guide to Connect, Communicate and Heal Through the Spirit World, I would say that Erwin has done a wonderful job of bridging that disparity.  

Although this may seem like an aside and irrelevant, I am going to comment on the visual appeal of the book. We, as humans, are very visually driven, storing memories and feelings from the catalogue of what we have seen and then experienced as a result. This book is a soft powder blue paperback with a lovely piece of cover art depicting a white outlined pseudo Ouija pointer centered between gold text for title and author.

Upon opening the book, the reader is greeted by blue line drawings of eyes in various states of gaze and opening and scattered throughout are assorted blue lined drawings representing certain aspects of the content included in a particular chapter or paragraph. The attention that went into the design of the book itself immediately engages the reader in a gentle “pulling in closer” manner to subject matter that may be frightening or fraught with skepticism.

Mediumship is separated into thirteen chapters, each providing the reader with multiple aspects of consideration when exploring the role of the medium and finding your own style of communication. The Introduction offers a look at Erwin’s life as a medium and how the work came to be. She describes being called by the spirits at a very young age and how a near-death experience in her twenties allowed her first hand experience of the spirit world. Her descriptions are comforting and are filled with hope and joy at reuniting with those within your “soul group” who have passed before you. 

As part of the Introduction, Erwin also speaks of love and its power to act as a point of connection between the living and the departed. This is the connection achieved, as the medium becomes the conduit of that eternal connection…

“Love is the most powerful emotion in the world as its energy in its higher form, can create healing, miracles and magic in our world. When a loved one dies there is no ending but rather a new beginning, a journey back to the spirit world as spirit lives on, connected to us eternally.”2

Chapters 1-3 provide the reader with the basics of what mediumship is and how it may be defined. It was very interesting to have a definition of the types of mediumship, ranging from channeling and transfiguration. Then there is a concluding section on working with the police. 

“Chapter 4: Suicide: A Difficult Subject” was a much needed inclusion in the book for understanding another aspect of the work of mediumship, albeit one that is shied away from publicly….

To lose someone from suicide is incredibly painful, as you never understand why they took their own life and wonder if there was anything you could have done to prevent it.3

Some very thought-filled questions Erwin poses and answers are:

  • If you kill yourself are you punished and sent to hell?
  • Is it harder to make contact with a spirit who has committed suicide?
  • Do people really mean to kill themselves?

Additionally, there is a checklist of signs others can look for in individuals who may be inclined towards suicide and a listing of Australian help lines and agencies that can be called upon for help. 

“Chapter 7: Protection From Negative Energy” provides a reminder of the need to learn protection techniques and the attention that should be given to exactly what and where the spirits you may encounter are coming from:

“One of the first things I learned when I was developing as a medium was the power of protection and how to utilize it, which is mandatory in my profession. There are many different spirits and energies or different vibrations out there that are not always from the light.”4. 

As Erwin states, not all spirits have the best interest of their living connections in mind. Some can be tricksters and others downright baneful in their intentions. Psychic attack is included as a topic and the author also provides exercises in awareness and protection that are useful for those living energetic predators as well as those from the spirit realms. 

“Chapters 9: Meditation” and “Chapter 10: The Chakra System of Mediumship: Your Guide to Connect, Communicate and Heal Through the Spirit World” provide techniques for opening psychic awareness and self reflection through contemplative practice as well as the energetic anatomy that works collaboratively within the individual as the skills of mediumship are developed. Erwin makes use of nine chakra centers, beginning with the Earth Chakra and moving through the Transpersonal Chakra above the crown chakra at the top of the head. Each chakra is defined by its purpose, color and etheric location and the chapter concludes with a visualization exercise for Empowering with the Middle Pillar (another name given to the line of chakras along the etheric central column):

“The nine chakras are the energy centres in your body through which energy flows; they ground and protect you. Blocked energy in your centres can often lead to illness or dis-ease and can be projected onto your clients, so it is important to understand what each chakra represents and what you can do to keep this energy flowing.”5

“Chapter 11: Psychic Links” explores the tools of mediumship used to hone the skills of inner sight and continually build upon your abilities. Topics include flower readings, jewelry readings, pendulums, and Ouija boards to name a few.  Specific exercises to try out these tools are included, as well and provide the reader with a variety of experiences. 

I really enjoyed “Chapter 12: My Spirit Team”. Erwin talks about those guides she has for her work and I found this to enable a point of resonance between the reader and the material presented in giving a very concrete example of how these guides out-picture and what aid they offer.

“Chapter 13: Ethics for the Professional Medium” offers a lengthy and very concise list of the ethical considerations in acting as a medium for another. There is also a listing of what the client can expect from the medium. Again, very useful to ensure that if you choose to work with a medium you are placing your vulnerability and emotions in their care and keeping.  

Erwin sees life as a contract of experiences to be learned from and resolved. And, the compelling reason to seek out the expertise of a medium or to develop your own skills in connecting with those who have been part of your contract is that of healing and being able to move on to the next lifetime. She sums it up nicely in “The Afterthought”:

“I have tried many types of healing, and the most powerful would have to be simple forgiveness on every level. You don’t have to actually like the person, but once you have forgiven them you release yourself from the contract, cutting the energy connection that is no longer needed, learning the lesson and mobbing on to a life of love without fear.”6

Mediumship is a very user-friendly read that demystifies what mediumship is and the healing that can occur from those gifts being used with integrity and loving intention. I also found it a timely read given how many souls have passed over from COVID-19 and other horrific events. As I stated previously, there is definitely a message of hope and the comfort of knowing that physical death is just another state of Being.

Exploring the Divine Library, by Richard Rowe

Exploring the Divine Library, by Richard Rowe
Ozark Mountain Publishing, 9781940265803, 240 pages, March 2021

Exploring the Divine Library by Richard Rowe is a continuation of the journey outlined in his first book, Imagining the Unimaginable: A System’s Engineer’s Journey into the Afterlife, detailing his personal spiritual journey after having a near-death experience as a result of a blood clot in 2004. This experience set Rowe on a quest to deeply analyze and question death, suffering, and how people’s lives often play out in unfair ways. Finding success in a very methodical and analytical style of questioning, the questions became bigger and deeper in their intention and Exploring the Divine Library was written.

Rowe uses a unique format based on personal experience, trial, and methodical reasoning, which sets it apart from the standard fare of books focused on this subject matter. This is not surprising given that his perspective comes from a strong scientific foundation as an inventor with degrees in Avionics Systems Technology and Computer Science, along with an MBA from Florida Institute of Technology. The result is a purpose-filled fusion of spirituality, research, and science that informs the contents of Exploring the Divine Library.

This book is separated into twenty chapters, six appendices, a robust six pages of references, as well as an additional listing of references by chapter. The Introduction provides the reader with clarity of reference as to how Rowe defines the term “Divine Library” and the alternate nomenclature used:

“From ancient times to the present day, many names have been used to refer to information existing somewhere beyond our three-dimensional universe. These names include Akashic Field, Heavenly Library, the Book of Life, Hall of Two Truths, Library of Light, Cosmic Mind, the Matrix, Universal Library, Collective Subconscious, Holographic Library, and others.”1

The entirety of the book is founded upon questioning, researching, experimenting, experiencing, and finally drawing your own conclusions. Exploring the Divine Library reads much like a technical manual and may feel less mystical in its offerings. It is complete with sketches that also bring to mind lab experiment journals. The intention however is clearly one of analysis and organization that leaves room for both skepticism and belief.

“The focus of my exploration continues to be driven by questions that deeply resonate with me. I research a variety of first hand experiences and my own experiences to search for insights. This process is very similar to the approach I have used throughout my career as an inventor to invent, describe, and document systems systematically.”2

“Chapter 2: The Divine Library” lays the groundwork for deepening the readers understanding of what its purpose and nature is. Rowe uses his own findings as well as those who have used hypnotherapy and past-life regression with clients who have reported similar settings and attributes of a storage center (“a multidimensional spiritual data cloud”3) that records all human experience, words, thoughts, actions and the workings of consciousness.

Chapters 3 – 7 take the reader on a journey through the mechanics of the Divine Library. Rowe gives attention to structure, access and the effects of patterns and life cycles on the information stored not only for the personal, but on a collective webbing as well.

Chapters 8 – 13 explore the underpinnings of exploring the purpose and interconnections between the individual and the information contained within the Divine Library. Rowe takes the reader through the processes of formulating the questions, intention, problem solving, and connecting through meditation and prayer.

“Chapter 12: Life Purpose” explores the quintessential question of all humans at some point of their existence: what is my purpose? Rowe explains the importance of asking that and other “big questions” as part of the life experience. The reader learns the value of this movement through life by questioning, and its value when applying this same approach to accessing and co-creating within the Divine Library.

“A significant life event can be the perfect opportunity to ask big questions and evaluate life… Whatever the scenario, asking what is my purpose usually comes along with waves of emotion, confusion, and an off-balance feeling…”.4

Chapters 14-19 provide the reader with practical application of what has been revealed through personal research and analysis of the function of the Divine Library. How to access the records and the interconnectedness of all energetic beings is discussed, as well as ways to exercise manifesting the energy needed and expand the boundaries of individual consciousness to reach into the Divine Library’s resources.

Finally, “Chapter 20: Lessons Learned” is a summary of what Rowe (and perhaps the reader) experienced in his explorations of the Divine Library. I think this was a necessary way to conclude the book and doing so left no loose ends for the reader to try to interpret.

This book is not, by any means, an intuitive or easy read. It is user-friendly only if you have a curious and methodical mind that enjoys the minutia of dissecting whatever your focus is applied towards. That being said, I think it is a necessary and well-founded approach since the goal for the reader is one to know more about his/her/their self and the ultimate purpose of this particular lifetime. If you are willing to put in the work and pay attention to the details, you will find that the gifts of outcome are well worth the time spent in dissecting and analyzing. Exploring the Divine Library provides the access card to enter into the universal data of the Divine Library.

Spellbreaker, by Charlie N. Holmberg

Spellbreaker (Spellbreaker, 1), by Charlie N. Holmberg
47North, 1542020093, 303 pages, November 2020

I will admit, I love 19th-century period pieces about magic. Therefore, it was no surprise I picked up Spellbreaker by Charlie N. Holmberg to read this weekend, as it is set in England in 1885. However, England is quite a different society with magic making the world run smoothly, but also contributing to societal class divide. Therefore, Elsie Camden doesn’t feel bad about using her spellbreaking powers to knock the English nobility down a few notches to help out the common folk.

The world Holmberg writes about is filled with mystery, intrigue, and most of all spells to make the world go around. All magic users and spellbreakers must be licensed by governing bodies, and the spells are kept closely guarded, only passed down to those who prove they can be trusted with the power. The whole process of how magicians level up their magic and incorporate spells is absolutely fascinating! It involves these drops of magic which glisten and then are absorbed by the aspector’s skin, permanently making the spell a piece of them. When an aspector dies, a magnum opus of their spells is left behind.

The interesting thing about these magnum opuses is that anyone can use the spells in them once by tearing the page out. Therefore, these books are often handed down to other aspectors or guarded by the magical governing bodies. Recently though, there’s been a string of murders of master aspectors involving stolen magnum opuses. The tension is high as no one can figure out who is behind the ghastly crime of murdering magicians for their spells.

Elsie Camden finds herself smack dab in the middle of the action. Day to day, she works as an assistant to a stone mason, but she also does secret work as a rogue spellbreaker. After being orphaned as a child, Elsie was left to fend for herself in the world. As a fire burns down her workhouse, leaving her to wonder what’s next for her, she is approached by a woman who realizes what she truly is: a spellbreaker.

From this point on, Elsie spell breaks for who she calls the Cowls, though she’s truly never known exactly who these people truly are. She enjoys feeling needed by them and also views herself as a modern Robinhood, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Since she’s not registered as a spellbreaker, she’s in both an advantageous and dangerous position for doing this discrete work.

On an assignment gone wrong, Elsie winds up getting caught by Bacchus Kelsey, a man dedicated to earning his aspector mastership. Bacchus is an aristocrat, but he’s different from the others since he’s from Barbados and not of usual English breed. Rather than turn Elsie in, Bacchus decides to capitalize on Elsie’s spellbreaking abilities, as there’s some things about the Duke of Kent’s estate, where he’s staying while in England, that he’d like to refurbished. It’s easier for Bacchus to apply new spellwork once the the spells currently there are removed, thus begins Elsie’s indentured work to pay off the asking price for his silence.

That’s all I will give away for the plot summary, but this is only the beginning of a very neat story. I more want to focus on how this is one of the best magical stories I’ve read in a while. What I liked most about it was Holmberg’s skill at world building. I felt very immersed in this version of 19th century England, which blended the historical cultural values of the time perfectly interwoven with this dimension of magic added into it.

From the different types of magic described to how the process of spellcasting worked, Holmberg really adds the details to make it extremely easy to get lost in without feeling too fanciful. I was surprised to see the book is actually classified as science-fiction rather than fantasy, but this being said, it’s a wonderful mixture of both genres in my opinion. I would perhaps label it science-fantasy, though it’s much more focused on magic than any science or technology.

I also found the character immensely relatable. Elsie is funny, honest, and has a good head on her shoulders. While she loves her readers, she avoids gossip and focuses on her work. She has a sense of identity, which I think is one of the most important things for me in a character. And the other main character, Bacchus, likewise has depth, intelligence, and general relatability. Though they come from different worlds, they are both outsiders in some sense who have their own views of how things are in the world. It’s quite exciting to see what happens when a spellmaker and spellbreaker team up together!

And I just have to say how unique the concept of a spellbreaker was to me! In fact, I couldn’t stop thinking about the application of spellbreaking in magical works and did a deep dive in reflecting about the role spellbreaking has in my own magical practice. In fact, it was quite a revelation to realize all the ways I identified with the main character Elsie. After just discussing how fictional works can inform one’s magical practice, I experienced it first hand in reading this book. I now plan on labeling myself as a spellbreaker and seeing how this evolves my perception of the type of magical practitioner that I am.

I also found it refreshing to read a magical fiction book that still had a woman lead that wasn’t focused on witchcraft. I liked Elsie’s ability to break spells, and furthermore how she didn’t rely on magic. In fact, she often broke spells that were cast upon her, preferring to have clarity without magical influence. She clearly understood how magic could be used for both benevolent and malevolent purposes, and she did her part to ensure it was used for the latter. She wasn’t enamored with it, nor seeking fame and glory for herself. She used her abilities for a greater cause with intention, and otherwise primarily kept to herself and focused on her mundane tasks without complaint. I like her very much as a role model.

Overall, Spellbreaker was captivating. It ended on such a cliff-hanger that I just requested the next book in the duology, Spellmaker, from my library. Holmberg has done a wonderful job crafting a unique plot that captures the reader’s attention and opens the imagination. Whether one is interested in a good read or to gain insight into how they might incorporate spell breaking into their own magical practice, I appreciate this different point of view. For now, I am eagerly waiting to see how the rest of the story unfolds!

Practical Alchemy: A Guide to the Great Work, by Brian Cotnoir

Practical Alchemy: A Guide to the Great Work, by Brian Cotnoir
Weiser Books, 1578637473, 160 pages, July 2021

Alchemy has been beckoning to me for quite some time, yet it was hard to know where to get started exploring such a vast art with centuries of history. Where should I start? What essential things should I know about this work? How can I implement this into my daily life? These questions and more were all answered in Practical Alchemy: A Guide to the Great Work by Brian Cotnoir. In this extremely useful guidebook, Cotnoir does a wonderful job of contextualizing alchemy and providing a foundation one can start their journey from.

To begin, Cotnoir offers the motto of the Mutus Liber of 1677: “Ora, lege, lege, lege, release, labora et invenies. “Pray, read, read, read, reread, work, and you shall discover.””1 He reminds the reader that “alchemy is a living process and is always working with living substances.”2 It very much feels like this sentiment has been imbued into the book itself, which seems to have a potent energy to it, similar to that of a well-used grimoire.

This could be because the book is a compilation of so many different alchemist’s work along with pictures, tables, and illustrations of different cycles adding to the substance of the text. Practical Alchemy is definitely a good starting point for one’s own research for this reason. Cotnoir does a good job of showing how alchemy has evolved by looking at the different approaches to it over the centuries, and therefore, this range of various references does not feel generalized or superficial. If anything, it demonstrates an excellent weaving together of a huge body of knowledge to show it’s evolution through time.

What I most appreciate about Cotnoir’s writing is that it’s not cryptic, nor intended to conceal. As he describes, alchemy is filled with “ways[s] of concealing from fools the precious knowledge of transmutation.”3 While I certainly appreciate the lengths alchemists took to conceal this esoteric knowledge, it nevertheless makes it a daunting task to start putting together the different pieces of the puzzle. Cotnoir is such a kind mentor, describing how the information was obscured, such as in different texts or by switching the names of materials, and provides guidance on how to overcome these barriers when undertaking your own alchemical work.

Practical Alchemy is divided into two parts: “Theory” and “Practice”. The first section, “Theory,” covers topics such as the elements (and how their rotation is integral to alchemy), the Three Principles (Mercury, Sulphur, Salt), prima mater, alchemical cosmology (planetary spheres, fixed stars), alchemical timing (lunar months, planetary hours, ways to divide the year), interrelation of micro- and macrocosmic, and the inner work to achieve gnosis. The section concludes with the tabula smaragdina, or “The Emerald Tablet”, translated in both Latin and English.

I was happy to realize that being an astrologer already has prepared me for certain aspects of alchemy, such as planetary days and hours and lunar months, which I had never realized were components of an alchemical practice. I appreciated the historical information about how these aspects of alchemy blend together to be part of the greater cosmology. To be honest, it’s only recently I had the realization that I can break free from current cosmology, as in I can explore beyond the Big Bang theory.

With all the advances since medieval times, I sometimes think that former cosmologies are written off as primitive or no longer relevant, but I feel like shifting the paradigm to embrace an alchemical mindset about the world is an important part of getting started on this path. Cotnoir gently guides readers into expanding their perception by detailing how other alchemists came to understand the world in this way through time and provides a wonderful overview of alchemy’s foundation as a living body of knowledge.

The second part of the book, “Practice”, is where I started to feel simultaneously in over my head and astounded that there’s so much for me to learn. 

“Here we enter into the body of alchemy–the physical process. Nature must lead both in material and in method. Nature is your true book. Study it well.”4

In this section, Cotnoir delves into many ways to manipulate matter through rotating the elements, from calcination to dissolution and fermentation to sublimation. Up until now, I primarily have related to the spiritual dimensions of these techniques, but this section brought them to life in the material world for me. I began to notice the relationship between alchemy and chemistry and think about how I might go about doing some physical alchemical experimenting. Let’s just say, if you saw my holiday wish-list, you’d think I was setting up a small lab, which in many ways it seems like I will be in order to pursue alchemy on this level.

Cotnoir suggests starting with the basics: water, wine and vinegar, and Salt of Tartar. For each one, he provides detailed instructions about the process, including temperature needed and amount of time required for steps. From there, he describes how to distill water, wine (to make Spirit of Wine, followed by instructions on how to rectify this), and vinegar. For further work, Cotnoir describes the process of creating Archaeus of Water, Angel Water, and Spirit Wine of the Sages. He also includes directions to purify salts using calcification, crystallization, and sublimation.

One of my favorite chapters came next, “The Herbal Work”, in which Cotnoir details how the Three Principles can be obtained by plants through fermentation, distillation, and calcification. “The herbal work consists of separating the Principles, purifying them, and then recombing them.”5 The process of doing this is called spagyry. Cotnoir once again provides thorough instructions. This time he describes how to create spagyric tinctures, herbal Magistries, and spagyric Plant Stone. Furthermore, he provides background information on how to use these plant-based alchemical preparations as medicines and initiatory substances on one’s alchemical journey.

The rest of the book includes information on working alchemically with minerals, aurum potabile, the Opus Magnum, and a highly informative appendices. The appendices cover laboratory safety and equipment, more techniques (including information for making essential oils), and a long lists of plant correspondences for all seven planets. Cotnoir makes it very easy to find what one is looking for in the book, and the resources are so incredibly useful as reference. 

For those who do feel the tug to learn more about alchemy, I highly recommend following the calling to read this book. It’s a must-have for beginner alchemists, and I’m sure it would be enjoyed by someone who’s been alchemically experimenting for some too. The recipes alone make it worth adding to one’s book collection! I am eager to begin my journey into the physical side of alchemy, more assured than ever before from the information in this guidebook.

I believe Practical Alchemy will naturally draw readers ready for its information at the right time. And honestly, there’s no rush for the Great Work. It would be highly discouraged to start upon this work if one did not truly feel ready for what it may yield. Preparation is an important part of the alchemical process. Reading Practical Alchemy was a fantastic way to gain the preliminary information needed, as well as the confidence, to move forward on this path. Cotnoir has done a truly exemplary job of writing a useful, relevant guidebook packed with practical information.

A Spindle Splintered, by Alix E. Harrow

A Spindle Splintered (Fractured Fables #0), by Alix E. Harrow
Tordotcom, 1250765358, 128 pages, October 2021

I was so enthralled with The Once and Future Witches by Alix. E Harrow that I decided to read her most recent book, A Spindle Spintered (Fractured Fables #0), over the weekend. Talk about a fairy tale for modern young women! Harrow has a knack for capturing the heart in her tales of romance, magic, and self-discovery.

Zinnia Gray expects to die shortly after her 21st birthday. She suffered the ill effect of lax corporate environmental regulations, which caused a group of children in her town to have incurable health issues. No one has made it past 21. Nevertheless, Zinnia lives by her “Dead Girl Rules”, one of which is to move fast, and pursues a study in folklore. Sleeping Beauty was alway her favorite fairy tale, ever since seeing a photograph of her emerging wide-eyed and alive after death-life trance. Despite her resignation to the reality of her situation, a part of Zinnia hoped to change her story and emerge from the curse of her illness.

On the night of Zinnia’s 21st birthday, her best friend, Charm, throws a surprise Sleeping Beauty party for her – spindle included! As per the traditional fairy tale, Charm encourages Zinnia to prick her finger just like Sleeping Beauty. What happens next is most unexpected!

Zinnia hops dimensions and is transported INTO the bedroom of Sleeping Beauty, called Primrose in this tale. Primrose has yet to prick her finger, as her father has burnt all the spindles, but the tug to fulfill the curse is still strong. Primrose is utterly miserable. From the curse that puppeteers her when she sleeps, beckoning her to succumb to a century of sleep and a life in the palace that narrows her options to marriage to a less than superb knight, there seems to be no escape. Zinnia’s unexpected arrival turns out to be her moment to help Primrose change her story – and that is just what they do!

I won’t go further than this, but the book is AMAZING. Zinnia has a really down-to-earth attitude that still seeks to believe in magic. And the portrayal of Primrose and her world was like reading a real fairy tale. Together, Zinnia and Primrose realize they are living out the same story, but they also have the power to change the narrative. I really liked this concept because I have studied the power of archetypes within the psyche, and I’ve learned the power of identifying the mythological/fairy tale story one is living out. For real change to occur, both individually and on a societal level, requires a change of narrative, and this is exactly what Harrow has given readers.

For instance, Charm is very into women and Zinnia is super open about her own sexual preferences, at one point saying she’s ¾ straight, but acknowledging there’s a piece of her that also finds women attractive. I enjoyed how the characters weren’t type-cast and it embraced the whole spectrum of personality. There’s a lot of blending, rather than fixed edges. From Charm and Zinnia’s friendship, colored with mutual attraction, to the ability for characters to merge with others living out their narrative and work together to change it.

And that’s what is cool about the tale: the bonds of women. While the typical “hero’s journey” is often an individual pursuit, this book portrays fairy tales as a teamwork effort. I think it’s more in-line with a feminine way of being; opening up, trusting, finding allies, and choosing to stick together until everyone is out of harm’s way. There’s an element of choosing to help another over helping oneself, but not in a self-sacrificing way. It is in the spirit of cooperation and seeing that one person as an individual can make a huge difference for someone else, and in doing so, overcomes their own obstacles.

A Splintered Spindle invites us to reconsider what a hero looks like and reimagine the fairy tale so that it’s not only a prince that saves us at the end. True love’s kiss, well that one is kept for the story, but in the spirit of female friendship. And ultimately, sure it’s a happy ending, but also a very heartwarming, honest ending. And I think those are the best kind in real life  because they are not fake. Sure, we can’t outrun reality, but we can always believe in the magic within ourselves.

I sincerely hope that Harrow keeps on writing these revised feminist stories of fairy tales, magic, and witchcraft. This one was short and sweet; I read it for only about 2 hours. I highly recommend it to women of all ages, but particularly young women, because I think it provides a new narrative to live out. For those of us who still hold dear to our fairy tale dreams, this book will be perfectly satisfying too. It’s a wonderful mixture of reality and magic, hope and despair, and the choices we make to forgo saving ourselves to help a friend.