✨ A Gathering Place for Magical Readers and Writers ✨

The Enchanted Moon, by Stacey DeMarco

The Enchanted Moon: The Ultimate Book of Lunar Magic, by Stacey DeMarco
Rockpool Publishing, 9781925946147, 247 pages, November 2021

Moonstruck. Dance by the light of the moon. Lunacy. Tides. Prehistoric cave drawing. Ahh – the Moon! She has always been a guiding force. 

Stacey DeMarco’s book, The Enchanted Moon: The Ultimate Book of Lunar Magic, is chock-full of valuable information on developing a relationship with the Moon to assist with living our lives in a magical way. I avoided saying “working” with the Moon because the book is rife with ways for us to play with the Moon, dance under the Moon, grow with the Moon – you know, have fun with the Moon, while deepening our relationship with our inner goddess/god and La Bella Luna. As DeMarco explains, “this is the witches’ way – practical and magical.”1

I was so excited to get the book that I dove right in. Yet there was so much information and great suggestions, coupled with an abundance of invocations, rituals, and spells, that I soon realized I needed to honor DeMarco’s work by then slowing down and picking and choosing what sections to focus on for my own work. I began to use the various sections to do deep dives into actually working with the power of the Moon

DeMarco begins by writing about the Moon scientifically: its gravitational force, tides, and even the light of the Moon and how it’s been used from the beginning of time. She then flows into the lunar rhythms and cycles, describing waxing and waning moons, new and full moons, eclipses, and blue moons – and the influences of each phase. As I write this, the Moon is in a waxing phase – a good time to set intentions for growth and for prosperity spells.

In the “Inner Cycles” chapter, I found it interesting to read that “the moon phase upon (one’s) birth triggered the beginning of life and remained as a person’s peak time energetically throughout life.”2 I began to pay attention to when the Moon’s phase was returning to where it was on the day of my birth and used this knowledge as guidance. It’s easy to look up the phase for your birthday, if you’re interested in doing the same.

DeMarco then delves into how one can start to practice lunar magic. She writes about three vital skills that are needed, noting:

“This is how I begin with my students who are serious about working with earth elements and lunar energies, and for all of them, you need nothing but yourself… YOU are the weaver of magic and magic starts with you. That is more than enough.”3

How empowering! The first skill is Observation – noticing the moon for a lunar cycle, observing the light, the star and planets, the moon’s surface.

The second skill is Sitting Out – Utiseta. “The practice of purposeful ‘sitting out,’ called utiseta was a meditative and somewhat shamanic activity.”4 She recommends as a start that one sits or lays in one’s garden (if you have one) for at least three hours for each lunar cycle, connecting with the earth and the moon.

The third skill is Casting Circles.  “In lunar magic, it is a reflection of the shape of that big moon above you and is a way to capture the energy.”5 The book delves into lunar rituals for both solo work and working with a group. 

For the 28 moons of the month, each magical in its own way, she offers “profiles of the energy, as well as a spell, ritual, and invocation or meditation…for the feel of the phase’s opportunity.”6

For instance, I loved the ritual of grounding and protection done under a dark moon. It was powerful to feel rooted in the earth, receiving goddess-given power from the earth knowing that the power was unlimited and protective. Admittedly, I felt more comfortable and less noticeable to my neighbors by doing my first ritual in the cover of darkness.

The next ritual I feel called to do is on the waxing crescent, with the intention of making our home a sanctuary for ourselves. I love working with my home at the beginning of the year, and will call on the friendly fires of Vesta, so this lunar work feels very aligned right now.

The book also details gardening “more successfully and magically”7 using the moon cycle. She also explains plants that can be used in lunar magic and shares about the wisdom of each plant. Coincidentally (I say that tongue in cheek), I’ve been wanting to buy eucalyptus, and now read that Stacey recommends it for clarity and strength, which are much needed right now! 

As DeMarco writes, “Almost every culture has a lunar goddess or god.”8, so the book also explores deities such as Hekate and Artemis. She also details working with animals of the moon, such as the hare that is often seen in the waxing moon.

The book concludes with working with crystals and potions, herbs, and baths. “The Never-Ending Learning” chapter offers resources such as DeMarco’s website and that of NASA. What I found to be a really amazing gift was that DeMarco included universal dark, new, and full moon charts for the next 15 years: 2022 – 2036. This is an amazing resource!

DeMarco is a sharer of her knowledge of lunar magic. Her work is remarkable; I use her Moon Magick: Deep Moon Messages mini-cards daily for a quick pull. I highly recommend her work, but especially The Enchanted Moon. It’s a resource, it’s a starter, it’s a guide – it’s all good things in relation to lunar magic rolled into one!

Confessions of an Egyptologist, by Erich von Daniken

Confessions of an Egyptologist: Lost Libraries, Vanished Labyrinths & the Astonishing Truth Under the Saqqara Pyramids, by Erich von Daniken
New Page Books, 1632651912, 208 pages, September 2021

Doesn’t it sometimes seem like Egypt holds all the secrets to the Universe? It’s easy to get lost in the ancient history of such a vast, expansive empire. I had previously read Erich von Daniken’s book Chariots of the Gods, and was curious what other hidden history might be revealed in Confessions of an Egyptologist: Lost Libraries, Vanished Labyrinths, & the Astonishing Truth Under the Saqqara Pyramids.

The book starts off with a very violent act of terrorism, but this sets the stage for the story of Adel H. to unfold, who was tragically murdered in the rampage. When the company Adel was working for needed a guide for von Daniken’s group, Adel volunteered, despite von Daniken’s notoriety for asserting his own information. Adel had read von Daniken’s work and was eager to have the opportunity to speak with him, sparking a decade-long friendship.

Throughout their relationship, Adel shares tons of insider information, having come from a family of grave robbers, with von Daniken. Confession of an Egyptologist‘s  primary focus is on one particular experience that Adel had in the Saqqara Pyramids, which changed his life forever and reveals fascinating information about what might still be hidden beneath the pyramids.

Adel had claimed that his family knew of underground structures that dated back even further than we could comprehend – tens of thousands of years at least. This sparked von Daniken’s interest, as he had written about books written longer than 2,000 years ago hidden in underground labyrinths. His own knowledge, plus what Adel shared sparked von Daniken’s curiosity.

“And I could help but wonder under which deserts, settlements, or sanctuaries these labyrinths must be hidden. Where were these lost, underground worlds from distant times? Had they been excavated and then covered up again? If so, by whom? Had these long-forgotten structures become inaccessible due to natural disasters?

And where are the millions of books that were written in the distant past? Were they burned? Damaged? Deliberately destroyed? And if so, again, why? Is the little that we see today all that there is? Or do secret libraries exist, accessible only to hooded guards or members of obscured orders? Who actually had an interest in writing, hoarding, and then hiding books for millenia? Who wanted to make these books disappear again?”1

Suddenly, I became curious about these questions, right along with von Daniken, and this made me eager to continue reading. It is of von Daniken’s opinion that the Egyptians hid these books because they feared a flood. However, humanity has also proven to be just as destructive of knowledge, from Caesar trying to burn down the Great Library of Alexandria to Pope Gregory IX burning Jewish books in the Talmud burning. (For more on the topic of book burning, I highly recommend Burning the Books: A History of the Deliberate Destruction of Knowledge by Richard Ovenden, which I’ve been reading this week too.)

As the different theories of why books would be hidden and where they might be, different theories come up between Adel and von Daniken based on their cumulative knowledge. One that was especially interesting was the concept of books being inscribed in precious stones hidden in the artwork on the underground walls. Von Daniken brought up the ancient text The Life of Adam and Eve, which describes how Adam learned how to communicate with a sapphire stone and learned all about astronomy and the earthly calendar.2 Adel had his own experience related to this:

“I saw a sculpture of the goddess Hathor carved into the wall in addition to the strange, tubular objects I described before. Between her eyes, in the middle of her forehead, was something like a precious stone. I clearly remember the indescribable awe I felt that prevented me from prying out the stone.”3

Is it possible that precious stones can communicate knowledge spanning millennia? If so, this would point to an advanced technology of the Egyptians, which might be hard to explain for some, but not for von Daniken. He asserts time is relative, and in both the past and present Earth has had visitors from the skies. Citing multiple witnesses of UFOs, von Dankien ultimately concludes the extraterrestrial intelligence that has come before is now present again on earth. 

To be honest, this felt like a stretch to me, but it was an intriguing concept nevertheless. I just wish it had been substantiated a little better than the assortment of testimonies von Daniken put together, leading to a kind of smorgasbord of ideas trying to pass as a credible theory. So while I wasn’t sold on the ultimately conclusion about alien life present on Earth, I did enjoy another focus of the book: the search for historical labyrinths and the experience Adel confided in von Daniken.

Before proceeding to discuss my thoughts on that content, it’s worth noting that the greatest flaw in the book is the lack of organization and skipping from one subject to the next without any clarity about how they are related. It feels like there could be some loose, easily broken thread connecting the different topics covered, but the book lacked a strong thesis, which made it hard for me to follow along with how one part of the book led to another. It felt like a mis-mash of information, which is often what makes me dubious of the veracity of the content.

As mentioned, the highlight of the book was Adel’s personal story of being stuck in the underground labyrinth of the Saqqara pyramids. While accompanying his father and uncle in a grave robbing expedition, he ended up getting stuck in the pyramid when a rock blocked his path back out.

Noticing a stairway that led downward led to mystical experience for him, filled with intimate relationships with a beautiful young woman and discovery of a mechanical throne, possibly linked to King Solomon’s. He was able to survive and escape with the help of a falcon that guided him to an exit. This is a quick summary, and his experience is recounted in much more detail by von Daniken, but it sounds incredible. It makes one wonder about what’s hidden in the unexplored tunnels underneath the pyramids.

Overall, I got some entertainment from reading Confessions of an Egyptologist. It was interesting to imagine the scenery and experiences of Adel, and I did learn some new information about Egypt from von Daniken. Just like many “conspiracy theory”-esque or outlandish ideas, the book has enough factual information to make it seem plausible, but it is simultaneously riddled with loopholes of confusion and inconsistency. So while I am not full subscribing to the tenets of the book, I am at least glad that I read it for consideration.

Sacred Symbol Magic, by Sarah Bartlett

Sacred Symbol Magic: Harness Their Power for Mind, Body, and Soul, by Sarah Bartlett
Weiser Books, 9781578637386, 128 pages, April 2021

Working with any form of magic requires not only belief in what you are doing and why, but also harnessing the power of the corresponding energies to amplify and set out the pathway to the ultimate goal or intention. After all, if you just stick a photograph of a yin-yang symbol on the wall, it will not have any true meaning in the context of your need…unless you actually engage in the process of the magic itself.1

Sacred Symbol Magic: Harness Their Power for Mind, Body, and Soul, by Sarah Bartlett is a compact hardcover title that is dense with information and visual inspiration. As humans, a large aspect of our interaction with anything relies on the visual components provided: their artistry, color, line, shape, etc. This organically arises even before we begin to analyze their origins and meanings. And, no less so in magickal pursuits, we deepen our connections to our work and practice through the symbology that serves to create and decode the mysteries. 

Depending on our culture and beliefs, symbols not only give us meaning in life, but also connect us to the divine nature of the universe.2

Bartlett gives due diligence to the inclusion of a variety of fifty symbols that span diverse spiritual practices and cultures. This holds in keeping with the understanding that no one culture claims the “one” symbol that is the key to the universe. Instead, it presupposes that all symbols are inherently divine and connected in a universal way that may be tapped into regardless of religion or spiritual persuasion. I believe this is an important realization in cultivating a more unified approach to our magical and spiritual workings — inclusion, power, and strength in your beliefs that have been formed by many beliefs. 

Sacred Symbol Magic is separated into six sections, including the Introduction, with each section containing those symbols relating to a specific type of energy the practitioner wishes to work with. These include: Blessing the Home, Self-Empowerment, Spiritual Growth, Joyful Relating and Emotional Healing. The topics themselves leave an open-ended feel making them all the more flexible in the specificity of their use beyond the obvious suggestions. This makes the book very user-friendly from the get-go without having to wade through various symbols and then back track to find exactly what you are looking for. 

Each symbol is presented with information relevant to its cultural/spiritual origins, keywords, related symbols and a simple how to use. The image of the symbol is beautifully and carefully illustrated in a size that could easily be photocopied and pasted onto a flashcard or altar object and used as a contemplative focus or sigil. A suggestion for magical use/ritual is included with each symbol as well, giving the reader immediate application and trial.

Although the intention of Sacred Symbol Magic was not one of guiding the reader in the creation of sigils, there is enough inspiration contained between its covers to pique the interest in those who are so inclined. One of the basic premises of sigil creation is that of being familiar with the components of the sigil desired that its construction allows for energy to flow through it and the visual product stimulates within the practitioner growth. Incorporating and overlaying some of these symbols in a specific way, and having the benefits of the information provided by Bartlettt would definitely serve the purpose of creation of personal symbols, sigils or talisman. 

I was particularly interested in the section containing symbols for spiritual growth…

…. In times of uncertainty, loss, or a change in lifestyle, we all need a belief system or some form of spiritual guidance to know that we are not alone. To access the spiritual power deep within yourself, or to connect to the universe, use these symbols to set you on a positive pathway for your quest.3

Perhaps I was drawn to this chapter given the challenges we have all been facing these past years and months. Regardless, we could all use self-empowerment and a bolster to our goals of spiritual merit. Many of the symbols included in this section would be easily recognizable to most: the all-seeing eye, the pentagram, bee, labyrinth, lotus, om, and more. These affirm the power of symbols in mainstream society and the meanings that are derived in their use, mundane and magical alike. 

Sacred Symbol Magic concludes with its last symbol, that of a cat. Perhaps happenstance or intention, I thought it a wonderful symbol of selection as the closure for a journey through the myriad of visual magic. 

Cats have long been the harbingers of mystery, power, mischief and those of nine lives who could overcome untimely death. They are walkers between the worlds and familiars who guard, ward and teach. They have been worshipped, maligned, treasured, and feared. Much like the many interpretations for the symbols contained in this title. Each has had its fair share of glory and grief throughout history and all are subject to personal and collective interpretation. 

KEYWORDS: Self-esteem, independence, confidence…4

Sacred Symbol Magic brings to light and life the power of symbols and their application to a sustainable and growth-filled magical and spiritual practice. The subtle reminder is that magic is all around us in what we see and what we allow ourselves to explore more deeply in its hidden meanings. The overt intention of one of cultivating and integrating the many paths and the power held in their imagery to connect and unite us at a deeper level. I will be enjoying this book for years to come. 

Archetypal Tarot, by Mary K. Greer

Archetypal Tarot: What Your Birth Card Reveals About Your Personality, Path and Potential, by
Mary K. Greer
Weiser Books, 978578637485, 288 pages, June 2021

When I saw this book, Archetypal Tarot: What Your Birth Card Reveals About Your Personality, Path, and Potential, I was reminded of the time I had the chance to meet Mary K. Greer at a LATS convention in 2007. Greer is not only very knowledgeable and experienced in the tarot world, she is also very approachable and generous.

Greer has an MA in English Literature and been teaching about Tarot since 1974. She has written eleven books on tarot and magic. She first wrote about some of the concepts in this book in 1987, then updated those concepts and published another book in 2011, which was titled Who Are You in the Tarot?. This book is an updated version of the 2011 book.

I jumped right into Archetypal Tarot, having a general knowledge of Birth Cards from a class I took on Greer’s techniques earlier in 2007. She writes in an easy-to-read style and gives the reader simple steps to utilize the techniques. Her first important suggestion was:

“You are your own teacher. All rules given here are made to be broken. Question everything I say and accept nothing until it brings you results you can perceive. As you go through this book, clarify for yourself your intentions in working with the Tarot: what do you want to learn from it?”1

From here, she gives a simple explanation of what tarot cards are, how they are comprised, and the importance of the number sequence. Then she gives a little background on what she calls the Lifetime Cards and what these can mean for you.

“Lifetime Cards seem to describe the kind of life lessons with which individuals are continually confronted and the kinds of subtle inner urges that motivate their choices and actions.”2

She also discusses the concept of “Constellations,” which she attributes to another one of my favorite teachers, Angeles Arrien. This relates to how the cards of the major arcana and minor arcana form relationships, by way of the numbers. For example, The Magician is number 1 and relates to the Aces in the minor arcana. The Hierophant is number 5 and ties to the 5’s in all four suits of the minors, and so on.

Next, Greer gives basic information on how to read with a tarot deck, including how to interview a deck to get to know it and allow it to become a trusted source of guidance for you.

Only after sharing all of this background information, does Greer introduce how to discern your own Lifetime Cards, which are a combination of your Birth Card (determined by the date of your birth) and Name Card (based on the name given to you at birth).

I quickly figured out my Birth Card, including all of the numbers in the sequence. When I had been taught this technique earlier in my tarot studies, I was only taught to focus on my Birth Card, which is the end result of 3, or The Empress. However, with the techniques in this book, I am also to focus on the double-digit number that precedes the final number, which in my case is 21. Therefore, The Universe card is also of significance to me.

Greer calls the first number, 21 in my case, your Personality Card and the single digit number, 3 for me, your Soul Card.

She now takes this exercise a step further and invites you to see the “other” number, which is a 12 in my case. This becomes your Hidden Factor or Teacher Card. This makes the Hanged Man my Hidden Factor or Teacher Card.

“Your hidden factor card indicates aspects of yourself that you fear, reject, or don’t see, and thus it can also be called the shadow card.”3

When I reviewed the section that further shares information on the card in the “Hidden Factor” slot, I learned even more about myself. It’s as if the Hanged Man exposes my “hang-ups,” “turning upside down any habits that limit you from realizing your highest Self.”4

Next, I looked at the minor arcana cards that represent my lessons and opportunities and those are found in the 3’s of each suit.

There is one more minor arcana card to review and that’s the Zodiacal Lesson and Opportunity Card, which in my case is the 8 of Wands. She derives this from a chart of the 36 Pip cards (Aces are not included) divided into 36 sections on the 360° Zodiac Wheel. This was derived by Aleister Crowley for the Golden Dawn.

The 8 of Wands is a wonderful card that chronicles lots of energy and enthusiasm. However: “Your challenge is to maintain your direction and intent while taking sudden infatuations and new ideas in stride.”5

My goal for the next few days is to plot my “Name Cards”, which is an entirely different project in itself! Once I have that information, where I will have a card for every consonant and every vowel in my birth name, I can create a mandala of the cards on the floor or a table and place a mirror inside. Then I can do a breathing exercise that Greer shares on page 237.

I was really surprised at how much I learned from Archetypal Tarot. And, with the Name Card exercise, I have even more to learn. I enjoyed the exercises and also figured the birthday cards for my husband and share some information with him.

Greer writes very clearly and step-by-step. She is quick to credit other teachers or scholars who contributed information or ideas. She has an entire page of “Endnotes” that highlight this information and a Bibliography. There is a three-part Appendix with even more information. The Table of Contents is quite extensive and makes it easy to find key passages or parts of the recipe for finding the different cards you want to isolate. She also features several charts that you can copy and fill in with your own information. Greer also includes a few spreads for learning even more about yourself.

This book is probably best for someone who has a basic knowledge of tarot cards, and knows basic symbols from a Rider Waite Smith or Thoth deck. Her information is very detailed and if you follow carefully, it provides a wealth of knowledge about yourself and others.

I am looking forward to working with the techniques in this book in the future and offering the information to coaching clients for better understanding and better navigation of their Soul journey. I realize that working with my Birth Card back in 2007 was just like peeking in the window of a shop with beautiful, magical toys. With Greer’s latest book, Archetypal Tarot, I get to go into the shop, look around and then play with all of the toys!

Pagan Portals – Baba Yaga, by Natalia Clarke

Pagan Portals – Baba Yaga, Slavic Earth Goddess, by Natalia Clarke
Moon Books, 1789048788, 104 pages, January 2022

I recently finished season two of the Witcher, which had a prominent focus on the Deathless Mother. The chant to call her goes, “Behold the mother of forests, the Deathless Mother, nesting in dreams. Turn your back to the forest, hut, hut. Turn your front to me, hut, hut.” As I watched, the Deathless Mother started to remind me of Baba Yaga.

I had first encountered (figuratively) at Philadelphia’s der Geischderschtrutz (Parade of Spirits) annually held in dark days of winter. The purpose of the Parade of Spirits is “observance of the shadow side of the self, of the murky times in shortest days of the year, and of shady entities and liminal deities.’1 My first year there, I was challenged to enter the hut of Baba Yaga, but unsure of whether she’d want to eat me alive or provide timeless wisdom, I kept my distance. Even if it was just a custom, the energy was potent and I felt a shiver of fear every time I looked in that direction.

It’s been years since that experience, and though I continued to respect Baba Yaga (my coven’s primary focus is the Sacred Hag, of which one might say Baba Yaga is a archetypal representation of), I had yet to muster the courage to embrace Her in personal life or magical practice. But Pagan Portals – Baba Yaga, Slavic Earth Goddess by Natalia Clarke has changed my perception a bit, and I feel like I now view Baba Yaga with a new lens.

Clarke invites the reader to get to know Baba Yaga that goes beyond folklore knowledge. The book is filled with Clarke’s journal entries through the years as she established a connection with Baba Yaga and incorporated this relationship into her own spiritual practice. This presentation style of wisdom is less of a “how-to”, though some suggestions are provided for working with Baba Yaga, and more of a journey into possibility filled with rich, descriptive writing that sets the scene for the magic of this book to unfold.

I appreciated how the book integrated Clarke’s revelations and creative writing with information about Baba Yaga, as it provided a bridge towards Baba Yaga, who otherwise can feel very intimidating to connect with. I am a big fan of Clarke’s intuitive approach to spirituality as described in her book Pagan Portals – Intuitive Magic Practice. In this book, it’s as though she translates her natural intuitions about Baba Yaga into a reference for those wishing to walk Her path.

One of the most unique features of Clarke’s approach to Baba Yaga is her intention to explore Baba Yaga in the context of Earth-based spirituality, rather than fitting Her into “literary, cultural, or societal concepts and beliefs.”2 I find this approach extremely valuable, as my spiritual practice is deeply connected to nature.

In this passage, Clarke illuminates how Baba Yaga feels to her:

“She doesn’t feel like a grandmother or an old Crone with terrifying features. She’s a master shapeshifter, and her essence is that of nature itself. She’s the changing seasons, the leaves in the forest in the autumn and a smell of the coming snow storm. She’s footsteps on the ice and a cold mountain brook. She is like the wind as she flies and in the whooshing sound of a breeze she’s gone. She’s the smoke in the dark and she can be found in animal bones. She is in the smallest insect and the highest tree, the snake hiding in the undergrowth. Illusive, unobtrusive, hardly ever visible and fiercely private. Her dwelling is her own and, on her terms, where everything is just so. It is for no else to make sense of.”3

These words make me feel a spiritually tangible and embodied connection to Baba Yaga, as my senses are opened through envisioning these words. Clarke is able to convey Her essence in this book, which is no easy feat considering Baba Yaga is a deity that prefers to not bother with human affairs, preferring solitude over interruption. I think this is one of the things that in the end draws me towards Baba Yaga, based on Clarke’s experience and description of Her though.

I like that Baba Yaga isn’t for everyone, doesn’t directly answer one’s pleas for answers, and can’t be summoned on-demand. Working with Baba Yaga seems to take determination, self-awareness, and a bit of grit. There’s a chapter called “Bones, Skulls, and Skin Magic” about how incorporating Animal Magic, using bones, skulls, and skins of animals, can strengthen one’s relationship with Baba Yaga. These items aren’t just your typical herbs or crystals, and I think it speaks to the nature of Baba Yaga as a deity.

My favorite chapter in the Book was “Baba Yaga’s Apprenticeship” where Clarke prompts the reader with the question: “How well do you know nature and how you relate to it from within?”4 I thought this was a profound question, and Clarke encourages taking one’s time to find the answer. Meanwhile, to connect with Baba Yaga, Clarke details the necessity of awareness of the elements, seasons, one’s psychology, and one’s spiritual self. Clarke provides prompts on how to work within these areas to become an apprentice of Baba Yaga, leaving the reader with hope that they too can eventually be initiated into Her wisdom.

Another really interesting chapter was “Baba Yaga and Motherhood” where Clarke suggests working with Baba Yaga for “integrating your birth mother or your own inner mother when birthing and mothering you own children.”5 Baba Yaga is not a deity I would have ever considered working with for this purpose, but Clarke’s reasoning that it’s important to accept both the good and bad aspects of ourselves as mother and our own mothers was interesting. For this particular reason, I am feeling more drawn to working with Baba Yaga.

And the last thing I’ll say is that I really think The Witcher is drawing from Baba Yaga’s folklore, and especially even more so after reading the chapter “The Three Horsemen and the Masculine”. In this chapter, Clarke describes how Baba Yaga has three horsemen (red, white, and black) that “represent an archetype of the sacred masculine , in service to the sacred feminine/the Earth.”6 She then describes how the color of The Three Horsemen correspond to different stages of the alchemical process and how working with the cyclical nature of their energy can help to strength one’s bond with Baba Yaga. But red, white, and black as the colors of them? For anyone who’s watched The Witcher Season 2, this is very significant and something I thought was totally cool.

While initiating a relationship with Baba Yaga requires patience and willingness to accept hard truths, Clarke showcases the value of working with Her over time. Pagan Portals – Baba Yaga, Slavic Earth Goddess is a wonderful book to learn more about Baba Yaga for anyone considering deity work with Her. And even if Baba Yaga doesn’t seem aligned for a personal deity relationship, there’s still a lot of value in learning more about Her in general, especially if one is interested in nature-based spirituality.

Hoodoo Justice Magic, by Miss Aida

Hoodoo Justice Magic: Spells for Power, Protection and Righteous Vindication, by Miss Aida
Weiser Books, 1578637562, 288 pages, November 2021

Why do so many magical practitioners shy away from getting their hands dirty with messy spellwork – the spellwork meant to curse, hex, harm, and eliminate those who perpetuate injustice? I am not a Hoodoo practitioner, nor do I lean towards baneful magic, but Hoodoo Justice Magic: Spells for Power, Protection, and Righteous Vindication by Miss Aida was calling to me. I felt the need to add some protection to my arsenal of magic, and by selecting this book, I was given an entire army of spells, metaphorically speaking, to fight for and defend myself.

Reading the contents of this book made me feel tough as nails. And this armor was probably necessary, as it can get pretty gruesome. Miss Aida is fierce, and she doesn’t pamper her readers with gentle counsel. You really need to be ready to delve into gritty topics of body fluids and revenge, but with her guidance you’ll have enough know-how to implement successful spellwork.

But what gives grounds for the use of justice magic? Miss Aida explains:

“Sadly, not everyone is guided by moral principles but instead may value power, status, wealth, notoriety, and/or gratifying their own desires. These people believe they are entitled to whatever they wish without having to work for it, and they can and will act out that belief at any cost and without regard for others. They are immoral people.”1

Therefore, those who suffer the consequences of these people need to have their own means of defense and protection. Reading this introduction to the text was a reminder to me that sometimes magical means are necessary to combat injustice, and I appreciated the list of “Immortal Tactics” that describes how this injustice is perpetuated, ranging from deception to theft to physical and emotional abuse.

However, even though I’d come to see the necessity of justice magic, I will admit opening to the concept and spellwork took a bit of de-conditioning. The idea of the meek inheriting the earth and turning the other cheek seems to run deep in my psyche, and though some might deny it, I believe this is true for many magical practitioners.

Miss Aida turned these notions upside for me by including many psalms and prayers, such as The Apostle’s Creed and Hail Mary as part of the spellwork. She notes that retributive Psalm 109 is estimated by historians to date back to 1060 BC, and therefore concludes “The proof of magical payback is right in our very own Holy Bible.”2

Despite being raised Catholic, as I read these verses through a justice magic perspective, for the first time I began to feel the strength and agency within the words. There’s even a section in the chapter “Spells for Justified Curing and Hexing of Your Enemies” that describes how to curse through prayer!

These aren’t the only tools Miss Aidea provides for justice magic though – oh no, this book is filled with tips and techniques ranging from candle magic to insect magic. (Yes, insect magic! I had never realized the power ants have to destroy relationships with the proper spellwork.) Her advice on candle magic is some of the best that I’ve ever read, and the book is honestly worth reading for that chapter alone.

Constantly while reading, I was reminded of the necessity of working with what’s available as a foundation in Hoodoo tradition. While some spells require a bit more preparatory work or specific ingredients, Miss Aida gives tons and tons of options for achieving one’s means quickly and with what is on hand. However, this doesn’t mean this type of magic should be performed willy nilly or immediately just because one feels slighted.

Miss Aida gives plenty of caution about how spells can misfire, including situations where her own spellwork has led to unintended outcomes. With the nature of this type of justice magic, permanent physical damage, even death, can result. Miss Aida reminds practitioners the retaliation should always be equal to what is being done by the perpetrator, and that it is best to wait while deciding if the magic is worth one’s time, energy, and supplies before casting any spells.

These bits of guidance from Miss Adia, along with detailed advice on how to prepare one’s magical space for the work and clear energy afterwards, go a long way in keeping practitioners safe while engaging in this work. I particularly enjoyed the chapter “What’s Your Strategy?” where she lays out seven steps for this work, which help one to discern how and when to pursue justice magic.

Miss Aida covers a lot in these steps, from proper timing to do’s and don’ts of summoning entities. She also does a great job conveying the importance of intention and provides prompts for one to consider when crafting their petition or request to make it as specific as possible, leaving little room for unintended consequences.

I don’t think of myself as a very spiteful person, but reading through some of the spells, such as “Gag the Gossip” and “Dog Doom”, which includes dog poop as a spell ingredient, got me thinking about some people I’d like to try these out on. Honestly, I probably won’t perform them in the near-future, but just knowing I can always pull from this book makes me feel more confident that I can take care of myself through magical means if necessary.

Hoodoo Justice Magic seriously seems to have a spell for just about every defensive, protective, and vengeful aim one might want to pursue. Chapter topic includes sending enemies away, binding enemies, cursing and hexing, and breaking up relationships. But it’s not a “how-to” manual. Miss Aida writes as though she’s right there next to you, giving you small tips and reminders from her personal experience.

One example of this is when writing about a sweetening spell, she describes how it might make one have positive feelings or thoughts towards you, but it doesn’t necessarily promote action and therefore additional spellwork may be required. That little gem of wisdom is valuable to know if one chooses to do that type of spellwork.

Where her expertise really shines in the area of using ingredients for spellwork that are often considered taboo, such as bodily fluids or excrements. From vomit to semen, Miss Aida teaches how these can be potent facilitators of energy for magic. And she really ensures, to the best of her ability as an author, that a practitioner will not harm themselves in the process of performing justice magic.

When discussing gathering items that contain the DNA of one’s target of the spellwork, she reminds the reader to never let the item also have their own DNA on it. Other practical tips include how to obtain, refrigerate, and store secretions. It’s all quite interesting, especially the section on dominating others through your own urine. There’s even a good deal of information on how to gather graveyard dirt.

While all these items are common for Miss Aida’s Hoodoo practice, for me this opened up a whole new world. While at times I felt a bit icky about things, reading about how to use natural waste and human fluids in my magic actually made me feel more at ease with my own human nature. I found myself saying “Yuck!” less and instead wondering, “How could I use this as a magical ingredient?” It’s really eye-opening to see how much goes to waste that holds magical potency. Miss Aida has a way of shining light on the magic within the mundane.

All in all, Hoodoo Justice Magic is a book I am thrilled to add to my collection. It’s out of my comfort zone in so many ways, but Miss Aida has done a wonderful job of making the spellwork accessible to all levels. I feel like I will be less scared to shy away from needed confrontation and more willing to take justice in my own hands when necessary because of the knowledge this book has given me. It’s by far the best book on defensive and protective magic that I’ve ever read, and I highly recommend it to those seeking to expand their repertoire of spellwork.

Three Books of Occult Philosophy, translated by Eric Purdue

Three Books of Occult Philosophy, by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, translated by Eric Purdue
Inner Traditions, 164411416X, 864 pages, November 2021

As a practicing astrologer and magician, of course I’ve skimmed Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Heinrich Corenlius Agrippa. It’s a foundation of Western occultism after all. But if I’m being honest, the editions thus far, such as the one edited by Willis F. Whitehead in 1898 or more recently Donlad Tyson in 2018, just never seemed to keep my attention. My experience reading Eric Purdue’s translation of Three Books of Occult Philosophy thus far has been entirely different though. I’ve been utterly engrossed, pouring over the information, meticulously researching references to other sources, and for the first time comprehending the text.

And I think this is because there is a prominence to this set. The sturdiness of the black box that houses the three books (The Natural World, The Celestial World, and The Divine World) takes up space, making itself known on my bookshelf. This is one of those sets I know I’ll return to year after year, making the quality of it very important. Plus, I feel pretty cool having it displayed in my living room. It is a truly collector’s item for one’s occult library, as well as a worthy investment for extensive amounts of wisdom within the text.

The books themselves are very big! I measured them, and they are over 10 inches tall and 7 inches wide. I personally love this because I am often referring to them in my practice and it’s helpful to have such a heavy-duty, substantial book where I am not constantly having to try to keep the pages open or squinting to read the writing. For instance, I’ve spent hours drawing the planetary seals for sigils and the size of the book makes it much easier, especially since sometimes I even lay paper over the images in the book to copy from.

Another significant thing about Purdue’s translation of the Three Books of Occult Philosophy is the first English translation published in the last 350, adding to the distinctiveness of this particular set. I thoroughly enjoyed, as well as found helpful, Purdue’s “Translator’s Introduction” that describes why a new translation was needed, in addition to how his translation differs from others. Some reasons cited for the need for this new translation include mistranslation, lack of technical knowledge of previous translators, archaic English that is distracting to read (yes, I concur on this one!!), and incorrect graphics. In some cases, Purdue explains, flaws in previous translations have continued to be compounded rather than corrected with additional translations.

Purdue’s intention in producing this translation was to create a new edition of the Three Books of Occult Philosophy directly from the original Latin and to cross-reference Agrippa’s sources.

“Our translation attempts as much as possible to cite sources that were available to Agrippa. This has allowed us to largely reconstruct Agrippa’s library and has demystified his method of obtaining it. This shows that Agrippa, rather than the writing from texts now missing or obtaining books from secret sources, instead was a mainstream scholar of his day, using texts widely available.”1

And this is where Purdue’s translation really shines, especially for any studious practitioner. The footnotes and sources provided have led me in so many new directions. Being able to look at the footnotes and see the source where Agrippa’s content is being drawn from has been immensely helpful in doing my own research. Two topics prominent in my practice, which I often write articles about, are the hierarchy of angels and numerology. It’s been tough finding primary sources on both these subjects, but suddenly, in reading this version of Three Books of Occult Philosophy, I have new leads from the detailed footnotes of books I can further explore. I am deeply appreciative of Purdue’s dedication, concentration, and effort to add these references into this translation. There is also a very interesting bibliography and comprehensive index in Book III, which again, is monumentally helpful for occult practitioners and researchers.

Another really interesting addition to this translation is quick summaries on the side of what Agrippa is talking about. For instance, in Book I’s section “Of lights and colors, lanterns, and lamps, and the colors distributed among the stars, houses, and elements.” there are side notes of what Agrippa is writing about such as, “The color of the planets.”2 and “The color of the humors.”3. These are incredibly helpful when doing a quick skim while looking for something in particular.

From a historical standpoint, Three Books of Occult Philosophy is the primary source of Western occultism, and it’s interesting to see how long some beliefs have existed, such as astrological correspondences or concepts about the elements. Even if one feels they are an expert, going back to these foundational texts really helps to see the origins of many occult beliefs embedded in our culture. It’s like a beginner’s 101 course, but one that is dated nearly 500 years and really encourages one to put themselves into the minds of magicians of the past.

However, what I’ve found most surprising is the relevance of the text centuries later. Not everything (I certainly cringed a bit reading about the bewitchment women use to lure men into love and the poisonous effects of their menstrual blood on crops), but a good majority of the text is viable for one’s modern magical practice. This is particularly true if one is drawn to arcane magical practices of times long gone, rather than the current trendy paradigms, such as chaos magic. And I think Purdue’s translation really aids in making the content of the Three Books of Occult Philosophy accessible for all.

Overall, this is by far the best translation I’ve ever seen of the Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Purdue has done such a great service in producing this new translation. From the physical heftiness of the book to the detailed footnotes, I’ve felt so connected to this set. It’s as though the arcane wisdom had just been waiting for the right translator to revive it to make it obtainable, on many levels, by a new generation, and Purdue was just the right person to do this. I highly recommend this translation above others, yes, even the free PDFs available online, because it feels alive with a potent spiritual energy. There is so much to learn from this new translation – sources to explore, wisdom to remember, and inspirations to be had.

How to Become a Mermaid, by Elyrria Swann

How to Become a Mermaid: Embodying the Elemental Energy of Water, by Elyrria Swann
Destiny Books, 164411450X, 128 pages, December 2021

I have one main goal for 2022. Are you ready for it? Promise you won’t laugh? It’s to become a mermaid. This has been blossoming for quite some time. I would say it started after I moved to the coast of Southern California, met all the wildlife along the shore, and started cultivating a meaningful relationship with the ocean. Overtime, I accumulated a seashell collection, which is now at nearly 300 different types of seashells, and focused on learning sea magic. I even have mermaid swim training with the tail booked for February at the LA Mermaid School.

When I discovered How to Become a Mermaid: Embodying the Elemental Energy of Water by Elyrria Swann, I was absolutely thrilled to read her perspective on this topic. It hadn’t crossed my mind that there might be a larger mermaid community out there or that I could learn from someone with experience in the mermaid realm. Lucky for me, Swann is the perfect bridge for beginner mermaids with the mermaid realm, teaching them how to cultivate a path to developing their own relationship with the mer-folk and embody the element of water in their daily life.

Swann’s approach to the topic of being a mermaid comes from her own experience, but it is filled with references to the works of others, which guides readers to new sources. It’s whimsical at times, and I would bet that quite a few might be dubious of her experience living as a mermaid, deeply connected to the elemental realm of water and astral realm of mermaids. I’ve always been someone who truly believes in angels, fairies, unicorns, and other mythical creatures, so opening up to Swann’s wisdom about mermaids wasn’t a far leap for me. But for some it might be, and that’s okay.

If a person can’t widen their perspective to include the possibility of mer-folk, then chances are this isn’t the path for them. I intend to review this book for an audience that has an interest in learning more about the topic, rather than try to convince a disbeliever of its merit. This being said, you might not be the right audience for this book if this concept seems far-fetched to you, as Swann doesn’t downplay her experience or restrain her knowledge of the subject to fit neatly into a “normal” lens of reality.

In fact, part of Swann’s reasoning for writing the book is to create a guide for those who feel called to working with the mermaid realm, or are even mermaids themselves, so they are a bit less lost in the world. At the same time, Swann repeatedly cautions readers about energetically connecting with mer-people. She asserts the need for an open heart and pure intention when working with the element of water, as well as knowledge of energetic protection and some preparatory basic skills of energy work.

One of my favorite sections in the whole book is about the mermaid’s energetic protectors in the astral realm: krakens, gorgon medusas, selkies, and hydras. These can become allies or foes, depending on one’s intention for the mermaid realm. Swann shares really interesting stories of engaging with these allies in the astral realm, as well as successful experiences of calling on them for protection in the world.

I enjoyed learning about these astral entities and their protective qualities, though I’m not sure I’d be ready for an alliance or communion with them just yet. Their presence made me more aware that the mermaid realm isn’t all fun and play; there are many energies in the astral that one has to be prepared to encounter, and I am grateful for Swann’s illuminating this.

The greatest change in my perception about mermaids came from Swann’s description of what a mermaid is:

“Mermaids are elemental beings that embody the vibration of water. A simple way to think of it is that they are the personification of the watery element. If water could talk, then it would be a mermaid. The purpose of the mermaid realm is to love and enrich the water element in the spirit world. “1

This definition heightened my awareness of the element of water being the primary aspect of being a mermaid. It might seem rather obvious, but previously I didn’t realize that working with mermaid energy is essentially learning how to engage with the element of water. While this can feel like a daunting task, as anyone who’s ever studied working with the elements can attest to, Swann offers practices to help one get to know their watery mermaid energy.

One example, recommended to be tried in the bathtub, is called “Meditation to Integrate the Spiritual Water Element.” I found this meditation to be quite helpful for discovering my own “unique signature vibration”2, as Swann describes it, of water. She also includes a “Meditation to Enter the Mer-realm” that I am looking forward to doing soon.

I deeply resonated with Swann’s call for mermaids to heal the world’s wounding and find a deeper meaning to this path:

“Donning mermaid tails, owning pet fish, and supporting mermaid merchandise companies is fun and makes life beautiful, but it is not enough. We must become what a mermaid (or merman) is. We must choose love, empathy, and “now” consciousness to be in alignment with a reality where Earth succeeds. We must take physical action when and where we can. Every decision we make can be conscious and rooted in a desire for the good of all.”3

One way that Swann suggests mermaids do this is through learning how to clean up the ocean not only physically, but psychically as well. This was a fascinating concept to me. Though, I have to admit, I tried doing the “psychic clean-up” of the ocean after a storm, where it is known that sewage overflows into the ocean, and I ended up with a sinus infection for two days. I definitely saw Swann’s point about the need for protecting oneself’ while working with the very fluid element of water. I got a feeling that the toxic energy I was trying to clear from the runoff caused a buildup in my sinus cavities.

As a result, I eagerly have been looking into the recommendation Swann provides to study the magical system called Hermetics developed by Franz Bardon in order to strengthen my relationship with water to learn more about on an element level. She describes how Bardon’s Hermetics system teaches about cosmic letters and numbers, which correspond to different elements and elemental properties. Swann writes these cosmic letters and numbers “are vibrations that are accessed through visualization , sound, concentration on imagery and feeling, and oneness with the element it represents.”4

For instance, Swan explains that M is the mastery of the water element. Through meditating on the letter M, people can strengthen their connection to the water element. I think this concept is extremely neat, especially since I love numerology and the correspondence between letters, numbers, and energy. This is yet another technique of Swann’s I plan on exploring.

All in all, How to Become a Mermaid is a wonderful guide for developing a relationship with not only the Mer-realm, but the element of water as well. Swann’s experiences with the mer-realm opens new doors of possibilities for those seeking to establish their own connection. She has lovingly, though with due caution, provided a guide for readers to create their own relationship with mermaids and discover the elemental pathway of water. This book certainly will give you a new perspective on what it means to be a mermaid and how developing the traits of a mermaid can change the world.

The Ancestral Power of Amulets, Talismans, and Mascots, by Nigel Pennick

The Ancestral Power of Amulets, Talismans, and Mascots: Folk Magic in Witchcraft & Religion, by Nigel Pennick
Destiny Books, 9781644112205 , 352 pages, May 2021

Nigel Pennick is the author of over 50 books on various esoteric topics and an authority on ancient belief systems, traditions, runes, and geomancy. His latest book, The Ancestral Power of Amulets, Talismans, and Mascots: Folk Magic in Witchcraft & Religion, doesn’t disappoint: this weighty tome is an absolute must have for anyone even remotely interested in those topics.

This book seems a bit intimidating at first due to its size, but please do not let that deter you from picking it up. Anything, and I mean anything, you ever wanted to know about talismans and amulets is in this book. Pennick provides a visual narrative as well as a written one, and that additional information is invaluable.

The amount of information in this book is staggering and thoughtfully presented. The table of contents clearly lists the various topics being covered and provides the reader with an opportunity to jump right into whatever strikes their fancy. For me, that chapter was “Animals and Their Images”. In this chapter, Pennick states:

“Animal amulets and mascots take three forms. There are amulets made from part of the actual animal, like a rabbit’s foot or toad bone; there are amulets made in the shape of a lucky animal, such as a pig or cat; and there are live animals that serve as mascots, especially for military units.”1

Pennick goes on to explain the significance of the pig, ram, cat, fox, dog, bear, elephant, and tiger. Not only is the information in this section incredibly useful, it’s also very current. There is a photo (Fig 23.4) of the mascot of Motörhead, War Pig which according to Pennick, is “an emblem of resistance”2.

This differs from the usual interpretation of the pig symbolizing luck and fecundity, and with the inclusion of War Pig, Pennick is able to capture the entirety of the symbolism behind the pig. This kind of well-roundedness is what makes this book so fascinating; it doesn’t just focus on one area that might be more relevant in today’s society. Pennick drills down into the very core of the subjects in this book and provides a vast array of uses, both past and present, that are more relevant than one might think.

Another chapter that truly resonated with me was Chapter 21: “Trees, Plants, and Seeds”. Having grown up on a farm surrounded by forests and growing our own food for part of the year, I found this section to be particularly relevant to me personally. Our forest was mainly cedar and oak trees and as children, my brother and I would quite often spend the majority of our time outside up in the boughs of one of the larger oaks. I’ve always felt an affinity for oak trees and still collect acorns for use in my own magic.

Pennick distills the essence of the mighty oak into knowledgeable bites that present the leafy giant in a very magical light, saying, “In the European tradition, the oak (Quercus robur) is the most powerful tree of them all, sacred to the sky god variously called Zeus, Jupiter, Taranis, Ziu, Thunor, Thor, Perun, and Perkunas”3

To me, this is a perfect example of what this book is: a reference tome to be pulled down and used when exact information is required. Honestly, I can’t think of another book that does this so well and with such precision. I’ve never heard of Perun or Perkunas until this book. #alwayslearning

While the actual structure of the writing might throw some people off due to its clinical directness, I find it to be in line with the information presented. This isn’t a how-to book: you will not find spells or meditations or any sort of magical direction here. This is a research book of magical items and while there is some information on how specific items have been used magically over the centuries, that isn’t the point.

Some people pickup books such as this with a view to bypassing some of the work they need to do to strengthen their own magic. This book won’t do that, as it is not meant to be a supplement to personal practice. The multiple page bibliography at the back of the book is a clear indicator that this is a reference book and not a practical magic volume. While there are some charms and incantations included in the various chapters, they are not meant as actual spells but as examples of what would be done or said at the time of the amulet being created or activated. This distinction is important.

This book is meant for those who have a genuine interest in the history around amulets, talismans, and mascots and who are willing to spend a bit of time in the investigative space. I found that I went down many a rabbit hole while reading this book, in that I would turn to the extensive bibliography at the back and be drawn into another book on the same topic and then all of a sudden it’s five hours later and my cats is squawking at me to be fed. That is the sort of book this is — beautiful and mind-opening.

I have made amulets and talismans my whole life; as a child I wasn’t aware of what I was doing until much later and now I’ve refined my practice. In reading this book, I understand more clearly why I make the things I do and why I am drawn to specific materials time and again. As Pennick says:

“The amulet is more than a mere “object” or “artwork”. It’s a transcendent communication between human beings and the powers of the natural world that manifest in myriad ways.”4

As witches, we have an innate need to create a symbol of our will: be it for protection, wealth, love, health, or any other reason. Having a tangible object to imbue with our will is how many of us ‘do’ magic. I will be keeping The Ancestral Power of Amulets, Talismans, and Mascots handy as a reference tool for many years to come.

Spirit Life & Science, by Mahãn Hannes Jacob

Spirit Life & Science: Understanding Your Gifts of Healing and Mediumship, by Mahãn Hannes Jacob
O-Books, 1789043158, 424 pages, December 2021

At long last, evidence for the interconnection of spirit and science is becoming more widely accepted. Mahãn Hannes Jacob is one of the most prominent healers of this age, who actively works as a practitioner of mediumship and spiritual healing, as well as teaching and lecturing worldwide. Spirit Life & Science: Understanding Your Gifts of Healing and Mediumship is very practical advice from Jacob himself about the fundamentals of this pathway. It is essential ready for all of those seeking to better understand how to use energy to heal, develop mediumship abilities, and advance spiritual healing as a therapeutic modality.

Since Spirit Life & Science is imbued with Jacob’s energy, it’s important to understand the integral role he plays in shaping the future of spiritual healing as an ally to science. Jacob obtained a graduate degree from Arthur Findlay College in London to become a Professor of Mediumship. He is also a Spiritualists’ National Union Approved Healer. In 1990, he opened his own clinic in Switzerland, where he has been a practitioner of mediumship and spiritual healing. In 2005, Jacob founded the Swiss School for Healing and Mediumship, where he now serves as Director of the Fréquences. He teaches on topics such as spiritual healing, mediumship, Therapeutic Touch and meditation.

Needless to say, Jacob knows his stuff, and Spirit Life & Science is a compendium of his knowledge. There are twenty-six chapters in total, plus meditations, exercises, and secrets for healing. The content of this book is a nice balance between anecdotes and evidence-based information. With this style, Jacob effectively conveys his message because the reader gains an education about the data on the subject, along with a personalized tale of how mediumship and spiritual healing take place within real life rather than just studies.

The start of the book is a fantastic overview of mediumship in general, including information about who practices it and why someone would want to engage in mediumship. Next, the book covers a range of scientific data about energy transmission and the effects of using spiritual energy for healing. Following this, Jacob describes all types of ways to communicate with spirits, from different types of mediumship (trance, physical, etc.). Jacob does a wonderful job of bridging mind, body, and spirit to show the strong connection between them, inviting new ways of perceiving how they work together for optimal health and well-being.

Spirit Life & Science delves into many topics, making it relevant for both beginner and advanced energy healers alike. A beginner would benefit from the all-encompassing view of the fields of mediumship and spiritual healing since Jacob writes in a way that makes them approachable and easy to understand. He discusses prominent historical figures that have furthered the fields, many forms of meditation, breathwork, and healing modalities, as well as common fears and misconceptions people have who are unfamiliar with the naturalness of mediumship and spiritual healing. And for those already familiar with the subject, Jacob’s personal experience and innovative techniques are sure to enhance one’s mediumship and spiritual healing skill set.

What I like most about the book is the color illustrations. For instance, pages 300-320 feature full-length instructions for the Therapeutic Touch protocol and photographs of Jacob’s hand placements for patients both laying down and sitting. Looking through the photographs helps to see the physical movement of the practitioner on the client when performing the Therapeutic Touch protocol, and if I were a practitioner, the imagery would make me feel much more confident using it on a client than simply reading instructions would.

Another really neat photograph is on page 92, which shows the results of an energy transmission experiment Jacob performed on plants. He energized one plant, but not the other, and otherwise tended to them the same. There is a huge difference between the flourishing of the plant that was energized and the plant that was not. This is just one example of the many different studies recorded in the book, many of which also feature data tables or photographs to illustrate the results.

My favorite chapter in the book is “Extraction of Pathological Information (EPI)”, which is a unique method currently only practiced by Jacob. It reminds me a bit of psychic surgery, but it’s actually an information extraction method. He describes how he learned about this gift through healer Estor Bravo and then by a spirit too. Plus, there’s photographs of the mark EPI leaves on patients, as well as a handful of success stories. In a medically supervised study, this healing method had a 94% success rate.1

Jacob heals with this method by understanding that the manifested pathologies “are based on harmful information and when it is removed, a great many patients are healed and freed of their ills or improve considerably.”2His thoughts on the future of medicine were absolutely mind-blowing to me, but as someone who was able to shift belief and affect biology, his notion also really made sense. Jacob writes:

“Allopathic medicine neglects and does not recognize the notion of inscription or memory. Yet everything is based on this. Once again, I want to emphasize that the medicine of the future will be information medicine!”3

My only caveat about the book is that it does have a religious influence. Jacob’s writing is influenced by both Christianity and Buddhism. He is a practitioner of Kriya Yoga, and received his spiritual name, Mahãn, by Swamiji Dharmananda Sarawati Maharaj. Readers that do not feel connected to these religions might feel a bit at odds with some of the information presented. However, for me, this didn’t detracted from the wealth of knowledge still available in the book, particularly in regard to the science behind energy transmission.

Toward the end of the book are meditations and forty-six exercises to enhance one’s mediumship and spiritual healing abilities. These alone are worth the read for anyone called to this path. Some are individual, while others are better with a partner or in a group, so I highly recommend this section for people who are involved in a community of spiritual healing.

All in all, Spirit Life & Science is a fascinating read filled with practical information to enhance one’s mediumship abilities. It’s the perfect blend of story and facts, conveying Jacob’s one-of-a-kind insight into this topic. This book should be a foundational read for all spiritual healing, as it does such a wonderful job of helping readers to understand the basics of energy transference, as well as the potent potential this healing modality has for the future.