✨ A Gathering Place for Magical Readers and Writers ✨

House of Sleep, by Brad Kelly

House of Sleep, by Brad Kelly
Independently Published, 8593128638, 312 pages, January 2021

What is that place where reality ends and dreams begin? Can our dreams impact our reality, and in turn can reality be shaped by our dreams? These philosophical questions are brilliantly explored in the recently published book House of Sleep by Brad Kelly. This genre-melding fictional story invites the reader to question the nature of our dreams, where we derive personal satisfaction from in our life, and the ultimate quest for the existence of an omnipresent divine being.

Lynn is distraught after the death of her fiancé. She had recently become pregnant and within a short span of time, she lost both the baby and her beloved Michael. Maintaining her career as a psychiatrist becomes a challenge as she slips deeper into despair. Spiraling out of control and desperate to connect with Michael again, Lynn decides to take the opportunity to attend a retreat, which happens to be nearby and completely free. With the encouragement and safety net of her trusted best friend Nikki keeping tabs on her, Lynn desires to embrace this experience and see what may come of it.

Simultaneously, readers are introduced to the other protagonist Daniel, who is disease-ridden and at the mercy of a religiously fervent father that believes him to be demonically possessed. After a lifetime of being subjected to his father’s violent zealotry, Daniel has finally gathered the inner strength to leave home and seek out his older brother who had left the abusive home years prior. Growing up, Daniel’s older brother had been his refuge, as he did his best to shield Daniel from the blows of their father and share with him all he had learned about the world. The parting words he left Daniel with were to get to a doctor and then find him.

The lives of Lynn and Daniel, along with many other colorful characters, become intertwined at the House of Sleep. Led by a mysterious man called The Diving Man, the House of Sleep is creating a bridge in the dream realm to usher in a new reality. As he spouts philosophical wisdom and transcendent spiritual insights, the main characters are led to question who this person is and whether he is to be trusted. Some followers give him full credence, while another is keeping tabs on this man for detective research. The ambiguity of it all leaves room for the reader to continually question if the Diving Man is a brilliant cult leader or incarnate god. All the people called there have a role to play, but what is the price of the great work these dreamers are doing?

Kelly does a wonderful job of keeping the readers guessing. The book is divided into three parts each section and ends with a metaphorical ellipsis. Just when the reader thinks they have it figured out, there’s a new twist to the story. There is a blending of past, present, and future that creates a labyrinth of time. The characters must work together to discover the truth about the secret dream work they are doing and its impact on the lives of everyone involved.

The best part of the book is the monologue of the Diving Man, presumably speaking to himself in his own mind. Packed with revelation and wisdom, these words open portals to new dimensions of the mind. Having the courage to flip reality on its head invites splendid perceptions, and the Diving Man has the background to truly push at the seams of reality to bring forth the truth of spiritual and human existence. Reading his words, you begin to wonder about who or what God is and how is this state of being truly achieved?

“Don’t you see that God has truly died? There are no lies and so every word a metaphor, and those you make in a moment live live as wires in your head, so. . . we (yes, yes, yes) we killed him and he was pleased to go. It had been long enough trying to hammer the point home.  But there is a way to take his place. And how many broken-souled caveats to the start-it-all-over paradigm would you actually trade to place someone back in that cobwebbing throne.” 1

While on the surface this book may seem like a narcissist’s dream of massing followers to do his bidding based on their desire to assuage their personal suffering, the Diving Man’s wisdom remains compelling. His unique life circumstances have primed him for the role even he must play in the symphony of the Universe. The book brings to light just how far grief can push people to go in the quest to regain the love lost and find meaning once again in their life.

I will say the book can feel a bit dark at times. I chalk this up to the lens through which Kelly writes: the stark realism contrasting the symbolic dreams of the people in the House of Sleep. It becomes a real battle between Saturnian and Neptunian forces. As Lynn tries to escape the pain of her reality and reconnect with her love in dreams, Daniel is emerging from the delusion he’s been trapped in his entire life to discover the true nature of reality. The link between them is the real key to awakening, and the role of the Diving Man becomes increasingly warped.

I recommend House of Sleep for readers that enjoy the work of Chuck Palahniuk and Philip K. Dick. The blending of psychedelics and psychology to probe the interior of human minds in both waking and dreaming life invites revelatory insight. You may hear the prompting of the Diving Man whispering his life’s knowledge into your ear, but it’s up to you to decide the action must be taken based on your subjective reality in the dreams. If you would like to sample Kelly’s work and get a feel for his writing style, you can read his short stories here: https://www.bradkellyesque.com/short.

Enchanted Herbal, by Gail Bussi

Enchanted Herbal: Connect to Nature & Celebrate the Seasons, by Gail Bussi
Llewellyn Publications, 0738766119, 288 pages, December 2020

Living seasonally is a very important part of my spiritual practice. The best ways to connect with the seasons that I’ve learned over the years are practices that keep me grounded, such as cooking, journaling, and self-care. Though I’ve been living this lifestyle for quite some time, I have been delightfully surprised by all the inspiration offered by Gail Bussi in Enchanted Herbal: Connect to Nature & Celebrate the Seasons. This book is handy, practical, and filled with wisdom for all the seasons. Reading it just through Winter thus far, I’ve already felt a shift that deepened my mind-body-spirit connection to the season. I’ve also had lots of fun trying out new recipes and learning about seasonal herbs.

Immediately I resonated with Bussi’s words, “Each season brings its own gifts, lessons, opportunities, and sometimes challenges — but I believe nature also offers us the remedy for these challenges if we are open to connecting with her each and every day of the year.”1 By participating in the energy of the seasons, adjusting our routines accordingly, there is wisdom to be gained from the natural cycles of the Earth. Bussi’s writing nurtures the reader and enhances feelings of being calm and centered throughout the seasons. With this book in hand, I feel ready for all the shifts in nature through the year.

The book starts with Spring and moves along in seasonal order to end with Winter. Every season is divided into sections: Heart Notes, Create, Nurture, Grow, and Taste. The way this compendium of seasonal knowledge is organized makes it easy to find just what you’re looking for, whether it be general information about the time of the year, a scrumptious recipe, or an idea for a creative project. Enchanted Herbal has it all — simple practices to connect with the energy of the season, gardening tips, homemade body products, and a wide array of tasty delights.

What I like most about Enchanted Herbal is that it is a very hands-on book. Reading it makes one want to partake in the seasonal energy through the wide variety of projects, creative suggestions, and cooking ideas that Bussi offers. My initiative was ignited, but in the most soothing and centered way, as I am reading it during winter which is the “do nothing” season. The promptings to bake, cook, or partake in self-care felt very intuitive. I would feel called to try this recipe, or steep that tea, and the experience of reading through the book over the course of a few weeks yielded a Juniper Cleansing Mist, Eucalyptus and Jasmine Foot Soak, and dinner of Stir-Fry Brussel Sprouts with Bacon, Pecans, and Garlic (yum!).

Even though I only partook in Winter activities, I did read through the other seasons and got very excited for all the things I wanted to try out. My mouth was joyfully anticipating some of the recipes in the book, such as Chocolate Mint Pots, Fireside Mushroom Soup, Pumpkin Fritters with Sage, and Spicy Coconut Chicken. It’s worth noting that Bussi previously ran a catering company and has published a cookbook, so she truly knows her stuff when it comes to food! Furthermore, there are even recipes for enticing beverages – to name a few: Spring Morning Tea, Coconut Tumeric Latte, and Dandelion Wine.

Some other ideas inspired by Enchanted Herbal are planting an astrological garden, creating a nature mandala, and practicing the art of foraging. I’m very much looking forward to Spring now that I have this book to guide me into new ways to attune to nature and celebrate the season. I am already intending to create the Spring Morning Toner, which uses all the natural ingredients to refresh the skin, and Lemon Verbena Massage Oil that can be used for the skin or dropped into a bath. I’m pacing myself, but it’s tempting to not hold off on all the Summer recipes (Tri-Colore Tomato Salad!) and self-care DIY projects (Peaceful Nights Pillow Mist, After-Sun Soothing Tub) I’m eager to try out! 

Bussi has filled each season with so many ways to engage with the herbs that the reader has room to pick and choose as they feel called, coming back over the course of a long while to perhaps finally try it all. This is definitely a book that you will reference back to many times through the year, as the recipes are worth repeating and the instructions for projects like creating essential oils, foot scrubs, and aloe vera gel will always come in handy. It is a wonderful book to begin your herbal journey of healing and self-nurturance.

All elements of my being felt supported when reading Enchanted Herbal, as it truly teaches how to tend to one’s self with love and care to become more aligned with the natural energy of the year. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys cooking, DIY projects, or gardening that wants to further deepen their connection to the energy of the seasons. There’s magic in these everyday activities, and Bussi teaches the reader how to find joy throughout the year by living in harmony with the seasons.

Angelic Lightwork, by Alana Fairchild

Angelic Lightwork: Magic & Manifestation with the Angels, by Alana Fairchild
Llewellyn Publications, 9780738762692, 248 pages, 2020

It’s true, big things come in little packages. Angelic Lightwork: Magic & Manifestation with the Angels by Alana Fairchild is a small book (7”x5”) that packs a powerful dose of angelic love. I’ve read countless books on the angels, how to work with them, who they are, and how they communicate, but this book spoke words to me that I hadn’t heard until now; it offered insight that had never been presented to me.

I was drawn to this book initially because I am familiar with other work by the author. Her deck Mother Mary Oracle is one of my absolute favorites and it never fails to offer guidance that is spot on. I was interested to see whether her writings on the angels would also resonate so deeply. I can say with assurance that Fairchild fully delivers on her intention of the book stated as, “my intention in creating this loving little book is that you connect with all that divine goodness within and find comfort, empowerment, happiness, and freedom in doing so.” 1

I read this book as many challenges were creeping into my life — challenges that trigger those story-fondling monsters that threaten joy, faith, and peace. The statements found in the pages of the book offered a new way of thinking for me, a new way of understanding who the angels are, and insight into the ease with which one can interact with the them for manifestation of the highest good.

Lesson one: ahh, yes, I limit myself but the angles are limitless. Lesson two: think of connecting with the angels as more of “playing” with these lighthearted beings versus “working” with them. “It is not the divine nature that is the issue, but our own expectations and fears that prevent us from being able to bear unobstructed witness.” 2 As Fairchild reminds the reader, angels help us get closer to the divine.

Fairchild reiterates that there are limitless numbers of angels that can be called on to help; when we ask for angelic guidance we are not taking the angels away from another in need. The more we engage with the angels the more we open up the channel to the divine. “When your thoughts are on the divine energies of angels, you will be energetically broadcasting a beautiful light that will attract similar frequencies to your world….” 3

Conversely, she also writes about the concept of our free will. “They (angels) want to help humans, but because of our free will, they need to wait until we ask.” 4 Correspondingly, we can ask for angelic help for another being, but they have the free will whether to accept the angelic help. 

Throughout the book, Fairchild shares her amazing knowledge of the angelic realm in great detail. Part One focuses on “angelic basics” with sections on what angels are really like, the different types of celestial angels, some of the angels who want to help you, simple practices to connect with angels, and preparing for archangel work.  I particularly liked the questions she posed and answered, such as one about if one can ask for too much help from their angels. The questions are ones that I’m sure that most of us have as we work with the angels, and her responses serve to deepen our understanding of working with these beings of love and light.

In the chapter titled “Different Types of Celestial Angels,” Fairchild provides an in-depth description of the hierarchy of angels from the first through the third orders. Her descriptions of the angelic realms such as powers, virtues, seraphim, and thrones were enlightening. I had no idea there were so many strata of angels. However, while the book references guardian angels, it only briefly touches on this subject.

Fairchild goes into greater detail about individual angels in the chapter “Angels Who Want to Help You.” Included are the four archangels that she details in Part Two of the book, as well as other angels who are particularly close to humanity, such as Metatron, Sandalphon, and Camael. I find it so helpful to know the particular “specialties” of these angels to help me call on one in particular depending on the issue at hand. For example, Camael who helps those who need spiritual strength5 has been very helpful to me recently, as I face some obstacles in my personal life. She even offers specific ways to call in the particular angel and also provides information on the ways they are depicted in art and writing. 

The chapter “Simple Practices to Connect with Angels” also gave me a lot of insight into how I can better connect with the angels. In part of the book Fairchild offers ways to ready one’s self for receiving angelic communication from setting up an altar to finding a quiet space. I liked hearing that calling on the angels can be as simple as saying an angel’s name aloud. The book conveys that working with the angels can be any way that works best with our own individual lifestyle. 

Part Two focuses on what Fairchild calls angelic lightwork, “which is the art of creating healing, magic, and manifestation with angelic energy.” 6 She specifically details how to do deeper angelic lightwork with four archangels, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel. Since Michael is a favorite of mine, I chose to do the book’s exercises with Michael. I appreciated reading that I could work with Michael as often as I wished and that my practice with Michael would never become worn out. I have been using the book’s exercise to call in Michael often over the past few weeks and find that inviting in Michael’s angelic support is always met with a response. I release the need to control how, when, where, and why – and open myself for the response. As Fairchild explains, “when we focus on doing our inner work rather than trying to make outer circumstances change, we heal and grow spiritually.” 7

At the beginning of the book, just after the Table of Contents, the reader finds “Practices,” a section that is a quick reference to special practices found in Chapters 6 – 9 that can be used to work with these four archangels. Fairchild lists the specific topics and references the page on which they can be found. For example, there is a practice for healing through divorce (or the end of any relationship), manifesting money, and all the resources you need for peace and progress, prayers for good health, blessing a journey, finding the best place to live (and for the homeless in need of shelter), and protection for animals. There is truly a wide range of angelic practices detailed in the book, and I like that the Practice section gives quick reference.

The book continually reinforces the belief that “we still have our challenges in life to deal with, but we no longer have to feel that we have to do so on our own. We have powerful divine guardians to help us grow and heal through any experience.” 8 Doing the practices in this book and learning to work with the angels has certainly show this to be true. I already feel the guidance, love, and support from my angels deepening from the experience of reading this book.

I highly recommend Angelic Lightwork to all who wish to cultivate a relationship with the angels. Fairchild’s writings completely changed my mindset in working with the angels. It has been a healing balm that came at a much-needed time. Learning about these new method of working with the angels as given me many ways to invite the angels into my life. Having the angels nearby provides me comfort in knowing that I am never alone, and help can be just a whisper away.

The Call of Intuition, by Kris Franken

The Call of Intuition: How to Recognize & Honor Your Intuition, Instinct & Insight, by Kris Franken
Llewellyn Publications, 978-0738765938, 256 pages, 2020

Trying to find that elusive unicorn called work-life balance has many of us burning out and not able to focus on the task at hand. Attempting to find time for ourselves, while also taking care of others, and in some cases juggling a job has many of us cut off from ourselves and our intuition. Finding a pathway back to ourselves in terms of honoring our vast inner worlds is precisely what Kris Franken sets out to do in her beautiful book The Call of Intuition: How to Recognize & Honor Your Intuition, Instinct & Insight. In this book, Franken sets out workable sections on how to reconnect with our inner selves, and it couldn’t come at a better time.

With the turmoil society is in right now where many people feeling cut off and alone due to the pandemic, this book is a breath of fresh air. Not only does Franken reiterate what we all know intrinsically in terms of being always connected to our inner guidance, she shows us how to access that well of guidance through basic exercises designed to strengthen our link to ourselves. Woven through the chapters that are simply and directly named for what they offer (“Breathe,” “Surrender,” “Connect,” etc) are wonderful self-practices in the guise of prompts designed to provoke a deeper awareness that reflects back to the chapter topic. The first one, titled Self Aware Soul Prompt, took me to a place of deep calm and serenity that I greatly needed. It also reminded me that I need to take responsibility for my own empowerment, which surprised me because I totally thought I was doing that. Guess not!

The book is written simply and is a pleasure to read. Not that it’s an easy read: whenever you deal with personal transformation books there is always an element of difficulty in that you are called to face some aspects of yourself that you thought you’d dealt with. This isn’t to say that there is an abundance of Shadow Work here; while there may be a call to do that later on your own, this book is more about re-establishing contact between you and your higher self while leaving space for miracles to occur.

Franken doesn’t make the reader wait to get into the meaty stuff. In chapter two, she deftly explains the three inner guides that influence and inform each person: instinct, intuition, and insight. This forms the basis of the rest of the book and the detail she goes into about each one of these guides is beneficial for even the most seasoned and self-aware reader. Personally, I love it when the writer tells me exactly what they mean when they use specific words, as I feel it gives me another facet to a topic I might already know something about. Take intuition and insight for example. I would have thought that these two things would be quite similar based on my personal experience. Franken explains insight as “when you receive new information that merges with what you already know and provides a new understanding or a fresh perspective.” 1 Something I now have in conjunction to these two ideas, thanks to her explanation.

The second part of the book deals with the “how-to” of reconnecting and is the real reason why you pick this book up. While the first part provides a deep understanding of intuition, insight, and instinct, the second part provides six ways to fortify the bond with self through practical, hands-on, and playful approaches. Franken encourages the reader to think of this entire section as fluid and not treat it as a solid six-step program to follow diligently. I like that she goes out of her way to state that — quite often authors mean for this to be apparent, but it isn’t always that clear. In this case, the way the book is written invites the reader to jump around and try things at their own discretion. Perfect for someone like me who gets distracted by shiny things!

I especially enjoyed the section on surrendering, as I have a difficult time letting go and releasing things that no longer serve me. Part of this is because doing so invites real and drastic change into my life, and that is sometimes daunting and scary to consider. I know — why is this my favorite part if it causes so much discomfort? It’s precisely the discomfort that attracts me. Honestly, Franken’s writing makes me feel safe to move forward with this work despite the amount of fear I feel while contemplating the changes that need to be made. Empowerment: it’s already working!

If you are looking for a book that clearly lays out the basic principles behind acknowledging and accessing your inner guidance system, pick this book up. Ditto if you already have that knowledge but are looking for ways to strengthen the bonds already in place. There really isn’t anyone I can think of who wouldn’t benefit from reading The Call of Intuition, as it’s full of wonderful insight and anecdotes that resonate with their honesty and relevance. Franken has written a beautiful book that will lead you back to your center, if you are willing to take some time and reinvest it in yourself.

The Corona Transmissions, edited by Sherri Mitchell, Richard Grossinger, and Kathy Glass

The Corona Transmissions: Alternatives for Engaging with COVID-19―from the Physical to the Metaphysical, edited by by Sherri Mitchell, Richard Grossinger, Kathy Glass
Healing Arts Press, 644113073, 374 pages, December 2020

It’s been on the forefront of everyone’s mind for nearly a year: COVID-19. The crucial shifts necessitated from the spread of the virus have impacted all aspects of society, One may feel so “over it’ that they avoid having to think more about the topic than they must, but beyond the news, is there a deeper conversation we can be having about the transformative events taking place? The Corona Transmission: Alternatives for Engaging with COVID-19– from the Physical to the Metaphysical edited by Sherri Mitchell, Richard Grossinger, and Kathy Glass is a book I believe everyone should be reading as we slowly start to process what we’ve been through the past year.

The Corona Transmissions sets out to offer a wide variety of perspectives to make sense of what we’ve been living through during the pandemic. The fearful news and horrific stories of COVID-19 have been flooding our awareness since March 2020. As a result, we may be stuck in a mode of thinking that is limited in its capacity to see the greater picture of the role this virus is playing in reshaping our society. This book brings to the forefront the alternative voices out there that may not be highlighted in mainstream media. From poetry to homeopathic medicine, indigenous perspectives of Earth’s restoration to the esoteric lens of astrology and tarot, the writers gift us a new lens to view the pandemic through.

The book is divided into three sections: Overviews and Transmissions, Medical Information and Healing Modalities, and Deconstructions, Divinations, and Visions. While each writer’s work is loosely connected to the others in their section, every view is extremely different based on their own background, identity, and vantage point of what’s going on. The length of each piece varies, which makes for a stimulating read because there’s a variety to the flow of the book. One minute the reader is contemplating the socio-political failings of the nation that have led to an exacerbation of this situation, and in the next reading is focused on the experience of the coronavirus as a living being with its own agency, fostering a dialogue between humanity and the virus.

The uniqueness of each writer’s thoughts is what I really liked most about reading The Corona Transmissions. Since it is a compilation of different perspectives, there is an overwhelming amount of wisdom filling the pages, and discovering the works of people I’ve never heard of before was one of the best parts of reading the book.. I connected to the work of many people that I may not have otherwise been exposed to but whose words I deeply resonated with, such as Barbara Karlsen and Eric Meyers. I was delightfully surprised by how much I enjoyed the perspective of stone alchemist Robert Simmons, who proposed the Earth is opening up a dialogue of communication with us. Additionally the poetry of Zoe Brezsny, Paul Weiss, James Moore, Stephanie Lahar, and Jack Foley was penetrative, emotionally stimulating, and very accurate depictions of the sentiment of this time. There was even a contribution from one of my favorites: Charles Einstein, author of Sacred Economics (one of the best books I’ve ever read).

The second section, Medical Information and Healing Modalities, was probably some of the best medical information I’ve read about COVID-19. This section was packed with data that illuminated the rate of transmission in relationship to other viruses and provided a really grounded perspective of the numbers and statistics that may otherwise be too complex to fully understand. It also was filled with suggestions on how to naturally boost one immune’s system; from supplements to homeopathic remedies, there are many resources within this section to help the reader take control of their own health. There’s even methods to use for if one does contract COVID-19 to ease symptoms and facilitate quicker recovery.

Reading this book has led to a lot of healing within that I didn’t even realize I needed to be doing. Different writers hit spots within my heart and psyche, sparking a growth of consciousness and also nurturing the emotions that have not been “given voice” yet but wanted to be heard. Moving through The Corona Transmission gave me the opportunity to explore my relationship to fear, acknowledge what I’d been going through internally through this pandemic, and also restore hope for the future going forward. As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and this book is a resource that makes me feel more emotionally and spiritually resilient, informed about the nature of this virus, and prepared for what may be to come as we shift to a post-pandemic world.

Much of this COVID-19 experience of quarantining and social distancing has left us in “survival mode.” We’ve been in defense against the virus, forced to make many personal sacrifices for the sake of safety. It certainly has been traumatic, and I’m sure there’s going to be a sense of collective PTSD as we now begin to integrate the experience and move forward. The collection of writing in The Corona Transmission is a step in that direction. It is for this reason I highly recommend it to people who are seeking to create a new relationship with the virus, find emotional balm in the art that’s emerged from the pain, explore alternative medicine to promote health, and open their perspective to better understand the large implications of all that has occurred.

Seeing the grief be turned into wonderful poetry and reading perspectives that contextualize this event in a more optimistic, or at least evolutionary, light reconnected me to a higher purpose. The voices in The Corona Transmission instilled a greater sense of meaning to the events that we’re living through, helping me to shift from a personal view to a transpersonal view that encompasses a greater range of possibilities. Reading the writer’s words made me feel reconnected to humanity, assured that we’re all in this together and there’s space for the perspective of everyone. In fact, it’s vital that we come together and share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and this book is a magnificent start to the dismantling, processing, re-envisioning needed to prevail.

Life Ritualized, by Phoenix LaFae and Gwion Raven

Life Ritualized: A Witch’s Guide to Honoring Life’s Important Moments, by Phoenix LeFae and Gwion Raven
Llewellyn Publications, 978-0-7387-6465-8, 201 pages, 2021

Life Ritualized: A Witch’s Guide to Honoring Life’s Important Moments by Phoenix LeFae and Gwion Raven grabbed me from the start because I am a lover of both life and ritual. The authors have decades of experience in leading groups through Rite of Passage ceremonies and are well qualified to speak to bringing ritual into everyday living.

The book begins with the authors’ biographies, identifying them as practicing Wiccans. Initially I wondered if the book would be applicable to my lifestyle since I do not practice traditional Wicca. Thankfully, this concern was alleviated before the first chapter. I appreciated the authors pointing out that regardless of one’s personal beliefs and practices, most of us will have people in our lives that do not share our beliefs and practices, and those same people will be the ones we will want to invite to our ceremonies and rituals should they be public or meant for a group to witness. I very much appreciated that stance, as it felt so open, inclusive and welcoming.

The book covers a wide variety of beautifully created rituals. Quite a number of them go far beyond the typical rituals attached to births, deaths, weddings and coming of age, though these are included and very lovely. I was especially excited to see rituals for things that I hadn’t thought of ritualizing before, such as taking a driver’s license test, getting a new car, or losing a job. Like the subtitle says, these are “important moments” in life and things that most of us will experience and remember as milestones. These “everyday” happenings are perfect for ritualizing.

The section that includes the “Rites for Leveling Up” was one of the parts I enjoyed most because it mentioned those unexpected moments and not only included actual rituals for things like passing a driving test, getting a job, a new home, and retiring – but also included some small yet powerful actions around these “level ups,” such as the list of suggestions for “vehicle protections.” 

The authors use personal stories to illustrate the rituals, and I found these stories to be among my favorite parts of the book. Not all life experiences are happy, and neither are these rituals created for only celebrating happy times. Instead all of life’s experiences are taken into consideration with love, care, and respect. Gwion’s personal story that accompanied the Abortion Ritual was powerful, respectful, and included a call to action to support reproductive freedom, which was exceptionally powerful. This story alone caused me to feel glad I had read the book.

As a life coach I recognize that everything we experience in life is somehow directly related to our sense of identity, and so the section titled “Rites of Identity” was another personal favorite. This section includes rituals for coming of age such as first menstruation and becoming a man, as well as rituals for coming out as queer, personal naming, adding a new name and taking a new name. This section also includes a beautiful Rite of Authenticity, which will be the first one I will personally perform for myself.

There is an Empty Nest ritual, a Menopause ritual, and a Loss of a Pet ritual – and having experienced these moments myself, I found myself wishing that I would have had this book in those moments of grief and/or transition when I felt so consumed with loss that I was at a loss to create something for myself.

The book is organized in sections that make the rituals easy to locate and includes rituals that are both general and specific, rituals to be performed alone, with small groups, and with large groups. The authors do a great job of anticipating societal situations and expectations; I smiled at the two different versions of Handfasting Rituals – the Handfasting Ritual for the Masses, as well as the Handfasting Ritual for Witches, Pagans, and the Open Minded.

Life Ritualized includes very useful explanations of the elements that help create flow in ritual, as well as a wonderful list of correspondences that are not only helpful in understanding the rituals in the book, but would be useful in creating new personal rituals whether the reader is already an expert or a complete beginner. I found this book easy to read, creative, enlightening, compassionate, respectful, and even fun. And I am looking forward to creating and enjoying more rituals in my life now. This book is going to be a well-used and well-loved reference in my library.

Queering Your Craft, by Cassandra Snow

Queering Your Craft: Witchcraft from the Margins, by Cassandra Snow
Weiser Books, 1578637218, 288pages, November 2020

From now on, whenever someone asks to me to recommend a book about getting started in witchcraft, this is the book I am going to recommend, whether or not that person is queer.  I say this because Queering Your Craft: Witchcraft from the Margins by Cassandra Snow breaks the practice of witchcraft down into simple components that can be picked up by anyone, anywhere and used however they wish, making the craft of magick much more of a personal celebration of creativity, passion and power.  To make the craft of magick-making accessible to a diverse, marginalized population, Snow guides their readers on how to customize their craft so that it can hold meaning and be powerful, even when practiced individually, on a budget and with limited resources. 

This is a “how-to” book on making magick and living a magickal lifestyle. First though, Snow tells us why we need a specifically “queer” magic textbook. The two most influential craft-based magical lineages in the West, Gerard Gardener’s Wicca and Alistair Crowley’s Thelema use symbolism and themes strongly rooted in gender-binaries, which can be alienating to the growing population of the magickally inclined who identify as non-binary. 1

For Snow, queering magic is recreating symbols, themes, and sacred space for a wide variety of gender and sexuality variance.  Their first step on this path is offering a “Queer Witch Manifesto” in the introduction of the book, which Snow refers back to repeatedly throughout the book as an ethical framework for practicing magickal craft and identifying as a witch.  Snow’s “Queer Witch Manifesto” acknowledges (in sum):

✨Infinite genders and sexual identities. (Throughout the book Snow uses the abbreviation LGBTQIA2SP+ whenever referring to queer-identified individuals)
✨The need to dismantle white supremacy and patriarchal power and the need for this dismantling to come from the non-white community.
✨The positivity of all expressions of consensual sexuality.
✨That anyone can invoke Goddess energy regardless of whether they have a uterus.
✨Physical, emotional, and mental disabilities do not make a person unable to practice magic.
✨Personal healing is a precursor to collective healing.
✨We must protect and heal the Earth.
✨We are all equals in magic.
✨All bodies can be magical, regardless of ableism.

I kind of want to needlepoint this onto a pillow! How about you?! 

Laying out this list (with much clearer articulation and more detail than my summary here) at the beginning of the book, the rest of the book is about practicing the craft of magic-making.  Snow knows history and as a result is able to deconstruct magical rites, rituals, and practices from their origins in order to present them as something simple anyone can start to practice. For example, they note the transformative magick of making lists, ““My money magick usually… starts with a list of my financial goals and immediate needs and then I add a list of long-term goals.” 2. Then for the the transformative magick of prayer to a spiritual being, Snow writes “Prayer is so easy, free, and accessible that anyone can do it…. A quick prayer that is literally just ‘thank you’ when you get unexpected luck or a despairing “please help” when you’re feeling your absolute worst is enough.” 3

Snow strongly advocates a DIY Witchcraft, which is making your magickal craft out of what is available to you and infusing your magick with intentions specific to you.  While she does discuss some examples of collective magick, such as covens or working spells in a group context for political aims, Snow acknowledges that for queer people, the most powerful accessible magick may be that which they create on their own from their own hodge-podge of wisdom, creativity, desire, and power. Snow even offers a “how-to” worksheet for designing one’s own spells.

My personal favorite parts of Queering Your Craft is the section on “Fashion and Style Witchcraft” where your magickal intentions can be enhanced by dressing a certain way. Snow writes, “I might pull out a purple outfit for creativity.  I also might pull out a long pencil skirt and a button-down to give myself that “professional writer” feeling.”4 Then later in the book, I also really like Snow’s list of LGBTQIA2SP+ aligned gods and goddesses, including Athena, Loki, and my personal favorite discovery — a Drag Queen God from the Voodoo tradition named Ghede Nibo.5

For the seasoned practitioner, this book may seem elementary.  Snow summarizes common methods of divination such as tarot, astrology, and runes.  They explain the significance of the Four Elements (five including “Spirit”) and how to call them in. They offer a guide to the Lunar phases and Sabbat holidays. This is truly an inclusive essential starter handbook, inclusive on all fronts! However, the manner in which Snow explains the cornerstones of witchcraft and presents them in regard to the Manifesto outlined in the front of the book widens the lens through which these practices are understood and used — and this is exactly the point.  For the purpose of this book is to make magick accessible to anyone and to make magick empowering to those who may not feel at so at home in straight cis-gendered spaces. 

Queering Your Craft concludes with a queer grimoire, including spells “A Protection Spell for Trans People in Small Towns,” “A Protection Spell for QTBIPOC,” A Spell of Protection Against the Patriarchy,” “An Anti-Gatekeeper Spell,” and “A Spell to Protect Activists,” plus many more spells to fill all categories.

Kali Journal, by Alana Fairchid

Kali Journal:  Sadhana for Sacred Introversion, by Alana Fairchild and ilustrated by Jimmy Manton
Blue Angel Publishing, 0648746751, 220 pages, 2021

On first glance at the Kali Journal: Sadhana for Sacred Introversion, my senses were overwhelmed with the beauty and majesty of the artwork.  Author Alana Fairchild and artist Jimmy Manton have taken the incredible art from her Kali Oracle Deck and interspersed the pages of this journal with the stunning images.  There are over 40 full page, full color renderings of the Goddess Kali, her ritualistic tools, and other sacred symbols.

In addition to presenting a journal that includes both lined pages and a few unlined pages for sketching or other uses, Fairchild adds general information about Kali, moon phase rituals, mantras and a prayer dance for healing.   Each of the two page spreads also includes an affirmation, blessing or message from Goddess Kali. The paper is a very nice quality and is a warm buff color that really sets off the artwork.

Alana Fairchild is a spiritual mentor based in Australia, who has published over 20 oracle decks, 30 albums of sacred music and meditations, and 13 books. Since I have a few of Fairchild’s oracle decks, this journal really interested me.  Jimmy Manton is the artist for the artwork.  He is an award-winning illustrator who is also based in Australia.  He has illustrated numerous tarot and oracle decks. 

When I initially opened the Kali Journal, I was really interested in learning more about the history of the goddess and how she represents the energy of the Divine Mother/Divine Feminine. According to Fairchild, Kali represents the “wild, gracious and transformational realm of the dark face of the Divine Mother.”1 I was intrigued and drawn in, anxious to know more about how the Goddess Kali might support me on my spiritual path. Kali is the Hindu Goddess of time, creation, destruction, power and liberation.  The very first quote was quite arresting:

Within, you have the power of the Divine Mother’s wisdom and blessing. 
Do not underestimate her. 
Do not underestimate yourself.2

Fairchild explains that “Sadhana” comes from the Sanskrit and means “to accomplish.” In this use, she is referring to spiritual practices that foster healing and support us as we move toward enlightenment. Introversion is a psychological term that means the tendency to be concerned with one’s own thoughts and feelings, rather than with external things. So, this journal is a tool to help one with accomplishing a review of one’s thoughts and feelings. 

One particular Kali yantra and mudra practice really supported me through a time when I was experiencing a struggle with my mother.  It is called “Kali Yantra and Mudra Practice to Banish Negative Interference.” With this practice, I learned that a YANTRA is a sacred geometric symbol that can act as a portal to the temple of a god or goddess. One gazes on the visual element, as you would a candle flame or other sacred symbol. The practice also included a special hand mudra and several mantas for recitation. By invoking the power of Kali and using the specific mudra, the yantra, and several mantras, I was able to realign, recalibrate, and heal myself. The next time I talked with my mother, I was aware of my own healing and an energetic shift that had taken place.

Fairchild has created a journal that can benefit anyone, from the novice spiritual seeker to a seasoned soul traveler.  You can go as deep with the rituals as you want to go or simply use the lined pages as a journal and benefit from the uplifting messages on each page. The book is an undated journal, which you can use for any purpose you want. Both covers are designed with a folded extension, so you can mark your place in your journal. I really love this feature and the cover is a nice card stock that makes this feature easy to use. 

The Kali artwork really brings alive the energy and history of Kali and inspires me every time I open the pages. Manton’s use of rich, jewel-tone colors makes each depiction of the Goddess Kali and her consorts come alive on the page.  Many of the images portray the goddess with blue skin, burgundy lips, and dark penetrating eyes.  Yet, these images are not scary or off-putting.  Rather, each one seems to jump off the page with an aliveness that is spontaneous, inspiring, and arresting. 

Kali Journal is for anyone wanting to release and heal life issues and seek the liberation that the Goddess Kali can bring into your life. I recommend this journal for anyone who wants to connect to the magic and healing power of Kali, the “goddess of fierce protection and wild grace.”3 I plan to use the journal for my weekly Saturday wrap-up and use the rituals to release the week and move on to new adventures.

11.11 Oracle, by Alana Fairchild

11.11 Oracle:  Answers to Uplift and Shift, by Alana Fairchild
Blue Angel Publishing, 0738767077, 302 pages, June 2020

Have you seen 11.11 recently?  Are other numbers repeating in your world, such as 1:11 or 2:22 or some other number that has relevance to you? Do you see the same three-number sequence on a clock, your phone, emails or receipts? Some would say that these repeating numbers may be a sign or message from the Universe.  Spiritual mentor Alana Fairchild says that the 11.11 number is not only a sign, but it also has a unique purpose to “awaken, uplift and inspire us.”1

In 11.11 Oracle: Answers to Uplift and Shift, Fairchild shares a lengthy explanation about the power of 11.11 and her belief that “every instance of 11.11 is the Universe reassuring us.”2  Fairchild even includes an invocation that you can use to tune into the 11.11 frequency. Instead of continuing to reinforce old thoughts and patterns based on the ego, Fairchild invites the reader to attune to the power of 11.11 and grow past fear, anger and other lower frequencies. Using the frequency of 11.11 can bring you into harmony with higher consciousness

Fairchild is a spiritual teacher based in Australia, who has published over 20 oracle decks, 30 albums of sacred music and meditations, and 13 books. Since I have a few of Fairchild’s oracle decks and recently misplaced my angel number guidebook, I was particularly interested in this book of number signs.

Fairchild packs quite a lot of information in this small book that is only 6.5 X 6.5.  Beginning with the explanation of 11.11 and the importance of this frequency, she shares ways to align with the positive energy that this number represents.  Her words are encouraging, supportive, and even funny at times. 

Then, Fairchild shares an invocation that you can use to tune into the vibration of 11.11 whenever you want to do so.  You may also use the invocation before looking up guidance from any number in this book.  She suggests two ways to use the book:

1. Randomly flip open a page and let the index finger of your non-dominant hand land upon a number.

2. Look up the number you continue to see in your daily existence.  

For example, I kept seeing 848 in several ways.  I saw 8:48 on my computer, on my phone and then I heard someone on TV say 848. So, I opened the book to number 848 and read the message:

“I focus on grounding, connecting to my body and the earth, so that the sacred partnership between heaven and earth may manifest itself in my life.” 3

This message was very pertinent to me, because I had experienced a few days of feeling like I was floating and flitting all over the place. It was a gentle reminder to go out in my backyard and ground myself. I was also reminded that I am a part of the Great All That Is. 

On another day, I was feeling a little lost and uninspired.  So, I followed Fairchild’s guidance and went into my heart, asked this question: “What do I need to know to move forward with inspiration and support?” Then, I closed my eyes and randomly opened the book.  My index finger on my non-dominant hand fell upon the number and message for #595:

“No problem, confusion or difficulty can withstand the liberating clarity and healing influence of spiritual grace, which brings sweet relief to my life now.” 4

Shortly after reading this encouraging message, I got the idea to call a trusted friend and talk through a situation I was encountering and she was a kind listener who also had a few words of guidance.

Fairchild has created a very complete number guide to healing and uplifting messages from the Universe.  The numbers range from 1 to 1111 and cover a myriad of topics for support on your spiritual journey.  This book is the perfect size for a desktop reference book.  I love the simplicity and the depth of this guidance offered.  The book is arranged in numerical order, with about 8 messages shown on each two-page spread.  She highlights some messages by giving the message a full page, and she uses shading on other pages to break up the information. I love that Fairchild included a burgundy ribbon that you may use as a placeholder for this oracle book.  Many times, I like to mark the place of a prior number I’ve reviewed and reread the info before looking for another number that I want to investigate. 

This book is a great book for those who are newly embarking on their spiritual journey, as well as those with more experience.  The guidance shared is very easy to understand and can also be applied on several levels. Fairchild has channeled the information shared within these pages. 

I plan to keep the book on my coffee table, as a resource for both my husband and myself.  After he saw it on my desk a few days ago, he asked me what it was.  After I gave him a brief explanation, he picked up the book and searched a number he had seen in a dream:  #424.

Your Guardian Angel brings the message that spiritual assistance is helping you heal and resolve whatever matter is now on your mind.” 5

“Thanks!” he said and then he got up to go meditate and ask for more guidance regarding the dream.

I love the idea of using this new resource for guidance, encouragement and a way to shift my perspective on my daily spiritual path. If you’ve been seeing the same number or number sequences over and over again, then 11.11 Oracle is also for you!

Zeitgeist Nostalgia, by Alessandro Gandini

Zeitgeist Nostalgia: On Populism, Work and the ‘Good Life’, by Alessandro Gandini
Zero Books, 1789044472, 123 pages, December 2020

The social contract has quite rapidly been eroded by advancement in technology, globalization, and neoliberal economic policies of the past few decades. In Zeitgeist Nostalgia: On Populism, Work, and the ‘Good Life’, Alessandro Gandini examines how the result of this transformation has created an age of nostalgia, or wistful, sentimental longing for the past. As societies grapple with the uncertainty of our future, the happy times of the past have become a refuge. The current climate when viewed through this lens of nostalgia offers insight into what has shifted in the past 70 years, lending insight into the present moment in time and offering food for thought about the impact of this sentiment on our future.

Gandini has done a wonderful job in writing Zeitgeist Nostalgia to be the perfect mix of academic research with his own observation and reflections on the state of the world. I admire his attunement to the present moment, and also his clarity of mind to elucidate what is happening, and how we got to the present state we’re in. He presents theories for the future from a range of social theorists and historians, plus techno-economists, that make for a supremely interesting read.

“OK Boomer.” — the recently popularized Tik-Tok phrase to mock the Baby Boomer generation has become all the rage in recent months. The apparent divide between the ages seems to be facilitated by the different cultural events, attitudes, and quite frankly, reality that each group of people was raised within. While the Baby Boomers grew up in the thick of the flourishing of the American Dream, characterized by stable employment, a promise of security, and promotion of mass consumption, the subsequent generations seem to keep getting the short end of the stick as this ideal has disintegrated over the decades.

Currently the millennial generation is finding their job prospects are more irregular and unstable, housing prices are soaring compared to minimum wages, and security is no longer a promise any government can make. The future remains unclear, but Zeitgeist Nostalgia helps to map out these changes with Gandini bringing together the relevant pieces to actually make sense of what the heck is happening in these times of fear and uncertainty felt worldwide.

While many in the younger generations have learned to adapt to this new paradigm, it is the Baby Boomers, who unable to cope with the uncertainty and challenges presented by technological innovation, a falling-out between citizen and government, and progressive values, are turning back to the past when things were more simple. This wave of collective nostalgia sweeping the nation is having social and political effects, ranging from the Brexit vote to the presidency of Donald Trump, with hopes of “taking back control” to eliminate the insecurity faced in the midst of immense change.

At the heart of these populist movements is a desire to return to the “golden age” based upon patriarchy, heterosexual, white norms once upheld and cherished as an ideal. However, a good majority of up and coming generations hold very different values, after seeing the destruction of neoliberal globalization and having a new openness to ways of living that are outside the borders of the traditional “good life,” quite literally in their regard for immigrants. Gandini specifically focuses on events in America and England, but also highlights trends in other areas of the world too to really give a full picture of how this collective nostalgia is playing out globally.

As a millennial myself, I absolutely could relate to Gandini’s writing. I found it immensely relevant to my own personal situation, especially the chapter “ A post-employment society?” which is something I feel I have been doing my best to embody, despite not having a framework for how this future might look. I am constantly noticing which friends of mine are still following along with the traditional American dream (marriage, home ownership, family) and also cherishing my bonds with those who also see the foundation of that society is falling apart, choosing to forge their own path in this new world instead, creating the future as we go.

What I really enjoyed in reading this book was Gandini’s assertion that hipsters are the one who may be doing things the right way. While acknowledging the socio-economic privilege of many hipsters, who are characterized by their vintage looks and discerning tastes, they are focusing less on material capital and relying on cultural capital to get by in the world. At the same hipsters, he asserted, are more focused on sustain processes and authentic outcomes in whatever their domain is, from natural wine connoisseur to old-school butcher, and less on creating products meant for mass consumption.

My former high school boyfriend turned “hipster” in young adulthood chose to forgo higher education and now is thriving brewing beer for a small, family owned and wildly successful brewery in a neighborhood that until the past five years was run-down and in an economic slump. In many ways I’ve envied him making a decent living, pursuing his passion, while I went the traditional route of college and am saddled with student debt comparable to a mortgage with what I’d say about the same job prospects, oftentimes forced to take work just to repay the loans.

The past decade, it’s only become more and more clear to me that we are radically shifting the way we organize our society, from the role technology now has in our daily lives to the acknowledgement that neoliberalism has run its course after the multitude of economic and environmental disasters it has created, though many can still not envision a world without capitalism. We want a change, and we need a change. Without providing a concrete answer, this book helped to broaden my horizons, especially awakening me to the fact these trends I’ve been feeling extend beyond just the United States, notifying me that this is a global ripple that is bound to have far-reaching effects.

Gandini’s academic background clearly shines through this book. He is currently a senior researcher in Digital Sociology at the University of Milan. Formerly, he was a lecturer for Kings College in London. The ideas in Zeitgeist Nostalgia are penetrating, and truly invite the reader to think and do their own research. Gandini fills the pages with his observations, going beyond being merely an academic text. I am impressed with his thorough understanding of history, particularly American history, and amazed at how he seems to clearly have a strong intellectual grasp on the current state of affairs.

I highly recommend Zeitgeist Nostalgia to those with an interest in culture, history, politics, and economics. Gandini has filled the pages with thoughtful social critique backed by plenty of research and anecdotal examples of what he is discussing. Particularly in light of the radical divide between the values of older and younger generations, this book is helpful in understanding how we’ve gotten to this place as a society.

As Gandini points out, waves of nostalgia are common in history in the face of rapid transformation, and often is the forerunner to revolution. Whether salvation comes through the hipsters or not, I certainly know the future crafted by young adults is bound to be centered upon very different societal values. It’s worth thinking about what these values are and how we’d like to see them emerge in the years to come.