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Author Archives: Alanna Kali

About Alanna Kali

Alanna Kali is an astrologer, numerologist, and pioneer spirit that loves to explore life through the lens of depth psychology. She has a passion for studying the humanities and social trends. Her academic work is centered upon reuniting body, mind, and spirit through eco-psychology. She loves reading, spending time in nature, and travel.

The Naughty Oracle, by Naomi Beth

The Naughty Oracle: 44 Full-Color Cards and 128-Page Guidebook Cards, by Naomi Beth (Author) and Dorothy Davidson (Illustrator)
Rockpool Publishing, 1922579734, 128 pages, 44 cards, November 2022

Ever just want someone to say it to you straight? No bullshit; no sugarcoating; no elaborate metaphors. If so, The Naughty Oracle by Naomi Beth is the deck for you! This 44-card deck tells it like it is without the fanfare. Its direct message instantly awakens readers to the issue at hand and ideas of what they can f*cking do about it!

Throw away ideas that you need to be pure and holy to receive divine guidance. This deck calls you out in the best way possible and with quite a few expletives in the process. Sometimes the energy you need is the one that says, “Screw it!”, and embraces the cheeky side of life. In the guidebook introduction, Beth writes:

“The spiritual world has become too serious and stuck in a mindset of letting love and light do all the work for healing. Guess what? It stopped working for me, so I needed something more. I wanted a card deck that would make me giggle and not take life so seriously, but I couldn’t find one that suited me in this current spiritual world of love and light so I created one myself.”1

I am in complete agreement with Beth about how love and light can only go so far. Sometimes you need to slice through the facade to get right to the issue at hand. And what better way to do this than with humor and a dose of real talk to get your mind clear? After playing around with this deck, I’ve learned to shift my energy, gain awareness, and cultivate what I seek by inviting in my naughty side, casting aside social mores to embrace the taboo and do what needs to be done!

The cards themselves are hilarious.Every time I go for a pull, I’m absolutely delighted to read the titles. Some card titles that had me in stitches: “Your Soul Has Fucked Off”, “My Eyes Are Up Here, Mister!”, “Fucked above; fucked below; fucked within”, “Asshole Ancestors”, and “You Really Are a Special Type of Fucktard”. Lol!

Yet below all of these cheeky titles, the card offers a message of empowerment and direction. And I have to say, It’s nice to have a laugh and notice what a human ass I am before receiving my spiritual message. Instantly, my problems seem lighter and I’m moved into a more receptive space, allowing me to actually acknowledge the energy at hand in order to shift it.

The cards themselves, illustrated by Dorothy Davidson, are very colorful with a bright yellow back and cartoon-like images, all in bold colors. The style reminds me of a comic book where the imagery is action-packed. It might only be one segment, but within the picture is a whole story. There’s vitality in each card; the imagery feels very active. And this further amplifies the “in your face” energy these cards hold.

The messages in the guidebook are short, sweet, and to the point. Beth doesn’t wax poetic, but rather states the obvious with an uncouth mouth. Here’s an example of her advice for the card I pulled this morning, “Pissed as a Parrot”:

“Use your own fucking voice. Tell them; say what you want. Voice your own views and beliefs for others to contemplate and argue about. Voice what you love; voice what you hate. Other people’s answers are not your responsibility and are not yours to take to heart. Don’t fucking take them on, because they are just voicing their own bullshit. Voice yours too and enjoy the bullshit ride-along.”2

This is spot-on for me, as I am visiting with my husband’s family and feel like I’ve been hesitant to speak up and share my views and opinions. In fact, yesterday, in a moment of alone time with my husband, I recounted everything I said that I thought made a family member feel uncomfortable. He laughed and encouraged me to continue speaking my mind since I am a part of the family now. But I have remained hesitant, only focusing on the rebuff I experienced or discomfort I could tell they felt.

Clearly, from my pull, the guidance is that I should continue to share my thoughts, even if it goes against the grain of what others believe. Everyone can make their own choices about what to believe; I have the right to express my views just as much as the next person. And the questions included by Beth in the guidebook, such as “Is my fear of rejection preventing me from speaking up, and how can I release this fear?, helped me to pause and reflect. Yes! It is rejection I am worried about, and I haven’t figured out how to release it quite yet, but I’ll focus on it today.

For good measure, I read aloud the affirmation Beth included for the card. One line from it – “I am gifted at speaking my truth.”3 – has been running through my head ever since. This will be my mantra today as I continue to navigate the push-pull dynamic of revealing my thoughts vs. maintaining family harmony.

All in all, this deck is awesome. I think it would be especially fitting for those who are not down with the esoteric spirituality concepts (angels, spirit animals, gods/goddesses), but are in search of spiritual insights. Yes, there’s concepts such as energy-clearing, grounding, and liberating your spiritual energy, but it’s rooted in the wisdom of human life, which we can all admit can be quite a shitshow.

In The Naughty Oracle, Beth truly offers readers a combination of the wisdom of her decades-long spiritual journey and a dose of reality. The cards are hilarious, but they are also very insightful. Between Beth’s tell-it-how-it-is guidance approach, questions to ask yourself, and affirmations, readers have the opportunity to get their head straight.

Manifest Your Everything Interview with Nicci Roscoe

Alanna: Hello, Nicci! It’s so wonderful to chat with you about your new book Manifest Your Everything: Love Yourself and Create your Dream Life (CICO 2023). This was just the energy I needed in my life right now as I’m trying to get some new endeavors up and running. Before we dive into the topic of manifestation, would you mind sharing with readers some insight into your career and the work that you do?

Nicci: Hello Alanna! It’s wonderful to chat with you too. I love that you have read my book and it has given you the energy you needed in your life right now. It sounds like you have something exciting happening with your new endeavors. If you would like a video call chat please let me know and we can arrange something. I’m delighted to answer your questions below. Sending love and beautiful energy 💕🌟

Alanna: Thank you so much! I appreciate the offer. Sometimes I feel people think manifestation is something superficial or frivolous, but in the introduction to Manifest Your Everything, you discuss how your mindset impacted your recovery from a brain tumor and helped you to cope with chronic pain. This really showed me that the power of manifestation goes much deeper and can lead to long-lasting happy endings. What were some of the things you did to manage your pain and come to manifest a positive outcome?

Nicci: Our minds are so powerful and – when we tap into focusing on what we need – it is possible to achieve the outcomes what we want. Living with chronic pain can be so debilitating for many people. Fighting it, feeling sorry for ourselves, not getting out of bed and burying our head in the sand won’t help.

I have had to adapt and change certain things in my life such as not being able to be in a room with an electric guitar as the vibrations shoot through my head. I also make sure I give myself rest time and not get too tired or stressed. Before I did this I had to acknowledge and accept I was left with chronic pain following my brain tumor operation. I changed my thought process from being a victim – angry, frustrated and upset – to being ‘grateful’ I survived. I focussed on positive thoughts such as that I am so grateful I am here for my children and to enjoy my life in so many ways and help others who are suffering to do the same. I wasn’t going to let my pain take over my life. 

Once I had accepted my situation, I started to talk to my pain and tell it ‘I’m in control of you; you’re not in control of me.’ Visualization is also very powerful and I see my pain shrinking and becoming smaller and smaller until it fades and becomes insignificant.  I focus on other things such as my grandchildren, my work and more. When I’m in a crowded place, I zoom into the person I’m with and hear them while the other noise of people talking fades into the background. 

Meditation is also a huge part of my life which I do for 30 minutes twice each day. I feel relaxed and peaceful when I am in this beautiful space and surrender myself to silence and total calm. It gives me energy for my day and at night takes me into a very relaxed state. I focus on my ‘word meditation,’ repeating to myself over and over again ‘I feel peaceful, calm and energized’ in the day and at night I say to myself ‘I feel peaceful, calm and relaxed’. As I continue to repeat these words, I go into a deeper state of meditation and ‘just being’ in silence and peace.

Exercise and healthy eating is also a key area in pain management for me. As a former fitness instructor and trainer in this area, I know how beneficial exercise is for our mind and body. Walking in nature with my dogs, going to the gym and going doing fun circuit workouts with a friend have all helped me mentally as well as physically. Healthy eating enables me to also feel more energy, in addition to it being nutritious and having many other positive long term health benefits.

Making sure I get a good seven hours sleep a night is so important for my pain management. Releasing the tension in my head is also through head massage around the area where I have the plates and screws. My weekly indulgence at the hairdresser is something I always look forward to! James, my fabulous hairdresser, gives me a beautiful head massage around the area where I have my plates and screws. It’s such a blessing to receive.

Finding a focus other than the pain is so important and gives me a new lease of life. 

Alanna: Your manifestation process starts with letting go, which has the quality of an ending to it. Why is it important to release before manifesting? How do you know a chapter has come to a close and it’s time to manifest something new?

Nicci: If you are feeling hurt, angry or upset about a situation or a person, this is something you carry around with you. It’s always there so you’re unable to move forward fully, as it will always come up in your mind. Maybe it’s to do with a relationship breakup or not being happy at work. Whatever it is you are holding onto in your unconscious mind, you need to be free of it to enable yourself to move forward and feel peaceful. Letting go and breaking the cycle of holding on to what we’re used to carrying around with us gives us the opportunity to be free to focus on and manifest what we really want with lasting, deeper positive results. It is so empowering.

Alanna: What I enjoyed most about your approach to manifestation was the focus on self-love. Reading this book reminded me of the personal power we all have within us that can ripple out and change the world around us. What happens if you try to manifest without doing the work of loving and caring for yourself? Why are positive affirmation and confidence so important for manifestation?

Nicci: Giving yourself love is a priority we all need to focus on before manifesting. By focusing on ourselves first, this is giving us a good place to begin focusing on what we really want and can achieve. If we don’t love ourselves how can we find true love, feel passion for what we do, give to others and feel happy and peaceful when we get what we dream of?

If we don’t give ourselves love and care, there will always be a void in our hearts whatever we manifest because we’re constantly chasing our desires that won’t feel fully complete. 

When we manifest coming from a place of self-love and care, it’s so much more powerful. Being true to yourself and what you really want is really important. Positive affirmations such as ‘I believe in myself’ and ‘I can do this’ are constantly feeding the positive into our subconscious mind.  This in turn can give us the confidence to feel better about ourselves and focus our minds on what we really want.

Alanna: You offer so many ways to get your manifestations flowing, from connecting to nature to practicing gratitude and meditation. You even teach how to use crystals to enhance one’s manifestations, which is really neat! Do you think someone should pick a method and do it on a daily basis or is it better to try different methods and see which one works best?

Nicci: I believe each one of these ways is an integral part to achieving our manifestations. By bringing each of these practices into your daily life, you will enhance your own mind, body, spirit balance and growth. 

It’s important to focus on being grateful every day for what we do have; meditating to enable us to feel a renewed energy, calm and focus; connecting to nature to enhance our mental health and well-being and embracing crystals that give us what we need through their powerful vibrations and energy.  All of these and more in my book, including having a manifestation board to focus on – taking a relevant photo and seeing it on your phone during the day – are an integral part of manifesting. 

Alanna: Do you have any advice for people who know they want to manifest a better future but are having trouble seeing the specific details of what that might look like for them? How can they become more sure of their choice so that their manifestation unfolds?

Nicci: Wanting a better future and having trouble seeing specific details can be because the person has not let go of what is troubling them, that they may be afraid of failure or perhaps that they are not giving themselves the love they need to nurture themselves. When you go through the process of letting go of past trauma or upset and then give yourself the love you need, this can open your mind and give you the answers you’ve been searching for. 

Healing old wounds to feel better and see more clearly is key to manifesting.

I absolutely suggest investing in a manifestation crystal such as the ones i have in my book including a Brandberg Amethyst or Mad Manifestation Crystal from Madagascar. You can also manifest with any crystal that resonates with you and what you desire. Focus on what you want and keep your crystal with you. Hold it when you feel you need to, keep it by the side of your bed and under your pillow. 

Meditating with your crystal is very powerful. Hold it in your hand and ask for guidance during your meditation. This can give you a clearer picture of what you want. Give yourself time to go through the manifestation process for all to unfold and be revealed to you. Believe, focus and trust in the process. 

Alanna: Another aspect of your manifestation technique I really liked is how it promotes a healthy lifestyle. What is it about food, exercise, and positive mindset that contribute to manifestation happening?

Nicci: I absolutely advocate a healthy lifestyle. Coming from a fitness background I know how beneficial exercise and healthy eating can be. They not only give us more energy but also help us to focus on our daily lives with more zest and a more positive mindset. When we feel good about ourselves and nurture our mind body and spirit with this positive balance we are coming from a wonderful place and space to enable manifestation to happen. 

Alanna: Would you share some examples of things you’ve manifested, either big or small, using your techniques?

Nicci:  There are many things I have manifested using my techniques! It’s very exciting when they come to fruition! Totally magical!

1. Manifesting a pet is something I wanted so much since I lost my beautiful shiatsu, Lucky. After he went to doggy heaven I lived in an apartment and no pets were allowed. I missed the beautiful unconditional love our pets give and imagined holding my new puppy and cuddling him. I focused on having him with me and had photos of Cava Poos on my manifestation board and saw my grandchildren playing with him and laughing running around the garden in my new home! A couple of months later I moved into a house with a garden! I now have two puppies Teddy and Honey and my grandsons love running around the garden with them!! Be careful what you ask for, as I had two photos of Cava Poos on my manifestation board!!

2. I was loving life teaching aerobics and having fun. I wanted to bring this to a wider audience and focused on my manifestation process to make this happen. My manifestation board that I talk about in my book had pictures of different television and radio stations I wanted to work for with names of channels and programs written on in bold including Sky One and Sky News. I focussed on this and what I dreamed of and it became reality! I became the regular health and fitness expert on Sky One and other TV programs! Magic happens when you really focus on what you want.

Alanna: One of my favorite parts of Manifest Your Everything is the case studies you have from students. Their experiences were great testimonies to how the practices you share in the book lead to desired outcomes. Do you have any current offerings for those who might want to work with you after reading this book?

Nicci: The real-life stories in my book were from my clients who all had incredible experiences following the manifestation process.

My wonderfully successful workshop Love Yourself is my main offering that my book is based on and I intend to take it worldwide over the next year.

There are mini workshops to complement Love Yourself including: 

Boost Your Confidence Feel, Good and Be Inspired
Manage Your Stress, Meditate, Relax and Re-energise  

My Reiki Courses continue to send out more beautiful Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters into the world to give more healing.

If this interview has inspired you to start your manifestation journey, definitely check out Manifest Your Everything: Love Yourself and Create your Dream Life to learn all the ways you start shifting your life to align with your inner vision!

Image credit for photograph of Nicci Roscoe: Photos by Dianna Bonner (www.worldvisionphotos.co.uk)

Manifest Your Everything, by Nicci Roscoe

Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and create your dream life, by Nicci Roscoe
CICO Books, 9781800651920, 144 pages, February 2023

What if you could create the life of your dreams? For many of us this can seem out of reach, but in Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and create your dream life, Nicci Roscoe assures us that with the right mindset we can change our lives to match our dreams. This colorful, creative book teaches the three steps needed for manifestation discovered by Roscoe and provides tons of exercises to put these steps into action.

In the introduction, Roscoe shares how she overcame the pain of healing a brain tumor, which involved risky surgery, through focusing on her positive intent for recovery. Soon she learned that when positivity is coupled with self-love and one is dedicated to making the changes needed for new beginnings, then manifestation naturally happens. To help guide readers through this process for themselves, Roscoe starts at step one, letting go, and teaches readers through empowering exercises how to call in the manifestation they desire.

Roscoe provides the much-needed reminder that we must love ourselves to make changes to our life, otherwise we’ll most likely stay stuck in outdated beliefs and negative thought patterns. In the first part of Roscoe’s manifestation process, the goal is to help readers to accept their challenging emotions, rediscover their confidence and self-worth, and set appropriate boundaries. She also emphasizes the importance of forgiving oneself and others and cultivating inner peace.

Some of the tools shared in this section are meditation, working with crystals, connecting to nature, energetic cleansing, and rituals for release and protection. Each exercise has step by step instructions to make it easy to learn and practice. There’s also space to write directly in the book, which is very helpful for organizing your manifestation process and staying focused.

The next section is a deep dive into cultivating self love by focusing on your best qualities, nurturing yourself, and celebrating your authenticity. Roscoe includes a ton of fun ways to care for one’s well-being, including affirmations, using pendulums to discover what’s needed for one’s self care, rebalancing chakras, and using essential oils for aromatherapy.

My favorite part of this section was how she also mixes in using crystals with each of the self-love exercises, including a whole section on how crystals can be added to baths to bring in certain energy. For instance she shares the recipe for a Tiger’s Eye Bath for Courage and a Citrine Crystal Bath for a Fresh Start. I would have never thought to use crystals in this way, but I definitely felt an energy shift in the water when I tried it out!

After having mastered self-love, readers are encouraged to begin their manifestation process with gratitude and prayer. Roscoe shares tips and exercises for reframing negative thoughts and beliefs to make them into potent positive energy. And once the reader is in the right state of mind, Roscoe shares all her methods of manifestation, ranging from vision boards to wish jars to crystal grids to musician motivation. There’s definitely at least one way that will resonate, and most likely, quite a few you’ll want to try out!

Then to ensure the manifestation process stays flowing, Roscoe teaches the reader how to maintain their vision as it comes into fruition. She offers a checklist of questions to make sure the reader is keeping the course and encourages them to focus on their physical, mental, emotional,and spiritual well-being. By implementing Roscoe’s suggestions, actions that support manifestation can easily become part of one’s daily routine.

Before I started reading, I didn’t realize there were so many self-doubting thoughts in my head or that I was running on autopilot most of the time. I appreciated the many tips that Roscoe included for waking up the body too, such as spending time in nature, dancing, eating mindfully, and exercise. These embodiments seemed to physically bring about the changes of my manifestation, grounding it in reality.

And what are some of the things Roscoe provides instructions to manifest? Your dream home, car, job, vacation, confidence, creativity, and more! Even if what you’re seeking to create doesn’t have a specific exercise in the book, Roscoe’s step by step process will guide you through your manifestation process. There’s plenty of room to mix and match exercise to find a method that works best for you.

What I liked most in the book were the testimonies of clients Roscoe has worked with. I enjoyed reading other people’s success stories because it bolstered my confidence that these practices work and I also could benefit from them. I also loved the layout of the book and how there were tons of visuals, charts, fill in the blank spaces, and colors! Each page was captivating to look at and made reading much more exciting.

If I had to describe Manifest Your Everything in a few words, I would say “good vibes.” You can’t help but feel uplifted as you move through this book, releasing doubts and fears to attune to love, confidence, and inspiration. While there’s plenty of effort required to shift your mindset and create space for your manifestations to materialize, Roscoe has made the process easy and fun to implement.

All in all, Manifest Your Everything teaches everything you need to know to bring your vision into reality. All the tips and techniques Roscoe offers are easy to incorporate in your day to day life, though this is sure to start shifting as your dreams become reality. Her focus on self-love and positive thinking will guide you to cultivate an upbeat perspective that opens new doorways of possibilities.

Deep, Dark & Dangerous, by Stacey Demarco

Deep, Dark & Dangerous: The Oracle of the Beautiful Darkness, by Stacey Demarco and illustrated by Kinga Britschgi
Rockpool Publishing, 1922579076, 128 pages, 44 cards, October 2022

Where do you turn to when you want illumination on the darkness present in your life? Oracle cards are my go-to for all sorts of questions, but often for the deeper questions, the “love and light” aspects of many decks feels incomplete, leaving me longing for something more. Deep, Dark & Dangerous: The Oracle of the Beautiful Darkness by Stacey Demarco has become the missing link in my oracle readings, providing meaningful insights from the archetypal energies that lurk in our shadows and depths.

There’s a real potency to this deck. For the first time in a while, I took Demarco’s suggestion of a dedication ritual in the guide book and performed it before getting started. Admittedly, this is something I rarely do with oracle cards, but this deck inspired a certain reverence that made it feel necessary to brace myself and prepare properly. Just like how I dip my toes into a deep pool to test the warmth before diving in, I have been called to move more slowly with this deck as I do my readings – not wanting to pull too many cards at once and be overwhelmed by what energy is coming through the deck.

Luckily, Demarco is someone I trust to guide readers to meeting these mysterious energies with care. She has created dozens of oracle decks and books, including The Enchanted Moon, Plants of Power, Moon Magick, and The Halloween Oracle. For over 25 years she has shared her gifts as a pagan practitioner and modern witch, teaching how spirituality can be used to solve modern day problems. In the guidebook, she writes:

Confession: I’ve even carefully put the small strip of paper holding the new cards together back on after each reading. This might be my subconscious way of trying to “tame” these forces, which is no easy feat, as many spiritual practitioners know.

“If we decide to seek or even engage with these unconscious aspects of ourselves, these darker shadows, these ill-formed, half-created, seemingly ugly monsters of our unconscious, perhaps we can refine them, perhaps even reshape them into something exquisitely useful and beautiful.”4

The cards are divided into three types: dark, deep, and dangerous. The dark cards are filled with entities that reside in the darker places (Kali, Persephone, Anubis, Charon) while the deep cards are entities that reside deep within our psyche, the ocean, or other environments (Hydra, Selkie, Mermaid). My favorite ones are the dangerous cards that feature predatory entities that are often out to harm us, unless we attune our senses to the dangers at hand and heed their warning (Werewolf, Vampire, Medusa, Erinyes).

The guidebook provides a few ideas for spreads to use for the card, such as the Dark Moon Three-Card Draw and The Four Element Spread, along with guidance on how to tune in and pick the cards. Then for each card Demarco shares a paragraph-long oracle message, the dualistic qualities the card represents (ex. clarity/opaqueness or discipline/chaos), the mythos or story of the entity on the card, and finally, the plant and crystal companion. The oracle message might seem a little short, but I have found them so far to be very on-point for the questions I’ve asked. And I especially enjoy reading the background stories about all the dark, deep, and dangerous entities and the way Demarco relates them to modern life.

The cards are all numbered at the top and also state whether they fall into the deep, dark, or dangerous category. And on the card, there is a keyword provided at the bottom. Right below the keyword is the name of the entity featured on the card. The guidebook has all the cards listed numerically, which makes it quite easy to look up the oracle message.

As for the imagery on the cards, the illustrations by Kinga Britschgi perfectly capture the essence of each entity. Britschgi has a knack for detail that really brings each entity to life. The interplay of colors and shading make for eye-catching imagery. Some cards provoke a bit of fear, while others invoke a sense of wonder and awe, such as Kraken, featured to the right. 

I enjoy how the visuals sometimes give me a little shiver and remind me of the power in connecting with these unconscious forces. I am reminded of the thrill of taking a walk on the wild side. Britschgi’s images invoke the heightened sense of arousal that comes from letting the imagination linger in the darkness and depths, bringing to life what we might find in the shadows.

The card I pulled for today was Selkie. It is a depth card and the keyword is freedom. The duality is containment/freedom and pretense/authenticity. The oracle message encourages me to seek out my inner truth and embrace my authenticity, as that is ultimately the route to freedom.

This feels resonant with me, as I just made my first social media post in a while that detailed my inner journey of personal and emotional growth. It was scary to put myself out there instead of hiding behind the filters and hashtags, but sharing my feelings did indeed feel liberating. I take heart in Demarco’s message of how the selkie can find their way back home after being lost in a realm not of their own. She writes:

“Eventually, the selkie finds her skin and is reunited with her authentic form. Without a backward glance, she steps into it, and allows herself to be enveloped by her true shape once again and re-enters the aquatic world.”5

I just love how the mythos of the selkie is drawn upon to find meaning in my present circumstance. The entities in this deck really make one reflect on their own circumstance, delving into the parts of ourselves we keep tucked away, both consciously and unconsciously. Taking the time to go deep, embrace the darkness, and acknowledge the danger puts us in the position to discover new aspects of ourselves while also embracing shifts happening that are meant to steer us clear of potential downfalls.

All in all, Deep, Dark & Dangerous Oracle has quickly become one of my favorite decks. The card and messages ask you to be bold in acknowledging these entities. A whole world of exploration is opened if you have the courage to go beyond the realm of comfort. Facing what scares us the most is a great way to empower ourselves and discover just what we’re capable of, and this deck is the perfect way to gently ease your way into the unknown. I highly encourage those seeking to add a bit of mystery and intensity to their readings to see what dark and dangerous things might be hiding in their depths. I bet you’ll be surprised just how cathartic, transformative, and filled with beauty it can be to find out!

Ancestral Grimoire, by Nancy Hendrickson

Ancestral Grimoire: Connect with the Wisdom of the Ancestors through Tarot, Oracles, and Magic, by Nancy Hendrickson
Weiser Books, 1578637775, 240 pages, September 2022

Lately I’ve been all about exploring magic through a community-based lens. In Western occultism there seems to be an exclusive focus on the individual, but the deeper I’ve dived into my own practice, the more I see the interrelatedness and notice how the dynamics/energy of relationship influence our own manifestation, healings, insights, and so on. And it’s for this reason that I’ve been interested in cultivating a deeper relationship with my ancestors.

My seeking to learn more about my ancestors led me to Ancestral Grimoire: Connect with the Wisdom of the Ancestors through Tarot, Oracle, and Magic by Nancy Hendrickson. Hendrick’s previous book Ancestral Tarot: Uncover Your Past and Chart Your Future (2021) was the first time I realized tarot cards could be used for ancestor work; I loved this novel approach of using the tarot to know more about my own ancestral lineage. Plus, I trusted Hendrickson as a guide since she also has written extensively on using Ancestry.com to and discovering one’s family history online.

Ancestral Grimoire is the natural combination of her expertise, allowing readers to the next step of using tarot and oracles to enhance one’s own magical practice with the help of the ancestors by creating a personal grimoire, also referred to as a Book of Shadows. This book equips readers with tools beyond the tarot to reconnect with their ancestors, including pendulums, oracle cards, sigils, casting charms, runes, sidewalk oracles, and energy work. But it also goes beyond just reconnecting the reader with their ancestors; Ancestral Grimoire guides readers to discovering their own magic.

“One ancestor can be with you for a lifetime, another for just a moment. Ask for someone to show you the way out of darkness and they will hand you a blueprint no architect could even conceive. Want to know the most potent form of magic? Ask.”6

Hendrickson focuses on four types of magic (family magic, personal magic, elemental magic, and celestial magic) as she guides the reader through a full-year process of creating their own grimoire. The invitation is to both experiment with different magic and also experience the enhancement that comes from trying out these forms of magic with ancestral assistance. No two months are the same, and the variety makes for an interesting practice month to month.

And there’s no need to fret if you start reading in a month other than January. You can certainly pick up right where you are in the Wheel of the Year or you can even skip around and choose to do the magic during a different month. As with most magic, there’s room for variation and a personal touch.

For instance, I started this book all the way back in September (yes, over six months ago!) and have been making my way in chronological order since without concern for the standard January-December year. You might find the book calls to you a certain time or perhaps you want to begin this grimoire with a particular sabbat. Trust that it has come to you at the right time and move through it in a way that feels aligned with your practice.

September has been one of my favorite months so far in this practice. It was a celestial magic month with the focus being sky magic. The tarot spread for the month focused on connecting with my celestial ancestor and discovering their karmic influence on me, the intergenerational sky magic I’ve inherited, and a solar or lunar symbol I could create to honor this ancestor (with ideas included on how to create this symbol). Then there also is a pendulum spread to discern where balance is needed, fitting for the time of the autumn equinox.

But what I enjoyed most about this month was the practice “Messages in Paint and Fire” where I got to play with finger paint! There’s also an option to use smoke signals, but I for one enjoy getting my handy dirty and engaging in the creative process. Hendricks writes, “Keeping your question in mind, look for answers in the paint.”7 I still have my painting hanging up and it continues to give me new inspiration and insight from time to time.

This month, April, is focused on elemental  magic, specifically land magic, using the tools of tarot, a pendulum, and energy work (chakras). Hendricks writes, “I invite you to ask for an ancestor who was a land whisperer, an ancestors who knew how to communicate with the nonhuman entities who watched over the land, as well as with the land itself.”8

Though I haven’t delved in yet, I can see this month for my grimoire that I will be doing a bit of shadow work, using the pendulum to tap into energy points within my own neighborhood, and exploring the energy of my chakras along with land chakras. Exciting stuff! 😀

All in all, Ancestral Grimoire is filled with practices to discover your own personal magic while strengthening the connection with your ancestors. This book is a doorway to discovery about the hidden strengths and shadows of your ancestors that have been inherited, providing you with the tools needed to divine, manifest, heal, and create meaningful relationships with your predecessors. I recommend this book for anyone looking to explore their ancestry while also expanding their knowledge about who they are and where they come from.

Even if readers aren’t familiar with some of the tools used in the book, the month to month practice will build their confidence as the new skills are developed. In just a single book, there’s a whole year of possibility as your spiritual team grows and you learn who to call on for what purposes. It’s comforting to know you’re never alone and there’s always ancestors from beyond the physical realm available to be called on for advice and guidance.

Anti-Consumerist Druid Interview with Katrina Townsend

Alanna: Hello Katrina! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today about the upcoming release of your book Anti-Consumerist Druid: How I Beat My Shopping Addiction Through Connection With Nature. I absolutely loved it, and as someone who often tends to overspend during the holiday season, I thought this was the perfect time to read it and reconnect with my reverence for nature.

Sometimes I struggle reconciling my love of shopping with my nature-based spiritual practice and ecological values, and it was relieving to hear another person’s story of struggling with their own shopping addiction yet finding a way to overcome that through their own spiritual path. To get started, why don’t we give readers a little background on who you are and why you decided to write this book?

Katrina: Hello!  Thank you so much, I’m really glad to hear that you enjoyed the book! It began life as a journal I started keeping in 2019, when I had my first bash at trying to give up shopping. I was in my late twenties, new to motherhood, struggling with my body image, and trying to deal with all of that by, essentially, shopping my way to happiness, which unfortunately doesn’t work.

I’d been using shopping, dieting, social media, and generally fixating on my appearance as a kind of cure-all since I was a teenager, and honestly I hadn’t noticed how much these habits and obsessions had cut me off from nature and the physical world. It was only when I started to break away from those behaviours that I could find my spirituality and start to become more of the person I want to be.

I am a student of Druidry and a devotee of the Goddess Brigid; I live in Hampshire in England and have done so all my life. Writing has always been my hobby and a way to express myself so I’m very excited to have a book in print!

Alanna: I too keep a journal and find it so helpful to notice patterns in my life. How did you get into the practice of journaling, which was a big part of your transformation process, and writing this book especially with a little one to care for at home?

Katrina: It’s been a huge part of the process, I’ve barely missed a day in four years now. Sometimes I wonder where the notebooks will end up after I’m gone – possibly boring my descendants to death, as a lot of my initial process was just exploring my thoughts and feelings about shopping and my self-image, and lists of things I’d bought as I tried to figure out where my money was going.

The little one was only about a year old when I started to realise that my shopping was actually a problem. I had several attempts at buying less, because I could see the money in my accounts starting to dwindle, and I got more and more concerned when I realised how hard it was for me to stop. I started keeping a daily journal to try to get to the bottom of these compulsive urges – I took twenty minutes each morning while the Spud bounced about in his jumperoo, or later on while he napped. When I realised that social media, particularly Instagram, was a big contributor to my out-of-control shopping habit, I started using the journal as an outlet for all those little thoughts and moments I would normally have posted online. It was much more calming and grounding than the frantic online bubble.

Much of the book already existed in my journals and just needed to be spun together, which I did mainly during naptime or after my son was in bed – except the footnotes, which I bashed out over a gritted-teeth weekend while my husband did the child-wrangling.   

Alanna: I think many people will agree a shopping ban, especially one that lasts a whole year, would be extremely challenging. What would you say was the toughest thing about your year-long shopping ban?

Katrina: All of it! Ha, no, honestly looking back I’m kind of appalled by just how difficult it was in the beginning. I’d built this whole identity around shopping and clothes, and those first few months I just had to feel everything I’d been pushing away with those habits. Comparing myself constantly to everyone else, feeling like I had absolutely no idea of who I was, and having to face up to how much time, money and energy I had pretty much just wasted.

Alanna: You mentioned before the impact social media had in feeding your shopping addiction. Can you speak a bit more to this? Overall, do you feel like the internet and social media is driving consumer culture?

Katrina: Oh yes, absolutely. I think I would never have come this far if I hadn’t realised fairly early on that my constant browsing and scrolling was feeding into my obsessive shopping. I had to ask my husband to change my Instagram password to keep me off the app! It was two-pronged, for me – on the one hand, I was constantly seeing beautiful things, useful things, things I didn’t need before that moment but which seemed so much more desirable than the things I already owned, and secondly, I was constantly seeing other people’s wardrobes, bodies and lives, which of course are highly curated and edited but which I still felt I needed to live up to. Shoppable feeds also have a lot to answer for, in my opinion – it’s about the impulse buy, about removing any friction between the shopper and the purchase. 

Alanna: In your book, you describe your journey in confronting your shopping habit, but I’m still wondering, would you say you initially start down this path more for personal reasons? And has your reason for embracing this lifestyle changed through your journey?

Katrina: Initially I’d say my reasons were very prosaic – mainly financial, then emotional. Now I’m a bit evangelistic about how just trying to quit shopping has changed my life. The real deep-down shifts started to occur when I had to find other ways to fill the time and headspace I’d freed up , and started going for long walks in my local nature reserve. It was literally the only way I could think of at first to get away from the temptations of shops and screens, but I soon found that it calmed my constantly chattering mind (and my lively child, which was a bonus!).

After a while I started to really crave my outdoor time, and then things really started to snowball – I got more interested in nature itself which developed into a passionate environmentalism; and I began to experience ‘nudges’  and synchronicities of a more spiritual bent, which I could only be more open to now that my mind was quieter, and which led me to start exploring Paganism; and all these things fed back into and served to intensify that original desire to stop shopping.

Alanna: I’ve noticed that a lot of people feel more secure in having a home full of things, whether it’s decor, clothes, books, appliances, etc. which drives them to make unnecessary purchases. Do you think there is an aspect of “safety” that comes from having hoards of stuff? And if so, how do you feel Druidry provides this in a healthier way?

Katrina: In a way I suppose there is. I can picture my younger self piling up mountains of clothing and shoes and cosmetics and tchotchkes as a kind of emotional bulwark against all these fears and insecurities I didn’t know how to confront, this sense that deep down I wasn’t very interesting, not very pretty or worthy of notice, and the more flamboyantly I dressed or the more conspicuously I consumed the more attention I got. And then the things I had and the process of accumulating more things became my whole identity, to the point that I didn’t have any other interests, didn’t know what I liked any more or even have any sense of myself as a person. So I guess you could say that was my “safety”.

Druidry changed me very slowly and gently, and I have very gradually come to realise that how I look and what I buy are the least interesting things about me, that there is a whole world out there that is awake and alive and communicative, and the absolute last thing it cares about is what I am wearing when I show up.

Nowadays I feel  a deeper sense of security, a rootedness in the core of myself, and I feel like that stems from finally feeling aware of what Mary Oliver called my ‘place in the family of things’. I’m not struggling or striving to be something all the time, I don’t need to prove anything, I’m happy in my skin. And one massive benefit of Druidry is, hey, if people don’t get me, that’s fine, I can always go hang out with the trees.

Alanna: One thing I really enjoyed in reading your book is the honesty about  the many times you’ve fallen off the wagon. Yet each time it seems like you’re coming back to yourself and re-committed to starting fresh. What advice do you have for others when they too fall back into old habits?

Katrina: I frustrate myself in that way – I very much wanted to write this linear story of my amazing no shopping year, but I just couldn’t do it straight off the bat. I think I had to make those mistakes so I could learn a bit more about myself and build in some better coping mechanisms. When you’ve worn yourself a groove, it is so easy to keep sliding back into it. But you do eventually learn the difference between cutting yourself some slack and just giving yourself loopholes. I’m mixing my metaphors a bit here I think! 

The point is, when you mess up, you can forgive yourself without giving up on yourself. One blip doesn’t mean you jack the whole thing in. 

Alanna: I also enjoy how you are upfront about your beginner status in Druidry, as well as your dedication to forging your own path. I thought it was brave to admit you’re not an expert on the topic but still willing to share your beliefs. Have you ever felt any sense of gatekeeping on your spiritual path? And if so, how did you overcome the need to fit yourself into other people’s version of this spiritual path and move forward with your own?

Katrina: Thank you very much! I figured it was better to be upfront rather than pretend to have knowledge and experience that I just don’t have. I hope that I can show people that you don’t need to be ‘good at’ Druidry, or have decades of personal gnosis, or be a powerful magician or whatever, to have very tangible and magical experiences and start relating to the world in a different way.

Gatekeeping… Not since I was a teenager on Wiccan chat rooms at silly o’clock in the morning, but I saw enough then that I take the simple approach of only discussing my personal practice in fairly vague and broad terms, and generally only with people I trust, so that I can get on with what I’m actually doing instead of tying myself in knots over the opinion of people I don’t know. I’ve seen lots of snottiness about other people’s paths, the right way to do things, names like ‘white lighter’ and ‘fluffy bunny’ being flung around.  And I’ve seen it in myself too, when I want to make comments to my husband about people being all show and no substance (when really, how would I know?), or those moments when I wonder what on earth I think I am doing, writing a book.

I keep moving forward simply by dealing with what I’m experiencing in my practice at any given time. I have an attentive matron goddess who will not be ignored, which makes it pretty easy to keep focus and stay in my own lane. 

Alanna: Since a big part of your spiritual journey was noticing signs from the Celtic Goddess Brigid, I’m wondering, are you still cultivating your relationship with Brigid?

Katrina: Oh yes! Brigid has become a huge part of my life, her altar is at the heart of my home. She is like a touchstone for me. I must admit, after growing up in a Church of England school, it has taken me a while to come to terms with having a very vibrant and reciprocal relationship with deity. After years of skepticism, I am still surprised that when I ask,  she answers, but it’s wonderful and I love it.

Actually, once my eyes were opened to Brigid and her role throughout the history of Britain, I came to see that she is absolutely everywhere. Her signs , symbols and mythology are woven through our culture and landscape even today. I said to someone recently that it feels as though someone has pulled back a curtain and I am only now seeing what was here all along.

Alanna: I certainly know what it feels like to be guided by a goddess. I love your very authentic story; you don’t go out of your way to embellish it, which is what makes it so relatable. As we near the end of this interview, what would you most like readers to take away from reading your book?

Katrina: That the world is a deeply magical place. That we are born to be so much more than consumers. That we can free our minds and hearts from the consumerist trap and rediscover enchantment.

Alanna: Any future projects on the horizon for you? I would love to read more about your thoughts as a millennial eco-advocate!

Katrina: I am tinkering around on a new book with a friend, but the going is slow as we both have high maintenance life stuff to juggle! But yes, there is definitely the potential for more in the pipeline, hopefully in the not too distant future. 

Alanna: Amazing! I can’t wait to read more of your writing. Thank you so much for speaking with me today, Katrina! Truly my pleasure. 🙂

For those whose interest is sparked by this interview, The Anti-Consumerist Druid: How I Beat My Shopping Addiction Through Connection With Nature will be released by Moon Books on November 25th, 2022. I highly recommend it for this holiday season, especially if you’re thinking about decluttering or lessening your own shopping habits for the upcoming new year!

The Witch of the Woods, by Kiley Mann

The Witch of The Woods: Spells, Charms, Divination, Remedies, and Folklore, by Kiley Mann
CICO Books, 1800651694, 144 pages, October 2022

Your relationship to your landscape is bound to influence and guide your magical practice, especially in witchcraft. In The Witch of the Woods: Spells, Charms, Divination, Remedies, and Folklore, Kiley Mann highlights this special connection to place by sharing her experiences in the northern region of Michigan. Leading readers through the seasons, folk magic, herbs and omens of this land, Mann takes the reader on a journey into the wilderness of witchcraft.

Witchcraft takes many forms, from witch wounds on the east coast from fiery trails that led to a more fierce practice in the centuries to follow to the more glitzy, New-Age “manifest” witchcraft style of the west coast, but sometimes in the process the essence of being connected deeply to nature and one’s own local folklore gets lost. Mann perfectly revitalizes this connection for readers in this beautiful grimoire that is uniquely centered upon her lived experiences. The unification of witch and land is by far what stands out the most in this book.

“These lands have lessons to teach us, unique in their own characteristics and being. You must walk the land to know it.  You cannot know her if you do not let your feet touch the ground and wander aimlessly as you please. These lessons are taught directly through the land itself.”9

There’s a reverence for the long line of witches that have come before Mann, along with a desire to know the bodies of water, plants, and spirits that share the space with her for their own inherent power, without placing upon them desires or expectations. Sometimes this connection to one’s surroundings and traditions, which is a vital part of witchcraft, can be hard to translate; it tends to be more of a lived, embodied awareness that comes from walking this path overtime. Yet there’s something in Mann’s descriptions of ancient practices, remedies, and folklore, along with her illustrations that awaken this awareness in the reading, prompting them to reflect on their own connection to the local traditions of their homeland.

The book is divided into two parts. The first focuses on folklore, including stories of the trolls, land spirits, ancestral spirits, and omens of the land and animals. The second part is the folk magic, or the how-to remedies, rituals, and divinations that have evolved from life in this region. Mann helps the reader to familiarize themselves with the properties of different herbs and crystals before delving into spell work. She offers spells to alleviate common troubles, such as releasing worry, banishing nightmares, and romantic resolution, along with ones to gain success, luck, self-love, and protection.

I found this book really interesting from the perspective of place because I rarely hear about the folklore of the midwest region. Even though I can only imagine what the energy of a swamp feels like energetically or how it might inform my practice, reading about Mann’s revelations and observations made me start thinking about the natural landscape of where I am currently living, both physically and psychologically. While someone from Mann’s locality of the midwest might naturally connect more with the grimoire, I still feel there’s so much value in exploring her process and learning about methods she’s come across to thrive as a witch in the woods even having never visited the lands she explores in this book. At its heart, nature is nature, and there’s still plenty of overlap and insight to gain no matter what region you’re from, especially in regard to the use of herbs in spellwork and divination.

Another aspect of this book that makes it a real special gem is that Mann illustrated it herself. The symbolism of the imagery boosts her power, as the images themselves convey messages beyond words alone. Flipping through the pages, noticing what your eyes are drawn to and how the colors impart feelings or sensations, makes for an engaging read. The Witch of the Woods is less of a how-to manual and more of an invitation to step inside the creativity of Mann’s own witchcraft practice while learning ways to enhance your own.

Overall, The Witch of the Woods is an insightful, earthy exploration of witchcraft that will guide others to become the witch of their own woods. Mann has done an impressive job of weaving together the elements of her craft to present readers with a beautiful grimoire of knowledge about remedies, folklore, spiritwork, and divination. From brewing your own magical tea to crafting your own wild medicine, this book reminds readers of the unity between nature and oneself – the center of all witchcraft.

The Holy Wild Grimoire, by Danielle Dulsky

The Holy Wild Grimoire: A Heathen Handbook of Magick, Spells, and Verses, by Danielle Dulsky
New World Library, 1608688003, 208 pages, September 2022

Earthy, primal, rich, and real – this is how I feel sinking into The Holy Wild Grimoire: A Heathen Handbook of Magic, Spells, and Verses by Danielle Dulsky. In this book, Dulsky has uprooted the underpinnings of harmful ideologies, created through our stories and myths we unconsciously live by according to society’s urging, to bring forth prompts and rituals that invite readers to move through a portal of death and rebirth to fully embrace their own sovereign sorcery within through magical word-craft and reconnect with the Holy Wild. For those ready to lurk in the deeper realm of mystery, potency, and power that come through embodying and rewriting the mythic aspect of the world we live within in order to expand their practice of the craft, this is the book for you!

Hopefully that didn’t all sound too intimidating! All of Dulsky’s brilliant methodology for engaging the reader’s psyche through storytelling, journal prompts, and spellwork to create their own personal grimoire are actually very clearly laid out, making this book accessible to everyone. But be forewarned there’s something about Dulsky’s writing that inspires me to play with words and discover new voices within that have yet to be explored.

The book does read at times like a long-lost ancient tale, where the dialect is just a bit different than you’re used to, as words become poetry vivid with imagery and perfectly strung together to invoke meaningful feeling. This definitely isn’t a straight-forward “how-to” manual for those seeking insight on witchcraft; hardwork and dedication is required to truly reap the rewards of the material presented, leaving room for your own creativity to emerge and guide the way.

“The time to radically revision our place in the world is now. This is the moment in the human tale when hope meets sorrow, when innocences meets wisdom, a climactic union of polarities that is birthing – and will continue to birth – a new, more heathen reality.”10

Moving through medicine the elements of earth, water, air, fire, and ether, The Holy Wild Grimoire guides readers in creating their own book of magic. Dulsky writes, “In the context of this handbook, a grimoire reflects the magick locked in our language, the spells that live and breathe in our words and symbols.”11 Moving through each element, the reader begins to craft the most personal journal of their thoughts, feelings, visions, and intuitions, reshaping their reality, reclaiming pieces of their soul that have been lost, and gaining the courage to shed habits, patterns, and modes of being – skins – that no longer fit who the reader is growing into.

These might seem like lofty goals or mere promises, but I can assure you that by moving through The Holy Wild Grimoire with an open-mind and heartfelt intention, you will notice shifts in how you relate to your own narrative and how your narrative merges with the on-going story of the world, inviting synchronicities, realizations, and connections that previously you may have not had the discerning energetic eye to notice and in the process creating new potential realities.

Each element contains an introduction to its energy medicine, a word-spell, an artful invocation, a story lantern, follow-up questions to the story lantern for reflection, an opening spell and element spells, multiple reflection questions about your experience with the element, writing prompts to attune you to the element’s presence in your life, and prompts to assist you with visioning through the energy of the element. All together this creates twelve journal entries. Then at the end of the chapter is a testament to the element, where the reader (or more like writer once you get going with this book!) goes back through their reflections, presences, and visions for the element to create the thirteenth entry, which become the verses for that element. It really is a beautiful, culminating process once you get to the verses, especially because so much has been put into the prompts to lead you to that point.

After reading this book, and making my way through the grimoire creation over the course of two months, I have a bit of advice. First, though anyone can jump right in, for the best results I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with Dulsky’s other publications, most especially The Holy Wild, which lays out more of a foundation for creating one’s Holy Wild grimoire. The Holy Wild has quite a bit of spellwork in it that some readers might find more practical and grounding. The Holy Wild Grimoire is definitely suited for those who enjoy reading and writing, and if you are someone who doesn’t readily embrace the written word or symbolic imagery, you might feel more comfortable exploring The Holy Wild first to ground this book a bit.

Second, prior to reading this book, I’d also suggest brushing up on your knowledge of archetypes, depth psychology, and the power of myths to fully embrace the content of this book. You may want to familiarize yourself with the work of Carl Jung, Marie-Louise von Franz, and Clarissa Pinkola Estés, author of Women Who Run with the Wolves, another great book for exploring oneself through stories and myth.

Finally, my third recommendation is to move slowly! There is so much packed in each element that it can feel overwhelming at times. Remember that there is no rush; you are not being timed. This process of communion with the Holy Wild will happen in natural timing that is aligned and right for you. You can skip around to different sections, work through an element for months, and only need to do the prompts that call to you. As odd as it sounds, sometimes I’d have to remind myself this isn’t a magical homework assignment, I’m not working towards an “A”, and that it’s intended to be fluid and connected rather than prescriptive and forced.

Sometimes, as I worked through a particularly dense emotion, memory, or experience, I’d put the book down for weeks at a time, not ready to move forward to the next exercise and needing room to breathe and reorient first, allowing what was unfolding to happen on its own without further conscious prompting or trying to rush forward without allowing the proper time needed to acknowledge what was going on and creating space for transformation.

This might not make sense prior to reading The Holy Wild Grimoire, but I have no doubts that if you delve into the work, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. There’s enough content in this book to last the reader years in regard to inner exploration, and the stories and prompts are something one can return to time and time again for one’s responses will surely always be changing. The potency of this book comes through what you’re willing to put in to looking within and exploring the uncharted depths of the Holy Wild.

Even if this seems a bit intimidating, there’s ways to start slowly, such as reading the hand-crafted stories, called story lanterns, Dulsky has written for each element, which are intended to open a new lens for the reader to access answers within through the imagination. I’ve found that a fun way to connect with the stories is to have someone else read them to you, so you can receptively receive their messages, though active reading too has its own merit. Once again, there’s a multitude of ways to play with this book, just like all mythological stories, and limitless wisdom that can be gained through experimentation.

All in all, The Holy Wild Grimoire is an all-in-one creative writing journey for readers to make their own grimoire, filled with personal revelations, visions, reflections, and mythology that is theirs alone. Doing the journal prompts is a deeply fulfilling and insightful process, akin to magical therapy, as the reader delves into the hidden parts of their psyche to discover a hidden richness: their own wild unknown. By connecting to these parts of oneself through the elemental energy, a whole new realm of possibilities emerges, cracking open from within the reader’s spirit to begin composting what’s no longer needed and feel comfortable sitting in the void before shapeshifting into the next vision.

The Mythic Goddess Tarot, by Hannah Davies

The Mythic Goddess Tarot, by Jayne Wallace and illustrated by Hannah Davies
CICO Books, 1800651554, 78 cards, 64 pages, October 2022

Connecting with various goddesses is a key part of my spiritual practice; I’ve found the goddess in her many forms provides tough love and restorative nourishment to my soul. When I picked up The Mythic Goddess Tarot by Jayne Wallace, I was immediately drawn to its gentle, intuitive energy that radiates the power of the sacred feminine. I thought to myself, “This deck truly conveys the Goddess’s wisdom.” And since then, the advice I’ve received has helped me immensely in navigating life’s ups and downs.

Though the feminine pastel colors of the deck might convey this deck has a gentle tone, there is plenty of strength and power to be found in the messages of the cards. Each one of the 22 major arcana cards portrays a goddess that personifies its energy, all beautifully drawn and brought to life with vivid colors, while the minor arcana cards are differentiated by color and  suit symbol (coin, sword, cup, wand). On every card is the name plus a one word meaning at the bottom. The guidebook provides more in-depth explanations of each card, but I’ve found the word at the bottom helps to quickly ascertain the card’s message.

Speaking of the guidebook, it’s a bright-colored booklet that features information on getting to know the cards, starting and finishing a reading, as well as various spreads one can use with this deck. In addition to the well-known one-card reading, past-present-future reading, and Celtic Cross spread, Wallace  offers The Power Pyramid, The Crossroad, and The Divine Truth spread, which is neat because it covers the whole year.

Then Wallace shares meanings for both the major and minor arcana cards, though the major arcana cards are a bit longer because in addition to the keywords and meaning, which is what is provided for the minor arcana, there is also a section describing the goddess depicted on the card. She describes what the goddess is ruler of or oversees, as well as her mythology and where she originates from. The major arcana cards also feature a sentence-long mantra to say, affirming the message of the card.

What I liked most about this deck was the choice of goddesses for each card. I have a ton of goddess oracle decks, yet it seems like it’s always the same goddesses appearing. While there were some well-known goddesses (Athena and her mighty lion are portrayed on the Strength card, while Aphrodite and her paramore are on the Lovers cards), this deck featured quite a few goddesses I’d never heard of before, making me excited to learn more about their mythology and their unique attributes.

There is Asase Yaa, a West African goddess, representing the Empress, Luthianian goddess Ragana representing death, and Indian goddess Dhumavati representing the Hanged Man. I appreciate that it feels like Wallace put genuine thought and creative consideration into picking each goddess for this deck and went beyond the traditional goddesses, inviting new perspectives into querenets’ reading through these cards. She writes in the introduction:

“One of the things I love about goddesses is that they are everywhere. From every corner of the globe, you will find mythologies, stories, and fables with gods and goddesses at their heart. Whether in ancient Greece, Africa, Asia, or Europe, or with any type of religion, it’s easy to see throughout history the impact these superhuman beings have had on the shaping of the world as we know today.”12

Another reason I’ve been using this deck often is because I love to display on my personal altar the serenely gorgeous artwork of this deck, which was illustrated by Hannah Davies. I’ve started a practice of shuffling just the major arcana and asked which goddess I should work with for the week. After I pick my card, I place the card on my dresser surrounded by crystals, flowers, and other little trinkets related to the goddess I’ve chosen. This helps me to connect with goddesses and feel her presence in my life daily, especially when I see the goddess of the week’s qualities coming through in my interactions with others, guiding me to embrace the energy in play.

If I am having trouble connecting with the goddess’s energy, I’ll spend time gazing at the artwork on the card and meditating on the symbolism. This method is yet another way that I’ve found useful in opening myself up psychically to the wisdom of the goddess, and the beauty of the deck makes it a very aesthetically pleasing experience, even for the goddesses that tend to be more feared, such as Hekate (The Magician) or Ananke (The Devil). Wallace’s description coupled with Davies’ artwork make these goddesses feel more accessible, giving me courage to embrace their sacred teachings.

I will admit, I’m quite a fan of Wallace’s other decks, such as The Angel Tarot, The Magical Nordic Tarot, and The Moon and Stars Tarot, so I’m not surprised that I connect so well with this one too. Wallace has a unique way of translating sacred energies into her decks that resonates with me, and I have noticed the way the various themes of her decks call to me at different times based on the type of reading I need at the moment.

Aptly, in addition to creating decks, Wallace has also used her spiritual gifts to bring together a tribe of wise women by founding Psychic Sisters, a team of clairvoyant women that offer intuitive readings in London and remotely, along with a wellness line that sells reiki-energized crystals, mists, oils, candles, cosmetics, and more. It’s definitely worth checking out their website, as well as Wallace’s other decks, if you’re interested in connecting with psychic readers for more insight.

All in all, Mythic Goddess Tarot has become my favorite divination deck for working with the energy of the goddess. I’m still making my way through getting to know all the goddesses of this deck, but even in the short time I’ve been working with it, I’ve felt the potency of the goddess being woven into my life. Wallace has truly created a holistic deck, magically combining the many faces of goddesses from around the world to assist readers in connecting to the goddess within themselves when making meaningful life choices. I highly recommend this deck to those who enjoy working with goddess energy and are looking to more fully incorporate Her wisdom in their readings.

Secret History of the Wild, Wild West, by Daniel J. Duke

Secret History of the Wild, Wild West: Outlaws, Secret Societies, and the Hidden Agenda of the Elites, by Daniel J. Duke
Destiny Books, 1644112299, 208 pages, July 2022

Ancestral work is very common during the autumn months. Perhaps in your own genealogical explorations you’ve uncovered some colorful characters, maybe even a person of historical significance. Daniel J. Duke claims he is the descendent of Western outlaw Jesse James, and his meticulous study further into his lineage has revealed quite a few fascinating American secrets. Secret History of the Wild, Wild West: Outlaws, Secret Societies, and the Hidden Agenda of the Elites explores how Jesse James and other Western outlaws were part of a secret society that has influenced politics by pulling strings behind the scenes.

It is believed that James, Duke’s great-great grandfather, faked his own death in 1882 and lived out the rest of his life in Texas. His book, The Mysterious Life and Faked Death of Jesse James, details evidence he uncovered from state and federal records, photographs, diaries, newspapers, and even DNA tests to confirm this. And while it might sound a little bit like National Treasure, Duke further discovered that James’ diaries and treasure maps indicate connections between James, Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Founding Fathers, and Jewish mysticism, which is explored in his book Jesse James and the Lost Templar Treasure.

Secret History of the Wild, Wild West further expands Duke’s research to showcase how Jesse James wasn’t the only Western outlaw to run in these circles and fake his death. Based on James’ diary, Billy the Kid also did the same a little over eight months after James, settling into a new life with an alias “Oliver P. “Ollie” Roberts a.k.a. “Brushy Bill” Roberts of Hico, Texas”13. As if this isn’t intriguing enough, Duke even asserts a family connection between James and Clyde Barrow, of the famous Bonnie and Clyde duo.

Admittedly, this book probably should be prefaced by Duke’s aforementioned books because he does discuss the role James played in securely hiding Templar treasures, as a main thesis in this book is that interconnected, influential families in the West also played a role. He quickly gives a synopsis of the role of the Freemasons in protecting James and James’ role in burying Templar treasure on gridlines in America, but I felt myself longing for more information.

But while this focus on the past is covered for new readers like myself, the thesis of this book highlights the connections between modern influential families, the search for buried treasure, and the impact on American politics. Duke notes connections between both President Harry Truman and President Lyndon Baines Johnson with James L. Courtney: James’ alias after faking his death. Duke brings to light hidden agendas of finding this buried treasure and, further, a secret destiny for America might still be in progress.

“Part of that mission included the formation of the United States of America, modeled after a desire of people around the world to have the freedom and liberties that so many before them had sought, fought for, and died for. In that type of struggle, there are many grey areas, with good men doing bad things for the right reasons or for what at the time seems like their only choice.”14

One thing of note about this book is that it is meticulously researched, sometimes to the point of information overload. While I was happy to take Duke’s research at face-value, for those who are looking to confirm or deny his theory, he is very transparent about his sources and line of thinking. The Appendix, “Connections That Paved the Way,” is filled with detailed information about people and their relationship to James that helped Duke to put all the pieces of this puzzle together. There’s also extensive notes for each section, as well as primary sources such as photographs and newspaper articles. 

All in all, Secret History of the Wild, Wild West was a very fascinating read. I was impressed by Duke’s genealogical research and the way he was able to follow a trail to reveal these interesting insights. The lives of Western outlaws makes one wonder if there was a potential mission beyond just riches and notoriety. Though I know it’s the subject of one of Duke’s books, this book made me want to learn more about the relationship between the Knights Templar and hidden treasure in America. It seems they all fit together to present a well- rounded picture of a secret agenda shared by outlaws of the wild West.