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Existential Kink, by Carolyn Elliot

Existential Kink: Unmask Your Shadow and Embrace Your Power, by Carolyn Elliott, PhD
Weiser Books, 9781578636471, 224 pages, 2020

How much of our behavior is driven by our sub- and unconscious minds? In Existential Kink: Unmask Your Shadow and Embrace Your Power, Carolyn Elliott, PhD, explains why we are drawn to specific situations and provides clear guidance on how to harness that energy for better uses. As an author and teacher who specializes in helping people achieve dramatic positive change in their lives through shadow integration work, Elliott has been practicing what she preaches and is proof that her method works. But what exactly is Existential Kink?

Developed by Elliott through many years of teaching her courses, Existential Kink (EK) is “an amazing, rapid-shadow integration process”1 and a “specific meditative practice … that’s all about dissolving negative patterns by being willing to uncover and celebrate the previously unconscious pleasure that we actually – paradoxically – derive from those patterns.” 2 Elliott earned her PhD in Critical and Cultural Studies from the University of Pittsburgh, during which time she immersed herself in psychology. The result of her deep dive into psychology led her to realizing one very important insight. She explains that “by recognizing and empowering the darkness of my shadow and in the end taking “pleasure” in my yucky stuff … I could completely integrate my “good” self with my “bad” self and become a whole person.” 3

As you might expect, Elliott’s method for shadow integration is not for the faint of heart. While most self-help books focus on the visualization aspect of manifestation, Elliott realized that what’s actually needed in order to break free of specific unhelpful patterns is an excavation of the psyche. To walk the reader through the process, she has separated the book into three parts that deal with existential basics, getting kinky (more on that later), and questions and answers. Interspersed throughout the sections are specific lessons that help define the practice, provide valuable information in relation to EK, exercises for the reader to engage in the material, and interludes that detail personal stories of transformative experiences had by both the author and those who have taken her courses or been coached by her.

A big chunk of the book lays out the basics, including an interesting take on the legend of Persephone. I won’t ruin it for you because I feel everyone who feels stuck in some sort of recurring negative patterns needs to read this book, but suffice to say, Elliott’s spin resonates deeply. She states that the Persephone/Hades myth is not of two separate people, but of one all powerful being who chooses to experience both positive (Persephone) and negative (Hades) aspects of the human experience. This idea of bringing together both halves of ourselves (positive/light and negative/dark) is the very essence of the work Elliott describes in this book.

Elliott doesn’t try to smooth anything over; she is quite emphatic about how hard this work is and states clearly that most people are not able to do this kind of deep shadow work because of the trauma is brings up. In addressing that, Elliott goes out of her way to mention her own mental health journey to illustrate how deep the work is and also how rewarding. There’s a level of comfort in knowing that others have successfully travelled this path and reading their experiences is helpful in setting personal expectations. Similar to physical exercise, you will get out of this book exactly what you out in terms of steadfast work and deep introspection.

So how exactly does one conduct this type of work? This is where the kink part comes in: Elliott maintains that by “getting off” on our dark desires (things like scarcity, feelings of not being good enough, seeking out those who keep us small, etc), we give ourselves permission to enjoy the sensation of being bad. We often forget that we can choose how to experience sensation, be it a gentle stroke of a lover’s hand or a rap on the knuckles for taking too many cookies. Elliott states that choosing each sensation to be pleasurable, no matter what it is, primes the consciousness for accepting its darker sibling nestled in the subconscious. And that is precisely what we need if we are to fully integrate our shadow selves into our conscious selves.

Shadow integration sounds like a lengthy process, but Elliott’s book is full of testimonials of those who have done the work and seen results within a short amount of time. Elliott refers to this specific work as solve et coagula: “to first utterly dissolve (solve) an existing form and then to carefully bring the dissolved and purified elements together again (coagula) in a whole new … permutation.”4 In terms of timing and success, I think it depends on how willing you are to burn it all down: this is serious psychological work and whenever you muck about in the mud you will get dirty. Is it worth it? I think so, but if you are experiencing some mental health issues around trauma or depression, you might want to think twice before starting this type of exercise.

Full disclosure time: I have taken a couple of Elliott’s courses and this book is a wonderful accessory to the information already provided through the lessons. Personally, I think everyone can benefit from a little soul searching, especially when it means that you can potentially dump some of the unhelpful patterns that you’ve been stuck with through adulthood. By choosing to break down our inner psyche and fully examine our desires, and then completely accepting them as a vital part of ourselves, we can reconnect our divided wills and reunite ourselves in a way that helps us move forward with less baggage and more happiness. Honestly, the sheer delight of being able to accept personal darkness as an integral part of the whole is what pushed me forward into pursuing this type of integrative work.

While Existential Kink is geared towards those who might lean towards the left-handed path in magical terms, the concepts presented are easy to digest and relatable. I personally would not recommend this book to anyone who has strong religious views as it might be potentially upsetting to them to see their doctrines disassembled and reformed into a new version of reality. Although, come to think of it, leaning into discomfort is kind of what this book is about so perhaps Great-aunt Martha should get a copy.

Cannabis Healing, by Franjo Grotenhermen, M.D.

Cannabis Healing: A Guide to the Therapeutic Use of CBD, THC, and Other Cannabinoids, by Franjo Grotenhermen, M.D.
Park Street Press, 978-1620558317, 240 pages, 2020

Although I am a medical cannabis patient and an avid proponent of the plant’s myriad healing properties, this was my first experience reading a cannabis “guide.” I was drawn to this book because at just 240 pages, it covers an impressive number of topics. Cannabis Healing: A Guide to the Therapeutic Use of CBD, THC, and Other Cannabinoids, by Franjo Grotenhermen, M.D. is a great resource whether you are new to cannabis, a recreational user, or an experienced patient.

Dr. Grotenhermen is a practicing physician in Germany. Currently, he serves as the executive director of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines (IACM) and is a board member of the German Association for Medical Cannabis. Per their website, “the IACM declares that it is the right of doctors to be able to discuss the medicinal use of cannabis with their patients.”1

Cannabis Healing is a complete guide, from the history of cannabis, to its medicinal and nutritional benefits, to the specific methods of administering the medicine. Dr. Grotenhermen focuses on the safety of cannabis, noting throughout the book that cannabis has been proven not only to be effective, but also much safer than other medicinal alternatives.

I read Cannabis Healing over the winter holidays (in between baking cookies and family Zoom calls) so I particularly enjoyed how easy it was to read in sections. I already knew the history of cannabis cultivation and therapeutic use, but Dr. Grotenhermen’s 17-page overview in the first chapter was still an interesting “crash course” for me.

While I appreciated learning about the Western countries that pioneered the sale of medicinal cannabis, I do wish there had been significantly more focus on the ancient cultures that first identified the plant’s medicinal and sacred uses. The chapter is called “History of the Therapeutic Uses of Cannabis”; for a history that is thousands of years long, I think it deserved more than about two pages. 

I was especially interested in reading chapter four, which focuses on Cannabidiol (CBD). CBD has exploded in popularity in recent years, and with good reason. I give it to my dog for separation anxiety and my mother uses it to ease her rheumatoid arthritis pain. Unfortunately, because mainstream therapeutic use of CBD is relatively new, this chapter only mentions older research done on animals, not humans. Dr. Grotenhermen notes that some study results still need to be evaluated, including studies focused on CBD’s potential in treating circulatory and respiratory ailments.2 I think it would have been helpful to read more about CBD, especially as it is more readily available than THC and legal in the United States.

The majority of the book is contained in that chapter “Therapeutic Uses of Tetrahydrocannadbinol (THC).” This chapter details the specific ways in which patients can use cannabis to treat specific ailments or conditions. I learned about several THC treatments that were completely new to me. For example, Dr. Grotenhermen describes a study focused on THC used to help  patients with severe itching that had not responded to prior treatments.3 Not only did the THC treatment help the patients’ quality of sleep, but several reported that it relieved the itching itself. Other therapeutic uses he covers include diabetes, tinnitus, and even hiccups. For a book of its length, this chapter manages to cover more therapeutic uses than I had anticipated.

Chapter eight of the book focuses on hempseed oil. I have used THC and CBD for therapeutic purposes, as well as in cooking, but never hempseed oil. In this chapter, I learned that hempseed oil can be used in place of fish oil to lower LDL blood cholesterol. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, hempseed oil can also be used to treat symptoms of PMS and rheumatoid arthritis.4 I am continually impressed by the cannabis plant’s therapeutic uses, from its leaves, to its flowers, to its very seeds. I will definitely be purchasing a bottle of hempseed oil on my next supermarket excursion.

I would recommend Cannabis Healing for anyone who is a current medical cannabis patient or is just interested in learning more about this powerful plant. Dr. Grotenhermen manages to cover a lot of ground for such a short book. He even includes a recipe for Cannabis Rum Truffles!5 This book serves as a solid jumping off point, and it has encouraged me to read more books about medicinal and therapeutic cannabis.

Elemental Magic, by Nigel Pennick

Elemental Magic: Traditional Practices for Working with the Energies of the Natural World, by Nigel Pennick
Destiny Books; 3rd Edition, 1620557587, 144 pages, October 2020

Nigel Pennick’s Elemental Magic: Traditional Practices for Working with the Energies of the Natural World contains multitudes. There is so much depth and wisdom here for you to explore, experiment, and deepen your magic. I am truly blown away by Pennick’s ability to offer eloquent and clear breadth and depth within this slender forest-green handbook. I feel as if I have happened upon an essential tome for my magical practice as a person living through environmental crises. 

The time for this book is right now. Pennick is grounded, both in terms of his clear writing style and in his offering of foundational practices that will benefit both the burgeoning witch and the established practitioner. On the back cover, Pennick is named an authority on ancient belief systems, traditions, runes and geomancy. This book is an impeccable example of that authority. 

Pennick touches on the essential elements of the practicing magical person, and he is able to do so with clarity and brevity. What I loved about this book is that Pennick has taken the esoterica out of the transmission. He communicates accessibly so that we can enter into these practices and rituals. His clarity allows our intimacy with the earth and natural magic to foster the mystical and the ineffable.

This text is truly a practical reference for so many aspects of natural magic. Pennick touches deftly on the fundamentals: “Saturday is dedicated to the Roman god of aging and time, Saturn.”1 and “Fire symbolizes the lightest things of existence, the energy and spirit.”2 If you are a beginner, trust that this handbook is an instructive initiation.  

My favorite chapter, “The Magic of the Land,” surfaces the ensouled landscape. It talks about how “there are certain places in the natural landscape, whose spirit is more likely to be noted by human… they are all holy grounds, at which something intangible but nevertheless, real is present.”3 Reading this book reminded me how deeply woven I am into the fabric of the land, and that my intimacy with the natural world is a place where magic springs.

Elemental Magic can absolutely be read from start to finish. It also invites you to sit down, open to an unexpected page, and discover what awaits you. At one such moment with this book, I found myself reading about the crossroads and the labyrinth. Pennick says “Crossroads are good places to make magical ceremony.”4 He offers that labyrinths “create an anchor energy, their spirit is energized by human activity.”5

This is a book of a multitude of beginnings. Pennick gives you just enough information to pull you in, to spark your curiosity, to get you started in your communion and magick-making. And you get to find out for yourself what the tree, or the stone, or the labyrinth has to offer. It is beautifully constructed for a beginner who craves a broad overview. This book stands as an excellent resource and reference for the more established magical practitioner because it is organized so succinctly. It is organized in chapters that explore the plants, minerals, animals, the land itself.

One of my favorite practices offered was part of the “Magic and Action” chapter on making and charging a magical talisman. I invited a friend into this practice. First, we each created the talisman. We then followed Pennick’s protocol, including working with the astrology of the moment and lunar cycle. Both of us felt not only the pleasure of crafting our own magical tools but also the potency of the spell work.

One of my favorite things about this book is how much it is just a welcome beginning to having your own unique experience. Pennick is impeccable at walking that line between offering you his approach and perspective, promising you the richness of what is to come in your own intimacy with these practices, and truly leaving the space for you to discover the magic for yourself. 

Orienting towards nature is a vibrant and necessary practice so deeply needed in our lives, so often mediated through technology. Elemental Magic allows you to truly see and understand yourself as a part of the more-than-human world. It is an honor to have such easy access to these profound and fundamental principles. This book is light enough to keep with you wherever you go and helpful enough to make the carrying of it worth it. 

In particular, if you are a person of European descent who is seeking ways to reconnect with your lineage, use this book. For me, this book has been a continual reminder to go outside, to enjoy the song of the wind, to make magic exactly where I am, the sun on my skin, rooted in the dirt. 

Protection Charms, by Tania Ahsan

Protection Charms: Harness Your Energy Force To Guide Against Psychic Attack, by Tania Ahsan
Red Wheel Weiser, 1590035153, 160 pages, November 2020

As you move through your days, you pick up so much energy into your auric field. By the evening, you may find yourself grumpy, exhausted, and overwhelmed without being able to pinpoint just where this negativity is stemming from. This is because when you are not aware of your energy, you often consume the news and social media, fuel yourself with unhealthy thoughts, and interact with a variety of people unguarded, which all impacts your energetic level.

To truly master yourself, you must learn to cultivate, share, and protect your energy with intention. This is why Protection Charms: Harness Your Energy Force To Guard Against Psychic Attack by Tania Ahsan is a must-have for anyone who wants to stay in their own vibe and actively cultivate good energy to keep themselves aligned. This book is filled with energy practices you can use into your life to keep you balanced, safe, and free from the ill will of others. Its easy-to-read style makes it effortless to implement in your daily life. I’m positive you’ll notice a huge energy shift almost immediately!

If you are an empath, intuitive, or sensitive person, then it is vital to have a foundation of knowledge about how to cleanse yourself and protect your energy. Before you dabble with any type of energy work or magical practice, learning how to keep yourself guarded against unwanted energy and secure within your own energy is of the utmost importance. As Ahsan describes:

“Before you can begin any magickal work, you need to cleanse your energy and that of the space in which you will be creating your charms. This is not just about physical hygiene; it is cleansing the invisible energies around you and your home. Without this vitally important step in the process, your charms and magickal intent will not be pure and can be tainted by unhelpful thought forms, stagnant energies, and negative experiences.” 1

What’s great about this book is that it’s an accessible guide to learn how to do this, even if you don’t have much practice with the invisible realms. Protection Charms will likely be your saving grace, as you realize the many ways you can more consciously hone your ability to clear energy, develop charms to guide energy, and draw the energy you desire into your life.

Protections Charms is divided into three sections: Energetic Hygiene, Charms and Symbols, and Rules of Attraction. While you could read it out of order, I found that each section really built upon the previous one. Ahsan offers a variety of techniques and approaches because, as stated in the Introduction, she’s an eclectic magic practitioner who believes you should follow the path that feels right for you. She makes it so you can mix and match to find the routine that’s best for your lifestyle, as well as the energy working that feels appropriate for the moment.

In the first section, Energetic Hygiene, Ahsan provides an overview of people’s energetic make-up so they can better understand the subtle energy field. There are tips about what type of salts to use, methods to repel and attract energy, techniques to keep your thoughts positive, and a bunch of ways to clear energy, such as cord cutting and decluttering.

Ahsan also teaches about listening to one’s body, creating altars, and learning how to feel the flow of energy in your environment. Additionally, there’s energetic rituals that can be performed daily in the morning, evening, weekly, and monthly. They are so simple, and I’ve really enjoyed incorporating them into my daily routine, such as showering and brushing my teeth. Weaving together the magic with the mundane makes these habits feel intentional and empowering.

Once the reader has learned the basics of tending to their energy and that of their ritual space and home, Ahsan moves into creating and using charms and symbols to direct the energy in our lives. She covers verbal charms, physical charms, and seven main charms, such as the ouroboros, elements, and hamsa. The best part of this section was an incredible 49-day meditative practice to draw in the energy of seven planets into your solar plexus chakra so you can call on the energy as needed. I’m only on week one, but am thrilled to be incorporating this technique into my energetic toolkit.

Another thing I really liked about this section was the guidance on how to create a house amulet and a personal charm. Ahsan guides the reader through how to find their charm object (many different stone descriptions are included) and then offers advice about how to paint it with the symbol they are most drawn to, depending on the intention of the charm. I definitely plan on making some of these this weekend, and it also seems like a fun activity to do with friends.

The last section, Rules of Attraction, is all about manifesting your vision into reality. Ahsan covers topics such as visualization, gratitude, recharging energy, creating an altar for your intention, personal grooming, and clearing energy blockages. There’s also a guide on the type of charms to give for big life events, such as weddings, births, and funerals.

If by now you’re thinking there’s a lot packed into this book, then you’re absolutely right! While Ahsan doesn’t necessarily go super in-depth into each topic, Protection Charms spans a wide range of practices, techniques, and exercises to be more purposeful in energy work. The tone is upbeat and straight-foward, without any fluff that might make it drag on. I really like that it feels imbued with good vibration, as sometimes books about protection magic are ultra defensive and cautionary. This book gives it to you directly, acknowledging common energy mistakes that impact our magic, while also happily providing the remedies to re-align.

Plus, the book design is very visually appealing. It’s filled with bright colors that heightened reading engagement for me. It’s not a cut and dry book; there’s bullet points, pictures, glyphs, and step by step guides throughout. These all make it a very practical and handy book to have nearby. At the same time, it would also look wonderful on a coffee table and be sure to spark some interesting discussions

To be honest, protective energy practices are still something I have to actively work to put into practice. I’m sure I’m not the only one who procrastinates my space clearing and energy cleansing practices, similar to how I put off washing dishes, laundry, or vacuuming. But after spending a few days actively using the exercises and techniques in this book, I’ve been reminded that a routine of energy tending is simple, yet profound. I’m so looking forward to embedding these energy hygiene techniques into my daily routine, creating my charms, and continuing to hone my manifestation abilities.

I highly recommend Protection Charms to anyone who is looking to learn more about working with energy. This book gives you a guide to get started tending to your energy with care and consideration. In addition to learning how to keep your energy safe while engaging in energy work, you’ll also get tips on how to fine-tune your practice to include charms and law of attraction techniques. Ahsan has done a wonderful job sharing with readers all they need to know to instantly enhance the energetic quality of their life.

Magic in the Landscape, by Nigel Pennick

Magic in the Landscape: Earth Mysteries & Geomancy, by Nigel Pennick
Destiny Books, 1620558799, 176 pages, May 2020

Magic in the Landscape: Earth Mysteries & Geomancy by Nigel Pennick is a history book about how magical practices and the routines of indigenous people are recorded in the present-day landscape – in this case, the landscape of Great Britain.  And though this is a book about looking to the past, with an introduction titled, “A Vanishing World in Need of Rescue,” Pennick makes it clear that his book is NOT an “attempt to reconstruct the past by creating a depiction of an ideal time when the writer perceives that the system under study was perfect or intake.” 1  Instead this book explores fragments of history where magic was present.

My favorite chapter came early on, Chapter two, “The Ensouled World,” where he talks about Land Wights, celebrated and offered autonomy in Iceland,2 and a haunting story about the DeLorean Factory (that classic sports car used as the time machine in the movie Back to the Future).  DeLorean’s are classic collectable cars because despite its slick appearance, the company was only around for three years before declaring bankruptcy.  According to Pennick, the DeLorean factory was constructed outside of Belfast in a field that was home to an enormous and aged hawthorn bush. The locals had long believed that bush had a soul of its own, yet it was cut down and dug up in order to build the DeLorean Factory.  Soooo why the did factory close after just three years?  Just a coincidence?  Pennick purports not.  About the subsequently abandoned factory, he says, “Blighted and derelict places where such establishments once existed are instances of the desacralized cosmos.”3

The violation of traditionally sacred spaces is a theme Pennick references frequently, whether it is highways being paved over an ensouled landscape or archeologists digging up sacred sites in the name of their research. Pennick makes a point that we may be unknowingly erasing a piece of not only cultural history, but of genuine magical presence. “If the sacred is not just a human construct, as some argue, but actually emanates from the power within the earth at particular places, then to dig there without traditional geomantic precautions runs the risk of destroying that power.”4

One part of this book which was unexpected, was Pennick’s thorough research on exorcisms and hauntings.  In the chapter simply titled “Boundaries” in the section titled Magic Circles and Conjuring Parsons, Pennick offers us many recorded examples of church ministers in small towns across England using magic to banish ghosts who were either haunting a site or haunting an individual parishioner.

“On January 9, [1965] [the Rev. William] Rudall made a secret journey to Exeter to visit the bishop…and having convinced him, was given official permission to ‘lay the ghost’.  When Rudell got back home, he worked out the astrological chart for the next morning and prepared his magical paraphernalia.” 5

The details Pennick has about these instances of “ghost-hunting’ in small-town English parishes are remarkable! Yet for me felt a little like a departure from the main trajectory of this book.  And that might be the thing: the main trajectory of this book might not have been what I was hoping for when I ordered it, not what I was hoping for when I picked it up, and not what I was hoping for as I devoured the first few chapters.

I absolutely love that Pennick is calling attention to the awareness of sacredness in the landscape – sacredness than might be inherent, such as an ancient tree or rock or even a scenic vista, or the sacredness of a Feng Shui inspired English garden planted in the late 1700’s — 200 years before Feng Shui was trending in the New Age community.6 I think it is also priceless to call attention to the ways in which modern development is literally plowing over ensouled landscapes, and in which common human secularized ignorance erases the filaments of magic offered to us by something vaster.  It is also priceless to consider that parish ministers practiced astrology, that Feng Shui’s influence over the West started much longer ago than most people think, and that forest spirits truly exist.

I guess my one disappointment though was that I wanted a little more of a “how-to” book.  I wanted to learn how to do something related to all the fascinating topics in this book.  This is not a criticism, but a praise in disguise.  For this book ignites the imagination and enchants the spirit in unexpected ways.

As someone who practices permaculture design – a spiritual philosophy of sustainable landscaping- it is inspiring to learn about how magical places and spaces have been understood in the past and in other cultures.  So now I might use those intentions, as well as sacred geometry and planet synergy in landscapes I’m working on, in hopes of infusing something sacred and enduring.  In the United States we don’t have the same history as Britain, yet the Native American people had profound magical sensibilities in their culture, so I can pay more careful attention as I stroll my neighborhood, knowing the land I live on once belonged to them.

Overall, Magic in the Landscape is a historical overview of different topics relating to the spiritual elevation of a place.  These topics span from the uplifting effects of scenic vista, beliefs that certain landscapes are home to magical beings, curiosity about spirits inherent in rocks, trees, fields and forests, awareness that the architecture of certain buildings contain magical intentions, the power of memorials and town commons to shape cultural narrative, and the craft of creating sacred space for safely interacting with the spirit world.

The Book of Celtic Symbols, by Joules Taylor

The Book of Celtic Symbols: Symbols, Stories, and Blessings for Everyday Living, by Joules Taylor
CICO Books, 978-1-78249-824-7, 2020 (first published 2007)

The Book of Celtic Symbols: Symbols, Stories, and Blessings for Everyday Living by Joules Taylor is a comprehensive primer for those new to the Celts, as well as a concise work that provides insight into Celtic life for those of familiar with these people. The book “captures the essence of Celtic wisdom and shows how to bring its magic into our lives today.” 1 Joules Taylor, an established author and co-author, is well poised to open this world to us. I was espeically excited to read about their far-reaching traditions and belief system to better understand the sites I’ve seen in my travels.

Despite growing up in an Italian-American household, I have been inexplicably drawn to Ireland and have traveled there twice in the past five years. My knowledge of the Celts was literally learned on the spot in places such as Newgrange. I read this book with the deepen my knowledge of the Celts, and I certainly feel this happens page after page.

When I was in Ireland, I allowed the places to call me to them. I had no knowledge of Newgrange, a Stone Age monument in Ireland’s Ancient East and found it surreptitiously through highway signs. Wells and Brigid? I went to where I was pulled. Joules’ book puts all the pieces into place for me, and I now have a deeper understanding of the importance of the art and artifacts of the Celts. With no written language, these symbols were their means of communication. As Joules explains, “to the Celts, everything in life was symbolic.” 2

The book is divided into seven chapters: “The Celtic Year, Celtic Guides and Their Symbols,” “Ogham: Celtic Alphabet, Symbols from Domestic life,” “The Signification of Trees and Mistletoe,” “Animal Guides,” and “The Sacred Landscape.” All information is present in depth with colorful illustrations or photographs of actual Celtic metalwork or stonework (including those spirals found at Newgrange). The writing is concise and easily understandable. Each chapter is a deep-dive into the topic at hand. There’s even a bread recipe in the chapter, Symbols of Domestic Life. (I intend to try this recipe the next time I make bread this month.) As you see, there’s a variety of topics, content, and ways to connect to Celtic culture.

Just to provide some background, the Celtic culture flourished for almost three thousand years across Europe and the British Isles. It was eventually taken over by Romans as their empire expanded. What resonated most with me about the Celtic culture is the connection that the Celts had with the earth. “The Celts considered the land to be a goddess, their Great Mother, filled with mystery and peopled by gods and goddesses in the springs, rivers, wells, and caves, in the hills and trees.” 3

A practitioner of seasonal living, I enjoyed reading that the Celts lived in concert with the seasons. Their celebrations broke up the year into festivals, and they were ways to show gratitude and reverence. Their celebrations were incorporated into Early Christian life. The celebrations of Esotre/Ostara with eggs and hares symbolizing fertility and rebirth became Easter with its eggs and bunnies. I enjoyed learning that the Celts’ dark year, or new year, began with Samhain, akin to what is traditionally known as Halloween. Bonfires or bone fires, trick or treating, all have their start with the Celts. It was very interesting to learn the roots of these modern practices date back to the Celts.

Through Joules’s writing, I was introduced to goddesses and gods with whom I was unfamiliar, such as Modron and Sulis. Having visited Bath in England I liked learning that Sulis was the “local goddess of the springs at what is now known as Bath.” 4 Stevie Nicks sang of Rhiannon with Fleetwood Mac, but Joules brought this this beautiful woman to life for me. Associated with horses and the moon, she represents beauty, fidelity, and love. 5

I especially like Joule’s suggestions in the book that offered ways to incorporate Celtic traditions, celebrations, ceremonies, and activities into life today. Joules provides detailed descriptions on the origins of these celebrations/activities and how they can be used in daily life. As we approach Imbolc (January 31 – February 1) I have set about “spring cleaning” to prepare for the new year after which I will go for a walk in nature to look for signs of new life, buds on branches and birds building nests as Joules suggests. While today we generally don’t have a hearth fire burning continuously, and unfortunately (at least for me) don’t have a cauldron simmering all day to offer hospitality to visitors, I did learn ways to live more aligned to Celtic domestic life. 

Despite the fact that the Celts did not use what we call the written word, they had a form of alphabet called Ogham based on characters. Joules allows a whole chapter to learning to use this alphabet. I’ll need to go back and spend time with this chapter to attempt a few communications. Coincidentally, as I was reading this book, I received Ogham symbols carved into various types of trees for my birthday. My daughter had become aware of my growing interest in Celtic culture and ordered a handmade set all the way from England! I look forward to using Joules book along with my tree Ogham to commune more with nature, especially the trees. 

Which brings me to my favorite chapter in the book, “The Significance of Trees and Mistletoe.” It helped deepen the reason why my tree Ogham gift contained the twigs from the trees that it did. Joules detailed the indigenous trees that grew in Celtic lands and their importance. As Joules wrote, “all trees were sacred to the Celts.”6 Oak was probably the most sacred tree, a symbol of eternity. The birch was associated with eloquence, stemming from the belief that “Ogmios, the Celtic god of eloquence, wrote the first Ogham characters on a wand of birch wood.” 7 Mistletoe had medicinal properties and was associated with male fertility, and kissing under the mistletoe invoked blessings of the gods in matters of love. 8

Further more, Joules describes how the apple tree bore a fruit that was considered magical because it could be eaten raw and cooked. It was a symbol of immortality and afterlife, and was connected to Annwn, or the Otherworld.

“To some, Avalon may have been another name for Annwn, separated from the mortal world by the thinnest of unseen barriers.” 9 Avalon, the Isle of Apples, was thought to be a place where “there was no pain or distress and everyone was forever young and happy.”10

The book provided a serendipitous connection to another place I visited, Glastonbury, in England. Some consider Glastonbury to have been where Avalon was located. It truly is an otherworldly place. Joules writes that “Glastonbury was reputed to be a site of a Druid University.” 11

What I really appreciated about The Book of Celtic Symbols is Joules presented the information in a non-encyclopedic way. The writing felt relatable and invited me to explore the Celtic culture, even though I have very little former knowledge of the traditions. The illustrations and photographs of sacred symbols throughout the book enhanced the writing, visually prompting me to connect with the words on the page and further absorb all the fascinating things I was learning. 

I highly recommend The Book of Celtic Symbols as a guide to learning about the Celts but more meaningfully, to incorporating some of their wisdom and beliefs into your life. Nature-based living, celebrating the cycle of the year, strong women, and blessings – all of which we could use of dose of today.

The Chiron Effect, by Lisa Tahir

The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness, by Lisa Tahir, LCSW
Bear & Company, 1591433958, 208 pages, November 2020

We all have a wound within us that makes us say “ouch” when it’s touched. Chiron, an astronomical centaur, can illuminate where this pain may be showing up in our lives through looking at its placement in an astrology chart. The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness by Lisa Tahir, LCSW is a wonderful place to begin your journey in discovering your wounding and shifting it into a healed strength. Offering a comprehensive method of healing your core wounding, this book goes beyond explaining the meaning of Chiron in your astrology chart, and becomes your guide to transformation.

Tahir’s intention to facilitate a healing process is evident within her writing. Her unique approach to astrology stems from her background in clinical social work. She developed and trademarked the modality Psychastrology®, which combines personal psychology and natal astrology. The approach she takes in teaching the reader about Chiron is a cross between psychology techniques for healing and spiritual practices to facilitate mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness, such as meditation, affirmations, and energy healing through the chakras. This unique method really makes it so the reader can use The Chiron Effect as a guide for doing their own inner work to heal the wounding of their Chiron placement as they read Tahir’s insight.

The book slowly eases the reader into working with this sensitive energy. Tahir assures the reader that change is possible by highlighting her own personal journey. Throughout The Chiron Effect, she draws on the wisdom learned from taking on the challenge of overcoming her wounding, as indicated by her Chiron placement, and teaches the toolkit that was most effective. The first chapter, “Living Deeply In Each Moment,” is almost entirely a first-person account of experience in finding her voice, holding onto hope, and attaining enlightenment through forgiveness. Her process awoke the inner healer within her, and as she writes “My own experiences inspired me to investigate the power of this particular healing method.” 1

From here, Tahir guides the reader to discover the wounded healer within themselves through the energy of Chiron. She puts forth that learning unconditional love, empathy, and forgiveness has the power to undo the hurt of the past and change it into wisdom that can be used to heal yourself and others. As mentioned, Tahir uses a variety of psychological methods such as bringing awareness to coping mechanisms due to trauma, moving through emotionally triggering situations, and embracing change even if the ego mind struggles to accept it. She also draws upon teachings from A Course in Miracles, which has greatly impacted her personal work and spiritual journey.

“What I do know is that points of pain can expand us  beyond who we are now and enable us to grow into more beautiful people if we allow this to happen. We do this by tenderly holding onto our precious selves. We also continue our inner work of healing and tap into gratitude for the love that has broken us open to our core and given birth to many small miracles through us.” 2

Chapter five, “Finding Chiron In Your Chart,” then shifts into the astrology aspects of Chiron. Tahir uses a chart to guid the reader through finding the zodiac sign that Chiron was located in when they were born. Then there is a description of all twelve of the astrological houses. However, there isn’t much description about how one would find the house placement of their natal Chiron and it may be a bit over the head of someone who hasn’t ever seen their own astrology chart. This may be why there are only brief explanations of each house and much more emphasis on the sign placement of Chiron.

Chiron is then described through every zodiac sign in chapters six through seventeen. Every sign has key words for how wounded and healed Chiron feels, an overview of the wounding of this placement, takeaways to facilitate healing, and affirmations. Some signs seemed to have more information than others; I found myself wishing for a bit more information about my Chiron placement. The style of writing and Tahir’s tone changes from sign to sign, making some descriptions feel more relatable than others.

Reading through all the Chiron placements, it seems there were quite a few assumptions made about how a person would be based on the wounding of the sign. In the short description of my placement there was a plea to seek mental health counseling or call 911 for suicidal thoughts. I feel like perhaps Tahir’s background in social work and counseling is more pronounced in the interpretation of the Chiron placements than a professional astrological interpretation. This is worth noting because someone with an astrological background may find the description of the sign placements generic or presumptuous.

This is why I would recommend this book for a very beginner to astrology or someone with minimal astrology interest that is more seeking an alternative modality to facilitate spiritual healing. Tahir’s background in social work and counseling creates a safe container for one to begin to learn about the wounds of Chiron. While this is obviously a life-long journey, she successfully instills confidence in the reader that change is possible and beauty can emerge from the pain. Tahir has ventured into the archetype of wounded healer and emerged with the wisdom of this book to share with others.

My favorite part of The Chiron Effect actually came at the very end in the appendix, “Chiron and the Psychoastrology® of the United States of America.” Tahir discusses the natal astrology chart of America and things such as the impact of COVID-19, homelessness, public education, and a variety of other societal ills to be responded to in the near future. This appendix feels like it could be an insightful book and I do hope Tahir shares more of her insight on these topics.

All in all, The Chiron Effect is a guide for spiritual development and transformation. Through acknowledging our pain, weaknesses, and wounding based on Chiron in one’s astrology chart, Tahir teachers the reader that they can become their own healer. Filled with the love, faith, hope, and optimism that comes through Tahir’s writing, readers will be able to see themselves with a bit more clarity and use this awareness to facilitate inner peace.

Magdalene Mysteries, by Seren and Azra Bertrand

Magdalene Mysteries: The Left-Hand Path of the Feminine Christ, Seren Bertrand & Azra Bertrand, M.D.
Bear & Company, 978-1-59143-346-0, 525 pages, 2020

Magdalene Myserties: The Left-hand Path of the Feminine Christ by Seren Bertrand and Azra Bertrand is a deep dive into Mary Magdalene, viewing her from Biblical, historical, and mystical perspectives. This well-researched book invites the reader on a pilgrimage to the Rose by journeying through three portals: the Magdalene Chronicles, the Magdalene Codex, and the Magdalene Vision Quest. These portals form the basis of the sectioning of the book, with each portal offering in-depth exploration of the topic. The authors write that “a key to our journey into the Magdalene Mysteries is to understand the true left-hand path of the goddess; and that Mary Magdalene…was the lineage holder of this sacred tradition.”1

Before the reader enters the portals, the authors provide their “love letters,” each offering individual writings on their initiations/encounters with Mary Magdalene, with Sara writing of meeting Mary Magdalene and of the sacred masculine vision and Azra writing about the Holy Whore of Sophia. The book then proceeds to “explore a radical, forbidden version of Mary Magdalene as a priestess of the Womb mysteries.”2

I was drawn to this book to explore the multi-faceted Mary Magdalene. Having been raised a Catholic, I initially only knew of Mary Magdalene as the prostitute, carried into my teen years with watching Jesus Christ Superstar where she was again portrayed in this role. I later became an adjunct instructor of Art History, and again, my encounters with Mary Magdalene in painting and sculpture again had her portrayed as a prostitute. As I began reading sources other than the Catholic church (!) I was met by a powerful woman, a trusted apostle of Jesus. I needed to learn more, and this book provided a compendious accounting of Mary Magdalene. 

Portal One, the Magdalene Chronicles, details Mary Magdalene’s lineage, starting with the “ancient mothers” in Sumeria. The chronology includes mermaids and the primeval water dragons, Inanna, and Asherah. It was illuminating to read of this lineage of the powerful woman, the vessel, the womb. The authors then transition to Mary Magdalene’ story of the Feminine Christ, looking at the feminist ministry of Christ, whether or not Mary Magdalene and Jesus were married, and her place at the crucifixion and resurrection. The first portal concludes with churches linked to the growth of churches in Europe linked to Mary Magdalene. 

The main focus of Portal Two, the Magdalene Codex, is an in-depth study of the Ghent Altarpiece, created by Jan Van Eyck, from 1426 to 1432. The authors approach this work “as both a pilgrimage and Grail Quest.”3 I found this section fascinating. I was familiar with the Ghent Altarpiece and taught about it in my Art History classes from the typical perspective of the religious symbolism in the painting such as the lamb symbolizing the Lamb of God. I taught about perspective, the place of patrons present in the piece, the role of an altarpiece in a church, etc. The authors, however, offer a complex and compelling distillation of the altarpiece, focusing one’s attention on the positioning of images to create the “position of birthing and sacred sexuality.” (plate 15). I did need to sit a while with the intimation that Van Eyck inserted an heretical message in the work. 

The authors turned next to Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of the Last Supper. I will admit that I never “bought” the explanation that the feminine figure to the side of Jesus was John the Evangelist. I am in agreement that, after having read about the important place of Mary Magdalene in the life of Jesus, that this image was indeed that of Mary Magdalene. The authors write that da Vinci was also “connected to the underground streams of the feminine mysteries.” 4 I imagine that these artists kept the need of art patronage in the forefront as they created multi-dimensional works of art with levels of meaning. 

The belief that Mary Magdalene was seen as a “dangerous figure” threatening to usurp masculine power, led to her portrayal as a “less than,” a whore, non-starter. The second portal closes with a return to the Ghent Altarpiece, where the authors write that Van Eyck “presents an entirely new, and at the same time ancient, vision in which the feminine is restored.” 5 I found the second portal so very fascinating, given my background in Art History. It’s given me a desire to develop an art history course on Mary Magdalene. 

The Third Portal, Magdalene Vision Quest, focuses on the pilgrimage to the Rose through “stories, oracles, and personal rituals.” 6 In the chapter Honoring the Motherline, Mary Magdalene as the “spirit keeper of the womb” is investigated. Seren writes about her own opening up to the path of Mary Magdalene and the goddess path. A personal favorite of mine was her writing about her pilgrimage to Glastonbury in England, a place I was drawn to visit as well. It is hard to adequately describe the otherworldly feeling of Glastonbury, the multidimensional feeling of space and time. Sere writes about the chalice well and its red flowing water and Glastonbury Abbey built on the site of an ancient sacred site devoted to the divine feminine and “known in local lore as the ‘vagina of the birth goddess.’”7

Seren recounts how Magdalene directed her to visit Iona, a remote Scottish island in the Hebrides. I was beginning to feel a connection both to Magdalene and Seren as Iona is a place that I find myself constantly drawn to read about and to most definitely visit post-pandemic. She continues by writing about the ancestral wise witches and the death of her mother, the mother of her “birth womb.”8 She movingly describes the graveside service she led for her mother. “As my mother’s womb had birthed me into this world, now I midwived her back into the womb of Mother Earth, for her rebirth into the Spirit world.”9

The Third Portal section contains rituals that the reader can perform, such as a Rose Ritual or the Anointing of the Moon ritual, a Mermaid ritual, and a Black Rose rituals. The rituals all contain references to an element, a ministry (such as cleansing), archetypes (such as Aphrodite), colors, and sigils (like a chalice). I have not yet taken the time to participate in a ritual, though, but the moving descriptions accompanying each ritual will draw me in sooner rather than later.

The book concludes with an invitation to return to the “dynamic Wild Feminine” which is “not limited to the story of one person or priestess – it is a living, vibrant frequency within everyone, calling to be remembered and embodied.” 10 Seren’s prayers to Magdalene are the final pages of the book. 

The book contains numerous images and illustrations to support the writings, including prehistoric clay tablets and sculptures, rich reproductions of pre-Renaissance and Renaissance tapestries, painting, and sculptures, and 20th century art including the image of a stained glass window in Sheffield, England in which Mary Magdalene is depicted as holding her hands in the “womb mudra position.” 11

Magdalene Mysteries offers a perfect combination of historic information across millennia along with the personal interactions of the authors with Mary Magdalene. It is a book to be read over time, allowing the information to seep in. It reads as a pilgrimage, and like all pilgrimages, time should be taken to allow the path to reveal itself to you, to allow yourself to open to revelations and notice the changes that occur as a result of the pilgrimage. The book is a pilgrimage to the Rose, and as such, invites the reader to open up slowly to Mary Magdalene, much like a rose itself that slowly opens, moving from a bud to a flower in full bloom, layers of beautiful petals.  It is a comprehensive introduction to Mary Magdalene to those new to the subject and also a deep-dive for those wanting a deeper interaction with Mary Magdalene. I highly recommend this book and encourage the reader to walk the path of pilgrimage to the Rose with these highly informed and passionate authors.

Egyptian Magick, by Mogg Morgan

Egyptian Magick: A Spirited Guide, by Mogg Morgan
Mandrake of Oxford, 1906958992, 432 pages, November 2020

The influence of ancient Egypt has remained strong in the imagination of Western magic through the Hebrew and Greek traditions and was popularized again in its revival during the Enlightenment. While this energy is still potent centuries later, it is often molded into the one-size-fits-all, easy-to-digest books that make this type of magickal practice easily accessible to the reader. This is wonderful for those who do not intend to delve into a full practice, but it often leaves those who seek to deepen their magick wanting. Cue Egyptian Magick: A Spirited Guide by Mogg Morgan, which is just the book for those who truly wish to expand their practice into a working system.

Morgan is both a practitioner and scholar of the occult. The level of detail described in Egyptian Magick duly reflects this combination, which clearly showcases the relationship between scholarship to inform practice and practice contextualizing scholarship. He has authored quite a few other titles, the most notable being Isis: Goddess of Egypt & India, Supernatural Assault in Ancient Egypt: Seth, Renpet & Moon Magick, The Ritual Year in Ancient Egypt: Lunar and Solar Calendars and Liturgy, and Seth & The Two Ways: Ways of Seeing the Demon God of Egypt. His area of focus is “the connections between the popular magick of ancient Egypt and its continuation/crossover with the living magical traditions of the middle East, and the Kaula/witchcraft of south Asia and beyond.”1

Egyptian Magick is Morgan’s compilation of the core ideas from his previous books all brought together to create one authoritative guide. And let me tell you, it is PACKED with information. I will admit, I was a bit intimidated when I began reading this book. With only a novice level of knowledge about Egyptian Magick, I instantly felt like I was in over my head. At first I did my best to find my footing in the book by dutifully going through it page by page, but quickly I realized I could jump around a bit within each chapter and slowly weave together the tapestry of information. This method helped me to not feel overwhelmed and discover my own method of working with the book rather than becoming inundated (and stuck!).

There are eight chapters in the book that are all filled with sub-sections and even more small headers with information. At times this can feel a bit choppy, but I also believe this style offers as much information as possible within the framework of the book. The book begins with an invocation and then delves into Heka & Hekau. This section really stands out because it describes all types of Egyptian magick: sleep magick, image magick, human sacrifice, funeral rites, and more! So often, scholarship wants to overlook these gruesome details within occult practices, but Morgan does not shy away from topics such as decapitation and reversals or cannibalism. It’s a bit gruesome, but at the same time enlightening, and almost liberating, to be able to delve into such taboo topics.

Reading on, Morgan expands on his reasoning for the basis for this work with contextual references to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Aliester Crowley. He writes, “I have come to believe that the real ‘Golden Dawn’ is an experience rather than an organization.”2. He then encourages the reader to “try to put aside what you know and approach the surviving records of ancient Egyptian magick with a fresh mind.”3 This sentiment really stuck with me, as many of the techniques and practices I’ve learned thus far have stemmed from the Golden Dawn. Some of the fascinating topics that resonated with me most were the correspondences of Greek vowels with elements, secret languages of magicians, the relationship between sigils and hieroglyphs, Egyptian numerology, and an impressive array of seals.

Chapter four, “The Temple of Imaginarium,” was probably my favorite in the entire book. Ever since I learned about this mind-mapping technique in Masonic Magician by Philipa Faulks and Robert L.D. Cooper, I’ve been fascinated but haven’t been able to learn more. Morgan explains it well in writing:

“What else is a temple but a representation, in material, of the cosmology of the people who built it? The temple represents the archeology of gnosis, the sequences of a journal through the temple represent the initiatory journey to the ‘holy mountain’.4 It can be an imaginarium or House of all Possibilities, a theatre in which to locate one’s magick.”5

Morgan offers a guided visualization to move through this temple to discover your own magical potency. You gain the ability to move through and access the energy of Egyptian deities, performing the role of a priest. I’ve only tried this once, but found it quite impactful. I plan on familiarizing myself with this exercise when I have time to truly dedicate to experimenting with the technique.

The following chapters detail the rites of initiation, lead the reader through the underworld, and then go into the longest chapter about the ritual year of the Egyptians. These chapters are the real key to opening oneself into this working system of Egyptian Magick. The rituals can be performed at the start of each month and help to orient the practitioner to the time of year and energy available. Since I prefer attuning to the spirit of the place where I physically am, I haven’t tried any of the rituals. However, for a reader who wishes to fully work this system, everything that is needed is within this chapter.

What strikes me the most about Egyptian Magick is the level of insight that Morgan has accumulated. I would guess this isn’t his last book, but in many ways it feels like a magnum opus. Without hesitancy, Morgan clearly elucidated occult practices with objectivity, reverence, and awe. The book is clearly shaped by Morgan’s unique perception, but in no way does it feel contrived to push a practice. Rather, it clearly lays it all out for the reader, from the taboo to the mundane aspects of this work, and offers an all-encompassing guide to Egyptian magick.

Overall, Egyptian Magick is a trustworthy source for expanding one’s knowledge of the Egyptian occult and how this magick can be practiced today. It beautifully blends scholarship with experience to offer a compendium of information. I hesitate to recommend it to a novice practitioner, but I do believe that is a must-have for anyone working with Egyptian deities or is interested in learning more about Egyptian practices. Within these pages is a year-round system of Egyptian magick that utilizes techniques that have amply survived the test of time.

As Morgan writes, “Ideally this becomes part of a practical theology by which the practitioner becomes, through ‘dynamic resonance’ the image of the gods or divine forces he or she emulates.”6 I feel putting this book into effect could absolutely achieve these results. It certainly is not for everyone, but Egyptian Magick is a reliable resource for those who are ready to take their practices to the next level.

Esoteric Mysteries of the Underworld, by Jean-Pierre Bayard

Esoteric Mysteries of the Underworld: The Power & Meaning of Subterranean Spaces, by Jean-Pierre Bayard
Inner Traditions, 978-1644110621, 320 pages, 2020

One of the first things I noticed about Esoteric Mysteries of the Underworld: The Power & Meaning of Subterranean Spaces was how incredibly dense it is. This book is not a light read; it’s meant for those serious about exploring the hidden symbolism and meaning found in the deepest recesses of the Earth. Perfectly poised to craft such a tome, Jean-Pierre Bayard was a prolific esoteric scholar and authored more than 50 books on topics such as Rosicrucianism, secret societies, symbolism, and the spiritual aspect of Freemasonry. Bayard passed away in 2008 leaving behind a legacy of gorgeous writings that are multilayered and diverse in their objective to share his vast knowledge. This specific book explores the spiritual aspects of the underworld; with many ancient cultures sharing similar beliefs around the power of underground spaces and natural rock formations, Bayard weaves together the similarities in a way that breathes life into these places often thought devoid of life.

This book called to me instantly, as the myths of humans and demigods traversing through the underworld on their various journeys to find themselves is an appealing theme. Included with this thematic exploration of myth, symbology, deities, and beliefs is a guide to the spiritual energies that ebb and flow beneath our feet. Reading this book caused me to become more aware of my surroundings and to pay attention to subtle shifts in energies around me, as often they are telltale signs of things to happen. Not to say I accurately predicted lottery numbers; this was more of an awareness of present energies and their patterns. Birds suddenly flocking around me signaling an approaching predator (a cat), a squawking crow alerting me to a changing traffic light, and so on. Situations like this may seem mundane, as most of us have experienced some form of what I mentioned at some point, but when taken in a spiritual light as a form of an all-encompassing connection it becomes so much more.

The book is separated into two parts: “The Symbolism of the Underworld and the Cave” and “The Cavern.” Dealing with topics such as telluric currents, underground water, underground gems and so on, the book lays out very detailed explanations of each topic and why it’s relevant. The meaty stuff is where I turned to first: underground temples, initiatory passageways, underground labyrinths, and more. This is why you buy this book: these topics are so thoroughly explored you feel as thought you’ve just earned a degree. Bayard references his previous books as additional sources of information, not out of megalomania but because he really does know that much about these things. There is no bravado here, it’s all just information presented in a very high level manner that is a joy to read. An in-depth bibliography, endnotes presented by chapter, and two appendices (one listing definitions from the Mytho-Hermetic Dictionary and the other a two page piece on Hollow Earth Mysticism) are nice additions to the book. These provide great resources for those who may require further explanation. I love when writers include their notes on the resources they used and referred to in their work as quite often it leads to discovering more information and new writers. Everything is connected.

Perhaps my favorite section of the entire book is lucky chapter eight, “Descent Into Hell.” This chapter delves into the notion of hell. It does not focus on the Christian aspect of the region, but instead goes into vast details about the symmetry of the place as an idea — one that is described using similar vernacular across various cultures and time periods. I appreciated this shift away from the whole “lake of fire and eternal damnation” imagery immensely. Bayard explains his choice to explore other aspects of the realm by reminding the reader that this has already been explored in a previous book. Again, this does not come across as bragging, merely a statement that if one wishes to know more about that specific topic, there is another book by the same author that could give you what you are looking for.

What I also love about this book is how Bayard takes all of this information and somehow manages to not only make it interesting, but to also leave space for the reader to question. There is no feeling that the material presented is the final word on any of the subjects contained within: this is more of collection of writings on a variety of topics that all have an esoteric thread linking them to one another. Each section blends seamlessly into the next and there is enough information in each section that links to the next, something that I found kept me on track and engaged despite the vast amount of information being presented.

Bayard’s style of writing might be off putting to some who may be used to more humor in their reading material. He writes in a tone that imparts the information in a very straight forward way, almost like a lecture but with more depth. Personally, I found his voice to be very to the point and without any frills, something that is rare when dealing with esoteric topics. I will admit I haven’t delved too deeply into the topic of the underworld previously, as it seemed unavailable to me, and now after reading Bayard’s Esoteric Mysteries of the Underworld, I think I am ready to have another go at it.